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In Motion OC - August 2019

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In Motion OC - February 2019

8-inch cubes. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine salmon with all other ingredients. Season with salt and p

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4 teaspoon ground coriander • Mint leaves, poppy seeds, and olive oil, for garnish Directions 1. Hea

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In Motion OC - June 2019

2–3 hours. 3. Let meat rest for 15 minutes. If desired, serve alongside grilled veggies. 3 In Motion

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2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • Juice of 1 lemon • Salt, for pasta water and to taste 2 ounce

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In Motion OC - August 2019


August 2019

MEET JESSICA LEIMKUHLER Getting to Know the Physical Therapists of In Motion O.C.

17332 Von Karman Ave. Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92614

When I was a kid, I dreamed about having a job that helped people, but I wasn’t sure exactly how. I can trace my desire to work in the medical field back to my dolls and playtime, when I would pretend to be their doctor and nurse them back to health. At first, I thought I wanted to become a doctor, but, after shadowing a pediatrician during my freshman year of college, I discovered I wasn’t that passionate about it. I had a cousin who was a physical therapist, and he told me to give PT a try. I started volunteering at different clinics during my sophomore year, and I loved every minute of it. I knew if I became a PT, I would leave each workday feeling fulfilled. At In Motion O.C., I’m the aquatics PT. Many of my patients suffer from joint pain, neurological disorders, post-surgery movement limitations, or just the natural effects of aging. They can’t do physical therapy in a gym setting because their muscles and joints can’t take the impact, so I get to help them recover in the pool. I also work as a women’s health PT to help postpartum women get back to doing the activities they love. One of my more memorable patients was a woman who had severe rheumatoid arthritis and had been unable to walk unassisted for years. When she got in the water and was able to walk unassisted, she (and her daughter) lit up with joy. Little moments like that bring me so much joy, and the most rewarding aspect of my job is helping patients leave behind hopelessness and get on the road to recovery. I can really connect with them on a personal

level, rather than just treat them and move on to the next patient. While I might have only a few areas of PT expertise, my knowledge is enhanced by the expertise of other PTs around me. My favorite thing about working at In Motion O.C. is the sense of community among the staff. All my coworkers are incredibly welcoming, and, any time I have trouble solving a problem, everyone is quick to offer help and advice.


“I knew if I became a PT, I would leave each workday feeling fulfilled.”


Outside work, I spend time with my family and go on all sorts of adventures. I love trying new things, whether it’s a new restaurant or activity. I recently went bungee jumping for the first time at the Bridge to Nowhere, and I went skydiving in San Diego. I’m an avid beach-goer, and I recently got into hiking. I hope to hike Mount Whitney in the near future! Working at In Motion O.C. has been more than incredible because of my coworkers and the patients I get to help every day. If you’re coming into the clinic soon, I hope to meet you!

– Jessica Leimkuhler


Published by The Newsletter Pro |


Modern humans are stuck in a routine of expected and constant industriousness. But with all this rushing, people often drag themselves home at night with no energy left to enjoy the most splendid show nature has to offer: the wondrous night sky. Most people go through life looking straight ahead, but if they would stop and peer skyward, they’d bear witness to a massive, unexplored frontier made up of the moon in all its phases, burning stars sailing through the sky, constellations with epic origin stories, and meteor showers bright enough to warrant sunglasses. If you’re looking for a hobby to help you slow down and appreciate the world around you, stargazing is a great option. Here are some tips to get you started. 1. THE HIGHER, THE BETTER If you’re a city dweller, meander a little way out of town or try to find a tall building to keep the light pollution to a minimum. 2. EXTRA SET OF EYES While novice stargazers often want to immediately throw their money at a new telescope, astronomy experts recommend starting with binoculars instead. You’ll

need to identify several anchor planets or constellations to help you navigate the sky before using a telescope. 3. UTILIZE ASSETS Put your phone to good use by downloading apps like Stellarium, Starwalk, and Google Sky Map. Each of these apps offers a unique benefit for aspiring stargazers. For example, Starwalk lets you point your phone at the sky to see stars, constellations, and planets in real time based on your location. 4. MARK YOUR CALENDAR In 1972, beloved singer- songwriter John Denver wrote about a meteor shower he witnessed during a camping trip in Colorado. He describes the scene by singing, “I’ve seen it raining fire in the sky.” The “fire” he recounted was actually the Perseids meteor shower, the most recognized shower on Earth. This astrological wonder takes place every year from July 17 to Aug. 24. During this time, viewers should be able to see shooting stars associated with the Perseids, but the shower reaches its maximum rate of activity on Aug. 12–13 this year. Grab some friends and family, and head outdoors to put your newfound stargazing knowledge to work.


CHONDROMALACIA Commonly known as “runner’s knee,” this injury is a result of softened or deteriorated cartilage. When a person bends their knee, the cartilage provides a surface for the patella, or knee bone, to glide over. If one of the tendons or ligaments doesn’t move properly, the patella can grind against the thigh bone and deteriorate. Symptoms of runner’s knee might include sensations of grinding or cracking, increased pain following prolonged periods of sitting, or increased pain after activities that put a lot of pressure on your knees. If you have experienced any of these symptoms recently, you might have one of these conditions. Call In Motion O.C. today, or visit our clinic for expert advice from our knowledgeable and talented staff.

The knee joint is one of the most complex joints in the body and one of the most important for everyday functions. It’s importance only increases for athletes who couldn’t perform the basic functions of their sport without healthy knees. The cruel irony is their frequent use of the knee joint increases their risk of injuring it. Here are a few of the most common knee injuries for athletes. MENISCUS TEARS The meniscus is the cartilage that protects important ligaments in the back of the knee. Usually, a sharp twist or turn while the knee is bent can tear the meniscus. Oftentimes, a torn meniscus won’t cause any symptoms and will heal itself over time. Other times, athletes may report acute pain accompanied by a popping

sound or sensation in the knee. Some other symptoms include pain while walking or running, intermittent swelling, and sometimes even locking at the joint. PATELLAR TENDONITIS While a torn meniscus comes from a rapid, unnatural motion, patellar tendonitis results from repeated, natural motions. This condition, commonly known as “jumper’s knee,” is extremely common among volleyball and basketball players, who make repeated motions that stress and inflame the tendons in the knee. The symptomatic pain will occur intermittently at the bottom of the knee, making it painful to squat or kneel. If not properly treated, the tendon will become more damaged, leading to more pain.


Published by The Newsletter Pro |

In Motion O.C. |

STOP THE SPINNING AND SENSITIVITY 4 SYMPTOMS OF VESTIBULAR DYSFUNCTION The vestibular system refers to the parts of the inner ear and brain that help with balance and eye movement. When aging, disease, or injury affects this system, it can sometimes lead to vestibular dysfunction. This disorder has many negative TROUBLE WITH HEARING Sensitivity to loud noises and hearing

loss, potentially triggering dizziness and/or imbalance, can occur as a result of vestibular dysfunction. However, the most common symptom related to hearing might be tinnitus, or ringing or buzzing noises in the ears. COGNITIVE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS You might experience difficulty concentrating or understanding conversations, especially with lots of background noise, or even forgetfulness, confusion, and mental fatigue. On a deeper level, vestibular dysfunction can lead to a loss of self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Recognizing the symptoms is only the first step, but, if you suspect you might have vestibular dysfunction, In Motion O.C. can help. Our physical therapists can prescribe exercises and techniques to end the spinning and sensitivity. Visit our office today!

consequences, including increased risk of injury, a loss of mobility, and even depression. But, if you know what symptoms to look for, you might be able to alleviate them and improve your quality of life. DIZZINESS AND IMBALANCE If you experience lightheadedness, or you feel like everything around you is moving, spinning, or rocking, it might be a sign you have vestibular dysfunction. Also, do you tend to hold onto something, look at the ground to maintain balance, or experience difficulty walking in the dark? If so, it may be vestibular dysfunction. TROUBLE WITH VISION Vestibular dysfunction can affect your vision in many ways. You might experience nearsightedness, have trouble focusing in busy visual environments or tracking objects, or be sensitive to light and glare — especially coming from computer monitors or digital televisions.

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• 2 1/2 lbs ripe tomatoes; cored, seeded, and cut into 1-inch chunks • 1 small cucumber; peeled, seeded, and cut into 1-inch chunks • 1 red bell pepper; cored, seeded, and sliced into ribbons • 1 small Vidalia onion, peeled and cubed • 1/4 cup basil leaves • 1 clove garlic, peeled • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 2 tbsp sherry vinegar • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


1. Place a blender and medium mixing bowl on your workstation. 2. Divide the tomato chunks, cucumber pieces, and bell pepper slices evenly between blender and bowl. Place entire onion in blender. 3. Add basil, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper to blender. Blend on low, gradually raising speed to high until smooth, about 2 minutes. 4. Add blender contents to bowl and mix until just broken up, about 10–20 seconds. 5. Let mixture sit in fridge for a minimum of 2 hours. Transfer to bowls and serve.

3 In Motion O.C. |



17332 Von Karman Ave., Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92614

Getting to Know Jessica Leimkuhler

The Art of Stargazing

Common Knee Injuries for Athletes

Do You Have Vestibular Dysfunction?

Summertime Gazpacho

The Ingredients for Holistic Health

PERFECT PAIRINGS We seek balance through many methods, like morning yoga poses and guided meditations before bed. But another important part of a balanced, holistic lifestyle INGREDIENTS FOR BETTER BODY BALANCE

BEANS AND RICE This simple staple meal for many Latin American families is prevalent for a reason. Together, beans and rice make a nutritious and protein- packed meal to fuel your body. Keep this dish interesting by creating new combinations with avocado, zesty sauces, cilantro, and radishes. Peas and quinoa is another pairing that completes the essential amino acid profile, and the two work well together in a salad or scramble. CHERRIES AND SPIRULINA You may not always think about your blood health, but you should because your blood distributes crucial nutrients throughout your body and floods toxins out. Iron, folic acid, vitamin B-12, and protein are the building blocks for better blood. You can find these nutrients in dark red foods, such as cherries, raspberries, beets, and kidney beans, and in dark green foods, like spinach, spirulina, and wheatgrass. Holistic nutritionist Sarah Britton, author of “My New Roots: Inspired Plant-Based Recipes,” suggests starting the day with a refreshing smoothie made with some of these foods. These ingredient combinations bring out the best in each other, so your body can function at its best. Pair them together and enjoy!

is diet. When your body is missing nutrients, you suffer from all kinds of physical and mental ailments. Based on a holistic nutrition perspective, here are some foods you can pair together to promote better body balance from the inside out. CITRUS FRUITS AND DARK, LEAFY GREENS The vitamin C in citrus fruits helps your body

absorb the iron in kale, spinach, and other leafy greens. Unlike the iron found in animal proteins, the iron in leafy vegetables isn’t as easy to absorb. Get the most out of those greens by tossing your spinach salad with a lemon vinaigrette or brush some lemon or orange juice onto your grilled kale.

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