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Infinity Clinic in Costa Rica

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Infinity Clinic in Costa Rica

Coming Soon to Beautiful Costa Rica


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OUR MISSION To provide global access to the latest technology in healthcare with the goal of enabling patients to sustain a better quality of life without the need for drugs or surgery.

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Age is the single leading risk factor for virtually every significant disease including cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, and other degenerative diseases. A central and general characteristic of aging is the overall reduction in the capacity of various organs, largely arising from the reduction in the supply of stem cells and the capability of the cells in each organ to keep pace with the requirements to repair and refresh the molecular machinery underlying biological processes. Exponential technological advancements in fields such as cellular medicine (stem cells), genomics, and bioinformatics have equipped us today, for the first time ever, to create therapeutic solutions to such complex medical challenges. Infinity was founded with the mission of utilizing perinatal stem cells to help revitalize the body’s regenerative processes and to develop new technologies which interrupt or arrest the degenerative processes of aging and disease. Infinity also aims to extend high- performance human lifespan, giving clients the desired aesthetics, cognition, and mobility late into their lives.


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Infinity is based on a successful, existing model established two years ago in Cali, Colombia. While the clinic in Cali is extremely successful, our research shows that patients will feel more comfortable traveling to Costa Rica where travel time is shorter, and restrictions are limited. Relocating this sustainable and profitable model in Costa Rica will allow us to expand our portfolio of medical clinics by offering licensing opportunities around the world. WHY INFINITY COSTA RICA?

*Actual Laboratory Location in Costa Rica

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SPECIALIZING IN REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Harnessing and enhancing the body’s own regenerative powers is a medical practice at the frontier of present-day advancements whose properties can seem miraculous to those who benefit from them. Infinity aims to unlock those extraordinary benefits. Utilizing stem cell technology derived from birth tissues, Infinity can provide its patient with innovative techniques and procedures for the most optimal outcomes.

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Clinicians continue to search for ways to control pain, accelerate the healing process, and slow down the aging process. Utilizing various regenerative medicine therapies, including stem cells, has proven to have many profound benefits; not the least which includes overall superior outcomes. Unfortunately, in the United States, the FDA has placed restrictions on these types of products, many that have been used successfully for over a century. Our current focus is on stem cells derived from perinatal tissue. These cells are recovered from healthy, carefully screened and consenting mothers prior to the time of a scheduled cesarean section. All protocols follow those established by the Food and Drug Administration, Center for Disease Control, and the American Association of Tissue Banks. The criteria includes a thorough medical and social screening and a complete panel of serological testing to ensure the donor is free from transmissible diseases. At the time of birth, a trained technician will be present and will collect the amniotic fluid, placenta, and umbilical cord which are then sent to the processing facility where they will be cultured, processed, and retested prior to release for clinical use. From this cesarean recovery, we can obtain virgin stem cells for various medical treatments. To provide patients these proven treatments, a clinic was developed in Cali, Colombia where these types of treatments are accepted and where numerous patients have traveled to for regenerative medicine therapy. After many discussions, it was decided to move this clinic to San Jose, Costa Rica where the therapies are accepted, and travel time is shorter and much more cost effective.

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What makes us different?

Our lab and clinic will operate outside of the United States where we can separate Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) from the other components found within the tissue. Naturally, at this point, these cells proliferate or multiply. Proliferation allows cells to expand, creating the best chance for repair. Currently, cell expansion is not possible in the U.S. By utilizing this technique in Costa Rica, we can treat patients more effectively for superior outcomes.

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STEM CELLS š The immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails: A germ invades successfully and makes you sick. Is it possible to intervene in this process and boost your immune system? š Stem cells contain a combination of components that enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Components consist of cytokines, proteins, hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, growth factors collagens and more. š Stem cells also have a strong secretory function, promoting the formation of new blood vessels, cell proliferation and differentiation, and inhibiting inflammatory response, experts say. According to San Marino’s Bioscience Institute, stem cells could potentially be a treatment for “improving lung microenvironment, inhibiting immune system overactivation, promoting tissue repair, protecting lung alveoli epithelial cells, preventing pulmonary fibrosis, and improving lung function.” While this therapy is not a method to eradicate or cure lung disease, there is evidence to support the concept that patients may be more likely to combat and survive infection while providing a boost to the immune system. Confidential – Not to be reproduced or distributed

STEM CELLS: We Use Them and We Lose Them

Regeneration vs. Degeneration

Your stem cells are as old as you are. As we age, the number of cells and the quality of our cells drastically diminish. At some point, we do not have enough regenerative properties to fix what is wrong or even maintain our lives.

We use our stem cells to grow and maintain our bodies.

As we age the number of stem cells we have in our body decreases.

Our stem cells produce less growth factors as we age.

When we have accidents, injuries, slips and falls we use up our supply of stem cells.

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Stem cells also reproduce faster the younger we are. A newborn’s stem cells can double every 20-24 hours. When a cell can double every 20-24 hours it can generate one billion cells in 31 days.

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When we are born these cells also produce at their highest potential and can make around 300 different types of proteins and other useful growth and healing factors that help our bodies to grow and flourish. Producing these other components is useful as they are needed to grow our bodies, heal our injuries and maintain our health.

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By the time we reach our skeletal maturity in our late teens or early twenties we have used up around ninety percent of our regenerative properties and have only around 1 MSC for every 100,000 other types of cells in our bodies. This means we live off the remaining 10% for the rest of our lives. Remember these cells allow us to heal when we are hurt, and they also help to maintain our lives by regenerating.

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When we reach the age of 65 it takes around 60 hours for one cell to turn into another. At that rate, 1 cell can only become around 400 cells in 31 days compared to around 1 billion when we are born.

By the time we reach the age of 50 we have around 1 MSC for every 400,000 cells in our bodies, and these cells now produce only around 100 different types of proteins, meaning we have 40 times less ability to heal ourselves when we are sick and have 40 times less ability to maintain a healthy life.

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In the first 30 years, there is not much aging as the body is focused on growing to its highest potential during this phase.

From ages 31-60 we start to see and feel the effects of aging. We get grey hair, start losing our hair, start forming wrinkles and start to slow down. We also start to get aches and pains that tend to last longer or become our new normal. We also do not recover as fast as we did before when we have an injury.

Someone's Life Over a 90-Year Span

From ages 61-90 we really start to see the aging process accelerate and start to have more and more degeneration.

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Extracted from umbilical cord, these stem cells have the capacity to self-renew, release growth factors and cytokines, as well as differentiate into more mature cells. As an extension of fetal cells, hematopoietic stem cells exhibit high plasticity. Umbilical cord blood has been used for over twenty years for hematopoietic stem cell reconstitution as a substitution for bone marrow aspirate which is invasive with a higher chance of infection and morbidity. Additionally, due to the high plasticity of umbilical cord cells, there is significantly decreased risk of Graft-Versus- Host disease (GVHD).

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o Immune Privileged: The UCB components have not developed antigen HLA markers that would lead to an immune response in the patient. o Independent Function: UCB is appropriate for patients of all genders and backgrounds o Signaling Effect : Sourced from signaling molecules that support the body’s natural process, UCB can assist in establishing an equilibrium in the microenvironment to augment surrounding tissues.

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š Extracted from the Wharton’s Jelly of the umbilical cord is a type of stem cell that is multipotent, meaning it can differentiate (or change) into several different types of tissue. MSC’s are non-tumorigenic; they are not known to form tumors. In addition, products derived from the Wharton’s Jelly of the umbilical cord tissues lack MHC-II and are therefore hypo-immunogenic. Consequently, there is minimal risk of an allergic reaction or rejection for the recipient. š Along with the MSCs, Wharton’s Jelly contains a network of scaffolding proteins, growth factors, cytokines, and multiple other components needed to enhance the body’s natural ability to heal.

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• COPD • Parkinson’s Disease • Pulmonary Disease • Diabetes Type 1&2 • Multiple Sclerosis • Rheumatoid Arthritis

• Cardiovascular Disease • Liver & Kidney Failure • Stroke • Osteoarthritis • Spinal Cord Injury • Cerebral Palsy

• Pain Management • Autoimmune Diseases • Anti-Aging • Immunity Enhancement • Aesthetics

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells. This means that they are neutral and can change depending on your body’s needs. Infinity utilizes Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) that naturally differentiate into several different types of tissue. MSCs have the capability to: • Control inflammation • Modulate the immune system • Help stimulate regeneration in you body

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š Infinity will relocate from Cali, Colombia to a prime location in San Jose, Costa Rica. š We will be the only luxurious medical clinic in Costa Rica that provides state-of-the-art treatments specializing in regenerative medicine therapies.

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T.R. McManus has been an owner and advocate in the healthcare field for over 20 years. Beginning his career in rehabilitation, T.R. has built his successful businesses around providing safe and effective forms of treatment.

After years of observing the rising costs of healthcare, T.R. co-founded a healthcare finance company that provided patients resources for better healthcare. In the first two years the company was working with over 2500 clinics in all 50 states and raised over $60M to lend out to patients who needed financial assistance with their healthcare. T.R. is always aiming to innovate within the healthcare industry. His vision is to create wellness centers throughout the world offering the latest medical advancements in regenerative medicine. With his first international clinic, Infinity Medicina Regenerativa, already operational in Cali, Colombia, T.R. plans to expand this business model to provide patients the care they need and deserve.

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Vicki Mansavage has been in the organ and tissue banking industry for thirty years. Starting her career with the Kidney Foundation in 1988, Ms. Mansavage developed a keen interest in human tissue for transplant. Working with the LifeLink Foundation, one of the top ten organ and tissue procurement and processing agencies in the nation, Ms. Mansavage served as the Senior V.P. of the tissue for 18 years, focusing on new product development and distribution programs thus bringing in annual revenue, of that division alone, in excess of 40 million dollars. Vicki has expert knowledge in all regulatory and safety aspects of the distribution of human cell tissue products. Responsible for establishing standards of procedure to ensure compliance with all federal, state and local regulatory agencies, Ms. Mansavage has passed every regulatory audit with flying colors. Ms. Mansavage has published several articles on the safety and efficacy of human tissue for transplant. Her article written for the Association of Operating Room Nurses, Quality Control in Tissue Banking – Sept., 2006, Vol. 84, No.3, was used until 2010 as a Home Study Program for Registered Nurses. With the restrictions implemented by the FDA, Vicki feels strongly about the need to offer these therapies outside of the U.S. where regulations are much less stringent, allowing for patient care for those in need of regenerative medicine therapy.

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INVESTMENT OVERVIEW Business Model: Infinity will be an industry leader offering state-of– the-art treatments in an upscale world-class setting. A diverse portfolio of regenerative medicine, aesthetics, and overall wellness medical treatments will be offered. The primary source of revenue will be generated through advanced regenerative therapies, IV nutrition, and aesthetic treatments. All clinics will be 100% cash pay with an estimated 35% of transactions being made via ACH which will significantly minimize credit card fees. Treatment packages will range from $15K - $85K and include pre-treatment testing, nutraceuticals, regenerative medicine products, supplements, and our skincare line, Reluma. Capital Raise: Infinity Total Wellness is seeking to raise $1M in capital to develop a world-class treatment center for high-net- worth individuals. Investor(s) will receive preferential disbursements… estimated at a 2-year Payback period. PRIMARY FOCUS

• Quality Assurance • Patient Safety • Efficacy of products/treatments

• State of the Art Facilities in a World-Class Setting • Optimal Patient Outcomes with quantitative >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37

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