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January - VS Newsletter MN

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June - VS Newsletter MN

minnesota @MADDMinnesota1 June VIPs email: [email protected]

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May - VS Newsletter MN

minnesota @MADDMinnesota1 May VIPs email: [email protected]

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MN Victim Services Newsletter Feb 2021

DUI i s l i felong , impact ing not only yourselves , your loved ones , and your career , but al so

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MN Victim Services Newsletter Mar 2021

publ ic transportat ion or stay at the locat ion of the celebrat ion . Speak Up – Of fer to be

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MN, ND & SD Regional Newsletter July '21

minnesota Stefanie Hurt Manager, VIP Program - MN, SD, & ND Region [email protected] 651-523-08

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January 2017 Newsletter

drop-in 9:00 am to 10:00 am Ladies’ CardioTennis MEN'S TENNIS CENTURY DOUBLES TOURNAMENT Saturday, J

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January 2018 Newsletter

Premium Session $140 Unlimited 30 Day Rate $380 Unlimited 90 Day Rate All classes are one hour in le

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January 2016 Newsletter

underlined events linked to registration page online. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Frida

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Newsletter - January 2022

or Outside Personal Trainers are not allowed in the Gyms or at Fitness Classes 8 | The Seven Oaks Sc

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January - VS Newsletter MN


JUNE 2027

NEWSLETTER January 2021

JOIN US in 2021!


MADD Regional Kickoff Meeting : 1 / 26 / 21

Virtual Support Group : 1 / 28 / 21 @ 11am & 5pm

Statewide Law Enforcement Recognition Awards : 4 / 7 / 21

Walk Like MADD : 9 / 2021


Are you, or someone you know, interested in getting involved with MADD? MADD MN is looking for volunteers to help fill the roles of Victim Impact Panel speaking, Impact Panel coordinators, Walk Like MADD committee, Law Enforcement Recognition committee, and much more! Reach out to your local staff for more information TODAY!

For more information , contact the MADD MN State Office at : 651 - 523 - 0802

MADD SPOTLIGHT : " What MADD Means to me "

"A new year means new resolutions. Make this year's resolution to always plan a sober ride, don't let your loved ones drink and drive, and alwaysget to your desitation safely "

We are honor ing my amazing husband , and dad , David Ol son . He was born September 6th , 1984 and passed on June 8th , 2020 . He i s mi ssed by so many and thi s has been the worst thing we have gone through . I lost my best f r iend and soul mate ; we were together 19 years . My kids , Li ly , who i s 5 , and Noah , who i s 1 1 , lost thei r dad . MADD has been there for me f rom the beginning and they are amazing . They have helped me so much through thi s journey . They help by l i stening to me cry on bad days and helping me through them . They are there to support on the good days and just to have someone to talk to . I do not know how they do i t , but they have amazing wi l l ingness to help me go to court , support me , and be there whenever I need them . I can never thank Megan enough for al l her love and support . She i s an amazing rock through thi s hard journey in our l i fe . I would al so l ike to thank the Coon Rapids Pol ice Department for everything they did for me on that tragic day of June 8th . They stayed wi th me , hugged me , and were so support ive . The amazing of f icer who kneeled in f ront of me and told me he was gone , and never coming home , was so strong and support ive . He was amazing and thank you Coon Rapids PD for having such an amazing of f icer and he was so compass ionate . I f I can give one t ip of advice to anyone , always tel l someone you love them when they leave . Hug them . Because you never know when i t i s going to be your last . My last words to my husband were “ I love you and have a great day , see you at 3 . ” But my 3 o ’ clock never came .

Please , don ’ t dr ink and dr ive . Save a l i fe and just cal l for r ide . I t ’ s not worth i t . Don ’ t destroy another fami ly . Just cal l for a r ide .

Sincerely ,

Heather Ol son The heart broken wi fe .

Contact Us Today!

A Note f rom MADD ' s CEO -

" MADD ’ s impact s ince our founding in 1980 i s undeniable . MADD started a cul tural revolut ion that made drunk dr iving unacceptable . MADD was THE grass roots organizat ion who lead the way reducing drunk dr iving deaths in hal f f rom approximately 22 , 000 deaths in 1980 to 10 , 51 1 fatal i t ies in 2018 . MADD achieved thi s resul t thanks to our ardent network of vict ims , volunteers , traf f ic safety partners , and law enforcement of f icers l ike you . But our work i s far f rom over . MADD wi l l not be sat i sf ied unt i l we have a nat ion of No More Vict ims . You are MADD ’ s Heroes , a t i t le we give to the most dedicated enforcers of traf f ic impai rment laws . Drunk dr iving i s no accident . I t i s a choice . Anyone who i s impai red , regardless of the reading on the breathalyzer , i s a high - r i sk threat to every of f icer on patrol and every dr iver , every pedestr ian , every l i fe , they encounter . We know that every t ime you leave your home , every t ime you per form a traf f ic stop , your l i fe i s at r i sk . MADD supports you . MADD i s here for you . MADD wi l l f ight for you and work to get the resources you need to do your jobs . "

Stefanie Hurt Manager, VIP Program - MN, SD, & ND Region [email protected] 651-523-0802 ext.2752

Rahya Iliff Victim Services Lead

(Greater MN region) [email protected] 651-523-0802 ext.2760

Megan Helberg Victim Services Specialist (Metro & Southern MN region) megan.helberg@madd. org 651-523-0802 ext.2758 Find us at: @MADDMinnesota1

- Adam Vanek , MADD CEO

email: [email protected]