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Kelly Law August 2018

campfire-basics.html. Remember: It’s okay to call it a night. For kids, the most exciting part of ca

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Kelly Law Office 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Kelly Law January 2018 A t Kelly Law Offices, all of our experienced attorneys strive to reach a sin

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3 percent attorney fee because we wanted to help this injured woman as much as we could. That is why

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Kelly Law July 2017 OFFICES IN NORTHWEST INDIANA AND SOUTH BEND wanted to be a lawyer ever since I w

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UM coverage, all motorcyclists should purchase this insurance to protect themselves. At Kelly Law, w

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Kelly Law Offices December 2018 OFFICES IN NORTHWEST INDIANA AND SOUTH BEND Closing In on 1 Year Mee

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Kelly Law MAY2018


A Lifelong Passion for ‘Wind Therapy’ Why We’re Dedicated to Making the Road a Safer Place


orking as a paralegal at this firm for over 25 years, I’ve seen clients deal with every conceivable motorcycle injury under the sun.

there’s a reason they call it “wind therapy”— there’s no feeling quite like the one you get with a light breeze gusting through your hair as you gun the throttle, the rolling landscape stretched out in all directions. However, as any non-biker is eager to point out, there’s no denying that riding is also very dangerous. The safest motorcyclists are like owls, always keeping their eyes wide open, checking every nook and cranny on the road to avoid some hapless motorist’s deadly

I’ve had my own terrifying close calls on a bike, from motorists looking right past me as they take a left turn in an intersection to nearly shoving me off the road as they switch lanes. Because of these experiences, I can relate to the dangerous challenges all motorcyclists contend with on the road. Though I’ve witnessed the consequences of countless bike-related accidents, many of them affecting our clients for the rest of their lives, I’m not about to pack it in and pawn off my Harley. Instead, I ride defensively and advocate for motorcycle safety and awareness alongside my peers at the firm. Being Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, the work we do seems more important now than ever. My history with motorcycles starts back when I was a little kid, riding on the back of my dad’s bike whenever I got the chance. Later in life, after my two children reached a decent age to ride, I decided to finally try getting on a bike of my own. My husband showed me the ropes out in some parking lot on the outskirts of town, and I caught on quickly. Before long, I was cruising with my family on the open road, feeling utterly empowered and free as a bird. After all,

error. After I’d been riding on my own for a while, I decided to take a safety course from Indiana ABATE (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education). Even if you’re a confident rider of several years, I’d recommend taking such a class. The experts there helped rid me of a number of dangerous habits I’d developed over the years and instilled in me a heightened sense of road awareness that’s been invaluable ever since. I found this training so valuable, I became an ABATE instructor myself. Over the years, I’ve developed a passion for biking that gives me a unique perspective on motorcycle accident law. Though the worst I’ve ever gotten from a wreck was a pair of black eyes, I can sympathize with and understand what our clients are going through. It’s really a privilege to be able to help fellow motorcyclists out as my job, ensuring that their medical bills are taken care of so they can focus on their recovery. It’s just one of the reasons I’ve stuck with this firm for close to three decades, doing everything I can for the wonderful people we serve.

–Lynn Shively



2MayHolidays, 2 Reasons toGrill GET YOUR GRILL ON

SERVICE HIGHLIGHT The History of the Motorcycle Helmet There’s no denying that when you’re thrown off your bike at high speeds, a motorcycle helmet canmean the difference between life and death. But where did this lifesaving—and often contentious— headwear come from? Back in the early 1900s, motorcycle racing was a big deal, but as you can probably imagine, any concerns about safety were basically nonexistent — that is, until Dr. Eric Gardner became frustrated with Take your patty to the next level with a Mediterranean twist. Mix feta cheese and garlic into your ground beef before forming your patties. Serve it on a grilled ciabatta bun topped with marinated red peppers and arugula for flavor and texture. If you want to get extra fancy, pour a bit of balsamic reduction over the patty before adding the toppings. the number of head trauma injuries he was treating nearly every week at the Brooklands racetrack where he worked. So, he commissioned a colleague at Bethnal Green to design helmets similar to those worn in the military, made of canvas and shellac, that could withstand a heavy impact while bouncing away any debris encountered on the ride. Though these designs were initially rejected by the Auto- Cycle Union, the decision was quickly reversed, and before long, helmets were compulsory at the 1914 Isle of Man races, despite complaints from riders. That year, unlike previous years according to one medical officer, there were no cases of concussion during the race. Is there anything more American than grilling a burger outside on Memorial Day? This year, there’s another reason to fire up the grill that weekend: In addition to being Memorial Day, May 28 is also National Hamburger Day! Enjoy this delicious coincidence by heating up the grill, gathering the fixings, and making one of these tasty burgers at home. The Classic Burger Nothing beats the American classic: a seasoned beef patty, a slice of cheddar cheese, a squirt each of mustard and ketchup, a layer of crunchy lettuce, some thinly sliced onions, and a couple of zesty pickles. For a homemade touch, make the pickles yourself by soaking cucumbers in a brine of vinegar, dill, and salt. The Mediterranean Burger

The Portobello Burger

For a delicious veggie burger even meat eaters will love, use a portobello mushroom as your patty. Remove the stems, then marinate the mushrooms for 15 minutes in a mixture of 1

tablespoon red wine vinegar, 3 tablespoons olive oil, and a clove of minced garlic. Season the shrooms with salt and pepper, then place them on the grill just as you would any other burger. Gruyere cheese is the perfect creamy topping, and you can use grilled focaccia bread topped with garlic aioli. As you bask in the late spring weather and the inviting smell of delicious food this Memorial Day, take a moment to remember the Americans who gave their lives so we could enjoy these freedoms, and thank those who served.

But it took a tragedy to bringmotorcycle helmets to the public consciousness. When the famous T.E. Lawrence—aka Lawrence of Arabia—swerved out of the way of two boys riding their bicycles across the road, he sustained serious head injuries. After six days in a coma, he passed away, leavingmedic Hugh Cairns wondering how these injuries might be avoided. For the next six years, he gathered statistics onmotorcycle-related head injuries and published them in 1941 in the British Medical Journal in a report entitled“Head Injuries in Motorcyclists: The Importance of the Crash Helmet.”Still, helmets failed to gainmuch traction, with few riders willing to wear them voluntarily. By 1953, the speed and sophistication of motorcycles had increased to the point that accidents and deaths were skyrocketing. In response, Professor C.F. Lombard of the University of South Carolina developed the first-ever shock-absorbing helmet, which was quickly copied by companies across the country. Today, helmets are incredibly complex and well-tested, but many riders still refuse to wear themor complain about some state’s laws mandating their use. And sure, youmay look a little less cool donning a bulky helmet while you’re riding into the sunset, but at our firm, we highly recommend wearing one as often as possible. We’ve seen time and time again the consequences of not wearing one, and let us tell you: It’s not worth it.



Riding season is finally here, and thousands of motorcyclists across the area are taking their bikes out of storage and hitting the road. But before you get the wind in your hair and that crisp spring sunshine on your back, you’ll want to read about these season-specific hazards. Forewarned is forearmed, and when you’re a biker sharing the road with a bunch of oblivious motorists, you need all the help you can get. Potholes Galore If there’s one thing you can count on in this area, it’s early spring potholes and construction. Each year, the brutal winters ravage the roads, leaving hazardous holes and cracks in their wake. With this in mind, you should give the drivers ahead of you a little extra space and be alert for any irregularities in the road. Obviously, if you come across one of these hazards, the best course of action is just to avoid it, but if you absolutely can’t, slow down gradually as much as possible on your approach. Whatever you do, don’t swerve violently out of the way, as you could damage your bike or end up on the ground. Beautiful Weather, Except When It’s Not When it’s nice outside in May, it’s a great time to get out and enjoy the scenery on your bike, but it’s important

to be aware of the weather. Take a look at the 30-day forecast and you’ll see as many thunderstorms and

days of heavy rainfall as you will picture-perfect sunny days. Don’t get caught too far away from home on a rain- slicked road, and if you do, play it safe. A Friendly Reminder

We all know that motorists are notorious for completely overlooking us bikers on the road, but after the end of a long winter, they’re even less aware. It’s likely been months since they’ve seen a motorcycle, so you’ll need to work twice as hard to stay visible and aware. Ride even more defensively than you normally do, wear visibility gear if necessary, and keep your head on a swivel.

Grilled Skirt Steak WITHASPARAGUS


Asparagus and steak is a classic pairing. Skirt steak packs a ton of flavor without the high price point of other cuts, and this is the best time of year to buy asparagus. Sowhat are youwaiting for? Let’s get grilling!


• • •

1 1/2 pounds skirt steak 2 tablespoons canola oil

• • •

2 teaspoons crushed red pepper

Salt and pepper to taste

1 pound asparagus

Grated pecorino Romano cheese


1. Heat grill to high. Season room-temperature steak with salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoon oil. Any oil with a high smoke point, such as canola, will work. 2. Trim bottom inch of asparagus and season with salt, pepper, and remainder of oil. 3. Cut steak into four portions and grill for 3–5 minutes per side, depending on desired doneness. Skirt steak is thin and will cook quickly. 4. Let steak rest for 10 minutes. While it’s resting, grill asparagus for 6 minutes, turning once. 5. Sprinkle cheese and crushed red pepper on asparagus. Serve alongside steak.

Blooming Gardening May Day Spring

May Gemini Mothers Day Taurus

Emerald Lily Nightingale Warm

Inspired by Food Network




5521West Lincoln Highway Suite #101 Crown Point, IN 46307


Paralegal Lynn Shively’s Lifelong Passion for ‘Wind Therapy’ Page 1 Gear Up for Grilling Season The History of the Motorcycle Helmet Page 2 3 Risks Bikers Need to Watch Out for This May Grilled Skirt Steak With Asparagus Page 3

The Key to a Memorable Vacation Page 4 Advertising Material


Buy Local When You’re Abroad

The virtues of buying locally sourced food and supporting small businesses have been widely extolled. But we rarely think to apply the same practices when we travel. Many Americans spring for all-inclusive packages when planning their next summer vacation, but doing so means they’ll miss out on some of the best aspects of the culture they’re visiting. Part of the joy of traveling is having new experiences you can’t have at home. Whether you’re in another state or another country, you owe it to yourself to seek out the unique aspects of that location. But to find the character and quirks of your destination, you’ll have to explore beyond the hotel lobby. Food Why have a cheeseburger from a fast-food chain when you can try a local favorite? A great way to start is by asking your taxi driver or hotel concierge about their favorite place to eat. You’ll discover new foods and flavor combinations, and the locally owned restaurant is sure to appreciate your business!

Art Just as your town probably has local artisans who produce unique and interesting work, the

same is true for your vacation destination. Anyone can get a gift shop bauble that was mass-produced somewhere else. Take the time to peruse market stalls and craft fairs while you travel. It can lead you to some truly special souvenirs, and you’ll support the arts and traditions of the region! People While you’re out sampling local restaurants and exploring local markets, you’ll meet plenty of local people. Don’t be afraid to strike up a friendly conversation. You canmake new friends around the globe and learn about their unique experiences. One of the most enriching experiences in life is meeting new people and gaining new perspectives. Memories Treasuredmemories are the best souvenir you can bring home from any vacation. So you owe it to yourself to get out and explore!