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Business Continuity

Business Continuity Business Continuity. Leverage Segra’s cloud based solutions to ensure your busin

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Core Business

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Business Continuity.

Business Continuity. Business Continuity. Leverage Segra’s cloud based solutions to ensure your busi

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Business Proposal

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UCL - Business Standards Manager

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Albrecht Business Uniforming

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Brexit and Business

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Business Card Guidance

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FM Services 08 UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAMME Student Experience Great space and services with st

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King's Business - 1934-05




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Jesus . . . said . . . Süßer the little children to, come unto me; forbid them not, for to such belongeth the \ingdom of God.”

Will youhelpuswidenthecircle? I N the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, a double enrollment is con­ stantly taking place. T HE two circles below tell a significant story. Last month, when the same picture was used, only one circle appeared. It embraced a representative group, the cost of whose training (exclusive of board and room) had been met. Two large companies, unpro­ vided for, were shown outside the line. Since April 1, the blu i n g of God, through the gifts of His children, has enlarged the circle. But many are still outside. If every enrolled student at the Institute is to complete this year’s training, approximately $14 ,000 .00—-$75.00 each— will be required before June 21, graduation day.

than a quarter of a century. It is He who sustains it today. Our task is to train the students whom God has sent to us; and thus we accept them solely with regard to their fitness, and without re­ gard to whether our finan­ cial prospects justify a large enrollment or not. Then as an Institute, and as individ­

At the beginning of each term, there must be the searching out of earnest, consecrated students whose life work, by the grace of God, will justify the training which the Institute offers them absolutelywithout cost. Next, the support of this work must be provided—the inevitable expense of the classroom instruction. For every student who is enrolled, there must be enlisted from one to seventy-five interested friends who will enter into partnership with the Lord and with the student, and who will assume the educational cost of that student’s train­ ing at the Institute. The supply of these funds has been the ever-recurring miracle of the Bible Institute. In the early days of each term, as at the present moment, financial resources sufficient to provide for the training of the entire group accepted as students have nearly always been lacking. Let us visualize the situation ! If the number actually provided for were separated from those for whom no provision has been made, there would be a small central group, expenses for whose training were assured. These students are represented in the picture below by the group within the circles. On each side of such a company there would be two large groups, for expenses of whose training not a cent is in hand. The miracle of the support of the Institute has been repeated each year—as God’s people have prayed and have given. From east and west, from north and south, God’s stewards have caught a vision of the meaning of Calvary, have sensed the urgent need of sound Bible training for the task of world evangelism, and have sent their gifts for the continuation of the ministry of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. This, it seems to us, has been the method chosen of the Holy Spirit in the support of this school dedicated “unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is the Lord’s. It is He who has maintained it for more

ual Christians, we pray for the funds to come in. Of course, we make the facts known, as we are doing now, as George Mueller did at the Bristol Orphanage that he founded, and for whose maintenance the Lord continually provided. But the answer comes, irrespec­ tive of our efforts, through the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit. We face the facts in full assurance that He who has led us so far, still has His watch­ men on the walls, His stewards in the vineyard, and that through their prayer and giving, not a qualified student will need to be sent home, nor a class discontinued during the current term. The school year is scheduled to close on June 21, eight weeks from May 1st. Within that period, we shall need $14,000.00—$75.00 for each of the students represented in the group outside the large circle shown below. Every dollar that you give enlarges the circle and helps to include another student. Whether you give little or much is not the question. But whether, in the light of Calvary, each of us is obeying the entreaty of the Lord, is of supreme importance. Will you enter into partnership with one student and pay for the cost of his or her training? For a semester........... $75.00 Remember, your love offering to the Lord will help to train a student in the knowledge of the Word of God and enable him to take the message of salvation to some for whom Christ died. You may share in this PARTNERSHIP PLAN. Address: BIBLE INSTITUTE O F LO S A N G E L E S 558 S outh H ope S treet Los A ngeles , C alif . For a month.................................... 25.00 For a week..................................... 6.25 For a day....................... 1.00


Club of Ten Offer Still in Force NEW DONATION SUPPLIES THIRTEEN HUNDRED and FIFTY SUBSCRIPTIONS for ALERT ORGANIZERS A new donation enables us to raise the quota of 50c annual subscriptions (which we can accept under our club of ten plan) by 1350. This means that 135 new clubs can be organized (or existing clubs increased) by this number of subscriptions. Special OfferNumber One

If you will send us 50c together with ten names and addresses we will mail back numbers of THE K IN G 'S BUSI­ NESS to each with your compliments, if you instruct us to mention your name; 20 copies mailed for $1.00. Special OfferNumber Two Send 4 friends a 3-months' trial sub­ scription to THE K IN G 'S BUSINESS (25c each) and receive a copy of "The Partiality of Jesus" by E. C. Comfort for yourself, free.

will be paid club organizers for sending us ten annual subscriptions for The King's Business Magazine at $ 1.50 each . . . . This allows you $ I . on each $ 1.50 you collect

A N N U A L S U B S C R I P T I O N S in Clubs of 10 or more . . . each A N N U A L S U B S C R I P T I O N S in Clubs of 3 to 6 ........... each

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(Add 25c for


Canadian and foreign subscrip­ tions to cover cost of extra postage)

Circulation Manager • THE KING'S BUSINESS • 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

An Unprecedented Offer M A TTH EW H E N R Y ’S COMM ENTARY O N T H E W H O L E B I B L E

Handsome Fabrikoid Morocco Binding, Famous for its Durability


Balance on Your Own Terms (See Below) GENUINE REVELL Six-Volume Edition

T H E S U N D A Y SCHOOL TIMES says: “ It is clearness itself • • • . valuable for all pastors, Sunday-school teachers, a n d other Christian workers. Dr. Am os R. W ells used it all the tim e and could find nothing to equal it. This Revell six-volume edition carefully re­ vised and corrected is a monumental w ork.”

ONLY $3 .00 (With Order ) The ONLY Large-Type, Handy Volume Edition —easy to handle —easy to read IIS- NOTE THE DELIGHTFUL NARROW COLUMN, LARGE, EASILY READ TYPE 32 But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. 33 Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended. 34 Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, T hat this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. 35 Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples. “Makes Sermon Preparation an Actual Joy” — w rites a delighted user.

this great “Assistant,” which has so far eluded your possession, and that this will be the next purchase you are going to make? •I Fellow students and fellow preachers will tell you that you cannot equal Matthew Henry for his wealth of inspiration, help, interpretation and the vast store of sermons -it offers, ready to be launched from its inexhaustible pages. *1 The greatest preachers of other days attributed much of their inspiration to this remarkable work. Alert preachers are turning again to it in increasing numbers. After the strife of the battle of criticism, they are finding it a relief in its calm, helpful interpretations. C. H. Spurgeon said: “Every minister ought to read Matthew Henry entirely and carefully through once at least. He will acquire a vast store of sermons, and as for thoughts, they will swarm around him like twittering swal­ lows around an old gable towards the close of autumn.” Theodore L. Cuyler said: “To how many a hardworking minister has this book been a mine of gold! Next to wife and children has lain near his heart the pored-over and prayed-over copy of his Matthew Henry.” FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY

fl No preacher or Bible student should miss the opportunity {offered this month only) to secure during these depression times Matthew Henry on his own terms! V *1 Recently a great Bible student, Rev. J. D. Jones of Bournemouth, England, a man whose works are read by millions—whose coun- , 0 sel is sought by thousands—was asked to begin \ ¿v the making of a commentary upon the whole \ r .A Bible as he had done on some of the Books X a of the Bible. His reply was: H. R evell Co.,'V 158 Fifth Ave., ^ “That has been done and satisfactorily New York City * 5 ^ done by Matthew Henry. He cannot /"Vrxt-1 ^ N/i be superseded, and the marvel is that V JC ntIC IIlC n• v* he should have been able to do it as E n c l o s e d find V O k completely and well as he has. It $3.00 as first p ay -X cannot be done again-” ment on Matthew Hen- \ ' v* \ ill ry’s Commentary ($15.00). v ™ I will remit the balance as X . °° . \ V in............... months V ^ in. .....months V 9ft. m follows : $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 (Please in................months mention time required) How can you go wrong in decid­ ing that you have deprived you r ­ s e l f l o n g '