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King's Business - 1942-07

IKE KIIC'S KISS Official O rgan ol THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. Incorporated 1942


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July, 1942

A-Milleiuiial? Pre-Millennial? Post-Millennial?

The Ki ng' s Bus i ne s s Volume XXXIII July, 1942 Number 7 The True-to-the-Bible Family Magazine

Motto: **TJnto him that loved ns, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” ( Rev. 1:5)* TABLE OF CONTENTS

If you are a pre-millenarian, I have a message of supreme value for these dark days. I advertised this same message some tíme ago. The re­ sponses from those who had sent for it were filled with gratitude to God for a new revelation that had come to them; almost every one said in effect: “This should be read by every Christian in America.'’ So I am m a k i n g t h e s ame announcement once again: I want to reach every true Christian who is longing for the coming of the King, and I am doing my part to accom­ plish it. Whether I reach you de­ pends on yourself. Just enclose 10c (stamps will do) in a letter and say, “I am a pre- millenarian; send me your message.” If you are not a pre-millenarian, please do not answer this,advertise­ ment. And may I remind you also of the continuous needs of our missionary undertakings? In the spirit of Isaiah 40:1-2, we stand astride the world and seek to bridge the gulf between! a misrepresented Christianity and a misled Judaism. In this ministry of reconciliation (II Cor. 5:18) your faithful, prayerful undergirding is needed far more than you will ever know this side of eternity. Our work merits your every confi­ dence. It is a program of world-wide Gospel testimony to thé Jews. Tour fellowship in prayer and in gift is always welcome and appreciated. Our monthly p u b l i c a t i o n , THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, is of course sent to all contributors. Dear Brother: I am a pre-millenarian; herein I enclose 10c; send me your message. I also joyfully- enclose ............. as my fellowship with you in your world-wide Gospel ministry to Israel. Name *.................... ..................... .............. Address __________ ___ __________ —...........;----- City '* ; State --------— .. J. Hoffman Cohn, American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.

Cover: Class of 1942, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; photograph by Wltxel. Ransom D. Marvin, Staff Artist

Around the King’s Table— Louis T . Talbot ------------ ---------- ------- 244 Significance, of the News— Dan Gilbert ------------- ----------- -------..... 245 Are the Days of Revival Past?— An Interview with Gipsy Smith 246 Facing the Issues— George B. Huebert ....... ................................. . 248 A New Use for a Race Track---------- --------------------------------- ..........250 That May Issue............. ...................................................................... 252 w Bringing Christ to Our Campuses— Neil Nellis ...............——......... 253 Bible Institute Family C ircle__________ ......--------- —...................... 254 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. Hooker..... — .......................' 255 International Lesson Commentary ____________:— i-------------------- 257 Notes on Christian Endeavor— Lyman A . Wendt, William Retts/ Charlotte E. Rasmussen, Cyrus N . Nelson and Myrtle E. Scott 268 Daily Devotional Readings____ _____________ ...........------------------- 273 Our Literature Tabic ...._________________ ._______ _________ _____ 279 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: “ Thp K in g’s Business" is published monthly, $1.00— one year; $1.50— tw o years; 50 cents— six m onths; 10 cents— single copy; Clubs bf three or m ore at special rates. W rite fo r details. Canadian and foreig n subscriptions 25 cents-extra. It requires one month fo r a change o f address to becom e effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCE- —Payable in advance, should. made by bank draft, express or post o ffice m oney order payable to “The K ing's Business.” Date of expiration w ill show plainly each month on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING — F or inform ation w ith reference to advertising in “ The K in g ’s Business,” address the A dvertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, L»os Angeles, Calif., or our eastern representative. R eligious Press A ssociation, 1601 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS — “ The K in g’s Business” cannot accept responsibility fo r loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it fo r consideration. Entered as second-class m atter N ovember 7, 1938, at the post office at Dos Angeles, California, under the A ct o f March 3, 1879. A cceptance fo r m ailing^ at special rate o f postage provided fo r in the A ct o f February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized O ctober 1, 1918, and N ovember 13, 1938. THE KING’ S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street • Los Angeles, California The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. ' LOUIS T. TALBOT MILDRED M. COOK Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor INFORMATION FOR SUBSCRIBERS


July, 1942



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M ore AND MORE teach- ers want object lessons that are simple and effective . . . That is the reason the weekly object lessons in THE KING’S BUSINESS are so popular . . . That is the reason, too, that O b jects That T a lk and T ea ch , Louis T. Talbot’s first book of this kind, was welcomed eagerly and has been continually in demand from the day it was issued, eight years ago . . . And that same need and desire prompted the

publication of M ore Ob jects That Talk and Teach , in which Dr.-Talbot presents fifty-three new object lessons which he has given to boys and girls in his large S u n d a y morning congregations at the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles ..... Children are fascinated by these les­ sons. Parents and teachers are delighted with the clear presentation of the gospel which they make possible . . . Won’t you send for your copy today?

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July, 1942

...with One Subscription at $1.00

If your subscription to “The King’s Business’* expires in JUNE, JULY, or AUGUST, and you renew NOW— or send a new subscription— you may have Dr. Talbot’s new book of object lessons absolutely FR EE

messages are being given, to tEs great delight of pupils and teachers alike« For just such days as these THEKING’S BUSINESS has a special ministry« Its contents appeal to the whole f amily, to adults and young people alike« AH its p a g e s are Bible-centered, interesting« practical. If your subscription will expire! before September 1, won’t you renew ten day and ask for your free copy of M ore O b jects Tha t Talk and Teach? Or sub­ scribe for some friend, won’t you? You will be providing many happy hours in the home and in Christian service among boys and girls. Please use the accompanying coupon TODAY«

Homes are being lived in more than they used to be. Facing tire and gasoline shortages, m a n y Americans are finding how good it is to spend a quiet evening at home, with a book or a magazine that they might never read otherwise. Many are finding, too, that they have more time for the children, both in their own homes and in t h e i r communities. Happy surprises are coming to them al­ most daily in this connection. Being un­ able to go long distances to church or Sunday-school, children are being gath­ ered into neighborhood groups, where Scriptural object lessons and other gospel.

THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Californio Dear Friends: ,

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• Win the Children *


July, 1942

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S Around the King s Table ' LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-In-Chief


Is Evil Directed? There are those today who, realiz­ ing that there is a moral order in the universe, are willing, to concede that there must be a personal Supreme Being, the Source of good and the Director of the forces of good in the world. Yet when it comes to evil, they reject the Bible teaching of a personal devil. Evil in’ this world is a far worse thing than most of our pretty human philosophies have been willing to admit. It is a far-reaching scheme of things, and no abstract law can ex­ plain it. One who has any knowledge of its world-wide working can hardly fail to see. that it is subtly and most intelligently directed f r o m s o m e source—and that source is certainly not impersonal. Conybeare’s translation of Ephe-. sians 6:12 bears out this truth: “The adversaries with whom we wrestle are not flesh and blood, but they are the principalities, the powers, the sovef- eigns of this present darkness, the [ Continued on Page 280] when we were there, were Eng­ lish-speaking Japanese. They were mum, but took in all said by those drunk, or half-drunk, sail­ ors when driving them in beauti­ ful cars out to Pearl Harbor and other places. More than one sol­ dier or sailor told me that certain Japanese had tried to get them drunk, thus to obtain information. But there ,were enough drunk, it seemed to me, for the Japanese to obtain their information with­ out having to pay for the drinks!” Even apart from definite enemy planning, the sale of hard liquor or beer is a cause for concern. For de­ spite all clever advertising and propa­ ganda to the contrary, beer, in mul­ tiplied millions of instances, has proved to be habit-forming. And the place..of sale, whether an alien-con­ trolled beer parlor or the canteen at a United States ‘Army post, does not materially affect the operation of the laws of nature! Knowing well how the taste for beer develops, the brewing interests are not limiting their attention to their present opportunity among serv­ icemen in the sale of beer within the army camp. In a curious mixture of s^lf-defense and long-range planning for the future, the editorial quoted in the opening paragraph continues (bold face ours): “The army command recog­ nized beer to be a beverage that is not only completely harmless as far as its alcoholic content is

servative estimate of the mileage in your tires, then reserve a min­ imum of one-tenth of that mile­ age for the Lord. If you have ten thousand miles left in your tires, you will, of course, have one thousand miles for traveling to and from your church services. It is the same principle as tithing your money. “By giving the Lord one-tenth of your estimated mileage, you will very probably discover- that the automobile man underesti­ mated your tire service, and the tire.situation will be cleared up long,before your,-present tires are worn out. Do likewise with your gasoline, and we will see you at church!” "One of the finest things that could have happened to the Brewing Indus­ try was the insistence by high-rank­ ing army officers to make beer avail­ able at army camps." Thus read the opening lines in a full-page editorial published more than a year ago in the Brewers Di­ gest (May, 1941). But a policy that may have been “fine” for the brew­ ers has in it the seeds of disaster for America. Easy access to intoxicants —and to the beer ihat cultivates a taste for strong liquor—may or may not cause America’s actual defeat in highly mechanized modern warfare; time will tell. But this is but one aspect of the danger. What Japanese-dispensed liquor did at Peart Harbor, on the pay-day im­ mediately before December 7 should constitute a terrible warning to Amer­ ica. Charles A. Leonard, Sr., Who was a missionary in the Hawaiian Islands in the fall of Í941, describes, in a re­ cent communication, the danger of the use of intoxicants by military men: “Many of the dealers in intoxi­ cants in the Hawaiian Islands have been enemies of our coun­ try and are glad to see our men weakened by debauchery. Drunk­ enness assisted, and still assists, spies in securing information. Drunken service men in saloons, cafes, houses of prostitution/and elsewhere are free with informa­ tion. Nearly all taxi drivers.

Biola Graduates On the evening of June 11, eighty- two graduates—their pictures appear­ ing' on the front-cover of this maga­ zine above their chosen motto, “Vic­ tory through Christ”—were graduated from the Bible Institute of Los -An­ geles. This was-one of the largest classes in the history of the school. Space forbids a full description of the service, but for those who were pres­ ent in the congregation of approxi­ mately 3,000 that night, the memory of this event will always awaken praise to God. The Baccalaureate address, de­ livered earlier, appears on pages 248 and 246 of this issue. Thé Commence­ ment : address, an unusually stirring and challenging appeal by R. P. Shu­ ler, is expected to be printed in this magazine next môhth. A surprise item on the program was the presentation* to the school of a gift of five hundred, dollars in cash, made’up of small contributions, sacri­ fia ally given from the meager earn­ ings of members of the Institute stu­ dent I>ody. In addition to this gener­ ous gesture, the seniors presented a pledge to the school—to be paid with­ in the next twenty.years, should the Lord tarry—amounting to $10,000.00. Several weeks before Commence- ment, the President of the Institute, Louis T. Talbot, had made public his hope that several thousand dollars might be received on this occasion to apply toward the reduction of the fast- diminishing indebtedness on the buildings. The slogan which has been adopted is “No Debt When Jesus Comes.” As a gracious token of the Lord's goodness, amounts were re­ ceived from many individuals, and it was "possible to announce on Com­ mencement evening that a total of $15,000.00 was in hand. Not only for this material evidence of the Lord’s favor, but most of all for the spiritual blessings He has bestowed on faculty and students alike, Biola responds in evêr-tncreasing praise for “ Victory through Christ.” , Tithe Your Tires and Gasoline The following item was printed in the weekly bulletin of the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles: “You p e r h a p s are worrying ■about that automobile of yours, and wondering how you are going to get to church. The problem is hot a difficult one. ■“Go. to your automobile dealer and ask him to give you a con-

Beer for the Armed Forces

July, 1942



Significance of the News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D. C., and San Diego, California

concerned, but that furthermore produces highly desirable effects Of relaxation in men who have been subjected to hard work and long hours of drilling. , . . Beer . . . contains sufficient alcohol to Create a feeling of well-being and good fellowship in the consumer, but not enough to be habit-form­ ing. . . . Here is a chance for brewers to cultivate a taste fo r. beer in millions of young men who will eventually constitute the largest beer-consuming sec­ tion of our population.” Not “habit-forming,” indeed! Some­ how, the brewers seem to be counting rather heavily*on that habit in the future. Two bills are now before Congress to provide for the elimination of in­ toxicants from army camps and en­ virons, Bills S. 860 and H. R, 4000. Since America still has a representa­ tive form of government, the Chris­ tian people of the land have oppor­ tunity not only to pray but also to notify their elected representatives as to their will in this important mat­ ter. Dare America risk defeat by en­ couraging dangerous self-indulgence?

THE CRISIS OF THE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL AND COLLEGEI • Thoughtful commentators have re­ cently given attention to what they call “the c r i s i s of the independent charitable and educational institu­ tions .of America.” By “independent” institutions dre meant those which are not supported by public taxation, but rather by religious or private organi­ zations. A half century ago, the larger part of all American colleges, hospitals, and charitable institutions were fi­ nanced and operated by private or re­ ligious organizations. Today, educa­ tion and charity are predominantly government enterprises. Few thought­ ful persons would criticize or oppose the entrance and extension of govern­ ment into these fields of public serv­ ice: However, all sound analysts must recognize that independent educa­ tional and charitable institutions have an important place in the Amer­ ican system. If the separation of church and state is to be maintained, and the independence of the church safeguarded, then provision must be made for j the carrying on of educa­ tional and charitable enterprises un­ der religious auspices. To make educational and charitable a c t i v i t y a government monopoly

"College a n d charitable be­ quests are drying up, because of heavy taxes on individuals and corporations, war bonds and other subscription campaigns, and the disappearance of large fortunes. These conditions have already : g i v e n to the colleges and the charities problems of finançing which in many instances are des- . perate.” -. The unavoidable “crisis” of inde­ pendent institutions has been compli­ cated by proposals, now before Con­ gress, “for revision of the income tax laws to make private educational and charitable institutions subject-to taxa­ tion and to limit the income tax ex­ emptions which private individuals may enjoy for gifts and contributions to such Institutions.” Randolph Paul, tax adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury, has proposed to Congress that: . . charitable or educational cor­ porations, now exempt from cor­ poration income tax, be subjected to that tax on income derived from a trade or business owned and operated by the corporation, but not necessarily incident, to the tax-exempt activities, and, that an amount bequeathed or transferred for special charitable . purposes, now deductible in com -.. puting the estate tax, be limited • to a specific percentage of the de­ ceased person’s estate.” Commenting upon these new tax proposals affecting religious, chari­ table and educational institutions, Mr. Krock has said: “The impact of the proposals would fall heavily on churches, hospitals, and similar institutions. It would demolish the fiscal foun- , dations on which they have been set for morq than a hundred years, and in the' instance of charities would penalize the source instead of the use of their revenues." One can appreciate the zeal of “tax experts” who are ever seeking new means of raising revenue, but as Mr. Krock says of these new tax pro­ posals: “They constitute the first blow the federal government has ever launched at such (religious' and charitable) institutions, delivered in a time of t h e i r g r e a t e s t trouble.” . - [Continued on Page 279]

. IN mm

would be a long step in the di­ rection of totali­ tarianism. . In a Constituti o n a 1 d e m o c r a c y , there m u s t be room f o r t h e flowering of re­ ligious e d u c a ­ tion as well as of secular edu­ cation. COMPLICAT­ ING THE CRISIS: • In analyzing the predicament of independent r e 1i g tous and charitable insti­ tutions, Arth u r Krock, W a s h ­ i n g t o n corre­ spondent for the N e w Y o r k T i me s , has pointed out:


A ll rlffhta reserved.

July, 1943



t i k e Ca leb


(Joshua 14 ) Audiences the world over have thrilled to the message of Gipsy Smith in the SIXTY-FIVE YEARS he has served the Lord as an evangel­ ist. During this long period of time, churches, tabernacles, and large halls here and abroad have been crowded out as men and women have flocked to hear this straightforward preacher who does not mince m a t t e r s in speaking to the lost, but whose gen­ tle persuasion is irresistible. His power has not abated. From even the third balcony in the Church of the Open Door— where night after night between 3,000 and 4,000 persons were present— scores of men and women came forward to acknowledge the Lord Jesus .Christ as their personal Saviour. A t many of the meetings, h u n d r e d s were turned away for lack of room. Some have wondered at the power evidenced in the message of Gipsy Smith when that message is simplic­ ity itself. What is the secret behind this man who, though oyer eighty years of age, preaches with the en­ ergy and vigor of a man of forty? John Ruskin has said, "Originality is not so much a matter of novelty, as sincerity." Perhaps this e x p l a i n s Gipsy Smith. He does not strive for variety, for novelty, but rather is he filled with the sincere passion to preach Christ and Him crucified. The power behind Gipsy Smith is the power of the Holy Spirit who found a clean channel in the young gipsy boy and has used him because of his sincerity. In the accompanying interview Gipsy Smith has given some of his views on present-day spiritual condi­ tions and his hope of revival.

Louis T. Talbot and Gipsy Smith


Jphotos by Putnam Studio

Are the Days of Revival Past? An Interview with Gipsy Smith

needed a minister for a christening or a burial, he went to the nearest min­ ister. We had no church and no school, and no one made any attempt to reach us with the gospel. QUE.: What do you feel should be the normal result o f accepting Christ as Saviour? I began to witness for Christ Im­ mediately after my conversion. I went home from the meeting where I found the Lord and woke up every one in camp and said: “I want you to know I'love Jesus.” How could I help but tell others?

QUE. : What was it that made you, as a gipsy boy, want Christ as your Saviour? The beautiful life of my father aft­ er his conversion. I saw the Chris­ tian life unfolded in him in that gipsy camp in England. We five mother­ less children recognized the change in him immediately. Until then w'e had known nothing of Christ or whaj: it meant to be a Christian. We had heard about God in a vague way, but in our moving about as gipsies do, we had never heard a gospel message. We knew nothing of the differences between the churches. If a gipsy

July, 1942



with delight the man or woman whom God is using. I can say with one of England’s preachers, “If I find a man a thousandth part of an inch bigger than I am,, whom the Lord wants to use, I will be glad to stand behind him and hold his coat.” - QUE.: Is evangelistic w o r k growing more d ifficu lt? Have you found it harder to interest people in general in spiritual things these latter, years?' No. I should feel that I were though if people stopped coming to hear the gospel. And they know what they are coming for when they come to hear me. Yet they come in increasing numbers. Without doubt, there is evid'ent throughout the land today a hunger!for the security of faith in God. Nothing appeals to the needs of the race as the gospel does. Nothing else will do. The needs of the world are only satisfied by the abun­ dant, overflowing, free grace "of God. I believe the desire on the part of God’s people for spiritual quickening is more pronounced today than in other years. * QUE .:; What influence has the present world confusion, w h e n whole nations are facing disaster, on this growing hunger fo r spir­ itual things? A great deal. That has been proved in other countries. Men see civiliza­

QUE.: Y ou have been preaching f o r sixty-five years. What type o f evangelism do you believe is most effective? I would not dare to say. God has many methods of working. “There are diversities of operation, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.” If a child of God is sincerely seeking to serve the Lord, he has my bless­ ing, though his methods may be op­ posite to mine. There was a time, when 1 was younger, when I did not feel this way. When I heard of souls being converted in certain meetings, I would wonder about it. But our Lord, when speaking of the tares, admon­ ished the disciples to let them alone, saying: “Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up ¿also the wheat with them.” And, again, when Jesus and His dis­ ciples were baptizing in Judea while John also was baptizing near Salim, there arose a dispute between some of John’s disciples and the Jews about purifying. "And they came unto John, and said unto him, Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou barest witness, behold, the same baptizeth, and all men come to him. “John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” And, now, I can thank God if souls are converted under a chimney sweep* on the street corner, tinder a Salva­ tion Army lassie—anywhere—and hail

Exalting Christ A t the left is shown part of the crowd of several thousand that packed Pershing Square, Los An* geles, and listened from downtown office windows on May 12, 1942, when Gipsy Smith spoke from the platform of the Victory House. Intro­ duced by Louis T. Talbot, President of the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles and Pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Gipsy Smith held his vast audience spellbound as be pleaded with them on behalf of Christ to put Him first in everything. Appreciating anew the American privilege thus to speak one’s convic­ tions publicly and unafraid, the lis­ teners responded b y purchasing United States government war bonds and stamps totaling $109,473— the largest amount to be received at this center on any one day thus far. It is an individual matter. I be­ lieve' God can save three thousand souls in one day—I believe He can save a million in one day-—but each one of that million must obey the conditions of salvation. QUE.: Do you feel that the days o f revival are past? Is spring over? Has the sun ceased [ Continued on Page 278] tion, which they have all but wor­ shiped, crumbling, and they are With­ out God—without hope. They are los­ ing faith in civilization, in education, in scientific discoveries as a safe foundation for the world, and they are realizing that the foundations they have built are all wrong, and that they need God. No man can teach the real fundamentals of life—long­ ings, struggles, agony, pain, tears— unless he starts with God. I have noticed this new attitude among the taxicab drivers who bring me from the hotel to the Church of the Open Door. I make it a poiht not to let one of them get away without a word from the Book. And I have seen them take their caps off in re­ spect while I was talking of God, and some have said, “I know that is true. We all need God.” Before, I have found response and respect, but now men are beginning to talk and are think­ ing. Nothing makes people think like disaster. People won’t pray until they begin to think, and when they begin to pray, they will, find their- way to God. When a man begins to exam­ ine his needs and finds out what is wrong with his life, he will soon come to the conclusion that God is the only one who Can help him.



July, 1942

A S YOU Christian young men and / \ women face your future serv- X JL Ice for the Lord Jesus Christ, you are called to deal with the most vital issues in the universe. You must possess settled convictions concerning fundamental issues if there is to be any real power in your Christian wit­ nessing. Convictions Concerning Fundamental Matters The best way to settle forever the issue of the Bible as God’s infallible Word is to “honor the command­ ments’ —and “the promises will honor you.” Let this issue be settled now by obeying God’s Word, and you shall experience the overwhelming riches of His wonderful promises in His compassionate grace toward you. You who expect to go lorth in Christ’s service must have deep con­ victions concerning God, concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son; the Holy Ghost; the living Word of God as the revelation of God to man. You need to understand, in experience, the Word’s basic teachings, among which, are those concerning the holiness of God, the deity of Jesus Christ, the personality and power of the Holy Ghost, the Sinfulness of men, and the atonement through the blood of Jesus Christ. Also you need to be clear as to the coming again of our Saviour, the hope of the church, and heaven and hell as the final destinies of the redeemed and the lost. Great and deep spiritual experi­ ences bring forth great convictions which will be a mighty stabilizing force in your life. Seeing oneself sin­ ful. and lost, in grace receiving re­

pentance unto life, coming to a per­ sonal saving knowledge of J e s u s Christ, washed in His atoning blood, a new creature in Christ Jesus through the regenerating miracle of the Holy Spirit by faith in His name, and en­ dued with power from on high—a deep grasp of these truths will bring these great spiritual experiences Into your lives. The motto of Bengel was, “Apply thyself wholly to the Scriptures, and apply the Scriptures wholjy to thy­ self.” We should have convictions that plow deep channels in our souls. Then you may send forth your God-pro­ duced convictions as a torrent into the world, sparkling with the gems of grace, love, and compassion. Your Call to Service You must KNOW that God has called you into His service. God’s call is fool proof, revealed in a two­ fold way, first by the Word of God, and secondly by the voice of God in the receiver of the soul, confirming the Word. It is a call to lay down your life for Jesus your Lord and a lost world, henceforth to take and obey orders from the Captain of your soul. The call of God must be a settled fact in your life, else you may be tossed from post to pillar and finally find yourself confused on the battle field of service—yea, discouraged and dismayed. If you know not as yet what your particular calling is, seek it with all your heart in prayer and faith (Heb. 11:6) until the God of heaven answers your cry, and you, too, shall know your call and field of service.

Another matter in which you will need the Lord’s specific guidance' is the finding of your life’s companions. Live with the spiritually lame, and you will limp, It would be far better to have a husband or wife with a crippled leg than with a crippled soul. Better a companion trained in the ways of God than in the ways of -the world. Better a soul channeled for God than for self. Success and Failure “They which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ” (Rom. 5:17). “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37). Faith and victory, doubt and failure, each links to its comrade. In this battle of life, we must proceed ener­ getically and heroically. “I press to­ ward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,” says the saintly Paul (Phil. 3:14). In all pursuits of secular life we must, of necessity, concentrate in order to be fruitful. There must also be great godly enthusiasm for the Christian work in which you engage. God would have each Christian be­ come a living link between the deep and desperate need of this dark world and the rich resources that are resi­ dent in the risen Christ. If God could turn the cross into victory, there is no disaster which He could not turn to spiritual gain if we would but be­ lieve in Him. “Success” is a commercial term; “fruitfulness” is the theological term. Both reveal a desired state and bring forth recognition. In business, “suc-

July, 1942



cess” Is the key: word; In Christian living and labors, “ fruitfulness” Is the prize of faithfulness. If we could get the Impact of the Scriptural meaning of faithfulness—yea, faithful steward­ ship—in that it invariably produces ' fruitfulness, the Christian ministry and church would be saved from a complacency which has led all too many into a self-satisfied, unproduc­ tive Christian service. Every child of God possesses the possibilities of success if he has pre­ pared and surrendered his life, and has been endued with power from on high. You will not all: be alike—some ' will be fruitful in preaching, some will be fruitful in personal soul-win­ ning, some will be fruitful in Bible exposition, some will, be fruitful in teaching — all can" be successful in trusting Him, in prayer and interces­ sion, in love and obedience, following the Lamb whithersoever He goeth, following Him with a holy passion and devotion. “Wanting the crown, one does not weary of the cross.” Unconditional Surrender and the Enduement ol Power Sad indeed is the fact that there are. so few people who are totally1 yielded to« Jesus Christ, 'the Lover of our souls in the true Biblical sense, who have'in truth been reconciled to the way of the cross—the way of the-Lamb of God. Our present-day C h r i s t i a n expe­ rience has-become stale and shallow, lifeless and'superficial, so quiet that it is motionless, so unapostolic that it is modern, so like the world that it lacks the glory of heaven, so re­ fined that ■even the highbrbw need not apologize, so gilded that one must reach for a probing instrument to dis- , cover its true character, so passion­ less that it is frigid, so unheavenly that it is sad. Some are indifferent to the com- - mand of the Lord Jesus and move through life unaffected by the great' heart-cry of the Saviour and the over­ whelming need of a withering church and sinful lost humanity. Others have gone forth with great hopes and soon have found themselves inadequately prepared for the great task, often not knowing what to do—relaxing into the • ordinary, killing time i n s t e a d o f killing sin, working, for Christ in

place of allowing the Holy Spirit to work the works of Christ in and through them mightily. If any one of you still has a bur­ dened heart, oh! cease trying this and that—lay down self, your life, unreservedly! Let the Lordship of your life indeed be transferred to the Captain of your soul, Christ Jesus, and you, too, shall find yourself in God’s hallowed presence, satisfied and rest- •ed at last, vitalized by the resurrec­ tion power of Jesus Christ. Friend, you need not'wait till the morrow to enter these blessed portals —enter now, with a. thirst that can nowhere else be quenched, a heart- hunger that can nowhere else be fed, produced by the Holy Spirit in answer to availing prayer, and with an un-, conditional surrender to the Lord of your life. Then God the Son will endue you with the wonder-working power of the Holy Ghost; . yea, He will inundate your entire •being in such a fashion that the separation from the world and self will be com­ plete. You will be set apart unto God so that in truth you shall be “ a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use,, and pre­ pared unto every good work” (2 Tim. 2 : 21 ). Devotional Life: Prayer There isj no time wasted when we truly pray. When man prays, God listens; when man calls, God answers. If -you will learn the art of prayer from the prayer warriors of the Bible and the saints of the gospel'age, you too shall score answer upon answer, and your voice shall become familiar in the corridors and courts of heaven. Pray until you have your prayers answered; then put that answer on the credit side of the register, dated and described. Turn to Its records from time to time, and you will be inspired to ever;enlarge your prayer ministry,. There are times when our prayers must reach the desperate ac­ tion of knocking. Knock as men knock to get out of hell—knock as men knock to enter heaven after the door is shut. It stands to reason that we shall not get that for which we have not diligently sought, and may we be challenged to explore the possibil­ ities of resolute, believing prayer! It has been said that prttyer is might­

ier than the sword, slaying.the ene­ mies of the' soul. Prayer is brighter than the rays of the sun, revealing the hidden depths of the human spirit. It is the power that sets in motion the almighty arm of God as He moves upon the midnight sea to help and to protect, to save and to sanctify. Devotional Life: Faith Faith honors God and God honors faith. Faith is the divine shield that Satan -cannot penetrate. It is the wall of holy fire that surrounds you, sep-; arating you unto God and insulating you, from the world. To believe is to be happy—to doubt is to be wretched. Unbelief has eaten into: the church and paralyzed it. The church is trying to survive on a mix? ture of faith and unbelief. Let us challenge her to try anew the living, vital apostolic faith. Faith is still the key to the heart of God which sets in motion His m i g h t y a rm a n d stretches it so far that it reaches you, your need, the church’s pulse, and the world’s heartache. Faith put aside for a rainy day will perish like a rolled-up umbrella.' Faith can change any situation, no matter how dark it is. No matter what the trouble may be, it is faith in the face of stormy skies, approach­ ing enemies or insurmountable ob­ stacles, which says Amen to all the will of God for us. It is faith through love which makes us sure that all things are working together for good, and this perfect love casts out all fear of tragic re­ sults. Faith is the confident assur­ ance of that for which we hope. It is a conviction of the reality of things which we do not see. Right and Godly Thinking The mind and heart are not pure when the tongue is not clean. Paul charges us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we “may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2). This transforming process wrought by the power of the Hply Spirit is overwhelmingly essential to right [ Continued on Page 251]


Baccalaureate services on the evening of June 7 opened commencement week at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, with the sermon by Dr. Huebert, which appears on these two pages, as the message of the evening. Dr. Huebert is pastor of the largest Mennonite Brethren Church in America, at Reedley, Calif. A t the service on graduation night, Robert P. Shuler, pastor of

Trinity Methodist Church, Los Angeles, was the speaker. (Dr. Shuler’s message is scheduled for a later issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS.) The degree of Doctor of Di* vinity was granted by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to William W . Orr of Placentia, Calirf^o George Palm­ er of Philadelphia, Pa., and to George B. Huebert at the commencement exercises.

July, 1942





B EFORE America entered the war, the grand stand at Santa Anita Rate Track, Arcadia, six­ scene of hectic excitement and many personal tragedies during the horse­ racing season. On some occasions, as much as a million dollars changed hands as a result of a single after­ noon's races. Around the famous race track where some of the f a s t e s t horses in America once raced, Jap­ anese pastors now walk many miles in visiting among their transplanted congregations. And now, qn each Sun­ day morning,'from 1,500 to 2,000 Jap- anese-American young people meet voluntarily in a portion of this grand stand, for a Christian service of wor­ ship. Hastily organized in the early spring of this year, Santa Anita's huge assembly center for "persons of Jap­ anese ancestry" — whether American- born or alien—has developed under civilian management at the request of the United States Army. Row upon row of long black and brown tem­ porary barracks fill the great race track and the vast automobile park­

Camp Santa Anita Arcadia, California

ing area outside the enclosure. Here California Japanese—16,000 at a time —are gathered. Among others who were Instructed to report for residence at the assembly center at Santa Anita was an Amer­ ican-born Japanese 'student of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. He was in his second year of work at the school and was at the same time doing pastorate work in the Japanese Hollywood Presbyterian Church and the Norwalk Friends Church. Prior to the war, this young man's home was on Terminal Island, in the very heart of the Los Angeles Harbor district. This* region was of course one of the "areas of military impor­ tance" which caused serious concern to Southern California authorities. It was one of the first sections in which all residents of Japanese descent re­ ceived orders to evacuate. Although this Institute student has found his formal education for Chris­ tian service interrupted, there has opened to him a unique field of op­ portunity, as the accompanying letter shows.

M y dear brothers'and sisters in Christ, Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we oUrselves are comforted of God. As goon as I reached Camp Santa Anita, the authorities immediately put me to work as Young People’s Director doing various p h a s e s o f Christian service, and I have been busy ever since. At present there are over 16,000 Japanese in this huge camp and an additional 4,000 will be coming in soon, which will make a grand total of 20,000 Japanese. So you see I have a tremendous field right before me. I average as much as ten to twelve miles a day doing pastoral calling, and at present my shoes are just about worn out because of the way .1 am burning up the track here in Santa Anita! Last Sunday morning we had ap-

teen miles from Los Angeles, was a



July, 1942

Race Track Use for a


International News Photo

. — * Barracks at Santa Anita Assembly Center

Christian workers march on, confi­ dent of standing against the wiles of the devil. I truly*covet your prayers so that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak, to make known the mystery o f \ the gospel which is hidden to countless many w h o m Satan has blinded. Every remembrance of y o u all brings tears of rejoicing and gladness into my heart, for the Lord has truly [ Continued on Page 279] FACING THE ISSUES [ Continued from Page 249] thinking and right living. Live where God lives; dwell high. You cannot fill your mind with slush and scum and then expect clear rippling streams of thought. If a man would be- a pure thinker, his soul must think upon Christ, feed upon Him, and drink at the fountain of His thought stream. Christ will breed no disease within the mind; He will not corrupt the heart. You realize that the high mountain regions are often sought for seclusion, rest, and recuperation; so make' a pilgrimage to the lofty heights of God’s holy mountain range, and you too will find yourself amidst the di­ vine breezes that play in harmonious enraptured torfes the song of Zion. The spiritual timbers of yonder forest stand as sentinels on the border of the land, and in its meadows the re­ deemed soul is bathed in the heavenly sunshine of God’s face and His sancti­ fying love. From that elevation in His presence, you shall be enabled to reach down effectively, laying hold of defeated and lost souls in His mighty, availing name.

Somewhat similar in structure to the temporary barrachs used for housing U. S. Army men, these buildings, and,hun­ dreds like them, shelter Japanese families at Santa Anita As­ sembly Center. In the foreground is the small paddock into which, in former days, the horses entered before, passing to the main race tracks.

when we possess this great truth in our hearts, there is a strange calmness reigning in our daily lives. There is a complete faith which controls every effort; it brings a gladness to the voice, a lightness to the step as the duty of the hour is conquered. The hours of action are often the chosen hours for the Christian, but God asks us to have the quiet times before great service, so that all th,e power may be asked from Him, and the limited human power be put aside. I realize that Experience is a hard teacher, yet a very useful one, for no one can realize what can be done until forced to the trial. It is not to be learned in books; it is not to be “learned from the lips of others; it may have to be learned by tears, agony of-heart, conflict with self. But in His strength can be said: “ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me,” , He gives to us, as we walk silently along the path of fulfilled duty, cour­ age to serve wherever He places us, and the song will forever ring in our hearts: “Lo, I am with you alway,” guarding and protecting, leading and directing the waiting years in life; comforting, encouraging, urging on— in the years that mark the Battle of Life. So with many of these pre­ cious promises from the Bible, we

proximately 2,000 young people at­ tending our church service, so it was quite a gathering. As I stood before the huge crowd, I just couldn’t help but think of the Church of the Open Door with its large membership. We hold our services out in the huge grand stand where f o r m e r l y the horses used to run around the race track; so this gambling, pleasure-lov­ ing resort has been converted into a house of worship. It is quite a con­ trast,'isn’t it? We have just about organized our church schedule, \yhich includes the primary division to the senior divi­ sion. The adults have church Service separate from the y o u n g people’s group on Sundays*. On Wednesday evening the adults have their Bible study, prayer, and p r a i s e service, while the young people have theirs on Thursday evening. There are many problems that constantly confront us,- but God is able. Ygs, my friends, •The adults, being the issei— first-generation Japanese—are segregated from the nisei — sec­ ond-generation, American-born Japanese—for the church services. The former group are under the care of the older ministers, while the nisei pastors have charge of the children’s and young people’s meeting. A ministerial committee comprising all Protestant faiths controls the Protestant as­ pect of the religious policy at the Assembly Center. There is also a Protestant “ Youth’s Couneil” which works with the ministerial aroup.



July, 1942

That May Issue Letters to the Editor

ber. Each number presents a well- balanced group of articles of real value. It provides also an excellent guide to Christian books and period­ icals. Thanks„ for past issues, and more power jto you for even a more exten­ sive publication than ever! _ Youth is puzzled concerning many simple problems which can be easily answered—questions that deal with the Bible and the Christian life. Many Christian magazines d e v o t e some space to answering such ^questions; however, I have not noticed such a column in your publication. S o m e may not consider this part of the magazine to be interesting, but I know that it was a column of this sort, in another paper that kept me from dan­ gerous error in my first year of the Christian life. Can you find space for about' eight or more questions whifch people are asking about the Bible in your forthcoming issues? Waiting to Hear From You What readers think — and, even mere, what they feel they really need— is of vital con­ cern to every magazine's edi­ torial staff. Further, the staff wishes to know whether the pages of the publication arouse action— and of what kind. On this page, THE KING'S BUSINESS presents a group of l e t t e r s , most of them from y o u n g p e o p l e , expressing varied reactions to the May issue of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, the special Youth Num­ ber of this magazine, 7 To meet every reader’s need, and to do it within the limits of a forty-four page publica­ tion, is an impossibility, we know— but we are TRYING! C o mm e n t s and constructive suggestions from our readers are welcomed gladly. Please address your l e t t e r s to the office of the Managing Editor, THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. MABEL HUGHES, Los Angeles, Calif. •

I expect to be In the Army.berore many more months; I shall be look­ ing for your splendid magazine in the camp. If it is not, then it will be my privilege to see that one gets there.* AMOS D. MEYERS, Aitch, Pa. •- When I read the account by Miss Selway entitled "Called to the Wit- ness Stand,” I thought, “Why not let’s have some of that kind of material which .

STANLEY ARNOLD, Santa Barbara,' Calif.