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King's Business - 1950-09

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom'' (Proverbs 9:10)

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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E



H in #


I have almost completely read my July King's Business, which I re­ ceived today. I can hardly lay it down to get my work done because it con­ tains so much o f vital interest. I think it is altogether the best and most interesting Gospel magazine published. A nna E vans Pinehurst, Wash. Just a line to let you know what an inspiration your magazine has been in our home. As a young person I espe­ cially enjoyed Dr. Orr’s little talks for young people. As we read every arti­ cle, we enjoy the whole magazine from start to finish. J eannie M artin San Luis Obispo, Calif. Oh my, it's grand to have this offer o f The King’s Business and with Dr. Bauman’s messages in it also ! M rs . C. N. E aton . Pomona, Calif. I just want to tell you that your messages in the June issue are won­ derful. M rs . E lizabeth B ruce Chula Vista, Calif. We want you to know the articles in The King’s Business are outstand­ ing. We just absorb the fine articles o f Dr. Orr, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Talbot, Dr. Bauman, the Sunday school les­ sons— in fact all the reading matter contained in each issue o f your fine magazine. M r . and M rs . T om B rewitt Tacoma, Wash. I have sent a number of copies of The King’s Business to friends and hope they will appreciate this Chris­ tian magazine as I do, and also hope they will become .subscribers. I read my magazine from cover to cover, even all the advertisements, as they are Christian, too. M rs . J. D. A thon Augusta, Georgia

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D. Editor in Chief

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W . Orr, D.D. Associate Editor

Copyright, 1950, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced, without permission. All Rights Reserved. Voi. 41 September, 1950 No. 9

CONTENTS Reader Reaction.............................................. Editorially Speaking............................. Israel Lives Again! Louis S. Bauman Dr. Talbot’s Question B ox...................

3 4 6 8

The Bible in the News, William W. O r r . .............................................. 9 America’s Jericho Road, Floyd Berton B oice ........................................ 10 Life in the City o f Death, Charles W. Anderson ................................ 12 Junior King’s Business: “ It Didn’t Come Out That W ay!” Doris E. Needham ............................................................................ 13 Biola Family Circle................................. 14 Young People May Know the Will of God, William W. O rr ............. 15 Prayer for a New House, Martha Snell Nicholson ............................. 17 Available! $5,000 in Cash, George H. Dowkontt .................................. 20 Book Reviews, Margaret Jacobsen ........................................................... 21 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. Wilson .............................................. 23 Miscellanea ................................................................................................... 27 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood ............. 28 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ............................................................ 33 Picture Credits: Cover, Eva Luoma, Weirton, W. V a .; p. 7, Biblical Research Society, Los Angeles, Calif.; p. 12, Department o f Defense, Washington, D. C. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “ The King's Business" is published monthly; $2.00, one year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street. Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS-—“ The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

W e J f r e S co r r y .

Due to an oversight, credit was not given the publisher o f a reprint in our August issue. The article, which has been such a blessing to our readers, entitled “ Know Yourself” by Mr. Mar­ shall Shallis, may be obtained in tract form from the Victory Tract Club, Clapham Crescent, London, S. W. 4, England.

The Place o f Human Suffering I N a recent issue o f Time, the story of Rev. Hanns Lilji was told. A Lutheran pastor during the war, Pas­ tor Lilji held firm against the Nazis and because o f his failure to submit, came to know what the inside o f a Gestapo jail looked like. One great fact out of that terrible tribulation seems to be outlined firmly in Pastor Lilji’s mind. He describes it by say­ ing: “ The longer our imprisonment ■lasted, the more evident it became that there was another power amongst us. It was much stronger than that of the common political resistance; that power was the Christian faith. It was significant to see how one after an­ other realized this fact; once it was admitted, our sense o f its power in­ creased.” During his imprisonment, Pastor Lilji was transferred to another jail where new depths of suffering were encountered and death seemed immi­ nent, but at this stage o f his utter helplessness he found his sense of God’s personal presence more sure. He writes, “ At this extreme limit of hu­ man life, it becomes clear why God is with those who are despised, outcast, tortured, imprisoned, disinherited and solitary.” He began to understand that God can only reveal His mercy to a man who is in the depths o f suf­ fering and desolation. Hence, those whom God has lead into this school of knowledge can only praise Him for this experience as the most wonderful spiritual gift he has ever received. This is new light on the age - old question o f human suffering. Most of us quite frankly shrink from it, yet the privilege o f knowing God more intimately, more personally, and more genuinely is the richest experience of human life. To only a few o f God’s children comes this privilege wrapped, to be sure, in the garments o f suffer­ ing and trial, but inside containing the most sought-for experience o f all life: to know God. Christianity on the Campus F OR nearly the past score of years, a great and good work for God has been conducted just off the campus of the University o f Califor­ nia at Berkeley, under the leadership o f Mr. Vernon Morgan, a graduate of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles away back in 1913. Brother Morgan came by his association with the Bible Institute very honestly. It was his w ife’s father who was one of the two men o f God who were lead, in 1908, to establish this great work in the city o f Los Angeles. Mr. T. C. Horton and Mr. Lyman Stewart, one o f God’s _________________ T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

tradiction, we say greatly outdis­ tances any and all weapons that have been invented up to the present day. It is a weapon o f both defensive and offensive possibilities. It reaches both armies and civilian population. It can be used on any front. It requires very little preparation and it is foolproof, sure, and unfailing. You have already guessed that what we are speaking about is prayer. How very simple a matter, and yet how vastly far-reaching, for prayer has as its heart the moving o f God’s arm. The essence of prayer is to pour peti­ tion into the ears of an all wise, all powerful Heavenly Father. Times without number, prayer has been ef­ fective. When all other methods have failed, prayer has won out. When ob­ stacles seemed impossible, prayer has accomplished the impossible. Let no one think that because o f prayer’s simplicity it is not at times the most intricate matter in the world and yet the most simple to effectively operate. Here is a weapon of supreme impor­ tance! Here is a weapon of unques­ tioned power! But how can America use this weapon? Ostensibly our military o f­ ficers disdain it. Our political leaders hesitate to use it. The rank and file o f our citizenry know little or nothing about it. But, thank God, there is a spiritual remnant and scattered over our land are groups of prayer-believ­ ing and prayer-practicing Christians. Let these use the weapon! Let God be importuned by even a few o f His peo­ ple and results will most surely come. But, better still, let America repent and confess her sins. Let America kneel at the old-fashioned altar. Let America remember that righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. Let America call upon a God who has made America great and, from president to citizen, let Americans bend the knee and enter into public and private prayer and demonstrate again the amazing effi­ cacy of this secret weapon. God help us to do i t !

Evangeline Booth Promoted A NOTHER one of God’s great warriors has been called home! Born in London on Christmas Day 1865, the life of General Evangeline Booth almost parallels the growth of the Salvation Army with which she was associated. At her birth, this child o f destiny was dedicated to God by her parents, and when but a little child, she shared in the problems and trials that accompanied the early growth of this great organization. Upon the retirement o f her father, General Booth, she became the stand­ ard bearer o f the Salvation Army, be­ ing elected Commander of the World Organization in 1934. She had many striking traits and characteristics. Al­ ways a woman o f commanding pres­ ence, she was a splendid platform speaker, eloquent and convincing, born to lead. However, her leadership was always one o f insight, sacrificial love and far-reaching service. Under her guidance, the Salvation Army rose to heights of testimony and use­ fulness never known before. The Army’s great purpose o f reaching men and women with a very practical gospel was certainly brought forward under the inspirational and challeng­ ing leadership o f this great woman. Secret Weapon A S this issue of The King’s Busi­ ness goes to press, newspapers and radio commentators are speaking o f new and more destructive weapons to be utilized by our forces on the Korean front. It was to be expected that the vast experience received un­ der actual fighting conditions of the last great war would bring the manu­ facture o f many new and more terri­ fying engines of destruction. The race this day between nations seems to concern the invention and manufac­ ture o f faster war planes, larger guns and weapons o f great lethal abilities. Yet there is a weapon o f such great possibilities that, without fear o f con-

great teams, worked beautifully to­ gether to bring the Bible Institute into being and to set down the prin­ ciples and purposes which have made this school a lighthouse for God throughout the western section o f the United States. Over 20 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan took up their work among the students on the Berkeley campus, o f­ fering times o f Christian fellowship and Bible study to the young people who were, in many cases, at the cross­ roads in their thinking. With Christ- like love and with unswerving deter­ mination, the University Christian Fellowship headed by Brother Mor­ gan has been responsible, under God, for strengthening the faith o f lit­ erally thousands. Located almost at the doors o f this great Institution, day by day thousands pass by and great numbers take advantage o f the social and spiritual opportunities of Horton Hall. Only Heaven itself will reveal the number o f lives that have been firmly fashioned into the Chris­ tian way by the consecrated, unselfish testimony o f these servants o f God. Brother Morgan gives an unso­ licited testimony regarding the Biola students in the University as he com­ mends their attitude. He says they are not smarties, yet they are not timid souls. Biola graduates have made good scholastic records and seem to have in their hearts the desire for God’s will in their lives. They have been excellent aids in evangelism and Bible discussion classes and have a will to work when anything is to be done. Thank you, Brother Morgan, and may God’s rich blessing rest upon you and the vast and important work which God has placed in your care and may the University Christian Fellowship continue to be a haven of hope, inspiration and challenge to young people who attend California’s great university. Same Size Skulls T N a news dispatch o f July 30, it was reported that in Transvaal, South Africa, two skulls were re­ cently discovered which are regard­ ed as among the most important discoveries yet made toward solving the problem o f early man. Both skulls came from a cave and were described by Dr. Robert Broom, noted South African scientist, as large and cer­ tainly well within the human range. Dr. Broom goes on to say that our re­ cent discoveries have shown that) there lived in South Africa, perhaps a million years ago, primitive men. Some had small brains, some well- developed quite human brains. In

Dr. Talbot s Oregon Itinerary

First Baptist Church, Commercial & 7th St., Rev. Philip G raf Grade School Auditorium, mass meeting arranged by Rev. Walter H. Wagner, Seaside Baptist Church First Baptist Church, Rev. Lloyd T. Johnson, High School Auditorium First Baptist Church, 5th & Lyon, Rev. James W . Neeley YFC, Glen Welborn, Director, High School Auditorium Neighbors of Woodcraft Auditorium, Auspices, Evangel Baptist Church, Rev. Louis P. Lehman, Pastor First Baptist Church, Broadway at High, Dr. Vance H. Webster First Conservative Baptist Church, Dr. Edgar B. Luther, Pastor YFC , Rev. C . E. Brickwedel YFC , Frank C . Phillips,. Director

Aug. 28-29 ASTORIA


Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept.




Sept. Sept.



Sept. 10-15 PORTLAND



Sept. 17-19 EUGENE

Sept. 20-21 ROSEBERG

Y FC , Ray F. Sloneker



Sept. 24-26 MEDFORD First Baptist Church, 1037 W . 1Ith St., Rev. Wolford A. Dawes, Pastor Sept. 27-28 KLAMATH FALLS Bible Baptist Church, 2244 W iard, Rev. Keith P. Fields Sept. 29-30 ASHLAND F*rst Baptist Church, 1st & Hargadine, Rev. William H. Tillman Oct. 1 COO S BAY Christian and Missionary Alliance, Rev. Arthur Hoenisch

course, from its earliest inception. On the other hand, science is constantly changing and whereas some scientists have long held no human being walked the earth, here is the latest from South A frica which quite une­ quivocally states that man has re­ mained unchanged for a million years. Such is science! Rose Bowl Rally AN event o f more than ordinary in- terest for Southern California is a huge all-churches rally in the famous Rose Bowl o f Pasadena on the night o f September 14th, to be addressed by Dr. Billy Graham, the young evangel­ ist who has been catapulted into na­ tional prominence through the spec­ tacular success God has given his re­ vival services. This great service will be sponsored by the united effort o f many evan­ gelical groups in Southern California, and its sole purpose is to reach men and women for Christ. This is, as far as we know, the first time that such an event has been scheduled for the Rose Bowl. Great preparations are be­ ing made, including thousands o f cot­ tage prayer meetings, in order to bring down upon this service the blessing o f God, and to make it a real spiritual awakening.

some respects the small brains are more man-like but the larger seem more human but both are almost man and it seems highly probable that man originated in Africa. What is quite remarkable from this news dispatch is the admission on the part o f these South African scientists that creatures who were almost exact reproductions o f people of today lived a million years ago and were quite within the range o f humans. This, of course, is at direct variance with popular theories that a million years ago there was no man but only ape­ like creatures in the process o f evolu­ tionary development walked the earth. Do not misunderstand us; we are naive enough and old - fashioned enough to keep on believing that man’s tenure on the earth has been ex­ ceedingly recent. We do not doubt the antiquity o f the earth itself or the antiquity o f many o f the earth’s crea­ tures, some o f them extinct, but we are quite content to believe that hu­ man beings are o f very recent arrival to this vale o f tears and science and sorrow; and while the first chapters o f Genesis are not too clear on early chronology, our study leads us to be­ lieve that man’s history does not ex­ tend into too many thousands of years. The Bible has taught this, o f

O NCE, in that long ago, when the inquisitive crowd thronged about our Lord, He cried out: “ This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign o f Jonas the prophet. For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation” (Luke 11:29, 30). “ For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son o f man be three days and three nights in the heart o f the earth” (Matt. 12:40). As Jonah came forth from his subter­ ranean tomb on the third day, even so Christ told His inquisitors, He would emerge triumphant from “ the lower parts o f the earth” (Eph. 4 :9 ) on the third day. Numerous signs were everywhere heralding our Lord as the promised Messiah when He first came to earth; and, these signs were seen and under­ stood by John the Baptist, Simeon, Anna, and other pious souls; but to the unregenerate world, there was but one sign given: “ Jonah, the •prophet.” (Cf. Matt. 16:1-4). Space here does not permit. But if it did, it could easily be shown that Jonah was not only a sign o f the res­ urrection o f the Messiah, but he was also a sign o f the resurrection o f the earthly people o f God— Israel. The prophet Hosea uttered a prophecy that can have no other meaning: “ Come, and let us return unto the Lord : for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. A fter two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight” (Hos. 6:1, 2 ). It seems clear that Jonah was not only a sign o f the resurrection o f the Messiah, but also a sign of the na­ tional resurrection o f the earthly people of the Messiah. However, there is one difference between the two resurrections: the resurrection o f Christ took place on the “ third” 2A- hour day, while the resurrection of Israel as a nation is to take place on a “ third” 1000-year day. But where is our scriptural author­ ity for speaking o f a 1000-year day? Now, the best interpreter o f the Word o f God is the Word o f God. And that we may grasp the true meaning o f Hosea’s (6 :1 , 2) prophecy, we need to turn for light, first, back to Moses:

of Moses thy servant” (Neh. 9:13, 14). Again, to Israel it was given by Jehovah as the “ sign” of a “ perpetual covenant.” As a rest day, Jehovah could have made holy any day of the week; but, as a “ sign” o f a “ perpetual covenant,” it had to be the “ seventh- day”— “ six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath o f rest.” Now, if “ the seventh” day is a “ sign” and a “ covenant,” we must ask: A “ sign” and a “ covenant” — o f what? There is only one answer. God has covenanted with the “ wanderers a m o n g the nations” (Hosea 9 :17 ) that some day they shall cease their wanderings and enter into rest and “ move no more.” And the sign o f that “ covenant” is “ the seventh day” sabbath. Even so it is written: “ Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid” (Jer. 30:10) ; “ and, I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out o f their land which I have given them, saith the ’ Lord thy God” (Amos 9 :15 ). Be it noted that at the first council o f the Christian Church in Jerusalem it was specifically declared that this prophecy of Amos (9:11-15) would be fulfilled at the return o f the Mes­ siah to reign on the throne o f David. See Acts 15:7-18. “ The seventh day” but what “ seventh day” is to be the “ sign” ? Again, the Scripture becomes its own true interpreter: “ That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and o f the com­ mandment o f us the apostles o f the Lord and Saviour: Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? . . . But, be­ loved, be not ignorant o f this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Peter 3:2-4, 8 ). Now, this great prophecy o f the inspired apostle would be utterly meaningless, and not a thing of im­ portance for the “ beloved” o f the Lord to “ remember,” if “ a thousand years” is just a long indefinite period o f time— a thousand or five thousand, or ten thousand years, as we have some­ times been told. As a matter o f fact,


“ And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak thou also unto the children o f Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations . . . Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore . . . Six days r - - - - ------------------------ --------- • ■ • • • • I This, the fourth in the current ! series of prophetic articles from the pen of this eminent Bible teacher, is an introductory mes­ sage on the subject of Israel's present-day rejuvenation. In the October issue Dr. Bauman will present startling details to illus­ trate how remarkably the pro­ phetic Scriptures are being ful­ filled in our very day. Throughout the world the hearts of .Christian. people. a re . en­ couraged to hope that the return of the Lord may be "nearer than we think." From the lips of all who truly love Him arises one prayer: "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!" ere the night of the atomic age fall (forever) upon our civilization. may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath o f rest . . . Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign be­ tween me and the children o f Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was re­ freshed” (Ex. 31: 12-17). Great is the error o f those who think o f the seventh-day sabbath as merely a day o f rest. It is far more than that. First of all, the seventh- day sabbath was given to Israel and not to the Gentiles. Even so it is written: “ Thou earnest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments: And madest known unto them thy holy sabbath, and commandest them pre­ cepts, statutes, and laws, by the hand

in the very middle o f the “ third day” since Nebuchadnezzar took the. crown from off the brow o f Zedekiah, king o f Judah; and, since that day, no son o f Israel has been crowned in Jeru­ salem, save One, and He was crowned with thorns! But, behold, we who now live are seeing the most signif­ icant event o f all the ages—-Israel revives— still spiritually dead, yet in his very deadness he stands upon his feet, awaiting the breath o f God! (See Ezek. 36:7-10). For more than fifty years, I have studied the great prophecies o f the Scripture. And if those years of study have taught me anything, it is that to the world o f men, no trust­ worthy sign has been given and will not be given, unless the Jew is in the picture. Wars may come and wars may g o ; empires may rise and em­ pires may fall; Napoleons may achieve and Napoleons may crash;

world, and they that dwell therein” (Psa. 24 :1 ). To redeem it, God gave His utmost—His only begotten Son. Therefore, all that goes on, on this earth is o f real concern to God. And, the house o f Israel is God’s chosen vessel through whom He operates to carry out His eternal purposes on this earth. Therefore, we repeat, keep your eye upon the Jew-—yes, upon the hated, despised, “ Outcast . . . whom no man seeketh after” (Jer. 30:17). What happens in Korea, or in any other nation, is o f small concern, beside what happens in the land o f the Jew! The nations may rage and toss, and Gog may win or lose. But it is “ when Gog shall come against the land o f Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face” (Ezek. 38:18). When that “ fury” arises in the face o f the Almighty, then, after first calling up His saints into the mansion-chambers above (Cf. Isa. 26:19-21), there will come to the world o f men who have “ for­ gotten the God o f [their] salvation” (Isa. 17:10), “ the day o f grief and o f desperate sorrow. Woe to the multitude o f many people, which make a noise like the noise o f the seas; and to the rushing o f nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! The nations shall rush like the rushing o f many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff o f the moun­ tains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind” (Isa. 17:11-13). And when all the Jcosmos o f man is blown into oblivion (Dan. 2 :35 ), then “ shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom” (Dan. 2: 44), and in Abraham and his seed shall all nations “ obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (Isa. 35:10). Lord God o f hosts, hasten that day!

A Winter Scene in Jerusalem

it means just what it says — “a thousand years” is “ one day with the Lord.” Now, the light breaks in— light for us in these last days when so many “ scoffers” hurl their sneers, saying, “Where is the promise o f his coming?” Man began his work on this earth in the Garden o f Eden, according to the best Bible chronologists, just about six thousand years ago six thousand-year-days ago. And now, look about you on every side! What a miserable mess man has made o f his work! At this very hour it looks as if man’s chief occupation is to create the instruments for his self-destruc­ tion! A horrible fear grips the whole world as the sun is about to set at the close o f the sixth day. But, “ Cheer up, Cheer up, ye saints o f God” — the seventh-day dawns! Verily, “ It is time for thee, Lord, to work” ! Though fo r the mo­ ment, “ Darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people” (Isa. 60 :2 ), yet the God who keeps His covenants has promised glorious and everlasting rest to His people Israel (Isa. 60 ); and, when Israel rests, all the Gentiles will ground their arms, beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning hooks, and learn war no more (Isa. 2 :1 -5 ). In that day, all saints “ shall be priests o f God and o f Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years” (Rev. 20 : 6 ) . Verily, lasting peace will come to earth, not in Paris, nor in London, nor in Washington, nor at Lake Suc­ cess. The Lord o f hosts has spoken: “In this place” — even in Jerusalem— “ will I give peace” (Haggai 2 :9 ). Verily, it is written o f a nation long considered to be dead and be­ yond revival: “ A fter two days will he revive u s; in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight” (Hosea 6:1, 2 ). We are now S E P T E M B E R 1 9 5 0


View o f Jerusalem; note modern structures

Hitlers may fulminate and Hitlers may evaporate; Stalins may bluster and Stalins may “ bust” ; but, all these things are o f slight significance ex­ cept as they touch the Jew or the land o f the Jew. So, keep your eye upon the Jew. However towering human events may be, if they have any real prophetic meaning, you will find the Jew lurk­ ing in the shadows somewhere. Go, read your histories! Read the story o f the rise and fall o f Egypt, of As­ syria, o f Babylon, of Persia, o f Greece, o f Rome, and o f the tramp o f every nation since, that has played an important part in human drama, and there you will find the Jew. He may be a tragic figure betimes, but he is there— the swirling tides moving in and out about him. Nor do we need to be surprised that this is even so; for, it is written: “ The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the

A new building at Beersheba ______________________________________ Page Seven

What is the difference between the expressions used by the Lord Jesus: “Mine hour is not yet come” and “My time is not yet come” ? There is a difference in these two expressions. When Christ said, My time is not yet come, He was referring to events in His earthly life. For example, in John 7:6, when His - disciples asked whether He was going down to Jerusa­ lem to the feast of the tabernacles, He said, My time is not yet come. Every step of the Lord was ordered by the Father. We often say that we live a day at a time, but the Lord Jesus lived a second at a time. And wherever He put His foot, the same was in full accordance with the will and guidance of His Father in Heaven. The expression, Mine hour has not yet come, always refers to the cross. No. We should first make every effort, through prayer and influence, to main­ tain a testimony that is true to Christ and the Bible in whatever church we may join. Then failing that, we should withdraw our membership, and put it where we may share in giving the gos­ pel to the world, as well as feed our own souls on the Bread of Life. Cer­ tainly anyone or any church that denies the deity of our Lord and His finished work on the cross should not have the support of a Christian’s gifts or time or interest. Except as we can win them to Christ, we should not have fellowship with them. They will be converted Jews who will be God’s witnesses in the earth during the seventieth week of Daniel, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, pointing many to the coming of the King. This will be after the translation of the Church. It is noteworthy that Israel is being prepared for this ministry, in that there are Jews in every land, speaking every language. When God’s hour strikes, they will go out in zeal, pro­ claiming the crucified and risen Lord Jesus as their Messiah and coming King. Different cults have claimed to be the 144,000. But what is more ridiculous, in view of the fact that the very names of the tribes of Israel are given in Reve­ lation 7:4-8? There will be 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes. And they will be Israelites, not some godless Christ- rejecting cult of satanic origin! Moreover, their ministry is still fu­ ture —all of Revelation from 4:1 to the end of the book is future. How, then, can these false cults today pretend to be the 144,000? They have no scriptural ground for such a claim. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Should we support a church whose pastor denies the deity of Christ and His finished work on Calvary? Who are the H i,000 of Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1-5?

Dr. L. T. Talbot

they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city” ? Read this verse in the Revised Ver­ sion, and you will have your answer: “Blessed are they that wash their robes, that they may have the right to come to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city.” Works do not give the right to the tree of life. It is the grace of God that cleanses our robes in the blood of the Lamb of Calvary. And every believer on the Lord Jesus Christ has right to the tree of life only on the ground of His finished redemp­ tion. I have heard you say we do not have to DO anything to be saved. Later you quoted Matthew 26:27, 28 which says that Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, saying to His disciples, “Drink ye all of it.” How do you harmonize your first statement with this command to DO this? How do you harmonize it with Christ’s command that we be baptized? My friend, this and your next ques­ tion show how cenfused the legalists are in regard to the plan of salvation; that is, how a sinner is really brought to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. When He said to His disciples, Do this in remembrance of me, He was not talking of those who needed salva­ tion, but to those who already possessed it. He had already told them to rejoice because their names were written in Heaven, in the Lamb’s book of life. How were they saved? How did they get their names written in Heaven? By partaking of the Lord’s Supper? No! A thousand times, no! They got their names there when they believed the exhortation of John the Baptist, “ Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). My friend, one does the doing, not in order to be saved, but because he is saved. If you are resting in your doing, as you evidently are, you are going to be a very disappointed man one of these days when you meet Him who said over and over again that salvation is all of grace, without works of any kind.

We have been unable to find a satis­ factory answer as to what the unpardon­ able sin, as mentioned in the fourth chapter of Mark, is. Please explain. While the final rejection of the Son of God as the only Saviour is unpar­ donable, and fixes destiny, yet a careful reading of this chapter, and of Mat­ thew 12:22-32, and Luke 11:14-23 makes it clear that the unpardonable sin is the accusation that the Lord Jesus Christ was in league with Beelzebub, and that His miracles were performed by the power of the devil. This unpardonable sin cannot be com­ mitted during this age, because the Lord Jesus is not on the earth. He must be on earth, performing mighty acts in the presence of people, in order that such a sin may be committed. This is the explanation of the words, “Whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this age, neither in the age to come” (Matt. 12:32). The “ age to come” is the millennium, when Christ will be on the earth to reign. If in that coming age anyone attributes His mighty works to Satan, then that will be the unpardon­ able sin as referred to in the above- named Scriptures, even as it was the unpardonable sin for the Pharisees to hold that He cast out demons by the power of Beelzebub when He was on the earth nearly two thousand years ago. When Christ spoke these words con­ cerning this sin against the Holy Spirit, the church age was yet a mystery; that is, something not then revealed to man. The Lord Jesus was speaking at the close of the dispensation of law, which culminated at the cross. The age to come, as known by the Jew, and as fore­ told in the prophetic Scriptures, is the time when the kingdom will be estab­ lished. The present church age, then a mystery to the Jews, Christ passed over, because it was to be revealed later through Paul. I f salvation is all of grace, and works play no part in our redemption, then why do we read in Revelation 22:14, “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that

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