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King's Business - 1958-10

Special Prophecy Feature: "TH E CO M IN G WORLD D ICTATOR " by Dr. Louis T. Talbot


OCTOBER 1958 25c

1958 Golden Jubilee BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 1908

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Two-year course o f intensive Bible instruction.

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Four-year course with various majors available leading to the bachelor o f arts degree.

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This monthly publication is "dedicated to the spiritual development o f the Christian home.” The West’s largest and leading evangelical publication.

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Correspondence & Evening Schools . . .

More than 4,000 people enrolled yearly in BIOLA’s various correspondence courses. Scores more attend Southland evening schools in surrounding churches.

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A complete missionary organization in the Orient including church, gospel bookstore, youth center, Christian schools, and medical dispensary.

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Two large Southern California Christian supply centers are equipped to furnish the finest material in this field. One is located adjoining BIOLA’s downtown headquarters, the other is in Glendale. Speakers, teachers, musicians, student teams sent out to hundreds o f churches annually. The Torrey Memorial Bible Conference brings the challenge o f Bible study at the first o f each year to churches throughout Southern California.

Meetings . . .

Descriptive literature regarding each o f the above ministries available upon request from

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California


Proud and Happy in Old Age because o f an American Bible Society Annuity!

A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

S. H. Sutherland/ President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

OCTOBER, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight '

Vol. 49, No. 10

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

A r t ic le s SELF DEN IAL A N D THE DA ILY CROSS — H. G. C. Moule .......... 8 TEACH THEM TH Y SONS — Tom Watson ................................ 13 JEMS FOR THE JAPANESE — Kathryn Rhodes .......................... 16 SPURNED G U ID AN C E— Edwin Ray Anderson .......................... 19 THE COM ING WORLD DICTATOR — Louis T. Talbot ............... 20 POEMS .........................................................................23, 24, 25 GOD'S PLAN FOR THE HAPPY HOME — Helen Frazee-Bower ..... 24 PRAYING H A N D S — Lon Wood rum ......................................... 26 H YM N S THAT SUSTAIN — Loraine Burdick ............................ 32 F e a tu re s H YM N S YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr .............................................. 4 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. M ille r ................... 5 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ................... 6 READER REACTION .............................................................. 12 JR. K ING 'S BUSINESS ROUND-UP F ILM S— Rudy Nelson ............................................................. 31 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ..................... 35 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ................................ 36 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ........................ 37 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D.Ehlert ......................................... 38 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ................................................ 40 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore 41 Bride for Sale — Ruth Samarin .............................. ..... 27 Bible Puzzle ................................................................ 28

There are no prouder and happier people among America’s elder citizens than those who enjoy a regular guar­ anteed incom e from the American Bible Society Annuity Plan. A Plan For Living Longer They are so happy in their indepen­ dence, so free from worry, most actu­ ally live longer than people without annuity incomes. Official records prove this beyond question. The Greatest Satisfaction Purchase of an American Bible Society Annuity Agreement also helps support the work of the Society in supplying Bibles to the peoples of the world in their own tongues. It is never-ending work that meets the never-ending need for Christian love.

"The family altar will alter your family/' a wise Christian counselor has declared. This month's cover is taken from the pages of the 1959 Bible Institute Calendar soon to be feady for distribution with the theme "BIOLA, and the Christian Home."

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor MARY PAGE: copy editor JANE M. CLARK: circulation manaoer

LLOYD HAM ILL: managing editor EARNESTINE RITTER: editorial assist. J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

NORMAN B. ROHRER: editorial-advertising coordinator editorial board Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Padgett, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

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SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/' ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. The King's Business/October 1958

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, ot the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R.. authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California

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J 4 y m n â t j o u X ’■y A


by Phil Kerr

"R eg inn in g w ith next month’s issue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness , the Edi­ torial Board will be pre­ senting a number of new features and articles. N ow in its 48 th year o f publication, this magazine, "dedicated to the spiritual development o f the Chris­ tian Home,” will be in­ creased in scope to include sections o f material which will appeal to every mem­ ber o f the family. Picture stories, devotional articles, columns o f interest and other easy-to-read features will inspire and challenge your heart. It is our earnest belief that the coming issues will be some o f the most im­ portant and interesting ever published. In 1960, T h e K ing ’ s B usiness will cele­ brate its 50th year. Should the Lord delay His coming, we anticipate that during these next two years, the B IOLA magazine will bring a greatly enlarged ministry to an ever-widening family o f readers — all to the glory o f our Lord Jesus Christ. Your earnest prayers are deeply appreciated as these months afford us the oppor­ tunity for the proclamation of the Gospel story through the printed page. Tell your friends about T he K ing ’ s B usiness , still only $3.00 per year per subscription.


Words by Elizabeth Clephane Music by Ira D. Sankey

In 1874 Miss Clephane’s poem was "discovered by Ira D. Sankey and set to music, although the author had passed away five years previously. Her sister was present in the Moody revival service in Edinburgh when the composer first introduced the new song; she said, in describing Eliza­ beth, “ She was bom in Edinburgh in 1830. She was a very quiet little child, shrinking from notice and always ab­ sorbed in books. The loss of both par­ ents at an early age taught her sor­ row. Her love for poetry was a pas­ sion. Among the sick and suffering she won the name of Sunbeam. She wrote the poem ‘Ninety and Nine’ for a friend in 1868 who had it published in The Children’s Hour. It was copied from thence into various publications but was comparatively little noticed.” Sankey wrote: “We were about to take the train for Edinburgh. . . . I bought a weekly newspaper for a penny. . . . We sought the seclusion and rest which a first-class railway carriage in Great Britain affords. . . . I began perusing my lately-purchased newspaper. . . . My eyes fell upon a little piece of poetry in a comer of the paper. I carefully read it over and at once made up my mind that this would make a great hymn for evan­ gelistic work — if it had a tune. . . . I cut out the poem and placed it in my scrapbook. “At the noon meeting, on the second day . . . the subject was “ The Good Shepherd” . . . Mr. Moody turned to me with the question, ‘Have you a solo appropriate for this subject, with which to close the service?’ At this moment I seemed to hear a voice say­ ings ‘Sing the hymn you found on the train.’ Placing the little news­ paper slip on the organ in front of me, I lifted my heart in prayer. . . . Laying my hands upon the organ I struck the key of A-flat and began to sing. Note by note the tune was given, which has not changed from that day to this. As the singing ceased the song had reached the hearts of my Scots audience. . . .” (It was the first tune Sankey had ever composed.)

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Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. M ille r


WEDDING SONG M other stopped dead in her tracks at the words, “When I die will you sing ‘My Anchor Holds’ at my funeral?” Surely her ten year old wasn’t seri­ ous. Carefully noting the expression on his face, Mother discovered that Paul was not attempting to be face­ tious. “Honey, I could never sing at your | funeral.” “Why not? You sang at Bob’s wed­ ding.” His voice evinced disappoint­ ment. “A wedding is much different from a funeral. Mommie didn’t sing at Bob’s funeral, and she couldn’t sing at yours either. Why would you want ‘My Anchor Holds’ sung?” “ Because my Anchor does hold while I am living and I want others to have that Anchor, too.” “Who is your Anchor, Paul?” “ The Lord Jesus, He is the Anchor of anybody who loves Him. Say, Mama, if you can’t sing at my funeral will you sing at my wedding?” “ That would be a great honor, darling. But the girl you marry will choose her soloist.” “ I’ll tell her you have the most beautiful voice in all the world!” “Those are some of the sweetest words I’ve ever heard. But I’m afraid by the time you are old enough to marry I’ll be too old to warble a note. We’ll bear it in mind when the time comes. And thank you for loving me.” Mother was on the verge of tears. The warmth of a child’s unaffected love pervaded her heart. Supervising a household of 12 people through a summer marked by an “ epidemic” of accidents had taken its toll of Mother. She was plainly weary of the endless work and heavy responsibilities. A l m o s t imperceptably Mother’s shoulders were lifted and her heart lightened. She even began to hum an old, familiar love song. Daddy wasn’t here to know about the song, but Mother hoped his thoughts were of her at the moment. Then she lifted her voice in a song of praise to her wonderful Saviour. Maybe it would not be too bad an idea to polish off a hymn of love and praise for that l o n g e d - f o r w e d d i n g w h e n th e Church’s heavenly Bridegroom will come and we will all sing around the table at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

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The King's Business/October 1958

FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.

As the U.S.S. Nautilus, the atom­ ic-powered submarine which made history when it charted the north­ west passage beneath the Arctic ice pack- approached the North Pole, Commander William R. Anderson flicked on the intercom and alerted his men. Instantly they snapped off a jukebox and stood for prayer as the sub passed over the Pole. “They didn’t cheer,” explained the Commander, “ because I had im­ pressed upon them that we should give thanks to Him who made this journey possible.” B. D. Ackley, former pianist for evangelist Billy Sunday, passed away at Winona Lake, Indiana, September 3. Mr. Ackley composed more than three thousand gospel songs, some of which included: “ In the Service of the King,” “ I Walk With the King,” “ The Glory of His Presence,” and “ I Would Be Like Jesus.” With his brother, A. H. Ackley, who resides in Southern California, the two wrote more than 5,000 songs. The Rev. William F. Rohm, pastor of the People’s Baptist Church in Sag Harbor, Long Island, recently celebrated his 97th birthday. He has pastored the church for 35 years without salary. Secret of his long life? “Nothing special,” says the alert, active minister. “ I have lived a clean life and according to the Word of God. Paul’s advice to Timothy was good when he said, ‘show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightfully dividing the word of truth.’ ” The 1958 World Vision Pastors’ Conference in Osaka, Japan, was described as the largest gathering of Protestant ministers in the his­ tory of Japan. Thirty denomina­ tions and independent church groups were represented. The World Vision team, led by Dr. Bob Pearce, included Dr. Paul S. Rees, the Rev. Richard C. Halverson, the Rev. Wal­ ter Martin, pianist Kurt Kaiser and soloist Gary Moore besides Asian leaders.

Tell your friends about T h e K i n g ' s B u s i n e s s .

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by H. C. G. Moule


Self Denial and the But already the earnest soul, athirst for a personal experience of what we have been depicting, has asked itself, “How shall I, with my thousand difficulties, get what I thirst for?” Here we will try to deal with the one difficulty that under­ lies the thousand. That difficulty is “ self.” And self -denial is the first condition to this life of calm and humble spiritual victory, or better “ If any man will come [willeth to come] after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Let us study these familiar words a little in detail.

|f, in the believer’s life, the prom­ ises of God are taken as they stand, they are found to be true. We may just so far linger over this side of the great truth before us as to make a reflection at once humiliating and encouraging; the reflection that no one definite act of sinning, as I look back upon it, need have taken place. Every act of sinning, yes, down to the sin of thought, or states of thought, displeasing to God, is a contradiction to first principles of the gospel. Put the case of those inner emotions of wrong which seem most to defy repression. Take the last transient swell of petty im­ patience, or of unkind criticism; tilings which to the unawakened conscience look so small, to the awakened conscience so large. There is not one that need have taken place. To me, as a living and believing member of Christ, re­ sources are always open which can anticipate and prevent these things. Had I been walking that moment with God, abiding that moment in Christ, drawing that moment on the sanctifying Spirit’s power, I should not have lost my temper, I should not have thought unkindly: not only should I not have looked im­ patient, or indulged in needless severity of words. The occasion for the very feeling would have been as if it were not, because neutralized in Jesus Christ. And if that might have been true for the last five min­ utes, why should it not be tine for the next five, for the present min­ ute? “ I can do all things,” I have re s ou r ce s for all circumstances, “ through Christ which strengthen- eth me” (Phil. 4:13).

1) Observe the universality of reference. “ If any man wills to come after Me; whoever desires to follow My lead; then let this man, be he who he may, do thus: Let him deny himself, and daily take up his cross, and follow Me. Let any man who wills to follow Me, and does not do thus, by no means mar­ vel if his following, such as it is, proves to be a disappointing, a dis­ heartening thing. Let such a one prepare to find My yoke uneasy, and My burden heavy, and My commandments grievous.” 2) Then “ let him deny himself.” Always let us emphasize, in thought and in tone, that last word, “ let him deny himself.” And what is self- denial? The word is often and much mistaken in common use, as if it meant much the same as self-con­ trol — the control of lower ele­ ments of our being by higher. If a man postpones the present to the future, resolving on present loss for the sake of future gain, this is often called self-denial. If a man, for some high object of his own, abjures inferior pleasures, “ scorns delights, and lives laborious days,” this is often called self-denial. If, in the highest sphere, for the sake of rest hereafter, he inflicts on himself great unrest now, this too is often called self-denial. Now the doing of such things may be wrong or may be right in itself; but it is not self-denial as the

Prayer Each morning at eight the, , editorial staff of King's^ Busi­ ness magazine gat he rs for prayer. Over the years God h6s answered the heartcry of thou­ sands. Should you have a request we would count fit a privilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request .will be held in the strictest confidence. Address; The Edi- : |,1 tors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St.yLos Angeles 17, Calif.* call it, spiritual deliverance. It is no unconditional thing. Right and left, the highway of holi­ ness has its edge, its limit, its sine qua non: on the one hand, the Lord and childlike trust in Him and in His words; on the other hand, among them, self-denial and the daily cross.


>aily Cross phrase is used here assuredly by our Lord. Take the New Testament and try the case by inserting the words “ deny” and “ denial” in suc­ cessive passages; I think it will be seen that self-denial is not self- control. In all cases at all in point, “ to deny” much more resembles in idea “ to ignore” than “ to control.” It means to turn the back upon, to shut the eyes to, to treat as nonexist­ ent. “Him will I also deny” (Matt. 10:33); I will say, I know him not. “He cannot deny himself” (2 Tim. 2:13); He cannot ignore His own hand in His own written promise. “Let him deny himself” ; let him ignore self; let him say to self, I know thee not, thou art nothing to me. In effect, may we not say, the Lord’s precept comes to this — the real displacement of self from the throne of life in its purposes and hopes, and the real enthronement of Another. It comes to — unquali­ fied self-surrender. I attempt no refinements. We all practically understand what we mean when we speak about self and its surren­ der and the enthronement of Jesus Christ. We mean that whereas yes­ terday our aims, many of them, some of them, one of them, termi­ nated in ourselves, today so far as we know they all terminate in our Lord. Yesterday, perhaps in some highly refined mode, perhaps in some mode not refined, we lived at least a part of our life to self; now in full purpose we live the whole of it to Him who died for us and rose again. Yesterday it was very pleasant, as a good thing in itself, if some action, some influence going

W h e n Christ dwells in us, His chosen ones, (“Judah was his sanctuary,” ), we have within us all the power we need to overcome any obstacle. Power resolutely to turn attention toward Canaan and not to look back longingly toward Egypt- I cannot remind myself too often that “what gets our attention gets us.” And we don’t need any outside power to choose to look at the things of our old life. We were all bom with this power. But when we choose to leave “Egypt” behind and go on with God, we need His power every minute to look to Him. This is a joyful thing instead of a desper­ ate thing. It keeps us constantly de­ pendent upon Him and this in­ creases our union with Him and therefore our joy and our strength. When we partake of the life of God within us, it shows too. Others around us see it. The very things which draw us away from God “ see” it. The obstacles “ see” it. The sorrows. The hea r t b r eaks . The fleshly desires. A nd t h e y are “ driven back.” “ The sea saw it, and fled: Jordan was driven back.” Even that ocean of trouble out there in front of you will flee, if you begin right now to partake of the life of God within you. Every “Jordan” will be driven back by the same hands into which the nails were driven for your sake. For my sake. That “mountain” of fear will skip away. The nagging “ little hills” of annoyance will trot off like lambs! Think back to when you tried it on all those other pain­ ful occasions. He has never failed any one of us yet. He is still living within you now. Act on it. And watch the sea and the Jordan and the mountains and the hills. —Eugenia Price (From Share My Plesant Stones, Zondervan Publ. House, Grand Rapids.)

out from us, brought back praise, spoken or not spoken, to ourselves; now such a feeling is recognized as sin, if the pleasure terminates short of a distinct and honest reference to our Lord in us. Yesterday we were easy in the consciousness of purely personal gratification, when some intellectual success, let us say, or physical, brought credit to our­ selves and stimulated self-esteem. Oh, how much inner force have we spent in one phase or another of self-esteem! But today our deliber­ ate choice is in the other direction. We prefer, with unaffected prefer­ ence, that all our earnings should go straight to another, to our Lord. In true purpose and choice He is now the center of our whole life; not of parts but of the whole. We wish not to spend 10 minutes ir­ respective of His interests, His claims, His will. This is the self-denial of the saints. It is no fanatical, no vision­ ary thing. It does not mean a mechanical asceticism. It does not, of any necessity in itself, contradict or condemn the most natural activ­ ities and interests of human life as such. It does not absorb or cancel personality. Rather this is the very thing to enrich the resources of per­ sonal being and to develop its exer­ cises. But it has lodged it, as to its whole purpose and working, upon another center, even Jesus Christ the Lord. I need not follow the line of thought further into detail. Each heart will do this best for itself. It is a long line for it has a deep sea to fathom. 3) “ And [let him] take up his


The King's Business/October 1958

cross daily, and follow me.” Every word is pregnant here, the “ taking up” — the acceptance by the re­ generate will, with a true surren­ der, of whatever may be meant by the cross! And then, the cross! Ob­ serve, it is not the yoke, the burden, but the cross — a word of very defi­ nite imagery; a thing to be carried indeed, as any burden is to be car­ ried — but whither, and why? To a Calvary, and because of a cruci­ fixion to be done there. The “ self” just “ denied,” just ignored, rejected, is to be also bound and nailed as to a Roman cross, and this with the consenting act of the regenerate will, which has taken up that cross for that end. And then, “ daily” ! Therefore, for one thing, there is a somewhat to be daily crucified. Here is one inexhaustible paradox of this great matter; on one side a true and total self-denial, on the other, a daily need of self-cruci­ fixion. This is a thing which I am content simply to state, and to leave it as the Lord’s word upon the be­ liever’s mind and soul. But daily; without intermission, without holiday; now, today, this hour; and then, tomorrow! And the daily cross; a something which is to be the instrument of disgrace and execution to something else! And w’hat will that something be? Just whatever gives occasion of ever deeper test to the self-surrender of which we have spoken; just what­ ever exposes to shame and death the old aims and purposes and plans of the old spirit of self and its life. Perhaps some great anguish on another’s behalf threatens you. Yes­ terday you shrank from it, you stumbled at it, very largely, if not mainly, because of what it would inflict on self. Today you take it up, as a cross, and upon it you execute that thought; and now your pain is pure pain, pain for the sake of an­ other’s soul and of the glory of God. Perhaps it is some small trifle of daily routine; a crossing of personal preference in very little things; ac­ cumulation of duties, unexpected interruption, unwelcome distrac­ tion. Yesterday these things merely fretted you and, internally at least, upset you. Today, on the contrary, you take them up and stretch your hands out upon them and let them be the occasion of new disgrace and

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deeper death for that old self-spirit. You take them up in loving, wor­ shiping acceptance. You carry them to their Calvary in thankful sub­ mission. And tomorrow you will do the same. 4) “ And let him follow me.” This may refer specially to the last previous words, the cross-bearing; it may betoken a following of Him who “went out bearing his cross.” But it may better be referred to the whole previous verse, to that mys­ terious self-denial of the Son, whereby throughout His blessed course, His meat was to do, not his own will, but the will of him that sent him and to glorify him on earth. Thus we have more in view than the final “ going out” to Cal­ vary. In any case, let the disciple do all this always, wholly, with regard to Him, looking unto Him, “ follow­ ing Him.” I leave upon the heart, with little attempt at system, just this utter­ ance of the Christian’s Master call­ ing His . bond-servant out to the path of holiness. Listen, weigh and apply to the inmost self. Let the cost be counted before the results are claimed. Would you know what it is, in the strong but gentle realities of a happy experience, to be “ he that overcometh” (Rev. 3:5),' to have “heart and thoughts kept by the peace of God” (Phil. 4:7)? Then more is needed than even the holiest aspirations. There needs certain definite demands on the re­ generate will. You must draw for e v e r y v i c t o r y upon divine re­ sources. But you must do it as one who is. in full-heart-purpose, self- surrendered, denying the life of self and daily taking up the cross. (Included in “ Thoughts on Sanc­ tity,” Pickering and Inglis Ltd., London.)

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The King's Business/October 1958


¡d ea d er t^ eu ctic

. . . the way to their hearts

srgk R h r s

Christian Education Issue

Sirs: I found your June articles en­ titled “ The Day School Business” and particularly the “Modem Ed­ ucation” article by Mark Fakkema to be not only interesting but thought-provoking. This subject should be prayerfully meditated by every Christian parent. However, the answer isn’t always the Chris­ tian school, as for financial and geo­ graphical reasons many cannot use this means of meeting the atheistic pressures on our schools. Glendale, Calif. D. C. Johnston Taking a Stand Sirs: We admire the manner in which you bring up the controversial is­ sues, carefully commenting on them before your readers even when you feel it may temporarily cost the support of a few subscribers. It is causing this reader to put K.B. at the top of the “must-be-sure-to- read” pile of reading here at home. Los Angeles, Calif. Ben Webb Christianity Issue Sirs: Those “ First Person Accounts of Living Christianity” were excellent and inspiring. In fact the issue was unique. We’ve been praying for souls as a result. St. Petersburg, Fla. Althea Miller Sirs: The Fourth Annual Christianity Issue of T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s is outstanding in a number of ways. The cover is well worth framing, and most of the articles are excep­ tional. Warrenville, III. Miles J. Stanford Appreciation Sirs: I am a college freshman in one of the local colleges. Your maga­ zine is helping me much especially since I am in a school where Cath­ olic practices are being closely ob­ served. I canndt give any appro­ priate word to aptly convey my ap­ preciation for the timely, evangeli­ cal, gospel messages in T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s . I receive a blessing through its heart-searching, scrip­ tural articles. Iloile City, Philippines Eduardo Makiling

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of self-pity by young folk whose lot it was to be born to parents devoted to the full-time service of the Lord Jesus. In neither case does it honor the Name of the One who has “ given unto us the min­ istry of reconciliation,” and we must apply a quick and effective cure to the cause. Most Chritsian workers I have questioned seem fully convinced of the tremendous responsibility they have; not only in the spiritual guidance, but also in the psycho­ logical orientation of their children. The sad fact remains, however, that this responsibility is neglected with a shocking regularity. In the end, both the child and the parent ——as well as the testimony of Jesus Christ — are destined to suffer. One second-generation mission­ ary, bom in Korea and now the mother of five teen-agers herself, blames “ parental presumption” for the attitude difficulties so common among children of full-time Chris­ tian workers. “Just because the par­ ents are sure of their own calling — probably to a place of sacrificial living — as the servants of Christ,” she said, “ it is dangerous to take it for granted that the child will ac­ cept automatically the fact of his own calling without patient spirit­ ual guidance from Mother and Dad. He can’t help being in the parson­ age, in the out-of-the-way place or on the mission field. He had noth­ ing to say about it, and he may build up a wall of resentment against his ‘ill fortune’ before the parent is aware of it.” That the children of Christian

workers und e r g o hardships not common to other children is a fact parents must face honestly at the outset. In a real sense these young ones think of themselves as goldfish in a mercilessly transparent bowl. They are called upon to adjust themselves rapidly to different en­ vironments — and this without being consulted as to their desires in the matter. They are expected to endure hardships or make sacrifices as a matter of course, and they may well come to resent the apparently luxurious and unmolested lives of children of the world — or even of other Christian children who have more of material things than they. Another vital consideration is the reality of the child’s own Christian experience, and parental neglect at this point is likely to have a grave and far-reaching effect. The testi­ mony of a missionary in Japan, himself the son of China mission­ aries, proves the urgency of spirit­ ual discernment on the part of the parent to determine when and whether the child himself is genu­ inely converted. This man was raised by godly parents in a conservative, faith mis­ sionary society. He was educated at a Bible-centered mission school in China. His parents, busily serv­ ing the Lord, questioned him super­ ficially in early childhood and took it for granted that he was converted. Yet this “Missionary Kid” became a real problem as he grew older and according to his own testimony was not actually saved until he at­ tended a missionary conference at

nly take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons” (Deut. 4:9). When the songleader called for testimonies, a young, neatly dressed girl arose from her seat near the front of the auditorium and ad­ dressed the college Prayer Band. “ I was raised in a Christian home,” she began, “ and I thank the Lord for Christian parents; but I’m an ‘MK,’ and I guess everybody knows what that means. . . .” There was a ripple of amusement from those who met each Wednes­ day night for prayer, singing and studying the Word. She had used the well-known abbreviation for “Missionary Kid,” and none of her schoolmates failed to understand the implication of the term. To most of those present it meant aus­ terity, restrictions and exposure to hardship, and it was often used as a term of self-pity. Her testimony, rather than bringing glory to her Lord, brought self-conscious smiles to the faces of a handful whose ex­ periences had been similar; sympa­ thetic glances from a few others. The term “Missionary Kid” or its domestic equivalent, “ Preacher’s Brat” is by no means a rare one in the brutally-frank society of the bobbysoxers. I have heard it used in “what-more-can-you-expect” de­ rision with reference to kids raised in the parsonage or on the mission compound. I have heard it used self-deprecatingly and with a note

The King's Business/October 1958


the People’s Church in Toronto at the age of 24! “When a maturing child gets out from under the wing of Christian parents,” he told me, “ he finds h im s e l f u n e x p e c t e d l y among church people doing things he had been taught are wrong. Simultane­ ously entering an American college and a worldly church, I came to the conclusion that all my teachings had been simply a long list of ‘do nots.’ My parents set them before me on the assumption that I had been born again, and it wasn’t long before I thought of them as being ‘old fogies,’ even resenting the fact that they were responsible for my inferior status as a ‘Missionary Kid.’ ” Called now to a fruitful ministry to the children of other missionaries in Japan, this servant of God lays strong emphasis on the importance of a definite and personal conver­ sion experience for each youngster in his charge, and pleads for a faithful, patient application of all the means of grace at the disposal of the believing parent. Joshua warned the Is rae l i t e s against the day “when your chil­ dren shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones?” and warned that one of their chief responsibilities would be to testify to their own offspring of the power and lovingkindness of God. Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, “ offered strange fire before the Lord” and were consumed in the presence of their father. The sons of Eli “ hearkened not unto the voice of their father” and per­ ished in battle as God saw and judged their sin. The sons of godly Samuel “ took bribes and perverted judgment.” David was a man after God’s own heart, but his pampered son Absolam revolted against him, paraded his unbelief in an unspeak­ ably vile sin before the eyes of all the people, and is presented in Scripture as a type of Satan him­ self. The Bible does not fix the blame for all of these tragic spirit­ ual failures, but we can safely assume that the fault was not with God! Established confidently, securely upon the Rock, what life could be richer, more packed with whole­ some, fascinating broadening ex-



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