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King's Business - 1959-01


GOD'S WAY WITH INSECTS B y Wa lter £. W ilson



Distinguished Evangelical Theologians Help You to Choose È

E vangelical book s are selected by an Editorial Board consisting o f Crank E. Gaebelein, an official o f the Na­ tional Association o f Evangelicals and Headmaster o f Stony Brook School; Harold J. Ockenga, Pastor o f Boston’s Park Street Church, Board Chairman o f Fuller Theological Semi­ nary and a former President o f the N.A.E.; Andrew W . Blackwood o f the Temple University School o f Theology; and Paul S. Rees, Pastor o f Minneapolis’ First Covenant Church, a former President of the N.A.E. and an advisor to Billy Graham. Members o f EVANGELICAL BOOKS from all over America have found their selections to be not only praise­ worthy, but immensely valuable — yet you are under no ob­ ligation to purchase a single book, even after you have read it!

Join with us in the I evangelical advance— I and save more than.50% I on the books you want EVANGELICAL BOOKS More than 20,000 evangelicals are now v united in a co-operative movement to: • help raise the level of quality and scholarship in the literature by which evangelical Protestants wit­ ness today • provide a forum for the most sig­ nificant work being done in the evangelical held • share with one another, at a great saving, the fruit of that work We invite you to join with us in this im­ portant endeavor, and, in so doing, to save at least one-half on the purchase of outstanding evangelical books — books you would normally buy and are prob­ ably buying right now at a much greater cost. Co-operation is the Key to Savings

from $2.00 to $8.95 — and their total re­ tail cost is more than $38. But members electing to purchase these books received them at an average cost of less than $1.77 each — at a total saving o f nearly 65%. And this example is typical of mem­ bership savings. Accept UNGER’SBIBLE dictionary as our gift This completely new, 1,192-page illus­ trated Dictionary, based on the most re­ cent Biblical scholarship and the latest archaeological discoveries, contains more than 7,000 separate entries on persons, places, customs, articles and events re­ ferred to in the Bible. Compiled by Mer­ rill F. Unger, Th.D., Ph.D., U nger ’ s B ible D ic t io n a r y is not only an invalu­ able reference volume, but an extremely readable and absorbing book that you will browse through with pleasure again and again.

Membership Entails No Obligation

The bookstore price of this Dictionary is $8.95 but it is yours ABSOLUTELY FREE when you join EVANGELICAL BOOKS by simply filling in and mailing this coupon. S U P P LY L IM ITED — M A IL TODAY i---------------------------------------------------------------------1 E V A N G E L I C A L B O O K S KB-i \ GREENVALE, NEW YORK Please enroll me as a member of Evangelical Books and send me, absolutely free, my copy of UNGER’S BIBLE I DICTIONARY. It is understood that my enrollment I entitles me to all the Club savings on the new books i selected by the Editorial Board; that I may examine , every selection before deciding to purchase it; that I am not required to purchase any "minimum number" of selections; and that with every two I purchase I will j receive a free Dividend Book.

There is no minimum number of books you must buy, no minimum term of mem­ bership, absolutely no requirement of any kind. EVANGELICAL BOOKS simply gives you the right to examine — or to read completely —•every book before making your purchase decision, and even to return it for credit or refund if you should change your mind; the right to purchase which­ ever of its offerings you desire, and save up to 50% through fre­ quent special members’ prices and through generous dividend plan; the right to receive a FREE Divi­ dend Book with every second club selection you purchase. EVANGELICAL BOOKS can m ake this re­ m arkable offer because w e are certain that the books you can get as a m em ber are the best new evangelical books avail­ able, and are the books you w o u ld n or­ m ally purchase anyw ay fo r your personal library.

The operation of evangelical BOOKS is simple. W e all put our purchasing power together to buy useful, significant, true-to- the-Bible books. Then, as in any other co-operative enterprise, we all share the savings. In re­ cent months, for example, mem­ bers of evan g elical books have been offered eight out­ standing volumes of Biblical scholarship and interpretation, Christian ethics, inspiration, theology, and Biblical criticism. The bookstore prices of these selections and dividends range



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Dear Friends of the K in g ’ s B usiness :

Comments on New King's Business


Recently I requested prayer for my daughter. She had . gone astray, left her family, and just seemed to lose all interest in life. I want you to know the Lord answered prayer. She has been restored to fellowship, set­ tled down, and has a good job. She has started to church again. May I thank you for your prayers. God is so good. Laton, Calif. Mrs. R. S. Fundamentalism Gentlemen: Being a fairly new reader of the K in g ’ s B usiness , I wondered just what the current issue would bring in the way of changes. I was so glad to read Dr.; Sutherland’s editorial, “ I Am a Fundamentalist.” Today we are con­ stantly being informed that the “new eyàngelicalism” and thè “ live and let hive” attitude are the true expressions of Christianity in our enlightened 'age. We are exhorted to “ get on the bandwagon” and, if we do not, are labeled narrow, bigoted fundamental­ ists. It is gopd to see a magazine, such as yours, standing firm. We thank God for it. I hope you will continue the articles on prophecy, too. Willow Grove, Penna. Mrs. William MacNeill Prayer Requests Dear Friends: Thank you for the K in g ’ s B usiness I have received all these years. May God bless you a hundred-fold. Please pray for the children of Kentucky. Remember me to Mrs. Redmond. Sin­ cerely yours with love and prayers. Polatka, Florida Annie Bethke

Dear Friends: We are surely enjoying the last K in g ’ s B usiness . It is great! Keep up the good work. By His Grqee, Phoenix, Ariz. Rev. & Mrs. Harry A. McGimsey Gentlemen: Congratulations on the new format for the K.B. We found the last issue fairly “ bursting its binding'1*1 vyith interesting and worthwhile material: Yours for the old-fashioned gospel, So. Pasadena, Rev. & Mrs. Janies S. McClellan Calif. Dear Sirs: The K in g ’ s B usiness is a welcome friend in our home. Would it be pos­ sible to include some helps for moth­ ers with pre-school children? They are so demanding constantly that I find Satan uses their energy to cause tired mothers to stumble. Atwater, Calif. Mrs. Charles E. Coe E ditor ’ s N o t e : W e appreciate the helpful suggestion. Dear Friends: I have just received my copy of the K in g ’ s B usiness magazine and have enjoyed the special article by Dr. Talbot, as well as other articles, of course. Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. J. C. Maclnnes Desires No Voting Change Gentlemen: I am strongly opposed to the idea of changing our voting day from Tuesday to Sunday. Why should we copy the Communists who have no love for our Saviour? The votes we would gain would tend to tear down our standard of living rather than build it up. I wish Christian organ­ iza tio n s would fight this movement. Canoga Park, Calif. Mrs. J. L. Harris ew Christian periodicals have been so blessed of God as the Sunday School Times, published weekly in Philadelphia. The first issue is dated January 1, 1859. The editorial board has announced a special centenary number for January 3, 1959. Featured will be pictures of the early publish­ ers and editors along with present directors, executives and staff mem­ bers. We of the KING’S BUSINESS salute the Sunday School Times and

DID YOU KNOW .. . . That "wai” (pronounced "Y ” ) in Hawaiian means "water” ? . . . That "ala” in Hawaiian means "way” ? AND DID YOU KNOW . . . That KAIM and KAIM-FM, Hawaii’s only missionary radio KM tions, are daily presenting to the spiritually needy in the Islands the only true and living "Ala” . . . and the "Wai” of Life? THAT'S RIGHT . . . The music and message of the Gospel is being beamed into thou­ sands of homes that would never otherwise hear the good news of "He Aloha Ke Akua” . . . "The Love of God” . . . and WE'D LIKE YOU TO KNOW . . . That you can have a very real part in this vital air ministry, too. WANT TO KNOW HOW? . . . We’ll gladly tell you. Just clip the handy coupon below and send it to us, "KAIM, Box 375, Honolulu, T.H.”

E ditor ’ s N ote : Mrs. Lucy Redmond went home to be with the Lord Sep­ tember 8, 1958. She was form erly associated with the King’s Business in a most important position. (See No­ vember K.B.) A ROYAL. SALUTE TO THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES

Please tell me more about the Hawaii Christian Broadcasting Association.

extend our earnest and sincere prayers for God’s continued blessing. There is certainly no competition in the pub­ lishing of the Gospel message. We heartily recommend this God-blessed periodical for instruction in the scrip­ tures, appraisals of latest books, Chris­ tian news around the world, and lat­ est Sunday school methods. Sample copies of the unusual 100th anniver­ sary issue o f the TIMES may be had by writing the Sunday School Times, 325 North 13th St., Philadelphia 5, Pa. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

S. H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

JANUARY, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Vol. 50, No. 1

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Articles THE VISION THAT MADE BIOLA GREAT — Betty Bruechett ......... 9 MUST YOU LIVE? — Vance Havner ........................................................ 15 GOD'S WAY WITH INSECTS — Walter L. Wilson ............................... 16 PROPHECY — THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST — Albert Lindsey ...... 20 1959, A YEAR FOR DECISION — Edward B. Hart ............................. 26 Features ALBERT SIMPSON REITZ, A LIFE OF SONG ....................................... 24 PLANNING YOUR WINTER CONFERENCE ............................................ 35 DIARY OF A BIBLE ............................................ ........................................ 42 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ......................... ...... 46 WHEN THE DEACON TALKED IN CHURCH ....................................... 52 PHOTO INTERVIEW: MERV ROSELL ........................................................ 54 Columns UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ...................... 6 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ............................................................... 7 EDITORIAL— S. H. Sutherland ... ........................................................... 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .................................................................. 32 ALUMNI NEWS— Inez McGahey ............................................................. 33 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .................................. 34 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — J. O. Henry ...................................................... 36 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ............................................... ... 37 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde Narramore ................................................. 39 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ................................... 40 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ....................................... 51 ACCENT ON YOUTH — Ken Poure' ........................................................ 58 Cover With the lead article for this month, "The Vision That Made BIOLA G reat/' the cover scene of a lighthouse along a part of our country's shoreline, typifies the fact that for more than 50 years, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., has been the spiritual lighthouse and Christian training center of the West.


■' r

# Heart searching messages

1 *

• Thrilling testimonies

I *

• Outstanding features

• Inspiring music


— All Rights Reserved —


S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager ROBERT MILLSPAUGH: coordinator


editorial board Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, Edward Hayes, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Padgett, Al Sanders, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton


MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become ¿ffective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

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Under the Parsonage Roef by Althea S. Miller HEART'S DESIRE

P r e p a r e FULLY fo r L ife ’ s H i g h e s t G o a l s For. information about LIFE on the Southwest’s leading- Christian Col­ lege Campus Write the registrar:


wouldn’t — you won’t — Mom- mie, you wouldn’t let me wear my c.f.c.s. suit to school tomorrow, would you?” “ What in the world suit is that, Mark?” “ The one I wore to church today.” “ 0, you mean your sailor suit. Yes, you may wear it.” “ Goody. That’s a pretty suit. I’ll take care of it,” the little fellow volunteered. Mother had reasoned that her young son might as well get as much wear out of the suit as possible since there are no smaller boys to “ inherit” it after Mark has outgrown it. She was tickled at the little fellow’s attempt to spell. Since he entered kindergarten he has tried desperately to be as grown-up as his older brothers and sisters. A ll of the family has resorted to spelling whenever they have a message which they do not want the little ones to hear. Mark was not to be out-done. Further more, we have learned that the “ spelling ears” of our small fry have sharpened keenly as they’ve listened to their elders. It is amazing how accurately they have deduced the right thought or idea or word from actions which either preceded or followed the spelling. How thankful are the parents as they watch the steady development of normal intelli­ gence given to their children by a gracious Father-God. As Mother worked on school lunches Monday morning a glum four year old appeared at the kitchen door. “ I don’t know what to wear.” “ I said you can wear your sailor suit.” “ I don’t wanna wear it. I WON’T wear it.” “What in the world has gotten into you, boy? You were so thrilled last night about wearing that sailor suit. How perverse can you be? Go find a pair of trousers yourself. I’m too busy now to go looking.” After many wasted minutes and after much trying of the patience of Daddy and big brother, David, the little guy, came to the breakfast table clothed, and in his right mind! Mother wasn’t sure she was in hers, however! “ Do kids ever really know what they want? Give ’em what they ask for and then they don’t want it,” Mother fumed. A blessing from the Word of God flooded Mother’s disturbed soul. “ Delight thyself also in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thy heart” (Ps. 37:4). She realized anew that the only way an indi­ vidual can know what he really wants is by delighting himself in the Lord Jesus Christ. Mark, thank you for reminding Mommie that every desire which is cen­ tered in Christ Jesus will not only he ful­ filled; hut also it will stabilize her life. For more suggestions concerning the spiritual development of the Christian home, turn to page 37 for the monthly column by the Rev. Paul Bayles.



used by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.


GOSPEL PREACHING — Emmanuel Church holding regular services in English and Chinese in the heart of the colony and the Countryside. MEDICAL MINISTRY — Emmanuel Clinic with two doctors and a regular staff of nurses and evangelists, treating over 1,500 monthly. PRINTED PAGE — Biola Book Room, a large evangelical book store in downtown Kowloon distributing Bibles and literature in English and Chinese. YOUTH CENTER — Recently built in the New Territories. Primary and Evening Schools for factory workers and their chil­ dren. Summer and winter Bible Confer­ ences.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 9TH 4 attend classes with students 4 special assembly service 4 tour o f new campus 4 alumni banquet 4 student basketball game Make Reservations Now — Biola Alumni Department 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. —

For complote information and gifts, please write

Charles A. Roberts, D.D ., Supt. The Bible Instituts of Los Angeles, Inc. Hong Kong Department 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California



J 4 i j m n á y 0 u Xo v e by Phil Kerr "HE LEADETH ME" Words by Joseph H. Gilmore Music by W. B. Bradbury “The hymn was written in the spring of 1862 (March 26), at Phila­ delphia. I had been talking, at the Wednesday evening lecture of the F i r s t B a p t i s t C h u r c h , about the Twenty-third Psalm, and had been especially impressed with the blessed­ ness of being led by God. . . . At the close of the service we adjourned to Deacon Wattson’s pleasant home, at which I was stopping, and still held before our minds and hearts the' thought which I had just emphasized. “ During the conversation . . . the blessedness of God’s leadership- so grew upon me that I took o u t .my pencil, wrote the hymn just as it stands today, handed it to my wife, and thought no more of it. She sent it, without my knowledge, to the Watch­ man and Reflector and there it first appeared in print. “ Three years later I went to Roch­ ester (N.Y.) to preach for the Second Baptist Church. . . On entering the chapel I took up a hymnbook, think­ ing T wonder what they sing.’ The book opened at ‘He Leadeth Me’ and that was the first time I knew that my hymn had found a plate among the songs of the church.” William B. Bradbury saw the ori­ ginal insertion of Gilmore’s poem in the Watchman and Reflector, and composed the musical setting. The song first was published in 1864 in Bradbury’s Golden Censer. Gilmore was bom in Boston, April 29, 1834. He was at various times a Baptist pastor, Hebrew teacher, secre­ tary to his father (the governor of New Hampshire), and a professor of Hebrew, theology, rhetoric and liter­ ature at the University of Rochester. He wrote book reviews, published textbooks on various subjects, and wrote a number of hymns. He died in Rochester, July 23, 1918. When the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia (where the song was written) was tom down in 1926 to be replaced by a large office building, a bronze tablet was placed in the new building, containing the first stanza of “He Leadeth Me.” Southern California residents and visitors are reminded of the special MUSICALES directed by Phil Kerr. Every Monday night at 7:30 P.M. in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, and the second Sunday afternoon of each month in the new auditorium of the BIOLA Campus in La Mirada at 2:30 P.M. Always a rich i n s p i r a t i o n in musical testimony.

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EDITORIAL: "Ye have not passed this way Heretofore" Wonderful things were about to be accomplished in the lives of the Children of Israel. They had finished their wilderness wanderings. The old order had passed away. Moses had died and a new captain was at the helm. They were about to enter into the promised land. But before they were able to take possession of the land, there were a few things they were called upon to remember. Chief among these things was the fact that they had not hereto­ fore passed through any of the experiences on which they were about to embark. God was calling upon them to pause and realize the fact that He, alone, knows what the future holds.

Courses by Correspondence Bible Chapter Study .....................$ 5.00 Bible Foundation Course ............... 2.00 Bible Geography ................................. 2.50 Child Evangelism .............................. 5.00 Christ in the Tabernacle ........... 6.00 Christian Foundations ..................... 3.50 Evangelical Teacher Training.. 9.00 Fundamenal Doctrines .................. 5.00 Minor Prophets ................................. 14.00 Non-Christian Religions ............... 3.50 Studies in the Gospels..................... 5.00 Studies in Romans ........................... 5.00 Studies for New Christians ___ 1.00 The Book of Acts .............................. 2.00 Write for NKW brochure oj other courses ofjcrcd CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 K1 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Subscriptions to King's Business make excellent gifts. A N ew Broadcasting Voice O for Southern California KBBI FM 107 .5 mgs.

God is the one who is to be the captain of our lives, because He is- the' only or„e who is qualified to direct us in the new experiences which we as His children meet from day to day. It is well to sit down at the close of the year and ponder the events of the past months in order that they might be used to guide us in the new year that lies ahead. Certain questions confront one's mind in contemplation of the months that make up the year 1959. The primary question has to do with the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Is He coming in 1959? We thought that possibly

Dr. S. H. Sutherland President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles , Inc.

He might come in 1958, but this year has passed into his­ tory, and the Lord has not returned. So far as Scripture is concerned, everything appears to be all set for His return. The prophetic events which must take place before He acmes have all takers place. The next great event is that meeting in the air when the Lord returns to claim His own. Is that event to take place in 1959? Our hearts cry out, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" ! Of this we can be absolutely sure— we are one year nearer His coming. If He chooses this as the year of His returning, it will be surpassingly wonderful. But if He chooses that His coming will be in a subsequent year, the next question which comes to mind is this— will the end of 1959 see us enjoying the things of the Spirit more fully than we enjoy them now? In other words, will we be growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ during the year that lies ahead? The answer to that question is, in large measure, up to each one of us. We will either be growing in grace or we will be slipping backward in our Christian lives. In order to make the new year the most effective year of our Christian lives we must give of ourselves more faithfully and more earnestly to the Lord and for His serv­ ice. The greatest call that can come to a Christian is the call of the Lord Jesus Christ, "Give thyself." We must show by our lives our love for the Lord. We must show by our deeds our devotion to the Lord. We must show by our words our loyalty to Him who gave His all for us. "Ye have not passed this way heretofore." Thank God we have not passed this way before ; thank God there is an element of the unknown which faces us for it enables us and challenges us to face the future leaning even more heavily upon His arm of love. We know not what the morrow holds for us, but we can know the One who knows all about what the next year will bring for us. And so we enter into it jubilantly, expectantly and knowing that He doeth all things we l l !

Target date for going on the air JAN. 31, 1959 ★ * * "T h e com plete broadcasting station dedicated to the Spiritual developm ent o f the Christian hom e.’ ’

SPONSORED BY Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.




THE VISION THAT MADE BIOLA GREAT #?i/ Mrs. t t e l l y l l r i i c c h e r l


at the present time these boards are: Africa Inland Mission; Association of Baptists for World Evangelism; Arctic Missions; Baptist Mid-Mis­ sions; Board of Foreign Missions of Baptist General Conference; Board of Foreign Missions of United Presby- erian Church in the USA; Bolivian Indian Mission; Central American Mission; Ceylon and India General Mission; China Inland Mission Over­ seas Missionary Fellowship; Christ for Indonesia Fellowship; Christian and Missionary Alliance; Congo In­ land Mission; Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society; Evangelical Baptist Missions; Evangelical Free Church of America; European Chris­ tian Mission; Foreign M i s s i o n a r y Society of the Brethren Church; Far Eastern Gospel Crusade; Go Ye Fel­ lowship; Gospel Missionary Union; International Child Evangelism Fel­ lowship; Latin America Mission; Missionary Aviation Fellowship of USA; Missionary Aviation Fellow­ ship of Great Britain; Mennonite Brethren Mission; North Africa Mis­ sion; North American Baptist General Missionary Society; Orient Cmsades; Oriential Boat Mission; Orinoco River

The first graduating class of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles •— the Class of 1911 •— first set the pace when one of its six members became a foreign missionary. Mr. Thomas Hannay went to Africa only three years after he graduated from BIOLA and there laid down his life Febru­ ary 14, 1941. Forty-six graduating classes have followed, numbering hundreds of missionary candidates among its young men and women. In addition, the school has trained thou­ sands of ministers and other Christian workers for the homeland. Yet a large percentage still declare in the words of another missionary of the cross: “ I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather bum it out where people are dying in darkness than in a land flooded with light.” “How shall they preach , except they be sent?” (Rom. 10:15). During its half-century of service, the Lord has honored the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles with the con­ fidence of the finest mission boards in the country. The list of foreign mission societies under which its graduates labor grows larger each year. Based upon available records,

An Ifugao warrior of Banaue Mt. Province, Pilippines. Teams from FEBIAS work among these people. T he vision that has made great the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, with over a half-century of Christian service, and has extended her influ­ ence into all parts of the world, is not one of material prosperity or intellec­ tual superiority. The founding fathers and those who succeeded them over the years were not enchanted by the prospect of great numbers, magnifi­ cent buildings or vast endowments. The vision that has made BIOLA great was given by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself when long ago He bade His disciples: “ Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white unto harvest” (John 4:35). It is the earnest prayer of this school that this vision of the whitened harvest fields of earth may never dim, but grow ever brighter as the day ap­ proaches when the Lord of the harvest shall gather home all of His faithful laborers “ that both he that soweth and he that rcapeth may rejoice together.” Over the years the purpose to build a missionary training school along with a Bible Institute, a college and a seminary, has been adhered to faithfully, even to the addition of a graduate School of Missionary Medi­ cine. Missions have been included in the curriculum and life of the school; students have been exposed to mis­ sionary speakers from all parts of the world; missionary conferences have concentrated upon a presentation of the needs of the foreign field; officials from reliable mission boards have been welcomed to recruit workers. As a consequence, BIOLANS are serving under half-a-hundred different mis­ sion boards, with which a warm fel­ lowship is enjoyed.

In an endeavor to survey briefly the work of the foreign missionary graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and to present a fleeting glimpse of what God is accomplishing through them, early last year a questionnaire was mailed to those whose names appear on the alumni list. A deadline was set, but in some instances it was past before the inquirie reached the fields. Changes of address made some replies impossible within the allotte. time and in a few cases forms were filled out without any identification. Nevertheless, ir spite of these difficulties, a great number of those addressed replied and it is upon thei. answers that these few facts are based. Deepest regret is expressed that lack of space prevents reproduction of all the interesting material received, but it will be used througl other channels, radio broadcasts and the like, so that time and trouble spent in filling ou the forms have not been wasted. What is included in this sketch is entirely representativ and indicates no discrimination, for every item was equally pertinent and challenging Heartfelt thanks are due all who thus helped. W e trust that this sampling of a cross-section of BIOLA’s missionaries will awaken an interest in missions and lead to increased praying giving, and going. This ample evidence of the nobility, the efficiency, and the dedication o.' these ambassadors for Christ brings joy to the hearts of all BIOLANS who thank God that the school should be so honored by its worthy representatives in all parts of the world.

World famous rice terraces of Banaue Mt. Province, Philippines. They are estimated to have taken 1,500 to 2,000 years in building.


*HE VISION THAT MADE BIOLA GREAT (continued) Mission; Practical Missionary Train­ ing; Pioneer Bible Mission; Ramabai Mukti Mission; Soldiers and Gospel Mission; South Africa General Mis­ sion; Spanish American Inland Mis­ sion; Sudan Interior Mission; The Evangelical Alliance Mission; United Evangelical Missions; Unevangelized Fields Mission; Uruguay Gospel Mis­ sion; Women’s Union Missionary So­ ciety of North America; Wycliffe Bi­ ble Translators; World Gospel Cru­ sades; World Gospel Missions; World­ wide Evangelization Crusade and World Radio Missionary Fellowship (Voice of the Andes).

our work. Dr. Karl D. Hummel served for many years as the General Secre­ tary of the Mission. Rev. Lawrence E. Simpson served for five years as the Field Secretary and presently is director of our work in Mexico. Rev. A. J. Anderson has served for many years as the Dean of the Cen­ tral American Bible Institute. Rev. Herbert W. Cassel has done an out­ standing work in Eastern Guatemala and is presently serving as Interim Field Secretary, Chairman of the Guatemala Field C omm i t t e e , and Director of the Robinson Bible Insti­ tute. We thank the Lord for these outstanding leaders who received their training at BIOLA.” Orinoco River Mission, Venezuela, c o n s i d e r e d to be RIOLA’s own “ child” : “ Since 1920 when Dr. Van V. Ed- dings, General Director, founded the Orinoco River Mission, BIOLA mis­ sionaries have played an important part in the evangelization of eastern Venezuela, s e r v i n g faithfully and giving of themselves and their means sacrificially that Venezuelans might know the Lord Jesus Christ. The Ori­ noco River Mission has had more graduates from BIOLA than from any other school. As a result of their ministry, many Venezuelans’ names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. We pray that many more BIOLA students will be led of the Lord to serve Him with our Mission.” Soldiers and Gospel Mission, South America: “ I am happy to be able to report to you that without exception

appointments to the mission field. Many BIOLANS have founded mis­ sion schools, such as Paul Gupta of the Hindustan Bible Institute. Others have built hospitals and run them almost single-handed and still others have established pioneer mission sta­ tions in all parts of the world. Space alone prevents the mention of the many BIOLANS who have been honored with official service for mis­ sion boards. A few names must suf­ fice. For instance, in the Sudan In­ terior Mission, W. Crouch is Acting Deputy Field D i r e c t o r for West Africa; R. de la Haye, station man­ ager of radio station ELWA, Mon­ rovia, Liberia; J. Wiebe, director of Leprosy Service, Jos, Nigeria; and E. S. Horn, Secretary, in London, England. The Africa Inland Mission has named two BIOLANS as Field Directors, Harold Amstutz and G. C. Van Dusen. In the China Inland Mis­ sion Overseas Missionary Fellowship are Elden C. Whipple, candidate sec­ retary; Walter J e s p e r s o n , Henry Owen (whose wife Marguerite is a BIOLA graduate), and Nathan E. W a l t o n , regional secretaries; and Ford Canfield, who served as candi­ date secretary and overseas director, is now prayer secretary. Don and F a i t h T u r n e r , who labored with Orinoco River Mission for twenty- seven years, are now directors of the Bible Institute of the Air of Radio Station5HGJB. Miss Carol Terry is Field Superintendent of the Ramabai Mukti Mission of India; R. M. Chris- man (whose wife Esther is a BIOLA graduate) is area secretary to the Far East for the Christian and Missionary Alliance; Philip Smith is station man­ ager of HOXO, operated jointly by LAM and WRMF. Heads of hospitals and schools run into large numbers. It is cause for gratitude to God that officials of mission boards should write as did the following. Rev. Harold E. Amstutz of the As­ sociation of Baptists for World Evan­ gelism: “As I look over the list of BIOLA missionaries, I am very happy to say that there are among them veteran missionaries who have done a mar­ velous work for our Saviour over the years. As a Mission, I believe we can say without reservation that this group of missionaries has been a real asset.” Rev. Wm. H. Walker of Central American Mission: “ It is significant that out of the seven missionaries of the Central American Mission who graduated from BIOLA, four of them have proved to be outstanding leaders in

Isabel Perry, North India Of these mission boards, the top ten, so far as the number of BIOLANS who labor under their direction is concerned, are: The Evangelical Al­ liance Mission, with 76 graduates; Sudan Interior Mission, 63; China Inland Mission Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 57; Wycliffe Bible Trans­ lators, 55; Orinoco River Mission, 45; Africa Inland Mission, 33; Conserva­ tive Baptist Foreign Mission Society, 29; Association of .Baptists for World Evangelism, 17; and the Foreign Mis­ sionary Society of the Brethren and the Christian and Missionary A lli­ ance with 13 each. In addition to these regular chan­ nels of established mission boards under which BIOLANS labor the Bible Institute, until the Red conquest of China, carried on a twin Bible In­ stitute in China, which is now con­ tinued in Hong Kong as a vigorous evangelistic-educational-medical min­ istry under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Roberts. BIOLA graduates have founded mission boards, such as Van V. Ed- dings, founder of the Orinoco River Mission of Venezuela; Dick and Don Hillis of Orient Crusades and World Crusades; Oran Smith of Practical Missionary Training, an outgrowth of the Missionary Department of the school where 158 BIOLA students and 12 staff members, as well as students and staff members of other schools, have been conditioned for the rigors of missionary life in advance of their

Bill Samarin, dealing with native woman, French Equatorial Africa. the missionaries serving in our Board who have received their Bible prep­ aration at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles have been excellent mission­ aries. Their spiritual lives have been a blessing and challenge to all and their aggressive Bible-centered min­ istry has been very effective in reach­ ing the Chileans for Jesus Christ. We trust the Lord will give us the privi-



lege of having more of your graduates applying to our Board for service in South America.” A ll honors bestowed upon BIOLA missionaries are occasion for rejoicing in the Lord, yet tribute should be paid each and every unnoticed one, all who labor in the whitened harvest fields, no matter how obscure the task. A ll that God requires is conse­ cration and faithfulness and He has wondrous awards awaiting the un­ known office worker, k e e p i n g ac­ counts in a remote mission station; unsung nurses, binding up offensive wounds out of love for Christ; the lonely translator in a reeking jungle, working laboriously over words with which to construct a vehicle for trans­ mission of the Gospel; teachers, with inadequate equipment and personnel, patiently dealing with ignorance and obstinacy to train a native church; the courageous pioneer missionary on dangerous treks into areas where as yet the name of Jesus has not been planted in “ the savage breast” ; and everywhere in the background faith­ ful wives who “ stand by the stuff.” In this connection, Rev. Frank L. Jertberg, A.B.W.E., of Brazil writes: “ A very little-mentioned aspect of missionary life is the faithfulness of the missionary wives in teaching their children, running their houses in the face of innumerable problems, doing a million and one things that enable their husbands to do the actual work of missions. The exasperation of not being able to get out into active work, of dealing with ignorant servants, of trying to purchase food where it hardly exists, etc., are a few of the problems. I believe that missionary wives are neglected, because they do not do the spectacular things that men do, but without them the men could never get anything done!” To list the names of all BIOLANS who for the sake of Christ paid “ the last full measure of devotion” in lay­ ing down their lives on foreign fields is impossible. Eugene Crapuchettes of C. I. M. 0. M. F. is an example. While he and his wife were immobilized so far as China service was concerned, because of the war, he was chosen by the United States to go back to China in liaison work between the U.S. and China forces. This afforded an un­ usual opportunity for Christian wit­ ness in the Chinese army, and only the Lord knows how that has borne fruit during the Red occupation of that unhappy land. He was killed in a motor accident in China while on a special mission, but his brave wife continues to serve in the C. I. M. home for missionaries’ children in Wheaton, Illinois.

“ There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard” (Psa. 19:3). The application of the Psalmist’s words concerning the starry heavens to BIOLA missionaries may be for­ given when one notes the lands to which they have gone, for they form a veritable gazetteer: Africa, Alaska, Arabia, B o r n e o , B u rm a , Central America, Cuba, Formosa, F r a n c e , Germany, Hawaii, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Korea, Laos, Japan, Malaya, Mexico, Nepal, New Guinea, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Puer­ to Rico, South America, Thailand, Tibet, Viet Nam, and many other places. The tribes and languages rep­ resented by these peoples are so over­ whelming that our graduates literally minister to “ every kindred, tongue and tribe” on earth. Don Fairley, serving under C & M.A., in the Gabon District of French Equatorial Africa, says with the mis­ sionary’s characteristic understate­ ment: “ Each tribe has its own lan­ guage, which in a comparatively small area, complicates the work.” C o m p l i c a t e s the work indeed! Thousands of tribes live in Africa,

Teaching handcraft at junior high girls' camp, TEAM missionary E. Ruth Smith, near Tokyo, Japan. savage,” states their bulletin, “little islands of heathenism and ignorance in a sea of civilization. It is to these particular tribes that go v e rnmen t officials have urged Wycliffe to go first. These are the tribes most subject to extinction (79 Brazilian Indian tribes have already disappeared from the face of the earth). Each delay in reaching them means a reduced num­ ber of speakers, fewer possible results and actually greater barriers to an effective witness.” It is a sobering thing to reflect that entire tribes of people are perishing without having had one messenger of the Gospel or one word from the Book of God. Christ commanded: “ to every crea­ ture” ! All missionary agencies thank God for raising up Wycliffe Translators for the specific task of reducing to writing languages into which to ren­ der the Word of God as well as that of translating into languages already written. This work is particularly a twentieth-century miracle, adapted to the period of the world’s most wide­ spread literacy. Cornelia Hibbard, who with her husband labors under Wycliffe in Peru, calls attention to a Middle English quotation from William Tyn- dale, the martyr translator, who in 1536 gave his life for putting into the tongue of the common people the Word of God and attempting to dis­ tribute it to them: “ I perceaved by experience,” wrote Tyndale, “ how that it was impossible to stablysh the laye people in any truth excepte the scripture were plnly layde before their eyes in their moth­ er tongue.” Now that the world has grown so small, and tribes which a half-cen­ tury ago were not even known to exist are being penetrated by the trader and the missionary, few mis­ sionaries can limit their ministry to one language. The records show that the majority of our graduates learn two to three languages and many labor with dozens of various dialects.

David Crane, formerly Chief Engineer at Radio Station W IVV, Vieques, Puerto Rico. South America, Viet Nam, Malaya, Indonesia, Thailand — in fact, in nearly every country on the face of the earth, dwelling in mountain fast­ nesses, jungles and interior regions where the dialects are all diverse. A missionary, taking a visitor for a tour of his field, swept his arm in a circle: “ Look to the south,” said he, “ over that hill is one tribe; on the east, is another; over that rise in the north is still another, and the tribe on the west has no knowledge of the lan­ guage of the other three, as they have not of his.” These settlements were within sight and walking distance of the speaker! For instance, Wycliffe Bible Trans­ lators state that Brazil alone contains 186 tribes. “Many of them are still




language are entirely different from the surrounding rural Spanish-speak­ ing Mexicans. Although nominally Catholic, this is merely a veneer over top a typically pagan religion. They not only worship the Catholic panthe­ on of saints, but also the sun and moon and god of com. They fear the spirits of the wind and forest. Their folklore contains stories of all kinds of spirit o n i l l i o l f U /vivi n ** This brings us to the religious pic­ ture. BIOLANS were asked whether they ministered to pagans or to those who had an organized form of reli­ gion. The replies indicate that about one-third labor among “ raw heathen” — uneducated, polytheistic, animistic, id o la tr ou s demon-worshippers and witchcrafters. Approximately another third deal with those who, as Dr. Elson has pointed out, continue pagan ceremonies overlaid with a highly organized religious system, such as that of Roman C a t h o l i c i s m or Mohammedanism. The remainder are bearing the Gospel to souls enmeshed in other great anti-Christian religions of the world: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Confucianism, Parsee- ism, Shintoism, etc. They battle Satan for the souls of those under control of spiritism, voodooism, and ancestor worship; in Europe they preach to “ church pagans” ; in Alaska to “ white heathen who have gone there to get away from God.” Mrs. Webster writes of the young people in Formosa: “Most students have Buddhist back­ grounds, but they themselves have thrown over Buddhism and are agnos­ tics.” Then, as if the missionaries had

Islands of the Seas. From the reports received, it is e s t im a t e d that about one-half of BIOLA missionaries have the entire Bible in the language of their people. What an effective weapon this is and how handicapped are those without it! While miracles are being per­ formed with the use of mere portions of the Word of God, what a triumph it is when the Word of God is trans­ lated into yet another foreign tongue. This Word, given in love, and wa­ tered with tears and prayers of faith­ ful servants of Christ, reaches human h e a r t s a nd t r a n s f o r m s the most degraded lives wherever it is pro­ claimed, the world around. “I can made all things to all men that 1 might by all means save some” (I Cor. 10:22). To the question, “ Is your work evangelistic, educational, medical, or a combination?” seventy-five percent, as anticipated, replied: “A combina­ tion.” While there are many special­ ists among the BIOLANS — doctors, nurses, translators, teachers, airplane pilots, builders, etc., yet it appears that none confine themselves to the one specific skill for which they are trained, but are indeed, “ all things to all men” to win their people for Christ. One fact stands out above all others: whatever the nature of the work in which our missionaries are engaged, one purpose motivates all: to evangelize, to teach, and to build an indigenous church. In these days, it is most reassuring to know that none of our graduates are in non- Christian lands to build a new social order. They are there for the sole objective of presenting to all men everywhere a Saviour who can save from the uttermost to the uttermost. Evangelism still prevails! Education of the national church must of necessity keep pace with the growing literacy of the world and there never was a time in the history of missions when so many young peo­ ple were being trained in mission schools. Government education of the natives is both a blessing, and the reverse. Christian young men are often lured into well-paying commer­ cial pursuits and government posi­ tions and forget the claims of Christ upon their lives. Therefore the mis­ sionaries lay great stress upon full consecration that the bright, well- educated national Christians be not lost to the world when their own peo­ ple and tribes so desperately need their witness. A well-trained, spirit­ ual, national church leadership is the only hope of all nations today.

Indian Bible Moore.

Institute, Peru, Rev. J. W.

Trade languages are of some assist­ ance to the missionary, as the Hausa in Northern Nigeria, spoken by sev­ enteen million people, Swahili in the Belgian Congo, and of course Spanish in Latin American countries. To go into lengthy statistics in this regard is impossible but a few examples will illustrate the problem: Dr. L. M. Chaffer, British Cameroons, West Africa says: “We treat fifteen or more tribes; the trade language almost en­ t i r e l y b y intercommunication is pidgin English.” Of his Alaskan field Mr. Gillespie states: “ It is composed of Eskimo, Indian, Aleut and white, and gener­ ally speaking, English is used, and the native tongues are dying out.” One thinks of Korea as a land where one language is used, but Mrs. 0. V. Armstrong of the Presbyterian Board names eleven tribes, all with different dialects, among their parish­ ioners. Grace Fuqua of Wycliffe lists 30 tribes with unpronouncable names in Peru alone; Dorothy Uhlig lists eight tribes in Northern Thailand. Fortunate indeed are those who can reach most of their people through the old established languages and have only to learn German, Arabic, Portuguese, Marathi, Urdu, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, J a p a n e s e , Dutch, Spanish, etc. Dr. Ben Elson, of the Instituto Linguistico De Verano, under Wyc­ liffe furnishes a vivid picture of the task the missionary faces: “We were assigned to work among the Sierra Populaca Indians in our state of Veracruz, a tribe of ten to twelve thousand, to learn the lan­ guage, to give the language an alpha­ bet, prepare literacy materials which would be usable by linguists, anthro­ pologists and others. . . . We have been able to translate and publish the Gospel of Mark and have had steady reading classes where several people have been taught to read and write. A few Popolucas have made profession of faith . . . they are a fairly prosperous Indian group, grow com and coffee. Their culture and

Missionary James R. Walters— TEAM— of Nagano-Ken, Japan— with national Chris­ tians. not enough with which to contend, cults from America have made in­ roads: Jehovah’s Witnesses in Rho­ desia, Mormons in Hawaii, Seventh- day Adventists in Peru, etc; and of course Roman Catholicism dominates all Latin American lands, as well as reaching deep into Africa, and the