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King's Services - May Q2 2022

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2022 Q2

S ept ember 2021 pooling offers that a greater than 10% charge for risk was reasonable. 3) Ammonite

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Mattson Financial Services - May 2022

2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced Cherry tomatoes, halved Sriracha hot sauce (optional) •

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BBI Services Newsletter - May 2022

Want to boost your margins? Cost-cutting doesn’t work Common approaches to cutting costs on construc

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BLG Environmental Services - May 2022

card game Pretend you’re on an adventure in another country Snuggle “Camp” overnight Perform a shado

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Q2 2022 Offices Report

Y). However vacancy uptick is keeping average rents in check DEMAND FOR MODERN, ENVIRONMENTALLY SUST

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Q2 2022 Massachusetts Market Report

Q2 2022 Massachusetts Market Report Q2 | 2022 MASSACHUSETTS QUARTERLY MARKET REPORT 1 MARKET NOTE Is

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TMB Tax & Financial Services - May 2022


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Physical Therapy Services, P.A. - May 2022

Physical Therapy Services, P.A. - May 2022 MAY 2022 s t 423-543-0073 EastTennessee Phys

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - May 2022

week. This will help your team build routines around those blocks, and they’ll be able to dive deep

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511 - Market Update Q2 2022

gallon) jump in diesel fuel prices the week after Russia invaded Ukraine . 5 Takeaways Q2 2022 Marke

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King's Services - May Q2 2022



MAY Q2 2022

INTRODUCING SUPER MOM My Wife Is the Best Mother to Our Kids

My wife quite literally is super mom. She goes out of her way every single day to make sure our three children have everything they need and more, all while working as well. Sometimes, I’m not even sure how she does it. She keeps the house clean and tidy, manages to have meals on the table, chauffeurs everyone around to where they need to go, helps with homework, puts in her time at work, and makes time for fun. Before we had kids, my wife was an occupational therapist for 15 years but eventually let go of the career when our kids were very young. When our kids were a bit older, she got more involved in the business and is now our director of safety here at King’s Services. To maintain membership with COR (Certificate of Recognition), our safety department is audited once a year, and a large part of her job is handling any incidents that occur and ensuring our safety is top- notch, which she does seamlessly, all while holding down the fort at home. A few years back, I was working long hours and I relied on her a lot to take care of our kids and home. Being a mom was made for her. Growing up, our kids were active children with many school and sporting events on their schedules. My wife somehow always managed to get everyone where they needed to go while juggling 10 other things at home. She loves being a mom. Everything she does is first-rate. I don’t think my children realize how good they have it! Her work is flawless, she was always an excellent university student, receiving high marks, and she’s extremely organized. Her cooking and baking are delicious. I would Give us a call at 204-633-9010 to get your home ready for spring!

surely be lost without her and so would our kids. She’s the glue that holds us together.

As our kids get older and leave the nest, it will be quite a transition. This year, we may have one leaving to go to university, and while it will be rough on me, I know it will break my wife’s heart a little bit to let go. On Mother’s Day, and every day, we honor all of the moms out there. It’s not a part-time job. Being a mother is a full-time, never-ending career. There’s no calling in sick or getting a new job. Without our moms, we wouldn’t be here or be the people we are today. Our mothers shape us, give us purpose, teach us right from wrong, and show us how to be the best we can be. I’d like to take the time to thank all of the moms at King’s Services for the time they spend away from their families and for the amazing mothers they are — we appreciate you. To all moms out there, you’re doing a great job!

Happy Mother’s Day!

–Steve Moon


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Since the 16th century, wreaths have been a staple holiday decor item that people once made from the fallen branches of a Christmas tree. In more recent history, folks travel to the local hardware/home decor store to pick up a wreath for their door during the holiday season. However, it seems as though wreaths are gaining popularity beyond just the winter holidays. Whether it’s to celebrate your favorite sports organization or the changing of the seasons, you can make a wreath to recognize the occasion. From Facebook Marketplace to specialty boutique shops, there are plenty of places to purchase a customizable wreath, but what if you want to make your own? With a certain level of flair and creativity, anyone can create their own wreath. You just need to figure out which material works best as your base. Wire If you’re looking to make a wreath that’s long-lasting and durable enough to handle any type of weather, look no further than a wire- base wreath. Wire bases are available in various sizes and levels of thickness, so you can make almost any design. If you want your wreath to look dainty, you should use a single-wire frame, but if you want your wreath to look full and bountiful, use a double-wire instead. Grapevine Grapevine bases are the best if you want your wreath to look traditional or natural. They’re usually made of entwined bundles of grapevines or twigs to look like they came straight from the earth. Grapevine bases are cost-efficient and are the perfect option for anyone looking to create a classic-looking wreath. Styrofoam A Styrofoam wreath may not have the elegance of a wire one or the traditional style of the grapevine wreath, but it is the perfect option for bold designs. You can get a Styrofoam base at any home decor store and spray-paint it in the color scheme of your final creation. You can then place yarn and other decorations to bring your wreath to life. Since Styrofoam is lightweight, the items you place on the wreath will also need to be lightweight or the wreath will fall apart. Make a Wreath for Any Occasion With These 3 Materials

Over the last 20 years, we have seen rapid advances in technology. While the most recognizable innovations came in the form of cellphones and the internet, many of our household appliances have also evolved in the last couple of decades. One of the biggest changes involves a discussion about the ubiquitous kitchen stove: Which type is better — electric or gas? We’d like to suggest an answer. Much like our cellphones, stoves and ranges have seen huge advancements, and electric stoves are better than ever before. They are easier to clean, cost less than gas stoves, and heat food more efficiently. Additionally, there are some impressive environmental and health benefits that come from transitioning to using an electric range stove. Improved Indoor Air Quality When you cook on a gas stove, you’re producing nitrogen dioxide and sometimes even carbon monoxide. Brief exposures to nitrogen dioxide can lead to coughing and wheezing for people who have respiratory issues. According to a report by the Rocky Mountain Institute, homes with gas stoves can contain approximately 50%–400% higher concentrations of nitrogen dioxide than those with electric stoves. Making the switch will lead to cleaner air in the home and healthier respiratory systems. Lower Air Conditioning Costs Interestingly enough, using an electric stove can actually lead to lower electricity bills because you may use your air conditioning less. Gas stoves pump out considerable amounts of heat and can quickly raise the temperature in the home. That means you won’t have to run to the air conditioner as often when you’re using an electric stove. Safer Cooking Method With an electric range, there’s no flame or burner to cook your food on. This means there’s a much lower chance of getting a burn injury while using an electric stove. Additionally, the National Fire Prevention Association estimates that an average of 4,200 home fires start annually with the ignition of natural gas — cooking equipment was involved in 54% of those fires. With an electric stove, you needn’t worry about gas explosions, and you will considerably reduce the risk of having a fire in your home.

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PETS NEED SPACE, TOO Create a Pet-Friendly Area in Your Home In your home, you probably have bedrooms for each family member as well as a family or living room for the entire clan to congregate on a daily basis. But where do your pets normally hang out? Do they go where the family is, or do they have their own space? Just like us, our pets need a place where they feel safe, protected, and relaxed. If you’re looking to add a furry family member to your abode or simply change up the flow of your house, try adding a space for your pet. Before you even enter the design phase, though, keep in mind how social your pet is before making a decision. If your pet loves being around people, consider making their space part of the family room instead of in a separate room.

know they’ll like and feel safe and secure with. Add extra blankets for comfort. If you’re picking a bed for a cat, choose something comfortable that offers a level of protection. Make sure the bed does not clash with the other design elements of the room. Once you’ve found the perfect bed, invest in a few other items to take the space to the next level. Any additional beds, rugs, and blankets you buy should be easily washable so you can keep the area clean and hygienic. Animals have accidents so try not to invest in an expensive rug for the area. Also, make sure to include toys, and if you’re designing for a cat, don’t forget a climbing tower. Pets play a huge role in our lives and are incredibly important to our families. Giving them a clean and comfortable space in the house will enhance their well-being. If you create the space based on your pet’s needs and wants, they will truly be your bestest friend.

Once you’ve decided on where you want your pet-friendly space to be, make sure you have the right items. Possibly the most important thing is a bed for them to rest on. If you’re designing a room for a dog, try to pick a bed you



FRITTATA Inspired by


• Nonstick cooking spray • 1/4 cup sweet potato, diced • 1/4 cup yellow pepper, diced • 1/4 cup broccoli, chopped • 8 eggs

• Basil, thyme, salt, and pepper, to taste • 1/2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced • Cherry tomatoes, halved • Sriracha hot sauce (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 350 F and coat a cast-iron skillet with nonstick cooking spray. 2. In the skillet over medium heat, cook sweet potatoes, yellow pepper, and broccoli until soft. 3. In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, basil, thyme, salt, and pepper. 4. Pour egg mixture into skillet with vegetables. Don’t stir but instead use a spatula to lift the edges of the egg mixture until it is evenly distributed. 5. Transfer mixture to oven. Bake for 5 minutes or until the dish sets. 6. Top with avocado and tomatoes. Drizzle Sriracha on top (if desired).


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SKIP THE BAR HOP With Your Own Home Bar

People have had liquor cabinets for decades, but now, they’re a thing of the past! Pandemic lockdowns prompted many folks stuck at home to start their own DIY projects, and one of the most popular projects is a full-scale bar. But you don’t need to renovate an entire room just for beverages. With the right decorations and aesthetics, you can turn any area of your house into a home bar.

Wet Bar If you have a sink with cabinets around it and plenty of counter space, you have the perfect area for a wet bar. Fill the cabinets with your preferred drinks and glasses, and your bar will be up and running before you know it. Stand-alone Bar If you don’t have the available space for a wet

bar, you can create a stand-alone bar in your home much easier. All you need is a cart, some shelves, and your drink and glass options. Coffee Bar You don’t have to drink alcohol to add a bar to your abode! Keep the counter space or cart open and simply swap the liquor for coffee beans and shot glasses for mugs.

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