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Lake Oconee July 2017

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Lake Oconee Sep 2017

2 teaspoon crushed red pepper • Kosher salt • Ground black pepper (optional) • Snipped fresh basil •

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Lake Oconee Dentistry October 2017

Lake Oconee Dentistry October 2017 October 2017 706-453-1333 A (SOMETIMES)

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Lake Oconee Dental - July 2018

2 cup sugar 19. I live by my Google calendar. If it’s not on my calendar, it’s not going to happen.

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Lake Oconee Dentistry - December 2017

4 of the peanut sauce and combine. 6. Add spaghetti squash and crushed peanuts. Stir to combine unti

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Lake Oconee Dentistry - November 2017

Lake Oconee Dentistry - November 2017 November 2017 706-453-1333 A SEASON O

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Lake Oconee Dentistry - July 2019

Lake Oconee Dentistry - July 2019 The MONTHLY Smile 706-453-1333 JULY 2019

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Lake Oconee Dentistry - December 2018

2 cup unsalted butter, melted • 2 teaspoons kosher salt, or more to taste 2. Place a large sheet of

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Lake Oconee May 2018

2 packet ranch seasoning • Ranch dressing for drizzling • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives • Bacon

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Lake Oconee Dentistry February 2018

3 cup sliced green onions • 1 diced avocado Instructions 1. To make the salad, add all ingredients t

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Lake Oconee Dentistry - March 2019

2 small red onion, thinly sliced • 1 small zucchini, julienned into noodle strands Instructions 1. B

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Lake Oconee July 2017

July 2017



Now that summer is officially in full swing, school is probably the last thing on everyone’s mind. But even though our college days are over, Patti and I always have education on our minds. This summer, we are reminded why lifelong learning is important in our practice. Back in May, Patti and I attended my nephew’s high school graduation. My nephew is a bright kid, and he graduated from the 26th best school in the nation at the top of his class. He will enroll in the University of Florida honors program in the fall, and we are excited to see what the future holds for him! While I was at his graduation, I was reminded of all of the schoolwork I completed in order to practice dentistry. I completed my undergrad, got accepted into dental school,

and earned my Doctorate of Dental Medicine. Patti and I have been practicing for 22 years now, and school seems like a lifetime ago. While practicing, all dentists are required to complete 20 credit hours of continuing education per year to maintain their licenses. After reviewing the number of credit hours I have taken over the course of my career, I realized I have averaged 107 hours each year — more than five times what I am required to complete! Dentists that complete 1,000 credit hours of continuing education in a variety of disciplines and pass a rigorous exam can be awarded the Academy of General Dentistry Mastership — a distinction held by only 2 percent of dentists in the U.S. and Canada. As you are reading this, I will be in Las Vegas receiving my own Academy of General Dentistry Mastership. I’m very proud of this accomplishment because it reflects my commitment to provide quality care through continued education. I am honored and, in a way, I feel like it signifies my transition from student to teacher. However, this award does not signify a halt in my education as a dentist. We value learning at Lake Oconee Dentistry, and we make sure to instill a love of learning in each student we encounter. We work diligently to ensure our associates develop both a deeper understanding of dentistry and a strong commitment to a career full of education. Because we are committed to furthering advancements in dentistry and learning from our own continued education, “We value learning at Lake Oconee Dentistry, and we make sure to instill a love of learning in each student we encounter. ”


Lake Oconee Dentistry | Personalized & Comfortable | 1

InsideNathan’sNationalHotDogEatingContest A DOGGONE GOOD TIME This Fourth of July, no hot dog is s fe. In fact, according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, Americans will consume as many as 155 million frankfurters on the holiday alone!

A mentally sedentary summer can cause your child’s learning to stagnate and backslide, erasing the equivalent of as much as two months of in-school learning. But you can have fun with your kids this summer and help them learn at the same time. Try this project from, which demonstrates how geodes are formed and gives a primer on the science of crystals. The results are stunning! All you need are some clean eggshells, water, several different soluble materials (salt, sugar, baking soda, borax, cream of tartar), coffee cups, spoons, food coloring, and egg cartons. First, crack the eggs as close to the narrow end as possible. Then, clean the eggshells in hot water, which allows you to pull the skin out of the inside. Place the shells in an egg carton lined with wax paper to hold them upright. Boil the water and pour half a cup into each coffee mug, followed by ¼ cup of one of the soluble materials, stirring until it dissolves. Keep adding the solid But hey, you’re eating one, two, maybe three hot dogs tops, right? That’s small time, kid. If you’re looking to tangle with the big dogs, take a trip to Coney Island and check out the world-famous Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. Each year, on the anniversary of America’s fateful inception, the world’s greatest eaters warm up their chompers on the biggest stage in competitive consumption. Then, in front of a cheering horde of Major League Eating fans, they feast. But, this ain’t your dad’s barbecue. The clock runs for 10 minutes, and whoever devours the greatest number of doggies — buns and all — is crowned top dog. These competitors chow down at a pace unfathomable to us mere mortals. Chew on this for a second: Last year’s champion, Joey Chestnut, dispatched a whopping 70 dogs — that’s seven a minute, folks, more than one every 10 seconds. To some, the competition is a marvelous munching media blowout. To others, it’s a truly grotesque display of

American avarice. But regardless of which side of the bun you land on, you have to agree: Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest is a marvel of contemporary marketing. This Independence Day, whether you’re in the crowd at Coney Island, watching in awe as 20 adults inhale absurd quantities of film-wrapped mystery meats, or at the park, quizzically guessing at the chemical makeup of a half- eaten frankfurter on a picnic table, take a moment to thank the humble hot dog. It may be the most American meal you eat all year.


slowly until the water is supersaturated — this simply means that the water has absorbed all it can and any additional solid won’t dissolve. Then, add food coloring to the solutions. See what creative color combinations your child can come up with. Carefully pour the solution into an eggshell, filling it as full as you can without the solution overflowing or the egg tipping over. As the water evaporates (be patient!) crystals will begin to form inside the eggshells. But how? As the water is heated, it expands, allowing more space for the dissolved solution. When it cools and evaporates, that space goes away, and the solids are forced to become solid again. See, science is fun and educational! Check out further science experiments on,, or!

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If You Want to Live More, Sit Less GET UP OFFA THAT THING!

“Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV, and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.” Those are the words of Dr. James Levine, who made headlines back in 2014 when he released the results of years of research into what’s really killing Americans. Just as cigarette use was killing Americans in droves back when the population still smoked, the prevalence of desk jobs is a huge health risk today. Humans, it turns out, are meant to be on their feet and on the go, just like our ancestors were. “We have created for ourselves a modern way of living that clashes with the way we’re meant to be,” Levine says. We’ve seen that sitting can also lead to other health issues, like carpal tunnel syndrome, pinched nerves, and strained eyes and muscles. And if you’re not in good shape (because you sit all day at work), you’re more likely to get injured doing other activities in your life. Levine says that, ideally, you should spend four hours a day on your feet. Of course, that may not be an option for many of you, especially if you work a desk job. We recommend

getting up at least once an hour and walking around for a few minutes. Even a trip to the water cooler is better than nothing! But the real way to combat a sedentary job is to live an active life after hours. A lot of us want to plop down in front of the TV, but we’d be better off taking a long walk after work and spending some time cooking in the kitchen — on our feet, of course. ONE-PAN Mexican Quinoa Ingredients • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 jalapeno, minced • 1 cup quinoa You can also go to a standing desk, or even a treadmill desk — which Levine invented.


• 1 teaspoon chili powder • ½ teaspoon cumin • Salt and pepper to taste • 1 avocado, halved, seeded, peeled, and diced • Juice of 1 lime • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves

• 1 cup vegetable broth • 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed • 1 (14.5-ounce) can fire-roasted diced tomatoes • 1 cup corn kernels, frozen, canned, or roasted

we are more than eager to implement new technology in our office. Patti and I were some of the earliest implementers of digital X-rays and treatment room computers when they were first introduced in 1998. To this day, we pride ourselves on our willingness to try new advancements in dental technology. We know that without a love for education and a willingness to change, dentistry would not be where it is today. Though Patti and I are teachers and leaders now, we encourage students to never lose their love of learning. Patti and I are lifelong students, and we will always strive to help further our profession through teaching — and our own ongoing education.

Instructions 1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic and jalapeno and cook, stirring frequently, until fragrant, about 1 minute. 2. Stir in quinoa, vegetable broth, beans, tomatoes, corn, chili powder, and cumin; season with salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil; cover, reduce heat and simmer until quinoa is cooked through, about 20 minutes. Stir in avocado, lime juice, and cilantro. 3. Serve immediately.

— Dr. David

Recipe adapted from

Lake Oconee Dentistry | Personalized & Comfortable | 3


1011 Parkside Main | Greensboro, GA 30642 If you have any questions, call us at 706-453-1333


Monday Tuesday

8am-5pm 7am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-7pm 8am-5pm

Wednesday Thursday


Sat & Sun Closed We’re located at 1011 Parkside Main between the Publix parking lot and movie theater.

A Love for Learning page 1 A Doggone Good Time page 2 Grow Crystals With Your Kids page 2

Get Up Offa That Thing! page 3 One-Pan Mexican Quinoa page 3 3 Ways to Use Coconut Oil and See Results! page 4


Coconut oil is one of nature’s great multitaskers. You can cook with it, bake with it, use it as a dietary supplement, apply it to your skin, and run it through your hair, all of which deliver unique benefits. In this issue, we’re going to look at three of the most immediate benefits of using coconut oil. Rejuvenate your skin. Instead of reaching for lotion or body oil, reach for the coconut oil. It’s a single ingredient, so you know exactly what you’re putting on your skin. That means you don’t have to worry about any sort of reaction. That is, as long as you aren’t already allergic to coconut! It helps keep skin hydrated and youthful-looking, plus it can treat symptoms related to dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and numerous other skin conditions. Just keep in mind, it cannot treat the base cause of any of these conditions. Give your hair extra luster. The plant-based fatty acids in coconut oil help alleviate dry hair, dry scalp, and dandruff. At the same time, it can help reduce the effects of everyday damage, including sun damage. Use coconut oil as-is, or combine it with an essential oil for an extra punch. Apply it about 30 minutes before showering and let it soak in. Just be sure not to use your typical shampoo to wash away the oil; hot water alone should do the trick. It may take a little

longer to rinse the oil residue, but you’ll be left with soft, clean hair. Freshen your smile. When swished around in the mouth, coconut oil can reduce bacteria and freshen your breath. It’s all thanks to coconut oil’s antibacterial properties, and the fact that it literally pulls bacteria away from your teeth and gums as you swish it around. All it takes is a tablespoon of oil and about 20 minutes. Once you’re done, spit the oil into the trash. That may sound a little gross, but avoid spitting in the sink. The oil may solidify and cause a clog.

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