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Law Office of Daniel J Miller - December 2020

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Law Office Daniel J Miller - December 2019

2 hours. 5. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. 6. Slice and serve wit

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Law Office Daniel J Miller - May 2020

2 cups for later use. 3. In a bag, add the remaining mixture and pork shoulder. Marinate for at leas

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Law Office Daniel J Miller - March 2020

2 tsp vanilla extract • Green sprinkles, optional DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 350 F, and line a 9x9-i

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Law Office Daniel J Miller - August 2020

2 cup water or apple juice • 2 tbsp hot curry powder • 3 cups diced apples (peeled or not, your choi

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Law Office Daniel J Miller - January 2020

2 minutes per mile! Though Kipchoge’s marathon last year pushed the boundaries of athletic achieveme

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Law Office Daniel J Miller - September 2020

panning-for-gold-activity for a great step-by- step guide on how to go panning for gold in your own

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Law Office Daniel J Miller - August 2021


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Law Office Daniel J Miller - July 2021

4 cup brown sugar DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, soak wood chips in water overnight. 2. In a large bowl, m

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Law Office Daniel J Miller - March 2021

4 tsp salt. 4. Place dough on top rack and asparagus on bottom and bake for 3 minutes. 5. Remove bot

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Law Office Daniel J Miller - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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Law Office of Daniel J Miller - December 2020



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HOW OUR OFFICE GIVES BACK Secret Santas for St. Mary’s

Every year around Christmastime, charities and nonprofits across the country start up their annual food drives or gift drives for the people in our communities

if anyone is interested in being a Secret Santa for one (or a few) of the residents. Last year, our Secret Santa shoppers provided gifts for 63 St. Mary’s residents, and this year, in just three days after the Secret Santa program started, we already had Secret Santas for 41 of St. Mary’s residents.

who need it most. Many of these organizations

and fundraisers have large advertising budgets to put up billboards and encourage people to give — which is a good thing, since a lot of big charities around the country do good work. However, every year our office likes to help out a local organization that is sometimes overlooked: St. Mary’s Home.

Along with the Secret Santa program, we also create a money pool on PayPal for people to donate so we can buy any gifts that might be too expensive for individual buyers, such as tablets and portable CD and DVD players. However, we will match many donations our firm receives in the money pool. Last year, we collected over $1,000 for these larger purchases. Knowing that these kids and young adults will get the gifts they asked for every year is better than any gift we could have received ourselves. Once they receive their gifts, the staff at St. Mary’s can do some pretty incredible things with the gifts, such as modify toys for kids with severe motor impairments. It makes for a pretty special Christmas, and we’re proud for the part we play in making it possible. In the grand scheme of things, our part in spreading joy and cheer for those who need it most during the Christmas season is small but nevertheless important. If you helped us provide for these children this year, thank you so much for your help. If you’re interested in being a part of the Secret Santa program next year, don’t hesitate to reach out when it starts!

St. Mary’s Home is a residence for children and young adults with severe disabilities. Since 1944, they’ve operated in Norfolk, at first caring for orphaned and abandoned children before beginning to care for children with disabilities, and then caring for anyone between the ages of 6 and 21 with disabilities. Today, their most recent facility has a capacity for 103 residents, and they’re currently housing 93. St. Mary’s has to provide intensive care for most, if not all, of its residents on a daily basis, leaving little room in their schedule or budget for things like Christmas presents for the children. So, as a way to show appreciation for their hard work and their mission, we orchestrate a Secret Santa program for them every year. The Secret Santa program usually operates Nov. 1–Nov. 29. We first ask the workers at St. Mary’s Home what each resident at their facility would like for Christmas, and we put together individual lists that include each child’s gift preferences and clothing sizes if necessary. Then, we reach out to the people in our spheres of influence to see

– Daniel J. Miller

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M aking W inter S ports H istory


Nothing beats breaking out the board and hitting the slopes when the mountains are covered in fresh powder. Snowboarding has become a beloved outdoor winter activity, and there were a few key moments that led to its current popularity. Here are three such moments. THE INVENTION OF SNURFING Although the origin story of snowboarding is still debated today, no one can deny that Sherman Poppen was an important individual in the creation of the board. On Christmas Day in 1965, Poppen decided to bind two skis together and let his children zip down the snow-covered hill near his backyard. Thus, “snurfing” — surfing on the snow — was born! Later, Poppen tweaked the design of his invention, swapping the two skis for one board and attaching a rope in the front to smooth out steering. In less than 20 years, the snurfer became a huge hit. After Poppen licensed his invention to the Brunswick Corporation, over 750,000 units were sold. SNOWBOARDING COMPANY WINTERSTICK In 1972, Dimitrije Milovich started the first snowboarding company: Winterstick. Wayne Stoveken first introduced snowboarding to Milovich in 1970, and from there, Milovich was hooked. Together, they opened Winterstick. After being featured in SKI and Newsweek magazines, the duo started getting more orders for their unique

product. Unfortunately, the sport didn’t take off quickly enough, and Milovich shut down the business in the 1980s. Winterstick was later resurrected by another company and is now a successful snowboarding company. NATIONAL SNOW SURFING CHAMPIONSHIPS Champion snurfer Paul Graves organized the first known National Snow Surfing Championship in 1982. Despite its simple setup, 125 contestants showed up to participate in the contest. According to Smithsonian magazine, the event “helped put snowboarding on the map.” Jake Burton, snowboarder and founder of the popular brand that bears his name, took over the event the following year. He renamed it the U.S. Open Snowboarding Championship, which now draws riders from all over the world to participate, as well as thousands of spectators and fans. Since these three momentous occasions, the snowboarding industry has boomed. Now, the sport is enjoyed by people across the world, and it’s even become an event in the Winter Olympics.

H ow C an I A void V iolating a P rotective O rder ?

Commonly known as a “restraining order,” a protective order is a legal document meant to protect a person from someone who is abusing or harassing them emotionally, physically, and/or sexually. If the “restrained person” (whoever is perpetrating the abuse or harassment) violates the order filed on behalf of the “protected person,” they often face steep legal ramifications. Courts across the United States issue millions of protective orders every year, often related to domestic violence, stalking, harassment, and a number of other issues. However, it should be noted that approximately 800,000 of these are based on false allegations. Nevertheless, if you have recently become a restrained person, having received a protective order from someone, there are a few rules you should follow to avoid the penalties that come with violating that order: 1. Do not contact the protected person in any way, including by phone, text, email, or through social media. 2. Do not threaten the protected person in any way. 3. If you currently live with the protected person, find other living accommodations.

4. Don’t go near the protected person’s home, place of work, school, or anywhere else they frequently visit 5. If you own any firearms when the order goes into effect, get rid of them. Also, do not buy any new firearms while the order is in effect. 6. Comply with any visitation, child support, or spousal support orders that apply to your situation. While these rules certainly aren’t convenient, and you may feel they are unfair, if a court decides that some action you take violates the protective order, you’ll receive a Class 1 misdemeanor. A class 1 misdemeanor carries the possibility of up to 12 months in jail and a $2500 fine. Contact the Law Offices of Daniel J. Miller if you’ve been charged with violating a protective order. During your free consultation, we’ll discuss your circumstances and evaluate your options moving forward. We’re here to defend your rights and protect your freedom. Call us today at 757.517.2942.


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Why It’s SoDangerous toDrive on New Year’s Day

Host a party yourself. Not only does hosting a party yourself mean you won’t have to drive on New Year’s Day, but it also means you can set some ground rules for party guests with regards to drinking and driving. Make sure all your guests have a designated driver (DD) or are using a rideshare app. Set out sleeping arrangements for anyone who needs them. Go to the party with a DD. And if you can’t find a DD, give your keys to someone who’s staying sober at the party. Check to make sure they haven’t been drinking before you leave. If there’s any doubt, call a rideshare service, or sleep wherever the party is. If you’re the DD, be extra aware while driving. Drink some coffee or take a quick nap before hitting the road so you can stay alert. Look out for any cars drifting into another lane or making sudden movements. If you see a driver you suspect is drunk, then pull over until they’re not near you anymore. If you or someone you know gets arrested for a DUI on New Year’s Day, contact the Law Offices of Daniel J. Miller and we’ll find the best path forward for your case.

Every year, New Year’s Eve is cited as one of the most dangerous nights to be on the road. You can probably guess some of the reasons why.

People are drinking. As many as 47% of men and 40% of women admit to binge drinking while they celebrate the New Year, and those figures don’t include the people who don’t binge drink but still drink too much to safely drive. That makes for a lot of DUIs in the wee morning hours of New Year’s Day. People are driving late at night. Not only are people more likely to drive under the influence on New Year’s Day, but they’re also more likely to drive drowsy after staying up until two or three in the morning. Weather conditions aren’t always great. In many states, inclement weather plagues the roads for much of the winter. Snow, sleet, rain, and ice all make it much easier to get into an accident. While these factors create dangerous conditions on our roads, you can do a few things to lessen the danger for yourself and others this New Year’s Eve.



If you’re cutting back on calories, skip the eggnog and buttered rum this year and fill up your mug with this delicious mulled cider!


• 1 lemon • 1 gallon pure apple cider • 1 large orange, thinly sliced crosswise • 2 tsp whole cloves

• 2 tsp allspice berries • 1 inch fresh ginger, thinly sliced • 2 tbsp honey • 3 cinnamon sticks


1. Using a paring knife, shave the lemon peel off in curls. Reserve the curls and save the lemon for use in a different recipe. 2. In a large slow cooker, combine the lemon peel with all other ingredients. Cook on low for 3–4 hours.

3. If desired, use a sieve to strain the spices. Serve and enjoy!

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SECRET SANTAS FOR ST. MARY’S PAGE 1 The Rise of Snowboarding’s Popularity How Can I Avoid Violating a Protective Order? PAGE 2 How You Can Make the Roads Less Dangerous for New Year’s Festive Apple Cider PAGE 3 3 Fool-Proof Ways to Pay for the Holidays Without Going Broke PAGE 4


Ah, the holidays. It’s a time of sweet treats, family, and giving back — and sometimes giving a little too much. When it comes to the perfect holiday gift, many people spend too much money. The average American spends nearly $1,000 on gifts during the December holidays alone!

instead of purchasing something. This limits how much you actually have to spend!

THINK BEYOND STORE-BOUGHT OR EXPENSIVE ITEMS. Sure, everyone wants this holiday season’s “it” item, but sometimes the best gifts don’t even come wrapped under the tree. Instead, look to your own talents as a clue to what you should give. If you’re a great crafter, create something unique for the people on your list. If you can offer the gift of time, provide a free night of babysitting for your friends with kids or an experience at the local theater. These gifts have a bonus factor: Recipients love the gift when they open it, and they love it when they get to use it! SET A BUDGET — AND STICK TO IT. Setting a holiday budget ensures you only spend what you can afford. It also narrows down your search. If you choose to buy your neighbor something, but they aren’t your

It’s possible to cut back and make it to January without major debt. Here’s how.

CHECK YOUR LIST — TWICE! The list is going to be your secret weapon to tackling the holidays with your savings still intact. Start by writing down the name of every person you’d like to get a gift for. Now, with the exception of your immediate family members, narrow the names down to your top five — top 10 if you’re really popular. Now, place the names of the people who didn’t make the cut into a second list. If you still feel the need to do something for them, send homemade cookies or a handwritten note

top priority, set their budget at a lower level, like $25–$50. If you have a sibling who has had a rough year and you’d like to make their holidays a little brighter, bump their budget up. This narrows the focus of what you’re looking for so you don’t stumble into something you can’t afford. Ultimately, it’s the spirit of giving during the holidays that makes them so rewarding. With a little ingenuity, you can be generous and avoid the stress of excess debt come January.


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