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smores-milkshake to enjoy this sweet treat even in the heat of summer. It’s the simple recipe that o

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Law Office of Don E. McClure January 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure February 2018


February 2018

8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440 Houston, Texas 77017 | 281-402-3478

page 1 An Unusual Valentine’s Day Story

page 2 Bake Your Way to Better Grades

page 3 I’ve Been in an Accident — Now What?

page 4 Local Events



“Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.” —Alan D. Wolfelt

introduced us, and I sat down in front of a bowl of pozole. To tell you the truth, Edith’s mom just stared at me while we talked and I ate. I was already nervous from the constant stares when I bit into something really crunchy. Since I had never eaten pozole before, I wasn’t sure if the crunchy bit was something I was supposed to eat, so I asked Edith’s mom what was in the bowl. Edith translated for her mom, and for the first time that evening, she smiled at me and told me she had cooked a very special meal for her husband’s birthday: pig’s ear. When Edith relayed the message to me, I didn’t even flinch. Instead, I smiled, told her it was delicious, and quietly moved the secret ingredient to the side of the bowl. From that moment on, Edith’s mom and I became great friends. “When Edith and I first met, it was under unusual circumstances.” To this day, if I find myself hungry and home alone, all I have to do is walk across the street to my mother-in-law’s house and she will happily cook me a meal. Although there is a small language barrier between us — and I often find Edith’s mom talking about the moon while I’m talking about the sun — she is one of my best friends. I love many things about Edith. She is full of energy and fun, and she’s a social butterfly. Edith has so much love for people, and we get along exceptionally well. I have never met a

family like hers. They are so kind and generous, and I am forever grateful for their love. When my parents died, Edith’s family made up half of the funeral attendees, and after the services, they reassured me they are my parents just as much as they are Edith’s. I couldn’t have asked for a better wife, better kids, or a better family to marry into. Edith and I have been married for a little over 12 years, and we have three beautiful children together. “You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known — and even that is an understatement!” –F. Scott Fitzgerald

When Edith and I first met, it was under unusual circumstances. I was friends with her cousin, who referred Edith to me as a family law client. We were introduced at a restaurant, where I was able to interview Edith about her life, her marriage, and what she wanted out of her future. Although the interview was professional in nature, I got to know Edith very well before going on an actual date. Even though I was able to learn what Edith wanted from her future, I didn’t get to ask other things people would normally discuss on a first date. So for a while, our relationship was strictly professional. Today, I like to joke around and say that I never got paid for my legal services in Edith’s case, and she jokes right back by saying she’s still paying every day. After Edith’s divorce was final, I found myself thinking about her one day, so I gave her a call. I asked her what she was doing, and she told me she had just finished eating pozole. I must have been feeling very bold, because the next thing out of my mouth was, “That sounds good. Can I come over?” She told me I could, so I got in my car and drove to her house.

Thank you for being such a good wife, fantastic friend, and great mother.

When I got there, Edith was sitting in the kitchen with her mom. She

–Don E. McClu re, Jr.

281-402-3478 1

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“Don McClure is an attorney that you can trust. My personal injury case had a great outcome.” –Emma Serrano “I refer all of my friends and family to Don McClure for any legal problem. He has handled a car wreck case for me and has handled other matters for people referred by me. Don has always done a great job, and I have no hesitation when I refer people to him. He handles cases in Spanish and English, and he’s helped a lot of people working in the refineries. I recommend that you contact him for any legal matters.” –Raul Flores, Sr. “When facing a legal problem, there is always a fear of the unknown. However, Don and his staff make it a point, through honesty and compassion, to make sure you do not have to face your darkest days all alone. Clients become family and are treated with love. It is rare to find a lawyer with these qualities. Without hesitation, I fully recommend Don to all of my family and friends.” “Don is not only my primo, he’s also my ‘compa.’ When I first met Don, I thought he was going to be a boring know-it-all since he was a lawyer. Boy was I wrong. He is the total opposite of that. Don is nice, understandable, and always tries to help my family without asking for anything in return. I have personally used Don for an injury case, and I have referred him to many people. Not one single person has complained to me about his service, and all of the comments have been very positive. In fact, a close member of my family recently resolved a refinery (welding) injury case, and he has not stopped talking about how Don did such a great job. I trust Don as my attorney, and I am very thankful for our friendship.” If you have had a great experience with us, like us on Facebook and leave a review. While you’re there you can check out one of our live videos or see what contests we are currently running. –Catti Camacho

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you’re probably wracking your brain for the perfect recipe to bake for your loved one. There’s nothing wrong with store-bought chocolate, but there’s no topping the personal touch of some homemade baked goods. If you have kids, baking alongside them can be just as rewarding as enjoying the fruits of your labor. As an added bonus, baking is a hands-on opportunity where your child can learn all sorts of important concepts. Here is a short list of some of the educational lessons hiding in your kitchen. WHAT YOUR CHILD CAN LEARN FROM BAKING the importance of math in building a beautiful cake. Having children measure out ingredients helps them learn about fractions and ratios. You can also test your kids by doubling or halving a recipe for multiplication and division practice. With older kids, practice unit conversions by asking, for example, how many pints are in half a gallon. Following Directions Not unlike computer science, baking requires a strict order of operations. The wet and dry ingredients often need to be mixed separately and then folded together. It only takes one deviation from the instructions for a pastry to go from delicious to disgusting. Spending time in the kitchen, then, is a great way for kids to learn the importance of reading directions carefully and comprehending what they’ve just read. Cultural Understanding Cuisine is a fundamental part of every culture. Introducing your child to dishes from around the world will expand their horizons. Want your child to be a less picky eater? Involving them in the cooking process is the surest way to get them excited about trying new flavors and ingredients. Nutrition Now, you might not think that baking cookies will encourage greater nutritional awareness, but hear us out. Sugar is often buried within packaged foods. When you bake something at home, a child gets to see, firsthand, just how much sugar goes into certain sweets. Meanwhile, cooking savory dishes also allows them to learn what constitutes a balanced, healthy diet. Math


At the Law Office of Don E. McClure, Jr., we treat our clients like family, because many of you THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING US WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS

are family or have been referred by family! Almost every client we have can be traced back to our family tree. As a result, your case is not just business, it’s personal! That’s why every referral you send our way makes a difference. We get to

help even more people and our family tree continues to grow. And for that, thank you for your referrals and thank you for trusting us to not only help you, but to help the people you care about.



EN ESTA EDICIÓN Febrero de 2018 | 281-402-3478

8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440, Houston, Texas 77017

Esta publicación es solo para fines informativos y no se pretende asesoramiento legal.

UNA HISTORIA DE AMOR INUSUAL Cómo conocí a mi esposa, Edith

sociable. Edith ama mucho a las personas y nos llevamos realmente bien. Nunca había conocido a una familia como la suya. Son muy amables y generosos, y estoy eternamente agradecido por su amor. Cuando mis padres murieron, la mitad de los asistentes al funeral eran familiares de Edith, y después de los servicios, me aseguraron que soy parte de su familia. Yo sé que los padres de Edith me quieren como si fuese un hijo más. No podría haber pedido una esposa mejor con quién que casarme, mejores hijos o una mejor familia a la cual integrarme.

“La comida es un símbolo de amor que las palabras no pueden expresar”. —Alan D. Wolfelt

nos presentó, y su madre comenzó a prepararme un gran plato de pozole. A decir verdad, la mamá de Edith solo se me quedó mirando fijamente mientras hablábamos y comía. Ya estaba nervioso por las miradas constantes cuando mordí algo muy crujiente. Como nunca había comido pozole antes, no estaba seguro de si el trozo crujiente era algo que se suponía que debía comer, así que le pregunté a la mamá de Edith qué había en el pozole. Edith tradujo a su madre, y por primera vez esa noche, me sonrió y me dijo que había preparado el pozole especialmente al gusto de su marido, con orejas de cerdo. Cuando Edith me tradujo lo que su madre había dicho, me quedé paralizado mirando al plato de pozole. “Cuando Edith y yo nos conocimos, fue en circunstancias inusuales”. Después, sonreí y le dije que estaba delicioso y moví cuidadosamente los trocitos de oreja de cerdo hacia un lado para evitar comerlos. Desde ese momento, la mamá de Edith y yo nos hicimos grandes amigos. Hasta el día de hoy, si estoy solo en casa y tengo hambre, sólo tengo que cruzar la calle hasta la casa de mi suegra, y ella siempre está encantada de prepararme algo para comer. Aunque hay una pequeña barrera idiomática entre nosotros, y a menudo descubro que la madre de Edith está hablando de la luna mientras yo estoy hablando del sol, ella es una de mis mejores amigas.

Cuando Edith y yo nos conocimos, fue en circunstancias inusuales. Edith y yo teníamos una amiga en común. Ella me recomendó a Edith para ayudarle con el trámite de su divorcio. Nos presentaron en un restaurante, donde pude entrevistar a Edith sobre su vida, su matrimonio y lo que quería de su futuro. Aunque la entrevista fue de carácter profesional, llegué a conocer a Edith muy bien antes de salir en una cita real. Si bien pude aprender lo que Edith quería de su futuro, no pude preguntar otras cosas sobre las que gente normalmente conversaría en una primera cita. Así que, por un tiempo, nuestra relación fue estrictamente profesional. Hoy en día, me gusta bromear y decir que Edith nunca me pagó por mis servicios como abogado en el caso de su divorcio, y ella bromeando dice que todos los días sigue pagando por mis servicios. Después de finalizar el divorcio de Edith, un día me descubrí a mí mismo pensando en ella, así que la llamé. Le pregunté qué estaba haciendo y me dijo que acababa de terminar de comer pozole. Debí sentirme muy audaz, porque lo siguiente que salió de mi boca fue: “Suena bien. ¿Puedo ir?”. Ella me dijo que sí, así que subí a mi coche y conduje hasta su casa.

Edith y yo hemos estado casados por poco más de 12 años y tenemos tres hermosos hijos juntos.

“Eres la mejor, la más encantadora, tierna y hermosa persona que he conocido, e incluso eso es una subestimación”. –F. Scott Fitzgerald

Gracias por ser tan buena esposa, una amiga fantástica y una madre excelente.

Cuando llegué, Edith estaba

sentada en la cocina con su mamá. Ella

–Don E. McClu re, Jr.

Amo muchas cosas sobre Edith. Está llena de energía y diversión, y es una persona muy



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5. Asegure la escena del accidente Lo último que desea es que la escena de su accidente provoque un segundo choque. Use sus señales de emergencia, balizas o marcadores de ruta para advertir a los conductores que se aproximan hasta que llegue la policía. 6. Nunca admita la culpa Si admite la culpa en un accidente, cualquiera que haya escuchado esa declaración puede testificar en su contra en un juicio. 7. Intercambie información Después de que la policía se vaya y ambas partes estén listas para irse, asegúrese de intercambiar la información del seguro. Esto ayudará a su abogado a rastrear al otro conductor en caso de que sea necesario realizar alguna otra acción. 9. Nunca presente una demanda o reclamación del seguro por su cuenta Un abogado es el arma más importante de su arsenal. Deje que un abogado experimentado luche por usted para que nada se interponga en el camino de la justicia. Si bien puede ser difícil mantener la calma después de un accidente automovilístico, es indispensable que recuerde cada uno de estos consejos. Podrían determinar el éxito o el fracaso de su demanda o reclamación de accidente automovilístico. GRACIAS POR CONFIARNOS SUS FAMILIARES Y AMIGOS 8. Nunca acepte un mal acuerdo Si el número parece bajo, probablemente lo sea.

Un accidente automovilístico grave ocurre cada dos minutos y 17 segundos en el estado de Texas. Houston, en particular, ve una parte sustancial de estos accidentes debido a un transporte público inadecuado y una infraestructura vial cada vez más peligrosa. Si se ve involucrado en un accidente grave, protéjase siguiendo estos nueve consejos. 1. Busque atención médica inmediata El paso más importante es recibir tratamiento de inmediato. Los registros médicos jugarán un papel importante en posibles demandas, y su bienestar es más importante que cualquier otra cosa. 2. Siempre llame al 911 Siempre debe informar un accidente y hacer la denuncia a la policía. Algunos accidentes pueden parecer menores en el momento, pero las lesiones latentes pueden crear muchos problemas más adelante si no se hace la denuncia. Documentar los eventos de un accidente lo cubre de cualquier cosa que pueda suceder. 3. Nunca se vaya antes de que llegue la policía La ley penal de Texas establece que una persona que atropella y huye está sujeta a enjuiciamiento criminal. Quédese en la escena del accidente. 4. Documente el accidente usted mismo Además de la documentación policial, debe realizar su propia documentación. Tome fotos, encuentre testigos y cree un registro, porque si termina en el tribunal, esto podría marcar la diferencia. Si ha tenido una gran experiencia con nosotros, indique que le gusta nuestra página en Facebook y deje un comentario. Mientras está allí, puede ver uno de nuestros videos en vivo o ver qué concursos estamos realizando actualmente. TESTIMONIOS “Don McClure es un abogado en el que puede confiar. Mi caso de lesiones personales tuvo un gran resultado”. –Emma Serrano “Envío a todos mis amigos y familiares con Don McClure por cualquier problema legal. Él ha manejado un caso de accidente automovilístico por mí y se ha encargado de otros asuntos para personas que yo envié. Don siempre ha hecho un trabajo excelente, y no tengo dudas cuando le envío gente. Maneja casos en español y en inglés, y ha ayudado a mucha gente que trabaja en las refinerías. Recomiendo que se contacte con él por cualquier asunto legal”. –Raul Flores, Sr. “Cuando uno se enfrenta un problema legal, siempre existe un miedo a lo desconocido. Sin embargo, Don y su equipo se encargan del asunto, a través de la honestidad y la compasión, para asegurarse de que no tenga que enfrentar sus peores días por sí solo. Los clientes se convierten en familia y se los trata con amor. Es raro encontrar un abogado con estas cualidades. Sin dudarlo, recomiendo a Don a todos mis familiares y amigos”. –Catti Camacho

En el bufete de abogados de Don E. McClure, Jr., tratamos a nuestros clientes como si fueran de la familia, porque

muchos de ustedes son familiares o han sido referidos por su familia. Casi todos los clientes que tenemos pueden remontarse a nuestro árbol genealógico. Como resultado, su caso

no es solo negocios, ¡es personal! Es por eso que cada referencia que nos envía hace la diferencia. Ayudamos a muchas más personas y nuestro árbol genealógico sigue creciendo. Y por eso, gracias

por sus referencias y por confiar en nosotros no solo para ayudarlo, sino también

para ayudar a las personas que le importan.


Publicado por The Newsletter Pro •


5. Secure the Scene of the Accident The last thing you want is the scene of your accident to cause a second crash. Use your hazards, road flares, or road markers to warn oncoming drivers until the police arrive. 6. Never Admit Fault If you admit fault in an accident, anyone who heard that statement can testify against you in court. 7. Exchange Information After the police leave and both parties are ready to depart, make sure to swap insurance information. This will help your attorney track down the other driver should any further action be needed. 9. Never File a Lawsuit or Insurance Claim on Your Own An attorney is the single most important weapon in your arsenal. Let an experienced lawyer fight for you so that nothing stands in the way of justice. While it may be difficult to stay calm after a car accident, it’s imperative that you remember each of these tips. They could potentially make or break your car accident lawsuit or claim. 8. Never Take a Bad Settlement If the number looks low, it probably is.

A major car accident happens every two minutes and 17 seconds in the state of Texas. Houston, in particular, sees a substantial portion of these accidents due to inadequate public transportation and increasingly dangerous highway infrastructure. If you’re involved in a major accident, protect yourself by following these nine tips. 1. Seek Prompt Medical Care The most important step is to immediately get treatment. Medical records will play a major role in potential lawsuits, and your well-being matters more than anything else. 2. Always Call 911 You should always report an accident and file a police report. Some accidents may appear minor at the time, but latent injuries can create a substantial amount of trouble later on if a report is not filed. Documenting the events of an accident covers all your bases. 3. Never Leave Before the Police Arrive Texas penal law states that a hit and run is subject to criminal prosecution. Stay at the scene of an accident. 4. Document the Accident Yourself In addition to police documentation, you should do your own. Take pictures, find witnesses, and create a record, because if you end up in court, it could make all the difference.


Sure, your showoff pal can wrap a tater tot with a piece of bacon and call it “The Daniel,” but you can take it a step further. Prepare a couple batches of these savory snacks for your party or the next family get-together. Snag a few for yourself before they disappear!

INGREDIENTS 2 cups frozen tater tots, defrosted •

1 ounce sharp cheddar, cut into 1/4-inch squares


4 slices bacon, quartered

1/4 cup brown sugar

1 tablespoon chopped parsley


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1. Heat oven to 400 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. 2. Press a cheese square into each tot, then wrap with a piece of bacon. Dredge each tot in brown sugar. 3. Place tots seam side down on baking sheet. Bake for 20–25 minutes, using metal tongs to turn halfway through. 4. Garnish with parsley, if desired, and serve immediately.


Recipe inspired by


8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440 Houston, Texas 77017



What a re the ben e f its of ou r V IP progra m? F i nd out at Attorn eyMcclu reV IP. com!

This publication is for informational purposes only and no legal advice is intended.

FREE TAI CHI When: Feb. 13, 20, and 27, 9–10 a.m Where: 23501 Cinco Ranch Blvd.

HOUSTON LIVESTOCK SHOW AND RODEO When: Feb. 27 through March 18 Where: NRG Park Come be a part of the 2018 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, the world’s largest livestock exhibition, rodeo, and premier entertainment event! Headliner Garth Brooks takes the stage at 8:45 p.m. on Feb. 27! Children ages 2 and under do not require a ticket. No outside food or drink allowed. Find more information and buy your tickets at

CIRQUE DU SOLEIL: CORTEO When: March 8, 9, 10, 11 Where: Toyota Center After thrilling more than 8 million people worldwide, CORTEO will visit Houston at the Toyota Center for a limited run of six performances. CORTEO, which means cortege in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge audiences into a theatrical world of fun, comedy, and spontaneity. CORTEO highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the humanity that lives within all of us. The cast includes 51 acrobats, musicians, singers, and actors from all around the world. Tickets start at $39 and can be purchased at

Enjoy a free weekly tai chi class each Tuesday at Central Green Park. Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that centers a person’s body, mind, and spirit. Trina Maxwell’s class promotes overall health and well-being. Email Trina at [email protected] or call at 281-727-8227 for more information.


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