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Law Office of Don E. McClure April 2018

Law Office of Don E. McClure April 2018 LIVE LIFE VIVE LA VIDA! April 2018 8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite

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Law Office of Don E. McClure February 2018

corteo. Enjoy a free weekly tai chi class each Tuesday at Central Green Park. Tai chi is an ancient

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Law Office of Don E. McClure May 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure - July 2018

smores-milkshake to enjoy this sweet treat even in the heat of summer. It’s the simple recipe that o

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Law Office of Don E. McClure March 2018 | 281-402-3478 FAMILY | CRIMINAL | PERSONAL INJURY What a re the ben e f its of

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Law Office of Don E. McClure - August 2018

bikes-for-kids-texas or reach out to our office today at 281-747-9961. The Bikes for Kids Giveaway D

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Law Office of Don E. McClure January 2018

tx-divorce-survival-guide, provide your name and address, and I will mail you a free copy of my book

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Law Office of Don E. McClure - September 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure Nov 2017

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Law Office of Don E. McClure Dec 2017

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Law Office of Don E. McClure - June 2018


June 2018

8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440, Houston, Texas 77017 | 281-402-3478

page 1 The Student Becomes the Master

page 2 ‘ Delay, Deny, Defend’ Puts Profits Over People

page 3 Business Highlight

page 4 3 Fathers Who Risked It All for Their Kids



In many ways, I’ve learned how to be a better person because of my children. Just by paying attention to their actions and the things they say, and by living with them in the moment, I find myself relearning life skills. It’s been incredible to view my life through the eyes of a child. Here’s what I have learned. One moment, my children may be mad at me, but the next, they are telling me I’m “the best dad ever since I was born” — a sweet quote from Bethany. They don’t allow their anger to stew, and they don’t hold grudges. Holding on to anger acts as a poison in our bodies, and we only end up hurting ourselves. Adults can take note. My children have taught me how to have a forgiving heart. Forgiveness My son Nathan has taught me how to be myself. Nathan has dyed his hair many different colors. Right now, it’s blonde. At his age, and even now, I would have hesitated to stick out from the crowd. However, he feels free to express himself, even when his peers give him a hard time. Don’t get me wrong; Nathan better not get a tattoo anytime soon, but I will always allow him to be himself. When we, as parents, let our kids Authenticity

express themselves, we also teach them to accept differences in others.

Our Astros Tickets Giveaway

Passion and Perseverance

Natalie has taught me that heart and grit are essential for success. The key to success comes from a daily application of the one-two punch of passion and perseverance. Whether it has been through competitive soccer or academics, Natalie teaches heart and grit through example. When we are young, our minds are full of possibilities. We are creative in play and thought. But as adults, we lose some of our curiosity and close our minds to dreams. Why? Because as adults, we fear failure and don’t want to be wrong. Edith and I encourage our children to chase their dreams every day. We also teach them that mistakes are a part of life. Failure doesn’t define you; it refines you. Imagination

To celebrate the birth of our great nation, what is more American than hot dogs and fireworks? Baseball tickets! Win two tickets to see the Astros play the White Sox on Friday, July 6, 2018, just by liking our Facebook business page (www.facebook. com/attorneymcclure) and join our VIP program. Fridays usually have a great fireworks show, and there is an Astros’ socks giveaway for the first 10,000 fans. And be sure to bring your glove to catch home runs because these tickets are in the front row of the Crawford Boxes! Good luck! We are also giving away one bike every week in July and August to a deserving child who goes above and beyond helping others, has a positive attitude, or is just plain and simple a great kid! You can go to for details on how to nominate a superstar child for a bike!

Carpe Diem

It’s easy for children to get lost in the moment and put all concentration and effort into whatever is directly in front of them. Nothing is done halfway (except maybe their rooms).




Published by The Newsletter Pro •



If you’ve ever had to file an insurance claim, you know the frustration of navigating the maze of endless forms and confusing fine print. Rutgers law professor Jay Feinman explains how insurance companies deny claims and record astronomical profits in his book, “Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don’t Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It.” Here’s how it works: Deny, Deny, Deny Claims Insurance companies will outright deny that an accident occurred or that the policyholder was seriously injured. Some companies offer gifts and bonuses to employees who deny claims. The hope is that denial after denial will defeat and deflate claimants to the point where they feel they have no choice but to throw in the towel. Delay Paying as Long as Possible ... Even Until Death Even if the insurance company has agreed to pay the claim, your payment will be delayed to boost profits. Insurance companies have been known to send out incorrect forms or set very short claim time limits. Some insurance companies have even delayed payments in hopes that an elderly or injured customer dies before they have to pay. Defend in Court Insurance companies know they can defend their questionable tactics in court, and they know that many of their customers are unwilling to hire a lawyer. So they use that fear to convince claimants that a court battle would only end in an insurance company victory. Get PaidWhat You Deserve Here are some things you can do before, during, and after making a claim to an insurance company: • Read your policy carefully. You should know exactly what is covered and what you need for an appeal in case your claim is denied. • Triple-check forms. An incorrectly completed form can be used by an insurance company to deny or delay claims. • Do not cash the check right away. Cashing these checks can be legally interpreted as accepting their lowball offers. • Get everything in writing. If you need to fight your insurance company, you must be able to produce every bill, form, and piece of correspondence. • Reach out for help. An experienced plaintiff’s lawyer can guide you through your claims process and provide the firepower necessary to challenge the insurance company in court if necessary. • Pick a reputable company. It pays to do a little homework before you sign on the dotted line.


Ray and Carol Steiner found Ringo, a red tabby Manx, living in a shed when he was 10 days old. Despite already having three cats, the couple decided to open their hearts to the friendly feline — a decision that would one day save their lives. Years after adopting Ringo, Ray and Carol began to oversleep and experience high blood pressure, dizziness, and headaches. The couple attributed these troubling symptoms to their recent health problems — Ray had just undergone heart surgery, and Carol was recovering from a car accident with her leg in a cast. But Ringo realized something was amiss. One blistering day in August, the usually mellow cat caused a ruckus. He meowed loudly and banged his body against the front door. Carol let him dart outside, but the moment she closed the door, Ringo began to aggressively meow again. This was unusual behavior, and Carol realized Ringo wanted her to follow him. The red tabby brought Carol around to the side of the house, where large bushes hid the air conditioner and gas and water meters. Ringo started to dig in the jagged lava-rock landscaping, cutting his paws on the sharp stones. When Carol leaned over to get a better look, she was nearly overwhelmed by the smell of natural gas. The gas company discovered an old steel coupler had broken open, leaking dangerous levels of gas into the Steiners’ house. A single spark outdoors could have set off an explosion that would have consumed six other houses, potentially killing 22 people. Ray and Carol’s doctor told them that even if they avoided an explosion, they would have died from methane poisoning if they’d been exposed much longer. The gas meter did not register the leak, but Ringo did. Once they aired out their home, the Steiners’ health improved immensely. Because of his dedication to his family, Ringo became the 11th cat in history to be awarded the American Humane Association’s national William O. Stillman Award for bravery.

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2018 de junio

8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440, Houston, Texas 77017 | 281-402-3478


Gracias a mis hijos he aprendido a ser una mejor persona de muchas maneras. Con sólo prestar atención a lo que hacen y dicen y por vivir el momento con ellos veo que estoy aprendiendo las aptitudes de la vida otra vez. . “Ver mi vida a través de los ojos de un niño ha sido una experiencia increíble.”Esto he aprendido. Perdonar De pronto mis hijos están muy enojados conmigo pero, un rato después, me dicen que soy “el mejor papi del mundo desde que nací” (las dulces palabras de Bethany). No permiten que su enojo crezca ni guardan resentimientos. El odio es como un veneno en nuestro organismo cuando nos aferramos a él y nada más acaba haciéndonos daño. Los adultos también podemos aprender, ya que mis hijos me enseñaron a perdonar. Ser Original Nathan, mi hijo, me ha enseñado a ser yo mismo. Se ha teñido el cabello de muchos colores y ahorita lo trae rubio. Yo, a su edad y ahorita también, lo pensaría antes de llamar la atención. Pero él se siente libre para expresarse a sí mismo pese a que sus compañeros lo molestan. No vaya a malinterpretarme, más le vale a Nathan no ponerse ningún tatuaje un día de estos, pero sí le voy a permitir que sea él mismo siempre. Cuando nosotros como padres permitimos que nuestros hijos se expresen, también les estamos enseñando a que acepten que otras personas son diferentes. Pasión y Perseverancia Natalie me ha enseñado que se necesita tener garra y corazón para triunfar. La clave del éxito viene al hacer gancho al hígado con pasión y perseverancia. Natalie pone el ejemplo de garra y corazón ya sea para competencias de soccer como para los estudios.

Imaginación Cuando somos jóvenes nuestra mente está llena de posibilidades. Nos ponemos muy creativos e imaginativos. Pero como adultos, perdemos la curiosidad y la capacidad de soñar. ¿Por qué? Porque ahora como adultos tenemos miedo a fracasar no queremos equivocarnos. Edith y yo alentamos a nuestros hijos para que persigan sus sueños día a día. También les enseñamos que los errores son parte de la vida. El fracaso no te define, te perfecciona. Aprovecha el Momento Los niños fácilmente se distraen en un instante para concentrar toda atención y energías en lo que se les ponga enfrente. No hacen nada a medias (excepto sus recámaras, quizá). Mis hijos me enseñan a vivir la vida en el instante y hacen de cada momento algo especial. Me esmero por estar presente haga lo que haga, incluso colgar el teléfono si fuera necesario o dejar de leer mis correos o alejarme del trabajo durante un rato. Heroísmo Cuando los niños cuentan alguna historia, por lo general tienden a ser el centro de atención. Ante sus propios ojos ellos son el héroe. Como adultos, se nos olvida que tenemos el poder de escribir nuestro propio guion. Cada día es una oportunidad para empezar una historia nueva. Mis hijos me han enseñado que no tengo por qué vivir la vida que otra persona haya escrito por mí y que puedo ser el héroe de mi propia historia. Estoy agradecido por mis hijos y por todas las lecciones que me han enseñado. Hacen de mí una mejor persona y un mejor padre. –Don E. McClu re Jr.

Para celebrar el nacimiento de nuestra gran nación, ¿Puede haber algo más Americano que los hot dogs y los fuegos artificiales? –¡Pues los Boletos para ir al Beisbol! Gánate 2 boletos para ir a ver el juego de los Astros contra los White Sox el viernes, 6 de julio de 2018. Sólo tienes que darle “like” a nuestra página empresarial de FaceBook (facebook/ attorneymcclure) y formar parte de nuestro programa VIP. Por lo general hay un espectáculo súper fabuloso de fuegos artificiales, además de un regalo para los primeros 10,000 fans. ¡Y no se le olvide traer su guante para cachar algunos jonrones porque estos boletos están en la fila de enfrente de las gradas Crawford! ¡Buena suerte! 2) Vamos a estar regalando una bicicleta cada semana en los meses de julio y Agosto para los niños bien portados que se esfuerzan en ayudar a otros, que tienen una actitud positiva o que ¡simple y sencillamente sea un niño maravilloso y ya! Puede visitar ¡para mayores detalles acerca de como postular a un niño súper estrella para una bicicleta! Nuestro regalo de boletos para los Astros



Publicación de The Newsletter Pro •

El Dr. Zicterman es un hombre de familia y también te trata como familia. Le he confiado a mi familia y a mis clientes lesionados y tú también puedes confiar en él. Si tienes un dolor o molestia persistente, el Dr. Zicterman es de los mejores quiroprácticos que recomiendo tanto a mi familia como a mis amigos. Su principal interés: quitarte tu dolor y que vuelvas a tu vida normal. Aparte de brindar rehabilitación para lesiones personales, también hace exámenes médicos para el DOT (Secretaría de Transportes) y trabaja con lesiones del deporte. El Dr. Zicterman habla español con fluidez (su mamá era de México). Cuenta ya con casi 20 años de experiencia ayudando a otros y también puede ayudarte. LO MÁS DESTACABLE EN NEGOCIOS INSTITUTO DE REHABILITACIÓN DETEXAS Visite (esta en las instalaciones del Gulf Freeway) para mayor información o marque 713-944-7422. También puede ver una entrevista que tuve con él en

RETRASAR, NO PAGAR Y DEFENDER PONE LAS GANANCIAS POR ENCIMA DE LA GENTE Si alguna vez ha tenido que abrir una reclamación de un seguro, seguro comprende que frustrante es tener que pasar por la infinita cantidad de formas y de letras pequeñas confusas. El catedrático de leyes en Rutgers, Jay Feinman, explica cómo las compañías aseguradoras se niegan a pagar los reclamos pero registran ganancias exorbitantes en sus libros, “Retrasar, No pagar y Defender; por qué las Aseguradoras no pagan reclamaciones y lo que puede hacer”. Funciona de la siguiente forma: No pagues, no pagues y no pagues los reclamos Las compañías de seguros niegan que haya ocurrido un accidente o que el titular de la póliza haya salido seriamente lesionado. Algunas compañías ofrecen regalos y bonos a los empleados que no pagan reclamos. Lo que esperan es que a través de estar negando una y otra vez el pago al asegurado, hará que se desmoralice y se venza hasta no tener más opción que tirar la toalla. Retrasa el pago hasta donde sea posible…incluso hasta la muerte Aunque la compañía de seguros haya aceptado pagar el reclamo lo van a retrasar para incrementar las ganancias. Es bien sabido que las compañías aseguradoras envían formas para llenar incorrectas o ponen plazos muy cortos para los reclamos. Algunas otras compañías han, incluso, retrasado pagos, con la esperanza de que un cliente lesionado o anciano muera primero antes de tener que pagar. Defiéndete en la corte Las compañías de seguros saben que pueden defender su muy cuestionable proceder en la corte y saben, además, que muchos de sus asegurados no están dispuestos a contratar un abogado. Por eso usan ese miedo para convencer a las personas de que una guerra en la corte va a acabar en la victoria, pero para la compañía de seguros. Recibe el pago que mereces A continuación encontrará algunas cosas que podrá hacer antes, durante y después de abrir un reclamo ante una compañía de seguros: • Escoja una compañía de buena reputación: vale la pena investigar un poquito antes de poner la firma en el contrato. • Lea su póliza con cuidado: debe saber exactamente lo que cubren y lo que necesitará para apelar en caso de recibir una negativa de pago en su reclamación. • Formas de triple marca: una compañía de seguros puede utilizar una forma o documento que se haya llenado incorrectamente para retrasar o negar el pago. • No cambie su cheque de inmediato. Al hacerlo se podría interpretar legalmente como aceptar sus propuestas baratas. • Pida que le den todo por escrito. Si va a tener que pelear en la corte contra su compañía de seguros, usted deberá ser capaz de mostrar todas las facturas, formas y cartas o comunicación que tenga. • Busque ayuda: un abogado con experiencia en personas que buscan el pago de sus reclamos le podrá guiar a través del proceso y brindarle la potencia necesaria para desafiar a la compañía de seguros en la corte, de ser necesario.

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Dr. Zicterman is a family man, and he will treat you like family as well. I have trusted him with my loved ones and my injured clients, and you can trust him too. If you have a nagging ache or pain, Dr. Zicterman is on the top of the list of chiropractors I recommend to family and friends. Resolving your pain and returning you to normal is his main concern. In addition to rehab for personal injuries, he also handles Department of Transportation physicals and sports injuries.

Dr. Zicterman speaks fluent Spanish; his mother was originally from Mexico. He has nearly 20 years of experience helping others, and he can help you too. Go to Institute-173315269346405 (the Gulf Freeway location) to learn more about him, or call him at 713-944-7422. You can also check out an interview I did with him at bit. do/TX-Rehab-Inst.



My children teach me to live life in the moment and make every second special. I strive to be present in whatever I’m doing, even if that means putting down my phone, closing my email, or stepping away from work for a short while.

inspired by


• 4 pounds chicken wings

• 1/4 cup soy sauce


• 1 stick unsalted butter, softened

• 1 lime, halved

When children tell stories, they tend to put themselves in the spotlight. They are the heroes in their own lives. As adults, we forget that we have the power to write the script for ourselves. Every day is an opportunity to start a new story. My children teach me that I don’t need to live a life someone else wrote for me and that I can be the hero of my own story. I am thankful for my children and all the lessons they’ve taught me. They make me a better person and a better father. –Don E. McClu re Jr.

• Extra-virgin olive oil

• 1 1/4 tablespoons Thai red curry paste

• Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

• 1/4 cup honey

• Chopped cilantro for garnish

DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 425 F.

2. Rinse wings under cold water and pat dry. Season liberally with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Roast on a baking sheet for 25 minutes or until skin becomes crisp and brown. 3. Blend butter, red curry paste, honey, and soy sauce in a large mixing bowl. 4. Toss wings in butter mixture. Squeeze lime juice on top, transfer to serving plate, and garnish with cilantro.



8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440 Houston, Texas 77017


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This publication is for informational purposes only, and no legal advice is intended.


This Father’s Day, thousands of dads will receive a “No. 1 Dad” mug to sip coffee out of at the office. But the following dads took that “No. 1” to a new level.

Park, Greg Alexander was startled awake at dawn by the screams of his 16-year-old son, Gabriel. He rushed out of his hammock to see a black bear dragging his son away by the head. Without hesitation, he kicked the beast in the side, and when that didn’t work, he leapt onto its back and started punching it in the face. When the bear finally released Gabriel, Greg threw rocks until it fled. His son was hurt but made a full recovery in the hospital over the coming weeks.

into Syria to join ISIS. But he resolved to get his kids back. After a long, hazardous journey, he arrived in Tabqa to embrace his two daughters. To leave the caliphate — under penalty of death — they hitched a ride to the border one night and crawled along a railway line until they were within 70 meters of the border. Then they ran under fire from Turkish border guards until they could scramble into tall grasses. After some help from the Russian consulate in Istanbul, they made it back home, together again and safe.

Brian Munn gave his son a liver transplant.

When doctors discovered that baby Caleb Munn had a rare disease called biliary atresia, they told his parents that he was unlikely to survive past age 2 without a liver transplant. Luckily, his father was a perfect match, and he eagerly donated part of his liver in March of 2015 to save his son’s life. Greg Alexander battled a bear for his son’s life. While camping in the backcountry of Great Smoky Mountains National

Artur Magomedov saved his daughters from ISIS.

Artur Magomedov was devastated to discover that his wife had taken his 3- and 10-year-old daughters from their home in Dagestan under the cover of night, flown to Turkey, and crossed

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Published by The Newsletter Pro •


His name is !

My dad is

years old.

My favorite memory of my dad is:

He is so good at:

When he comes home from work, he likes to:

This is what he ALWAYS says:

Here is his favorite thing to eat:

This makes my dad laugh:

(draw a picture)

My dad’s pockets are full of:


¡Mi papi se llama !

Mi papi tiene:

años de edad.

El recuerdo favorito que tengo de papi es:

Papi es muy bueno para:

Cuando vuelve a casa del trabajo le gusta:

Siempre me dice esto:

Esta es su comida favorita:

Esto hace reír a mi papi:

(Haz un dibujo)

Los bolsillos de papi están llenos de: