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Law Office of Don E. McClure April 2018 LIVE LIFE VIVE LA VIDA! April 2018 8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite

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Law Office of Don E. McClure February 2018

corteo. Enjoy a free weekly tai chi class each Tuesday at Central Green Park. Tai chi is an ancient

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Law Office of Don E. McClure - July 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure January 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure Dec 2017

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Law Office of Don E. McClure May 2018


May 2018

8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440, Houston, Texas 77017 | 281-402-3478

page 1 Mother’s Day

page 2 Steve Kyles — Home Loans

page 3 Things You Should Not Do After a Refinery Injury

page 4 What Board Games Can Teach Your Kids



treasures most are our handwritten, personalized notes and our efforts to help out around the house. The women in Edith’s family all get each other something for Mother’s Day, which I think is really nice. It’s never anything big, but it’s a small gesture to let everyone know how much they are valued by all the members of the family. Everyone gets Edith’s mom a gift, and we make sure to send her flowers on top of everything else. This will be my second Mother’s Day without my mom, which is hard. She was a wonderful mother, and I miss her terribly. Thankfully, when I think back on the times we shared, I am able to laugh. Whenever I complained of aches, pains, or sickness, I could count on my mom telling me one thing: “Untate Vicks Vaporub y acuestate.”Whether it was the flu, a simple mosquito bite, or full-fledged pneumonia, Vicks VapoRub was the cure. It’s a strange coincidence, but Edith has told me that many moms in Mexico say, “Put on some Vicks VapoRub and go to bed.” Yet, somehow, my mom adopted the saying, too. I have no idea where she

My wife, Edith, always says that the best part of being a Mexican mother in the United States is that she gets two days to celebrate Mother’s Day. In the States, we celebrate the second Sunday in May, while in Mexico, they celebrate Día de las Madres on May 10. While the days may be different, both cultures recognize that mothers are the foundation on which the family is built. In my opinion, Edith and all the moms in our family deserve an entire Mother’s Month, not just one day. One of the things I love most about Edith is howwonderful of a mom she is to our kids. Every year, I make sure that all the kids get Edith something special. Sometimes, it’s flowers and a card; other times, it’s a trinket or a handmade craft. Once I’ve helped the kids brainstorm their gifts, I pick out something special for her too. Edith reads the newsletter, so I can’t tell you what I have planned for her, but trust me, she’s going to love it. One thing that Edith treasures are her charm bracelets. She has so many charms for so many different occasions that I started to lose track. Regrettably, I started buying her charms that she already had, which she thought was quite


Every month, Edith decorates our office holiday tree. We boasted a love tree in February, and in March, we gave a nod to St. Patrick. This month, we celebrated Cinco de Mayo, and our tree got its adorable yearly makeover. Thank you, Edith, for your hard work and dedication at the office. We’re so grateful for your genuine compassion for our clients and our team. You keep our work environment festive, and you always remind us to make time for a little fun. We appreciate all that you do!

heard it! Maybe she knew I was destined to marry into a Mexican family.

funny. If anything, I guess I can say that I knowwhat she likes! Although Edith appreciates our material gifts, the things she

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Moms make the world go round. After running the gauntlet of childbirth, they raise and guide us throughout our lives, shouldering the tremendous burden and responsibility of motherhood. Mothers are in turn formidable, kind, powerful, gentle, wise, fierce, patient, supportive, empathetic, driven, and full of love. In honor of Mother’s Day, here are three historic moms who never stopped fighting for what they believed in. Before she escaped from New York slaveholder John Dumont, Sojourner Truth had at least three of her children sold away from her. When Dumont went back on his promise to emancipate Truth and her infant daughter in 1826, she took the girl and fled to an abolitionist Quaker family, but she was forced to leave her other daughter and her 5-year-old son, Peter, behind. Soon after, she learned that Peter had been illegally sold by Dumont to a slaveholder in Alabama, so she went to court and secured his safe return. It was the first successful case brought by a black woman against a white man in American history. Truth went on to become a prominent abolitionist and a speaker for women’s rights, delivering her famous impromptu speech, “Ain’t I a Woman?” in May of 1851. When the Nazis invaded Warsaw in September of 1939, Irena Sendler, a 29-year-old social worker and mother of two, hatched a scheme to rescue Jewish children from the brutal ghettos. Along with many friends and colleagues, she smuggled out nearly 2,500 Jewish orphans, hiding infants on trams and garbage wagons and guiding kids through a labyrinth of secret passageways beneath the city. Despite being a wife and the mother of five children — two of whom died tragically young — Emmeline Pankhurst became one of the fiercest advocates for women’s suffrage in the late 19th century. After founding the Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903, she and her cohorts adopted an aggressive strategy to raise awareness for the issue; they began by buttonholing politicians and staging rallies, then progressed to vandalism, window smashing, and arson. She was instrumental in the movement. Pankhurst lived to see women gain the right to vote in 1928. Irena Sendler (1910–2008) Emmeline Pankhurst (1858–1928) Sojourner Truth (1797–1883)

Steve Kyles is one of my most amazing friends. I met Steve a few years ago when we were searching for a mortgage loan. While he did a great job securing the best rates possible, I really remember Steve because of how he made Edith and me feel during the lender process. He quickly gained our trust because he focuses on the best interests of his clients, and it shows throughout every part of the process. Steve is dedicated to his family and is active in church. He carries his values into his business, and his business is all about relationships. Whenever I call him about a lending issue, the first thing he asks about is my family and how he can help me accomplish my goals. And he will do the same for you. I have referred many friends and family to Steve Kyles, and Steve and his team always exceed expectations. Steve likes to think of his clients as more than just transactions, and his referral partners as more than just other realtors. With a firm foundation of loyal referral partners and hardworking, dedicated teammates, Steve Kyles has become one of the area’s most accomplished lending professionals. He is committed to outstanding customer service. By focusing on growth at the right rates and with the right people, Steve ensures that he will always provide the same top-quality service, professional expertise, and personal involvement in all loan transactions. For all your mortgage loan needs, turn to Steve Kyles and contact him at 281-701-4521. He will strive to make your American dream come true. Also, be sure to check out Steve and Don’s video at

... Continued from cover

To Edith, thank you for being a great mother to our three children. You’re the greatest treasure I’ve ever received! And to my mom, you are always on my mind, and I carry you in my heart.

–Don E. McClu re Jr.

Have a great Mother’s Day.

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2018 de mayo

8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440, Houston, Texas 77017 | 281-402-3478


Madres, algo que me parece muy agradable. Nunca es algo grande, más bien es un pequeño detalle para demostrar cuán valoradas son por cada una de las personas en la familia. Todos le compran un regalo a la mamá de Edith y, principalmente, nos aseguramos de enviarle flores. Este será el segundo Día de las Madres sin mi mamá, lo cual es difícil. Fue una maravillosa madre y la extraño muchísimo. Afortunadamente, cuando me acuerdo de los momentos que pasamos juntos me pongo a reír. Cuando me quejaba de achaques, dolores o enfermedades, podía contar con mamá para una cosa: “Úntate Vicks Vaporub y acuéstate.” No importaba si me pegaba la influenza, si me picaba un mosquito o si me daba pulmonía, Vicks VapoRub era la cura. Qué extraña coincidencia, pero Edith me ha contado que muchas mamás en México dicen “úntate un poco de Vicks VapoRub y vete a acostar”. Y pues mi mamá también decía lo mismo. ¡No tengo idea de dónde lo habrá sacado! Tal vez ya sabía que era mi destino casarme con una familia mexicana. Para ti, Edith, gracias por ser una maravillosa madre para nuestros tres hijos. ¡Eres el más grande tesoro que jamás había tenido! Y para mamá, siempre estás en mis pensamientos y te llevo en mi corazón. Les deseamos un lindo Día de las Madres. –Don E. McClu re Jr.

Mi esposa, Edith, siempre dice que la mejor parte de ser una madre mexicana en los Estados Unidos es que le toca celebrar el Día de las Madres en dos fechas. Aquí lo celebramos el segundo domingo de mayo, pero en México lo celebran el día 10 de mayo. Quizá lo celebramos en días diferentes, pero ambas culturas reconocemos que las madres son los cimientos de la familia. En mi opinión, Edith y todas las mamás en nuestra familia merecen todo un Mes de las Madres completo, no solamente un día. Una de las cosas que más me fascinan de Edith es la maravillosa madre que es. Cada año le pido a los niños que le regalen algo especial. A veces son flores y una tarjeta, otras veces puede ser una chuchería o alguna manualidad. Cuando termino de proponerles ideas de regalo a los niños, yo también escojo algo especial para ella después. Como Edith acostumbra leer esta publicación, no les voy a poder decir lo que ya tengo planeado regalarle, pero créame que le va a encantar. Algo que Edith atesora son sus pulseras de la suerte. Tiene tantos amuletos para todo tipo de ocasión que ya hasta perdí la cuenta. Lamentablemente yo empecé a comprarle amuletos que ya tenía, lo que le pareció muy chistoso. ¡Al menos creo poder decir que ya sé lo que le gusta! Aunque le agradan nuestros regalos materiales, las cosas que más valora son nuestras cartitas personales que escribimos a mano, además de las ganas que le echamos para ayudarle en la casa. Las mujeres en la familia de Edith se regalan cosas entre sí el día de las


Edith decora nuestro árbol festivo de oficina cada mes. En febrero pudimos presumir nuestro árbol del amor y en marzo le dimos oportunidad a St. Patrick. Este mes celebramos el Cinco de Mayo y nuestro árbol recibió su encantador cambio de imagen anual. Edith, gracias por tu gran empeño y dedicación en la oficina. Agradecemos tu sincera comprensión para nuestros clientes y nuestro equipo. Le pones un toque de alegría a nuestro ambiente laboral y siempre nos recuerdas hacer espacio para divertirnos un poquito. ¡Valoramos todo lo que haces!



Publicación de The Newsletter Pro •

Desafortunadamente, en Texas ya es costumbre ver abogados dando malos consejos sobre accidentes de refinería, que a lo mejor funcionan contra negocios pequeños o compañías de Seguros pero no funcionan igual contra los abogados bien remunerados de empresas petrolíferas de Texas. Si un abogado le da algunos de los siguientes consejos después de sufrir un accidente en refinería, mejor búsquese otro. Confíe en la Empresa NUNCA confíe en que la empresa hará lo correcto. Si ya está lesionado, su patrón ya está moviendo todo para protegerse y desprestigiarlo. ¡Por eso no vaya a dejar su tratamiento médico en manos de los doctores de la empresa y nunca proporcione una declaración grabada! Exagere sus lesiones Esto es inmoral. Sus lesiones deben hablar por sí mismas. Asegúrese de decirle a su doctor cuanto dolor siente, pero sin exagerar. Hay un plan de tratamiento estándar para lesiones de todo grado y, si usted se pasa de ese nivel de tratamiento estándar, el jurado es muy escéptico y no le va a creer que usted salió lesionado para empezar. COSAS QUE NO DEBE HACER DESPUÉS DE UNA LESIÓN EN REFINERÍA Grabe su Examen Médico secretamente Las grabaciones secretas son pésimas por dos razones. Primero, dan una idea falsa de que se pueden usar. Segundo, envía mensajes equivocados al jurado. Si presenta una grabación secreta en la corte, el jurado lo verá como alguien sin escrúpulos que haría todo con tal de ganar una demanda. Mienta cuando haya mejorado El problema con este consejo es que no es algo realista. Si sus médicos le dieron el tratamiento correcto, seguramente usted mostrará alguna mejora. Pero si el jurado piensa que sus médicos no le pudieron ayudar, aunque sea un poquito, podrían concluir que es su doctor a quien deberían responsabilizar por su dolor y sufrimiento; y no a la refinería. Si usted ha tenido un accidente de refinería, no vaya a hacerle caso a los consejos anteriores. Mejor comuníquese al 281-402-3478. ¡Nosotros vamos a defender sus derechos y a conseguir la compensación que usted merece!

Steve Kyles es uno de mis mejores amigos. Lo conocí hace unos años cuando buscábamos un préstamo hipotecario. Nos dio un excelente servicio con las mejores tasas disponibles, pero lo que verdaderamente me recuerda a Steve es la forma en que nos hizo sentir a mí y a Edith durante el trámite crediticio, transmitiéndonos la seguridad necesaria para confiar en él y poder guiarnos durante el mismo. Su interés principal consiste en el mayor beneficio posible para sus clientes, algo que se nota en cada parte del proceso. Steve es un hombre de familia y un miembro activo de la iglesia. Proyecta sus valores en su trabajo, que se basa primordialmente en relaciones. Cuando le llamo por algún problema de crédito, primero me pregunta cómo está mi familia y de qué manera podría ayudarme a lograr mis metas y hará lo mismo por usted. He recomendado a Steve y Legacy Mutual a muchos amigos y familiares porque él y su equipo siempre exceden las expectativas. Los cimientos de Legacy Mutual Mortgage son valores básicos, sencillos, pero también fundamentales: hacer lo correcto, demostrar que la persona vale y hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo, valores que nos inspiran a trabajar con integridad y respeto. Vivimos una cultura de servicio al cliente, no sólo exigida sino necesaria. Legacy ve a sus clientes como mucho más que una transacción y a sus socios de referidos como algo más que agentes inmobiliarios. Sus pilares se conforman de crecimiento profesional y personal y se ha convertido en una carrera para muchos de los profesionales de crédito. Su constante éxito se basa en firmes cimientos de sus socios de referidos y muy dedicados trabajadores. NOVEDADES COMERCIALES STEVE KYLES Y LEGACY MUTUAL MORTGAGE Mientras Legacy continúa creciendo rápidamente, sigue firme en su compromiso para brindar un servicio excepcional al cliente. Gracias al enfoque de crecimiento de las tasas correctas, con las personas correctas, siempre brindará el mismo servicio de primera, experiencia profesional y trato personalizado para toda transacción de préstamos. Diríjase a Legacy Mutual Mortgage para todas sus necesidades de préstamos hipotecarios y llámeles al 713-579-3600 o envíe un email directamente a Steve: [email protected] . Se esforzarán para que pueda cumplir su sueño Americano. Para mayor información, visite También recuerde checar el video de Steve y Don en .

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Exaggerate Your Injuries This is immoral; your injuries should speak for themselves. Make sure you tell your doctor howmuch pain you are in, but don’t exaggerate. There is a standard course of treatment for injuries of all degrees, and if you go beyond the standard care of treatment, an already cynical jury will not believe that you were hurt in the first place. Secretly Tape Your Medical Exam Secret recordings are terrible for two reasons. First, it wrongly assumes the tape will be useful. Second, it sends the wrong signal to the jury. If you present a secret recording in court, the jury will see you as a shrewd who will do anything to win a lawsuit. Lie About Your Medical Improvement The problem with this advice is that it does not assume reality. If your doctors properly did their jobs, you will have made progress in your recovery. If a jury thinks your doctors failed to help you even a little bit, they might start to think your doctor — not the refinery — should be held responsible for your pain and suffering. If you have been involved in a refinery accident, do not take any of this bad advice. Instead, call our office at 281-402-3478. We will defend your rights and get you the compensation you deserve!

Unfortunately, it’s all too common in Texas for attorneys to dispense bad advice regarding refinery accidents. What might work against a small business or auto insurance company will not work so well against Texas oil’s well-paid attorneys. If an attorney gives you any of the following advice after you’ve been injured in a refinery accident, you should find a new lawyer. Trust the Company NEVER trust the company to do the right thing. Once you are injured, your employer is already circling the wagons to protect themselves and to discredit you. So, don’t leave your medical treatment in the hands of the company doctors, and never give a recorded statement!



The following is the FBIC’s (Fight Bad-Faith Insurance Companies) Top 10 Bad-Faith Insurers. If you have a policy through any of the following providers, you may want to reconsider. 1. Allstate 6. Lloyds

At the Law Office of Don E. McClure Jr., we treat our clients like family, because many of

you are family or have been referred by family! Almost every client we

7. Metlife

2. State Farm

8. Liberty Mutual

3. The Hartford

have can be traced back to our family tree. As a result, your case is not just business; it’s personal!

9. American Family

4. Unum

(Disability, LTC, Life)

10. Auto-Owners (aka Owners)

5. Farmers/Zurich

That’s why every referral you send our way makes a difference. We get to help even more people, and our

WHAT OUR CLIENTS ARE SAYING “There can be a fear of the unknown. Don and his staff excel at giving their clients compassion and honesty during their darkest days. Clients become family, and they are treated with love. It’s rare to find a lawyer with those qualities. Without hesitation, I would recommend Don.” – Catti Cama cho 281-402-3478 3

family tree continues to grow. For that, we thank you for your referrals and for trusting us to not only help you, but to help the people you care about.

8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440 Houston, Texas 77017


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What a re the ben e f its of ou r V IP progra m? F i nd out at Attorn eyMcClu reV IP. com!

This publication is for informational purposes only and no legal advice is intended.


like Chess or Tokido? These games teach strategy and critical reasoning. Games like Pandemic require players to work together, teaching valuable teamwork and leadership skills. Teach by Example While gameplay itself can be a great teacher, being a role model for your children during game night is the most important thing you can bring to the table. No matter their age, showing your kids how to lose gracefully, win magnanimously, and have fun no matter what are skills they will carry with them the rest of their lives.

Consult the Rules Whether you’re new to a game or an old pro, it’s worth spending some time going over how the game is played. Not only will this help you teach your kids how to play a new game, but these rules also provide valuable insight into the skills the game teaches. Even games of pure chance, like Chutes and Ladders, can teach young kids motor skills, a sense of fair play, and what good sportsmanship looks like for both winning and losing. Does the game have rules for trading among players, like Monopoly or Settlers of Catan? These sorts of games are a great way to teach social skills. Does it offer multiple paths to victory,

In this digital age, having a family board-game night every few weeks is a novelty. Putting away the electronics and having fun face-to-face with your kids is reason enough to make this a family tradition. But did you know that board games can also teach your kids valuable life skills? Here’s the best way to facilitate this learning as a parent. Find the Right Game for the Right Age It’s important to find games that fit your children’s abilities. Complex rules, small pieces, or mature content can make some games inappropriate for young kids. The first thing you should do is check the recommended age range on the packaging. This will help you find the best match for your kids.

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