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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2019

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2020

3 of egg whites into batter mixture, then fold in the remaining whites. 8. Fill cake mold with batte

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2018

4 pounds pasta (shells or orecchiette) • 2 cups broccoli florets • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 1 pound

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - May 2019

4 tablespoon dried thyme directions 1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ing

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - August 2019

Airplane Hangar Geneva, Florida When Airbnb was founded a little over a decade ago, the developers h

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2021

2 cup fresh chives, chopped and divided 480.632.7373 Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 F and grease

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - October 2019

2-inch pieces directions 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, fold together pretzels, s

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - February 2019

16-inch thick and cut into 4x6-inch cards. 5. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, bake cookie cards f

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - March 2019

2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve. 3 480.632.7373 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOI

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - November 2019

3 cup leftover dressing or stuffing Note: Don’t worry if you don’t have all the leftovers required.

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - September 2019

Law Office of Kevin Jensen - September 2019 September 2019 480.632.7373 Europe in 14

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2019

April 2019 480.632.7373

13 Years of Olivia Brandon Yost Remembers the Day His Eldest Daughter Was Born

Thirteen years ago, my wife, JoDee, and I were living in Indiana as we anxiously awaited the arrival of our first child. One Friday in late April, we both left for work thinking it was going to be a normal day. It was actually JoDee’s due date, but, as is common with first-time mothers, we figured we’d be waiting on the baby for a few more days. At the time, I worked for a pool cover manufacturer, and I was anticipating a busy day. Sure enough, business picked up, and when I was at my busiest, I was

for her, but as someone who despises the smell of puke, I had to stand as far away as I could to avoid throwing up my own lunch. At this point, JoDee’s contractions were rapid, and by the time we made it out the door, we had to stop every 10 steps for another contraction. Even worse, the hospital was 40 minutes away from our apartment. “We’re never going to make it,” I remember thinking, as sweat began to pool. Finally, we made it to the hospital, and by then, JoDee’s labor had slowed. Within the next hour, Olivia was born — but another hurdle came with

to that point had felt so harrowing and amazing that we didn’t want to let go.

I remember that first night Olivia woke up frequently, so I would pick her up and lay on the makeshift bed the hospital staff had made for me. Within a matter of hours, I had gone from working to lying next to my 6-pound newborn daughter, caught up in complete amazement. I’ve loved being a dad ever since. Thirteen years and three more kids later, Olivia has grown from a 6-pound baby to a bubbly, happy girl. She’s a wonderful big sister, never failing to make each of her siblings’ birthdays a special occasion with decorations and cards. This spring, she has a part in her school play, and since she loves theatre and drama, we’re going to take her to different plays this spring and summer. In fact, this July, since Olivia and JoDee will sing with Millennial Choirs and Orchestras in New York City, we’re going to a show on Broadway too. After entering this world in a storm, Olivia never ceases to amaze us. We can’t wait to see what the next 13 years have in store for the little girl who made us parents. Happy birthday, Olivia!

alerted that I had a phone call. (We were poor college students at the time; cell phones weren’t on the budget.) On the other end of the

it. By the time Olivia’s umbilical cord had been cut, we still hadn’t heard our sweet girl cry. Time seemed to crawl as we waited. Because I could see what was happening, I tried to reassure my wife that everything was fine. My facade appeared brave,

line was JoDee, explaining that she was going home to nap through some discomfort.

but on the inside, I was panicking and praying.

Within hours, we would discover why she felt that way.

Finally, thanks to a vaseline trick, Olivia was irritated enough to cry. To this day, it’s one of the sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard. We were typical first-time parents, and we never wanted to be away from Olivia. We didn’t even want her going to the nursery! At the time, we didn’t live near any family, so we weren’t fighting for her attention. But getting

About an hour after that first call and still in the middle of a busy workday, I received another phone call. This time, JoDee wasn’t just feeling uncomfortable; her water had broke. Without hesitation, I raced home, ran the 150 yards from the parking lot to our apartment, and burst through the door to see JoDee throwing up. In an attempt to be the good husband, I held a bucket

-Brandon Yost



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‘The Sultan of Swat! The King of Crash! The Colossus of Clout! The Great Bambino!’

The Legend of Babe Ruth

Even legends have to start somewhere, and Ruth began his baseball career in the minor league Baltimore Orioles, where his teammates gave him the nickname “Babe.” He was soon acquired by the Boston Red Sox, and he helped them win the World Series in 1916 and 1918. The following year, he was traded to the Yankees. His popularity in the Big Apple allowed the Yankees to move from a shared ballpark to one of their own in the Bronx, which was aptly known as “The House That Ruth Built.” Even through the 1919 World Series gambling debacle, which cast doubt over the sport’s future, the fans’ attention was still centered on the Sultan of Swat and what he would do you want. So, take control and set responsible markers for how to spend wisely. Remember, this doesn’t have to be the plan forever; this is just a plan to help you gain control of your finances right now. Save It It can be tempting to run off on a European vacation or buy the car you’ve always wanted, but these big purchases can put a serious dent in your finances. Now that you don’t have the reliance of a second income, it’s solely on you to make these big decisions. Instead, focus on what you need. There’s nothing wrong with therapeutically indulging a little, but keep your purchasing impacts small by setting spending limits on your self-care. Ask Advice If your ex handled the money, you may have never worried about your estate plan or retirement account. Now that you’re on your

next. The New York Times reported that as “home runs began to scale off his bat in droves, crowds jammed ballparks in every city in which he appeared.” All those home runs resulted in his record-breaking year in 1927, when he hit 60 over-the-fence home runs in a single season. While his home run record was eventually broken in 1961, the continued celebration of Babe Ruth Day keeps his love for the game and unmatched ability alive. To quote the classic baseball film “The Sandlot,” “Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.” In the Great Bambino’s case, the legend of his baseball career has survived for over a century and will continue to do so for decades to come. own, deciding what to do can be confusing. Local financial experts, books, and online courses can help you learn more about your financial situation after a divorce. Additionally, local colleges, support groups, and community centers often offer financial literacy and planning classes. Dig a little, and find ways you can learn. It will feel overwhelming, but remember, you survived a divorce. You can do anything. At The Law Offices of Kevin Jensen, we want to do more than give you legal guidance during your divorce. We’re also here to help you succeed. Learn more about our resources and expertise by visiting

On April 27, 1947, the New York Yankees hosted the first Babe Ruth Day to honor the ailing baseball star, who had terminal throat cancer. As he rose to give a speech for the 58,339 fans in the stadium, Ruth’s condition caused him to have a coughing fit. With the thunderous cheers from the stands encouraging him to continue, he lovingly spoke to the thousands of people who had followed his career from his early years as a free-spirited Baltimore school kid to the world- renowned baseball legend he became. After a divorce, it can feel like everything is in flux, and part of that wobbly ground you may feel like you’re standing on is a new financial path. However, creating a post-divorce budget is an essential part of moving on. Get started on yours with these tips. Make a Plan Combat any financial surprises or mishaps by establishing a plan for your financial future. Assess what you have and what you need, consider the debts you have to pay off, and set realistic goals for how to get there. This is now your future, and you get to plan it how Money, Money, Money Creating a Budget After a Divorce


What Happens to Your Pet When You Divorce Who Gets Fido?

As a pet owner, you probably adore your furry companion. They are part of the family, and when your family is going through a divorce, deciding who gets to keep the pet can be tricky. For some divorcing spouses, the decision is easy. For others, deciding who gets to keep Fido or Fluffy can become a battle.

home where the children will be primarily living. This will make the emotional processing and aftermath of divorce easier for your children. Additionally, we often advise couples to consider what would be the best situation and living environment for the pet. If deciding who gets the pet is too difficult, you can have a judge or a mediator make a decision for you. Some couples also attempt to file for joint custody of their pet, but this is not a solution we suggest. This makes moving on after the dissolution of your marriage more difficult, and it could possibly further complicate your situation.

So, that begs the question: Who keeps the pet?

According to Arizona State Law, a pet is viewed as property. Because of this, an animal’s placement after a divorce is decided similarly to other assets and properties. This is hard for pet lovers to digest because, for most people, it’s hard to understand how something so lovable, sweet, and living could be considered property. Keep in mind, they will not be treated with any disrespect, and most judges don’t consider your dog to be just like your home. They understand this “property” has special, emotional meaning. At The Law Offices of Kevin Jensen, we offer a few suggestions for clients arguing over a pet. If children are involved, we often advise couples to place the pet in the

Your pets are like family, and we understand they are more than property to you. Our experts at The Law Offices of Kevin Jensen can advise you on the best course of action when it comes to your pet’s well-being — and many other aspects of life — after a divorce. Give us a call at 408.632.7373 or visit to learn more.

Inspired by Saveur Magazine

Opening Day Hamburgers


With no fancy sauces, no frills, and no cheese, these All- American burgers are perfect for the start of baseball season.


• 1 pound ground chuck, 80 percent lean • 4 soft, white hamburger buns, split • 4 1/4-inch-thick tomato slices • 12–16 pickle rounds

• 4 small leaves iceberg lettuce • 4 1/4-inch-thick yellow onion slices

• 1 teaspoon vegetable oil • Salt and pepper, to taste • Condiments of your choice

directions 1. Lightly grease a small nonstick skillet with oil. Heat over medium-high. 2. While heating, gently shape meat into four patties 3 1/2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers. Season liberally with salt and pepper. 3. Sear patties on each side, about 1 minute per side. Reduce heat to medium-low and continue cooking until desired doneness, about 1 more minute per side for medium- rare, 2 more per side for medium-well. 4. Let meat rest for a minimum of 3 minutes. 5. To assemble, place patty on bottom bun and top with tomato, pickles, lettuce, and onion (in that order). Spread condiments on top half of bun and place on top of onion. Serve.




3740 E. Southern Ave., #210 Mesa, AZ 85206

Happy Birthday, Olivia!

April 27 Is National Babe Ruth Day!

Budgeting After Divorce

Who Gets the Pet?

Worlds Within Pages Books to Engage the Whole Family

Learning to read opens up a world of possibilities. When your child walks through the back of the wardrobe into Narnia with Lucy Pevensie or rides with Harry Potter on the train to Hogwarts, they connect to something beyond their own experiences. In the U.S., April 23 is World Book Day, and the date commemorates the deaths of legendary authors Cervantes, Shakespeare, and Garcilaso de la Vega, as well as the birth of author Vladimir Nabokov. World Book Day is the perfect time to sit down with your family and let yourself be transported to new worlds. So, here are three great stories to help you take young readers on brand-new adventures. For the Elementary Reader: ‘Song of the Wild: A First Book of Animals’ “Song of the Wild” makes a great read-aloud book for beginner readers because they can get lost in the beautiful artwork while you read the text. Written in prose and rhyming poems, this book showcases sprawling landscapes — savannahs, jungles, and oceans — and features the wildlife living there. It’s worth a read

simply to appreciate the colorful depictions of each animal. This book was written by Nicola Davies and illustrated by Petr Horácek. For the Middle Schooler: ‘The Night Diary’ 12-year-old Nisha navigates her world after the partition of India creates the new country of Pakistan and her family is forced to leave their home. Her mother may be gone, but Nisha finds solace in writing nightly letters to her in her diary as she discovers what the future holds. Based on author Veera Hiranandani’s memories of her own family, this moving tale lets readers experience life through someone else’s eyes. For Teens: ‘Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World’ While some might not think of comics as proper reading, Penelope Bagieu’s graphic novel forces reconsideration. Her clever, colorful artwork and engaging narrative take the reader through the biographies of 30 women, from Bette Davis and Mae Jemison to lesser-known but equally intriguing ladies like Giorgina Reid. All in all, this book provides a great way to get kids excited about history in an entertaining form.


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