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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - November 2019

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - November 2020

4 cup unsalted butter, cubed 4 (2-inch) cinnamon sticks • Directions 1. 480.632.7373 Preheat oven to

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - May 2019

4 tablespoon dried thyme directions 1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ing

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - August 2019

Airplane Hangar Geneva, Florida When Airbnb was founded a little over a decade ago, the developers h

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon kosher salt • 5 pounds sweet p

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - October 2019

2-inch pieces directions 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, fold together pretzels, s

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - February 2019

16-inch thick and cut into 4x6-inch cards. 5. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, bake cookie cards f

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - March 2019

2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve. 3 480.632.7373 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOI

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - September 2019

Law Office of Kevin Jensen - September 2019 September 2019 480.632.7373 Europe in 14

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - June 2019

2 lb.), peeled • 1 tsp Kosher salt, plus more to taste • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste • Pin

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - November 2019

November 2019 ․ 480.632.7373 ․

Traditions and Tasks A Yearly Lesson From the Season of Gratitude

As we gather around our dinner tables this Thanksgiving, many families are going to participate in the time-honored tradition of sharing what they are most thankful for. It’s a beautiful sentiment and a wonderful reminder that has me thinking about my habits. First and foremost, faith and family are two pieces of my life that have most of my gratitude. Of course, I could never thank my wife enough for all she does for our family and for me. With four boys and my own antics, let’s just say she puts up with a lot! But it’s one thing to acknowledge the components of your life that bring you the most joy and make you blessed; it’s a completely different thing to actively take time to practice gratitude. Now, I get it. We’re all busy. No one has time to sit down and write out every single thing they appreciate about their lives, but we can find a way to express our gratitude through the tiniest actions. Before I broke my leg this past winter and was laid up with therapy and healing, I used to do a lot more around our home to show my wife just how much she means to me. For example, I’m usually the last one out of bed on Saturdays, so I made the bed. Our room looked cleaner and nicer, and I know my wife appreciated the sentiment and thought. Another example is the Sunday dinners I often cook for my family. My wife deserves a night out of the kitchen,

Sometimes, our team is blown out of the water, but that’s not the point.

It’s about observing a tradition and sharing a bond over something that makes our family unique. And now, we are including our sons in the tradition as well. In the last few years, I have taken a few of my boys with me, and I can’t wait to include all of them. I’m blessed to be in a family that actively enjoys spending time together and searches for opportunities to do so. I understand practicing gratitude is often easier said than done, especially when life is dealing you a difficult hand. I went through something similar to this last winter when my broken leg prevented me from spending the holidays with my family, stalled my work, and severely limited my mobility. Yet, through that injury, I also realized many positive aspects of my life. I have a strong support system and a family who wants to see me succeed. There was food on our table, I had a job, and we had a roof over our heads. There’s always going to be something that can overshadow your gratitude, but there is always something of value in your life worth clinging onto as well. Perhaps it’s your family, your health, or a 15-year football tradition.

and there’s no reason why I can’t strap on my chef’s hat and whip up a great meal.

If I’m being completely honest, I know I could do better at practicing gratitude. In my defense, my leg injury has taken up quite a bit of my energy, but I know it’s time to get back into the swing of picking up on the little things. These tasks are easy, but they go a long way. Gratitude comes in many forms, and sometimes it’s as simple as having the wherewithal to know when something is too good to let go. For the past 15 years or so, my wife’s brothers and I have chosen a road Brigham Young University (BYU) football game to attend. We have been all over the country, including Florida, Michigan, and Texas. The weekend usually involves a big Airbnb or hotel, some horribly greasy food, and plenty of football. Sure, some years are better than others, but BYU plays a great game.

Whatever it is, it’s worth it.

-Kevin Jensen



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Engage Your Kids on Thanksgiving

With These Gratitude-Themed Games

Guess Who? To play gratitude-themed Guess Who?, have each participant write down their name and something they’re thankful for on a slip of paper and put it in a bowl. Then, at the dinner table, have each person draw a random slip and read what it says without saying the name while everyone else tries to guess who wrote it. While Pictionary may get your kids talking about what they are thankful for, Guess Who? will tune them into what others around them are thankful for too. Pick-Up Sticks Like regular pick-up sticks, the goal is to remove a stick from a haphazard pile without disturbing the others. However, by using colored sticks that

Thanksgiving is an excellent time to teach children about gratefulness. By planning some fun, gratitude-themed games, you can impart a valuable lesson and spend some quality family time together. Get your kids in the holiday spirit by adding a Thanksgiving twist to these classic games. Pictionary Want to bring out your kids’ creative sides? Pictionary is the perfect way to encourage artistic expression and grateful thinking. Try adding a rule where players have to draw something they’re grateful for. This will get your kids thinking beyond turkey and stuffing and give them an imaginative way to express their gratitude. Plus, who doesn’t love a good art contest?

represent different kinds of thankfulness — such as places, people, or food — you can make players think outside the box. This will ensure you get a wide range of creative, thoughtful answers whenever the kids pick up a stick. These modified games are great for helping your kids realize how much they have to be thankful for. Use these to spend some fun, educational, quality time with your family this Thanksgiving.

Leaving Arizona?

What You Need to Know Before You Move After Divorce

Many people use their divorce as an opportunity to gain a new lease on life. Some people take their dream vacation while others use it as an excuse to pick up a new hobby or change their look. Some even go to a new city or state to get a fresh start. But, when you have children, life after divorce is a bit more complicated, often preventing you from making changes on a whim. Most divorced couples with children have an agreed-upon custody arrangement, which can range from full custody to one parent, joint custody between the two,

However, this does not make moving after your divorce impossible.

be best for the child, reasons for the move, any situations that could make the transition easier on the family, and various other factors that will make this process as easy as possible. At the Law Offices of Kevin Jensen, we have expertise in helping families find solutions that will best meet their needs. We understand that moving can be a big transition, but we also know that a resolution can be met swiftly and painlessly. We can draft up the proper proposals and offer support and advice during this transition. Don’t begin your new life on your own. The experts at the Law Offices of Kevin Jensen will support you and your family during every step of your divorce and a possible move. Learn how by calling 408.632.7373.

For starters, any time a primary-custody parent is moving to a different state, or more than 100 miles away in Arizona, they

must provide the other custodial parent with a 45-day notice. The second parent has 30 days to file an appeal with the courts to prevent the parent from moving. The court will consider both filings and make the final decision.

The courts don’t take

or a specialized agreement. These arrangements are finalized in the judicial system, and both parents have an obligation to uphold the agreed-upon terms.

this decision lightly. Judicial experts take into consideration what would


What Therapy Can Offer You and Your Family Connecting Through Counseling

On Your Own

When your relationship reaches a crossroad, it can be overwhelming to make the decision that’s right for you, your partner, and your family. There will never be a clear road map to what should be done, but experts like those at the Law Offices of Kevin Jensen can connect you to the right resources.

Even if you are ecstatic about your divorce, you likely are experiencing many complex emotions. Finding a therapist who can help you process those feelings can be the difference between a swift healing process and feeling bogged down by the life you once lived. Keep in mind that finding the right counselor or therapist for you is a lot like buying a car. You have to do your research, test-drive it, and find what you need. For as many emotions as you have during your divorce, your children could be experiencing similar ones but on a magnified level. Many children thrive in therapy and learn techniques they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. What’s more, therapeutic opportunities don’t have to take the form of a traditional one-on-one therapist and patient relationship. There are also support groups, after-school programs, and mentor programs that offer the same benefits. Our law offices have resources and connections with local professionals to help you find the guidance you are looking for no matter what the situation may be. For resources, visit or call 408.632.7373. For Your Kids

Find out how one particular resource, counseling, can help you and your family in these three scenarios.

As a Couple

Divorce is not a decision many people come to lightly, but counseling can guide you in the right direction. Counseling fosters healthy and effective communication, but it may not “save your marriage.” And that’s perfectly okay! Sometimes divorce is the healthier decision, and, if you come to that decision through counseling, there’s a better chance of having a healthy, amicable split. Regardless, counseling can give you and your partner the tools you need to overcome this rocky period, whether it’s together or separately.

The Best Leftover Turkey Sandwich


Thanksgiving may be held on Thursday, but the food often lasts at least through the weekend. To make the best use of the excess, grill up some killer turkey sandwiches.


• 2 slices sourdough bread • 2 tbsp Dijon mustard • 2 slices Swiss cheese

• 2 tbsp leftover gravy • 1 tbsp butter, room temperature

• 1/3 cup shredded leftover turkey • 3 tbsp leftover cranberry sauce • 1/3 cup leftover dressing or stuffing

Note: Don’t worry if you don’t have all the leftovers required.

directions 1. Coat inside of each bread slice with mustard and a slice of cheese. Place turkey and cranberry sauce on one slice and dressing and gravy on the other. 2. Combine sandwich and spread butter on both sides. 3. In a panini maker or large skillet, grill until crispy and golden brown. 4. Slice and serve.

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3740 E. Southern Ave., #210 Mesa, AZ 85206


Finding Gratitude Among Life’s Tribulations

Gratitude-Themed Games for Kids

Moving After Your Divorce? Here’s What You Need to Know

‘Should We Go to Counseling?’

3 Hidden Gems Celebrating American Art

Go to an Art Museum Day

Shelburne Museum - Vermont

Go to an Art Museum Day, which takes place on Nov. 9, is very clear about how you should celebrate it: Go to an art museum! This holiday is an important reminder of the wealth of art and creativity housed in our nation’s museums. Many facilities participate in the holiday with events and discounted entry fees. While East Coast art meccas like New York’s Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art immediately come to mind, there are some hidden gems in our country that deserve a second (or first) look. It’s hard to beat the setting of this museum. Located in Jackson, Wyoming, the National Museum of Wildlife Art is nestled into a cliff that overlooks the pristine National Elk Refuge. As if the beautiful environment weren’t enough, the museum is also filled with 14 galleries (over 5,000 pieces) from artists who evoke the relationship between humans and the natural world, including pieces from Georgia O’Keeffe, John James Audubon, John Clymer, and Robert Kuhn. In 1994, the museum received the Wyoming Humanities Award, and, in 2008, it received its current designation as the National Museum of Wildlife Art of the United States from Congress. National Museum of Wildlife Art - Wyoming

Experience American history, art, and design at this impressive museum that was “designed to allow visitors the pleasure of discovery and exploration.” From architecture to impressionist art, the 35 acres of this museum house 39 different structures, each celebrating a subsection of American art. Founded by Electra Havemeyer Webb, an art lover and collector, Shelburne Museum exemplifies her vision of an institution that celebrates both past and present.

Chinati Foundation - Marfa, Texas

This contemporary art museum carries out the intentions of artist and founder Donald Judd, who sought to create a sense of time and place through thoughtful curation and design. Judd emphasized “works in which art and the surrounding landscape are inextricably linked.” Located on 340 acres of land, the museum includes permanent and temporary installations. The foundation also supports artist residence and educational programs. Judd’s ideas, and their manifestation in Chinati, have helped establish Marfa as an international art destination.


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