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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201609-201610

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Vitality to find it! [ Throw new fruits and veggies into the mix. ] There’s a good chance you’ve onl

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afternoon tea & lunch provided) • Group Dinner Friday, 16 November 2. 1. Two ways to qual ify as ful

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BusinessCenter under News &Meetings. If you’d like to host an event, talk to your Regional Sales Spe

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09 In January 2009, Christian flew to Melaleuca headquarters for the semiannual Road to Executive Di

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Penguin, 2011). 2 Michael Schein, "Stop Studying Success Gurus. Do This Instead,", May 5, 2

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201609-201610



Advancing SENIOR DIRECTORS Yvette & Justin Brewin and Carole Sellar

E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®

Remember Your Dreams


It is sad to witness the lack of direction and lack of purpose that some people have in their lives. I’m not talking about our youth. In fact, many of our youth seem to have plans and goals that are encouraging and inspiring. I’m concerned about mature, capable adults who used to have dreams and goals when they were young, but have given up on those dreams and now seem resolved to be content with whatever life has dealt them. I believe that one of the saddest scenarios I can imagine is when someone gives up on their dreams. In many respects, giving up on our dreams is worse than the loss of a loved one. To give up on our goals may be, in essence, to not fulfill the purpose of our own creation. To allow life to happen to us as opposed to making life happen is one of life’s greatest potential tragedies. I have learned that anything is possible to those who are persistent in the pursuit of their dreams. Sure, we meet roadblocks! Sure, there are hurdles. Sure, things don’t always turn out exactly how we planned. But what a tragedy when we interpret those setbacks as making our dreams impossible to reach—or worse yet, interpret our current failure as meaning we are failures and incapable of success.

If I could issue a challenge today, it would be to have everyone remember back to when they were young, when they had goals and dreams. I would have them remember those goals and dreams in detail, and wake them up with the realisation that it is not too late. Our life can still be what we wanted it to be! We can accomplish and do everything we wanted to do. Oh sure, we are going to have to change some things. If we keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’ll keep getting what we’ve been getting. But we can change some things as long as we know where we are going and know that if we keep at it we will get there. I would challenge everyone to remember your past hopes and dreams and write them down on paper as goals. Solidify them! Think about them! Decide what has to change in order to reach them. Commit to doing those things, and go for it. Be prepared for setbacks, but never give up until you reach your goal. I would challenge you to discover the dreams of those closest to you. Do you know the dreams and goals your spouse had at a younger age? Your best friend? A sibling, a parent, a child? Find out which dreams have


yet to come true. Together, see if you can’t wake up some of those dreams. And make a plan together to make those dreams come true. If you truly throw your heart into helping someone you love reach his or her goals, I can promise you both a very rewarding experience—not only in the end result, but in the journey as well. At Melaleuca, our mission is: To enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals. Goals start with a dream and then with writing that dream down on paper. Until it is written down, a dream never becomes a goal—it just remains a dream. Today is the day to reestablish our goals and recommit ourselves to our own and to each other’s success. As Melaleuca approaches our thirty year anniversary, there’s never been a stronger time in our company’s history. Melaleuca continues to grow at a terrific pace, and the management team—your management team—has taken specific care in ensuring that Melaleuca will be efficient, productive, and successful for a good, long time. Just like you, we have goals and we have ways of tracking our development toward the satisfactory accomplishment of those goals. One of our most important goals is that of continuing to establish a long-term prosperity and the prosperity of those who join us in the years to come. We are convinced that the plain and simple truths established for Melaleuca 30 years ago are still valid today. We stand steadfastly by our quest to enhance the lives of those we touch. We are more committed than ever to delivering exceptional products at reasonable prices. In recent years, we have made great strides and are now much further ahead of our competition. The same principles we’ve used for years as a prescription for success are important to us today, and they will continue to have an impact on our business for years to come. Superior and safer products continue to be the very lifeblood of our business. The supermarket products that sell the most are no match for our safe, cost-effective brands. As more people investigate and understand the tremendous value of our products, each month tens of thousands of people will continue to switch brands and begin shopping from our catalogues and website, and our

business and our customers will continue to prosper as we grow our business together. It is true that Melaleuca offers a terrific business opportunity, and thousands are prospering from the fantastic growth of their Melaleuca business—but I feel the biggest impact that Melaleuca is making in the world cannot be measured in dollar signs. People are living longer, healthier, more vibrant lives. I never once realised that we would have the kind of advantage in nutritional supplements that the Peak Performance Pack gives us. As we listen to the stories of the thousands of lives that have been changed by the Peak Performance Pack , it is evident that this product has no equal in the world of nutrition. Although the Peak Performance Pack has become our defining product, we can’t forget the advantages we also have with products like Access , Attain , Renew , Sol-U-Guard Botanical , Diamond Brite , MelaPower , and dozens of other Melaleuca products that are having an immeasurable effect on the health and well-being of thousands of families world-wide. We appreciate all those who have joined us in our goal of enhancing lives. This is a great time to reawaken your dreams and establish new goals as well as recommit to the goals you used to have. When we established this company nearly 30 years ago, we also established our mission to enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals. We hope you’ll allow us the opportunity to help you reach your goals—starting today.




S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 1 6


AND CAROLE SELLAR p.9 People are achieving incrediable goals as leaders of Melaleuca businesses.



FAST TRACK FIJI..................................... 14

STRIKING OIL— HARNESSING THE POWER OF ESSENTIAL OILS .......................................... 27

GETTING THE SKINNY ON FIBRE ......................................................................... 29


CELEBRATION ......................................................... 39

SEPTEMBER LAUNCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Find out what new products were revealed at launch and how they can help you build your business.

SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF SALES DARRIN JOHNSON People are drawn to purposes —what you do or how you do it is not nearly as powerfuly as why.


Discover how this group of women have teamed up to grow their Melaleuca businesses.





EXECUTIVE Melaleuca presents

LEADERSHIP COUNCIL THE EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Melaleuca is focused on understanding and helping enhance the lives of our customers. The voice and collective experience of our Executive Leadership Council are integral to the process; the Council guides us to make informed decisions that help positively impact the lives of customers, and the growth of our market.

Betty-jean Vaughan QLD

Zena Fatrouni QLD

Ian & Karen Muntelwit QLD

Karen & Matthew Buttery VIC


A t my home, I have a bag of Mountain Cabin™ Signature Blend coffee sitting on the kitchen counter. I love the rich, full-bodied flavour of this roast. I also like that it’s competitively priced with other premium coffee brands. But as important as price and quality are when it comes to coffee, I know the real reason customers purchase Mountain Cabin Coffee , or any product from Melaleuca, has less to do with product features and more to do with the purpose behind every product we produce. Here at Melaleuca we believe in enhancing lives. This belief powers every decision we make from the products we sell to the way we compensate our Marketing Executives. Our company is powered by purpose and it’s one of the key reasons we’re seeing record-breaking growth in today’s marketplace. the Power of WHY

Darrin Johnson, Senior VP of Sales

A Purpose-Driven Marketplace Now more than ever, people aren’t just looking for quality products. They’re looking for a company they can identify with, one whose values and purpose are in line with their own values and purpose. A recent consumer study of over 11,000 customers in eight different countries found that 91% of consumers want to do business with a company that shares their values or purpose. 1 And they’re backing up this desire with their purchases. The 2015 Meaningful Brands Survey found that purpose-driven brands —those that go beyond the product to increase the well-being of customers and society—outperform the stock market by 133 percent! 2 When it comes t o enhancing lives, we believe this should apply to more than just our customers—it should apply to every person who interacts with Melaleuca. We aren’t alone in this belief. A recent


A P U R P O S E - D R I V E N M A R K E T P L A C E

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” —Simon Sinek

or business opportunity have enhanced your life, and tell your prospective customer how you think it can enhance their life. For example, if you’re talking with a family of young kids then you would focus on the “why” of having a safer home rather than simply telling them about products that are bleach-free. Or you might share with a friend a way they can have more time freedom to spend with loved ones, rather than saying you know a way they can earn some extra money. The key is to go beyond what we sell and focus on why it will matter to your customer. Sharing a Purpose Rather Than Selling a Product When you focus on the shared value of enhancing lives, it becomes a lot easier to pick up the phone and make your four daily phone calls. You’re no longer worried about trying to sell someone a product; instead you’re sharing a solution with them based on needs/beliefs you know they value. This shift in attitude also matters to your customer too. As the saying goes, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” When you focus on a shared value or solution, you’re letting people know you care about them and their goals, and you’re more interested in helping them than you are in making a sale. Creating Lifelong Customers & Business Builders The key to any healthy, thriving business is not large single orders, but consistent repeat purchases. The same is true for Melaleuca. The health of our company is evidenced in our 96% month-to-month customer reorder rate. But what makes a customer order from Melaleuca or any company month after month? According to a yearlong study by Aaron Lotton at Corporate Executive Board, the key to customer loyalty is shared values. 3 Customers make repeat purchases from Melaleuca because they connect with our focus of enhancing lives. When they order a bag of Mountain Cabin Signature Blend , they aren’t just purchasing a bag of coffee. They’re participating in a unique business model that allows them to enhance lives, whether it’s their life, their enroller, or the future generations who will have a healthier planet thanks to sustainable practices. It’s the same reason customers share Melaleuca with those they love. It’s not just about earning some extra money each month—they want to be a part of a company that helps people reach their goals. Who Can You Help? As a Melaleuca customer, you’ve seen the difference Melaleuca makes in your life. You’ve also heard stories from many other customers and business builders whose lives are better thanks to Melaleuca, including the Marketing Executives featured in this magazine every month. Now the question becomes, who can you help? Who were the people you thought of while you were reading this article? Write down at least 20 of their names and add them to your contact list. Then approach them through phone calls, personal contact, or digital communications and schedule a firm appointment on your calendar. Don’t overthink it. Remember, you’re focusing on their “why” and how Melaleuca can be a solution for them. You can do it when you’re powered by purpose.

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