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SeasonsOfPure or by scanning the QR code below. CORPORATE DIRECTORS 4 N EW ADVANCEMENTS Ashley & Bra

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| B U I L D I N G Y O U R B U S I N E S S |

What would reliable residual income mean for you? P. 8


You can’t catch a thing unless you keep your line in the water.

social skills and people skills who could, in no way, be considered “polished” – yet they become Executive Directors, earning in excess of €/£ 100.000 annually just by sticking with it every single day. By “sticking with it,” I mean they regularly and systematically add to their contact list, enrol new customers, and help those customers build a Melaleuca business. I have been delighted to watch what happens when someone makes a goal and sticks with it until that goal is achieved, no matter what kind of distraction may come their way. Some businesses move more quickly than others. The speed of the growth of each business has more to do with the tenacity of the leader than any other factor. Those who are not tenacious are easily distracted; day-to-day life gets in the way, or they busy themselves with unproductive activities. With Melaleuca, productive activities are the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities:

a lot. In truth, I do not enjoy “fishing” nearly as much as I enjoy “catching.” We had a family motto: “While others go fishing, we go catching!” I taught my kids that if they were going to be serious about “catching,” they had to keep their line in the water. They repeatedly heard me say, “You can’t catch a fish with your line out of the water!” They got tired of hearing it, but those who were tenacious about keeping their lines in the water caught lots of fish, while those who got distracted and fiddled around with other things never caught much of anything. At Melaleuca, making phone calls, setting appointments, and making presentations are the same as having your line in the water: if you are not doing those things consistently, you may be having a great time but your business will not be growing much. It is great to know that success with Melaleuca does not depend on some endowed gift or combination of skills. In all cases, success with Melaleuca comes from tenacity: never losing focus on contacting potential customers and making presentations. It’s a simple concept, and it’s totally within our control. Everyone – including you – can do it if you stick to it! If you want your business to grow faster, make sure your line is always in the water! Sincerely,


We have learned a lot in the short 35 years we have been in business. Some of those things have to do with what factors make the biggest difference in building a large Melaleuca business. For some time now I have observed how different people approach working their business. It is obvious that some are much more successful than others. The reason why they are more successful has also become very apparent. In the early stages of our company, I made the mistake of believing that other people’s success would be determined by their skill levels, by how talented they were, and how bright they were. When I met new Marketing Executives, I made the mistake of “prejudging” them as to whether they would be successful or not. I didn’t do it consciously or with any ill intent, but I found myself making a subconscious “check mark,” as if to say, “Boy! This person will do really well!” or “I doubt this person will ever make Senior Director – I hope she has someone to help her!” I soon learned how wrong I was to be so audacious as to believe that I had the ability or even the right to have any preconceived notions about anyone before they had the chance to prove themselves. I soon learned that skill, talent, and intelligence were not the defining factors for success. Those

whom I had prejudged consistently proved me wrong! Although many of the bright, skilled, and experienced people have done very well, many have not. And yet many of those whom I thought would not make it have done extremely well. Although there are vast differences among those who have had success with Melaleuca, there is one trait shared by all those who have been very successful: that trait is tenacity! Although there are vast differences among those who have had success with Melaleuca, there is one trait shared by all those who have been very successful: that trait is tenacity! I would define tenacity as “focused energy,” a single-mindedness of almost constantly working their business during their normal business hours – they are at it day in and day out. They do not let go of their goals. They do not wait for something to happen; they make things happen! It does not matter much how bright they are or how skilled they are. I have seen many who have lacked

1) Build Your contact list 2) Set appointments

3) Share Melaleuca: An Overview 4) Strategy session within 48 hours 5) Celebrate success 6) Always be involved with Fast Track 7) Lead by example


Unproductive activities would include pretty much all other activities except the activities listed above. When my children were smaller I took them fishing



CONTENTS April / May / June 2022

WIN with the 90-Day Challenge! Do the 90-Day Challenge and be 1 of 3 Peak Performance Pack 6-month supply winners.

To participate, start your Peak Performance 90-Day Challenge as of April 2022 and submit your testimonial once you are finished. Share with us the difference it has made in your life.

Submit your testimonial to [email protected]

What would reliable residual income mean for you? At the foundation of every thriving Melaleuca business is a singular driving force: a reliable residual income. 8

Tips for sharing Your Peak Performance story When it comes to trying something new – whether it’s a book or restaurant, recipe or product – a personal recommendation from someone you know is the most believable and convincing resource.

International President´s Club 2023

Five questions to help You design the life You want Reacting to events around us is second nature. In fact, it’s easy to spend our lives in an endless cycle of reaction if we’re not careful.





Achievements Leaders

Conference Awards






Five questions to help you design the life you want. Reacting to events around us is second nature. In fact, it’s easy to spend our lives in an endless cycle of reaction if we’re not careful. It takes courage and deliberate action to break that cycle – andwhen you do that, you can actively direct your life to become exactly what youwant it to be.


Is work/life balance a myth? Gone are the days when you worked eight hours, had eight hours at home, then slept for eight hours. Gallup recently reported that an employee with a work-issued mobile device works a total of 70 hours per week. The line between work and home isn’t just blurred – it’s gone. You’re already working on “your time.” Doesn’t some of that time deserve to go to building your business? Will spending an evening at the office or conquering the next level in a video game get you where you want to be in 5, 10, or 20 years? Carve out time to build your business. Be deliberate with your actions. And protect that time and those actions fiercely. Ask yourself this: What are my priorities? If the bulk of your time AND your ACTIONS are devoted to your priorities, then you’re not out of balance at all. Rather, you’re living a life of intention and purpose – giving your full time and talents to the areas of life most important to you. If your goal and your “why” are crystal clear, then do something about it and give it EVERYTHING you’ve got. With intention. With purpose. That is how your life will change.

The first step in designing the life you want is envisioning the future and setting goals with timelines to get you there. Hope is not a solution. “Someday I might look into…” isn’t going to take you very far. That’s why I love the 2022 Melaleuca theme – With Melaleuca I Will.

What is your goal?

Thorsten Kilb, General Manager



Why is this important to you?

Here’s a powerful exercise. Ask yourself this question and write down your answer. Ask the question again. Then ask it again. For example, if your goal is to become a Senior Director or to make €/£ 3.000/month with your Melaleuca business, and you ask yourself why this is important, your first answer might be, “So I can quit my job.” Ask it again: Why is quitting your job important to you? “So I can stay home with my kids.” Why is staying at home with your kids important to you? “So I can create lifelong memories in the few years I have with them before they move away.” Your “why” becomes more meaningful each time you ask the question. When your “why” is bigger than your fears, you become unstoppable.

Be honest with yourself here. We all have a gap between where we currently are and where we want to be. Don’t beat yourself up – you’re human. Take a strategic assessment and be honest about what needs to change. Want ONE SIMPLE STRATEGY that can change everything for you? Get an accountability partner (a coach, a friend, a spouse) who will encourage you and hold you accountable. Share your goal and your “why” with them. Then establish clear expectations about what you are going to do on a daily basis (such as making a specific number of phone calls a day) that will bring you closer to your goal and report back to your accountability partner. No exceptions!

What changes do you need to make to reach your goal?


Your greatest asset is the 24 hours you have in a day. Is your time spent on the specific activities that move you closer to your goal? For many of you, your Melaleuca business either is or COULD BE the vehicle for you to change your life – if you’re truly willing to consistently perform a few critical activities. For those building a Melaleuca business, continually adding to your contact list and making at least 4 calls a day (or 20 calls a week) are the required intentional steps to take. When you do this, your Melaleuca business – and your income – will grow, and you’ll be well on your way to reaching your goal.

Who is your accountability partner?


Finally, where do you spend your time?


Take control of your future with a reliable residual income. At the foundation of every thriving Melaleuca business is a singular driving force: a reliable residual income. This income is the reward the Melaleuca Compensation Plan is designed to produce in exchange for your consistent, dedicated effort. Ultimately, everything you do as a Melaleuca Marketing Executive will revolve around growing your residual income.

The activities that grow your Melaleuca residual income are no secret. You build a relationship with someone. You look for how Melaleuca could help them with their needs. You invite them to attend a Melaleuca Overview and subsequently help them enrol as a Melaleuca Customer. As those Customers you’ve enrolled return to shop with Melaleuca each month, you earn a commission on their purchases. THE VALUE OF A SINGLE MELALEUCA CUSTOMER Many Melaleuca Customers have referred just one or two others to enrol and shop with Melaleuca. They simply love our products and want others close to them to experience the same benefits. Even if they never refer another shopper again, Melaleuca needs them and values them.

What if you help just one person enrol and start shopping with Melaleuca? If that Customer continues to shop month after month, year after year, you’ll receive a small check from Melaleuca – month after month, year after year. Regardless of the amount, that check is a big deal. Just a little extra income each month can make a big difference to a family that is struggling to cover expenses, stay ahead of debt, and put a little into savings. One or two enrolments may not seem like much. But each new Customer is another opportunity to enhance a life. For you, one Customer who starts shopping with Melaleuca could mean hundreds, maybe even thousands, of pounds/ euros earned by you over a lifetime – just for sharing the products you love with others.



HOW MELALEUCA FOSTERS RESIDUAL INCOME It’s not by accident that Melaleuca Customer and Marketing Executives have a unique vehicle for creating a reliable residual income. The company has many advantages that enable anyone to build such an income through their hard work.

The Stiners recognised what they had in the prospect of building a reliable residual income. They went to work to make that residual income a reality. “Now we don’t worry about what’s ahead,” Kim says. “We have peace of mind that comes from years of work building our Melaleuca business and being paid over and over for our efforts. Because of the power of residual income, we’re dreaming. We’re planning. We’re excited about what the future holds.” INCOME YOU CAN COUNT ON Everyone building a Melaleuca business, from Product Advocates to Senior Directors and beyond, pays close attention to the amount of their residual income.

concept by itself is life changing. At Melaleuca, you help someone discover Melaleuca and become a customer for a lifetime. And you continue to get paid as that customer continues to shop.” Before enroling with Melaleuca, Breanne was trying to create a reliable income within an MLM company. “I would work and work and work,” she says, “but nothing lasted. I never knew how much I would earn. I couldn’t count on anything, and that created a lot of stress. “But the residual income I’ve built with Melaleuca has changed our entire lives. This may sound silly to some, but I wake up every morning happy because the stress is not there anymore. I can’t describe how incredible it feels just to start each day that way.”


“These are everyday products,” says Senior Director 7 Blondina Polazzo. “They’re consumable. And they’re not just skin care products or nutritional supplements. They’re that and so much more! They replace what you would shop for in so many different aisles of your supermarket.” In short, the full catalog of wellness products that Melaleuca offers is perfectly poised to help you grow your residual income. The products meet multiple needs – proving to be more effective, safer, and a better value than what potential customers are already buying. REASONABLE PRICES “Melaleuca offers exceptional products at reasonable prices,” Breanne Sufrin says. “When people see not only that Melaleuca products are high quality but also that they can get those products at a discount just by becoming Melaleuca Customers, they jump at the chance to switch stores. It just makes sense!”

HOW DO YOU GROW YOUR RESIDUAL INCOME? Imagine the results you will see if you help more new customers enrol. As those customers shop with Melaleuca, you will earn commissions on all of their purchases – month after month. The work you put in to enrol each customer will pay you back over and over again. Let’s go even further. If you decide to become a Marketing Executive, you’ll have the opportunity to increase your residual income. You do this by teaching others to enrol new Melaleuca customers alongside you. As your organisation grows, the Compensation Plan will allow you to earn commissions on not just the shopping of your personal enrolees but the enrolees of your team members as well. That means your residual income will grow. Your consistent efforts will likely result in advancements and bonuses as well. But regardless of your status and the amount of those one-time bonuses, the real strength of your business will continue to be your residual income. Your residual income is the engine that is driving you toward fulfilling your why .

FACE YOUR FUTURE WITH MORE CONFIDENCE Nobody knows exactly what the future will bring, but feeling like your future is out of your control can add stress and anxiety to your everyday life. If you don’t feel prepared for what’s coming, you’ll won’t be acting with confidence. But if you feel in control of your future – if you feel you are guiding your health and finances where you want them to go – you can have more confidence and peace of mind day in and day out. BACK IN CONTROL Executive Director 4 Kim Stiner knows the impact that reliable residual income can make on someone’s confidence and peace of mind. The Stiners got hit hard by the Great Recession. Ron lost his job due to downsizing, and suddenly he and Kim found themselves facing a less- than-certain financial future. “For a while, we were having to decide what the minimum we could live on was,” Kim says. “We were concerned about just getting by.”

“Growing our residual income is the number

one thing that keeps

me enthusiastic and motivated as a Marketing Executive.” – Executive Director Breanne Sufrin

Executive Directors Michael & Breanne Sufrin

Executive Directors 4 Kim & Ron Stiner

“Your residual income is everything,” Executive Director Breanne Sufrin says. “It’s income you can count on. You continue to grow it based on your ongoing effort. And that

Although they eventually found new employment, the Stiners didn’t want to repeat the situation of not having a supplemental source of income. Fortunately the Stiners and their daughter and son-in-law, Executive Directors 6 Shelby and AJ Ford, had recently discovered Melaleuca. They had been looking for healthier alternatives to the toxic chemicals they had been using to clean their homes. In Melaleuca they found a store that offered the healthier products they’d been searching for – and much more. “When Melaleuca came into our lives,” Kim says, “we saw it as a way to get back in control of our future.”



A 94% RETENTION RATE Melaleuca’s 94% monthly retention rate means that as you build your Melaleuca business, your customers are very likely to continue to shop month after month. “Our 94% retention rate is incredible,” Breanne says. “And so I tell everyone in my Melaleuca Overview presentations about it. Such a high retention rate proves that the products are amazing all by themselves.”


Melaleuca boasts a track record of more than 35 years of paying residual income month after month. In fact, to date, Melaleuca has paid more than $6.5 billion in commissions to Customers! LEARN TO EARN AND LOYALTY SHOPPING REWARDS “Education is the key to Customers coming back again and again to shop for the products,” Kim says. “When they understand what they have and the benefits of what they’re bringing into their homes, that’s when they become lifelong shoppers.” Customers earn and unlock Loyalty Shopping Rewards by watching the Learn to Earn videos about the products. Those Loyalty Shopping Rewards enable them to try out and fall in love with even more products. RELIABLE INCOME EVEN WHEN TIMES ARE TOUGH Sometimes life throws you a curveball. When everything seems to be going off the rails, the assurance of a reliable residual income can bring precious, hard-to- find peace of mind. Recently, Senior Director 7 Blondina Polazzo had to step back from building her business to take care of some personal and family concerns. That’s when she learned that her Melaleuca residual income wouldn’t let her down.

WHAT WOULD A RELIABLE RESIDUAL INCOME CHANGE FOR YOU? As a Melaleuca Customer, you have a unique opportunity to take control of your future. You have access to 250+ wellness products that can bring wellness into every part of your life to an extent you’ve never experienced before. On top of that, you have a vehicle to create lasting financial wellness for yourself. While a Melaleuca residual income is meant to supplement your regular salary, not replace it, having this second income can give you more choices at every turn. Your hard work and consistent daily efforts to do the Seven Critical Business- Building Activities will help grow this income. With the reassurance of a check from Melaleuca coming month after month, you can work toward your goals with more confidence – and face whatever life throws at you with greater peace of mind.

Not long afterward, the Polazzos’ daughter had to go to the hospital. When she came home, Blondina took time off to care for her. “And that’s when I really started paying attention to my residual income,” she says. “That’s when it really began to matter.” During this trying time, the Polazzos were also experiencing some financial turmoil. They lost some of their primary income. But through all of it, they were still able to breathe easy. They had a reliable second income from Blondina’s Melaleuca business to help keep them on track. “I began to keep a close eye on our Melaleuca residual income,” Blondina says. “And as it stayed steady and even grew a little, I realised we could count on it. That was a powerful lesson. I didn’t realize the power of my residual income until we found ourselves in that situation.”

Senior Directors 7 Blondina & Will Polazzo

“I didn’t enrol with Melaleuca to build a business,” Blondina says. “I was looking for cleaning products that were safer for my home. My daughter was ill, and her doctor advised us to clean our home of environmental toxins. We loved what we found at Melaleuca. But then Corporate Director 6 Erin Clark and Executive Director 9 Sadie Kolves convinced me to look at the Compensation Plan. And I said, ‘Okay.’”




Violeta Tarasevicene Germany Empowering Her Personal Mission

Melaleuca presents EUROPEAN

But Violeta is also very deliberate in the way she shares Melaleuca. “I try to listen to and observe a person first,” she explains. “I try to feel how their life could be made better if they had Melaleuca products.” Violeta’s Melaleuca business allows her to continue doing what she loves. “Melaleuca has really extended and expanded my opportunities to implement my values and mission,” she says. “Melaleuca products have helped me pursue a lifelong idea and desire to help myself and others live healthier, better lives.” Her dedication to wellness is even evident in the way she leads and guides her team. “I fuel my team with respect and gratitude,” Violeta explains. “I rejoice in the success of each of them, support their initiatives, and foster their faith in themselves and their potential. “When you engage in a beloved activity with respect, gratitude, and faith – and you see the meaning in it – your reward will come naturally.” And for Violeta, there have been a lot of rewards. “I am especially grateful to Melaleuca,” she says, “where I’ve not only learned and improved a lot, but my earnings are three-times higher than my previous maximum earnings.”

ACHIEVEMENT LEADERS The European Achievement Leaders are those businesses with the highest contribution index. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in their Organisational Preferred Customers during the prior 60 days, multiplied by the number of each leader’s personally enrolled Directors, plus their number of personally enrolled customers. Membership of this elite group is reviewed bi-monthly. In order to be recognised as a member of this team, leaders must submit a picture to Melaleuca.

For more than a decade, Violeta ran her own yoga and healthy living studio, so when she heard about Melaleuca’s products, she was intrigued. “I had been looking for quality products for many years,” she explains. “I looked for all possible options to get these products in Lithuania.” When she finally got them, the products did not disappoint. “I got even more than I expected,” Violeta says. “Ecological, high quality, good value, and with home delivery – I fell in love with the products at first sight.” Violeta was a happy customer for six months before she finally took advantage of Melaleuca’s business opportunity, now she loves sharing Melaleuca with everyone. “Wherever I am – on the train, at the hairdresser’s, or even relaxing by the seaside – I don’t miss the opportunity to share the good news about Melaleuca products with people,” she says.

Agnieszka Dambska Wardega Executive Director 3 United Kingdom

Izabela Zając Senior Director 8 United Kingdom

Jagoda Nowaczyk Executive Director 2 United Kingdom


Vanessa Rusezki- Drews & Mose Rusezki Senior Director 4 Germany

Man Chow Senior Director 5 United Kingdom

Kinga Marcinkiewicz Director 8 United Kingdom



While there are thousands of Peak Performance Pack stories out there, the most impactful one you can share is your own. If you’re already taking Peak Performance , think back on what life was like before you started. Do you have more energy now? Are you less tired in the afternoons? Are there any health goals you’ve accomplished? These are the details that bring your story to life and offer real benefits others are looking for! If you haven’t taken Peak Performance , pay attention to how you feel as you go throughout the day. When are you sluggish? Are there times you’re sore? How do you generally feel? As you take Peak , notice how even the little things start to change. These changes lay the groundwork for a great story. With Peak I can! From hiking with your family to hosting a girls’ night, the real benefit of Peak Performance is what it allows you to do every day! A great way to get started sharing your story is to participate in the 90-Day Challenge and share with us the difference Peak makes in your life. Think about the reasons why you want to be healthy, the activities you enjoy, and the goals you want to crush. Submit your testimonial to [email protected]. Personalise your approach Before someone introduced you to Melaleuca, they first got to know you. They took the time to learn about how Melaleuca could help you in your life. Taking that same approach in sharing Peak Performance with others will dramatically improve the chances they’ll see the value in Peak and become lifelong users. As you learn about the impact of Peak Performance , begin to think about how that would benefit those you know in their day-to-day lives.

When it comes to trying something new – whether it’s a book or restaurant, recipe or product – a personal recommendation from someone you know is the most believable and convincing resource. The same is true for the Peak Performance Pack . Your personal experience will go a long way in helping introduce Peak to others!

Boosting the health of your business The most important benefit of sharing Peak Performance is seeing the improvements in the lives of those you love. But it can also have a tremendous impact on your business. >Page 1 Page 2-3 Page 4-5 Page 6-7 Page 8-9 Page 10-11 Page 12-13 Page 14-15 Page 16-17 Page 18-19 Page 20-21 Page 22-23 Page 24-25 Page 26-27 Page 28-29 Page 30-31 Page 32-33 Page 34-35 Page 36

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