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Leadership in Action - English - 202204

JUNE | EU.MELALEUCA.COM 15 While there are thousands of Peak Performance Pack stories out there, the

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7 access to these prerecorded Overviews—allowing you and your customers even more flexibility and op

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Women of the NFL Conference (her husband is a retired NFL cornerback). Melaleuca just made sense, es

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KnowYourSkin. Only 11 % of Americans wear sunscreen every day, and almost HALF of Americans NEVER we

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Overview . JUNE 2022 | MELALEUCA.COM 23 Total Body, Total Health Peak Performance Total Health now s

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Ashley & Brandon Olive Advance to Corporate Director 4! P. 20

E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®



Success—It’s a Choice!

The last 36 years have been exciting and full of great experiences and discoveries. I am grateful for how many great leaders have joined us in our mission of enhancing lives by helping people reach their goals. We have made so many great friends and learned so much about life, about success, and about overcoming obstacles. Probably the most profound thing that I have learned is how different each individual is from another and how each person responds differently to any given situation than the next. Some people only dream about success, yet others act to create it. Some get discouraged easily; others seem to meet the same obstacles or the same failures with greater resolve. Some will consistently see the glass half empty. Others you can depend on to see it half full and to also always find something positive about every situation. These responses to life’s situations are not an individual’s predestined fate but are almost always the result of how an individual chooses to respond. And yet almost every individual usually chooses to consistently respond in an almost predictable manner.

taking personal responsibility, faith in oneself, a positive attitude, hope, love for others, specific goals, and a passion to achieve them. These are consistently the traits of those who experience success. Those who choose to exercise these traits seem to always come out on top.

Persistence, hard work, never giving up, the ability to stay focused, taking personal responsibility, faith in oneself, a positive attitude, hope, love for others, specific goals, and a passion to achieve them.”

On the other hand, those who lack focus, lack purpose, lack passion, give up quickly, become easily discouraged, always find something wrong, blame others, lack work ethic, and lack

It is also evident that the principles of success are universal: persistence, hard work, never giving up, the ability to stay focused,


confidence in themselves seem to always fall far short of reaching their dreams. One fact that should give everyone hope is that passion, hard work, persistence, and faith in oneself will always outperform intelligence, good looks, a great education, or wealthy parents. It is of significant importance to realize that these traits that make up the successful person are the result of their choices. In other words, we can always decide to exercise these traits or to respond in this way. You can often accurately predict how someone you know well will respond to any given situation. But that does not mean they are predestined to or must react in that manner. It just means that they tend to be consistent in their choices. It is refreshing to see someone break out of the mold they have previously created for themselves and to decide to begin to respond differently to life’s situations. Such a change is obviously very difficult to make, as it seldom happens. When it does happen, it is a day worth celebrating. We are extremely grateful for the tens of thousands who constantly exercise hard work, persistence, and other principles of success. Indeed, we owe our success to them! We agonize

over how to help those who dream about success but who do not choose to exercise the principles that would create it. After 36 years of observing and working with those who consistently experience success as well as with those who consistently experience failure, it is clear that the only difference is the daily choices of the one versus the other.





Bridging the Income Gap It’s true! Building an additional income stream with a Melaleuca business can help ease the strain many families are feeling on their household budgets right now.


Advancing Leaders These Melaleuca businesses are advancing, and yours can too! Learn from these impressive, high-achieving leaders.

Immune Health Support That’s Better Than Ever! All-new Activate Immune Complex ® is even more effective at supporting, rejuvenating, and recharging your immune system than ever before!

Senior Vice President of Sales Darrin Johnson Are you ready for Convention 2022? Discover the eight ways attending Convention will change you.





Coaching Your Team



Why Farmers Love Melaleuca


Leadership in Action is more than reading material— it’s an empowering development tool for you and your team! Use the guide below to help your team stay up to date on the best building practices and product and wellness innovations at Melaleuca.

When and How to Use Refer a Friend 34

KEY MESSAGES Review these messages this month with your team.

Which of the principles of success that Frank describes do you need to work on? Focus on one or two you can improve and share your progress with an accountability partner. Discuss the economic facts and inspiring Marketing Executive stories from the article on page 12 with your team. How can your team’s efforts enhance lives more than ever right now? BUSINESS COACHING AND MINDSET Put leadership into action with these business-building articles. Help your team develop the confidence to share Melaleuca with the agricultural workers on their contact list with the article on page 30. Using the training tips in the article on page 34, instruct your team on best practices for using Refer a Friend to grow their businesses. In your next team meeting, use the article on 38 to discuss new ways to approach others knowing that many are renegotiating titles, flexibility, salaries, and other benefits at their jobs. PRODUCT AND WELLNESS EDUCATION Help your team build a product-focused business by sharing the latest innovations. Use the article on page 42 to teach your team how Melaleuca is uniquely investing more into our skin care formulas so that you get a more effective product at a more affordable price. Using the article on page 46, share all the details of the new Activate Immune Complex in your next team meeting. Review the five points found on page 48 with your team so they can explain what makes our Oligo ® technology so remarkable.

The World Is Ready to Renegotiate 38

A Safer Clean for Spring


The Freedom to Formulate



A Beacon of Hope: The Santa Lucia Children’s Home 52






Brittney & Kellen McLaughlin CALIFORNIA

Shawna & Jason Lambert IDAHO

Art & Kimberly McCauley IDAHO

Shawn & Jessie Williams TEXAS










Susan & Sean Dampier FLORIDA

Sarah & Joshua Rankin FLORIDA

Kristin & Kristian Hoenicke TEXAS

Jessie & Andrew Trudeau NEW YORK





All Executive Leadership Council (ELC) calculations are based on Member growth from US and Canadian customers only. These results are not typical. Please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


The Executive Leadership Council is composed of the top Presidential, Corporate, National, or Executive Director businesses with the highest contribution index and a current Monthly Retention Index (MRI) of 50% or more. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in an organization’s Members during the prior 60 days, multiplied by the number of each Presidential, Corporate, National, or Executive Director’s Personal Enrollee Advancement Factor (the same factor found within President’s Club criteria). Council membership is reviewed monthly. At least five positions are reserved for Masters.

Tresha Rodriguez & Anthony Bivins ARIZONA 9

Laura Muhl MINNESOTA 10

Rachaell & Seville Ko KANSAS 11

Jefferson & Tre Green GEORGIA 12






Alan & Heather Guzzino FLORIDA 14 MASTERS






Yeison Ramirez PUERTO RICO

Jennifer & Steve Morgan CALIFORNIA

Natali Krause & Kent Wonnell CONNECTICUT





Masters are those Executive, National, Corporate, and Presidential Directors who have been Senior Directors or above for five or more years.


Ways Convention Will Change You


From Melaleuca Senior Vice President of Sales Darrin Johnson, here are eight time-tested ways Convention 2022 will change you forever.

@darrinToGo @darrinjohnson1

The last time we gathered for an in-person Convention in Salt Lake City was in 2019! Can you believe it? A lot has changed in the past three years. How we work. How we play. How we build relationships. How we live and interact in this world. But there’s one constant that remains true: attending Convention has the power to change your life! It will be just three short days, but the impact of Convention 2022 will be felt for months, even years, afterward. How do we know? Because, as with past Conventions, thousands of ordinary people will discover Melaleuca’s unique, rich culture of enhancing lives. They’ll find the knowledge, instruction, and support they need to build businesses to last a lifetime.

And there’s no better way to discover the power of Melaleuca than rubbing shoulders—in person—with Melaleuca’s Management Team and high-achieving Marketing Executives from all over North America. Just walk through the doors and you’ll feel the electrifying energy of thousands gathered together for a common, noble purpose. But to get the most from these three power-packed days in Salt Lake City, Utah—and to return home capable and ready to fill your own business with that energy—you need to enter the Convention hall properly prepared.



Marketing Executives about how this business has enhanced their lives will help you further clarify your goals and motivations. The seemingly routine exercise of taking the time to write down your why is a transformational experience. Don’t just write a simple phrase or sentence. Write a paragraph (or more)! Really flesh out the reasons behind why you’re building this business. It’s a powerful exercise that will help you focus your actions and ensure that you’re truly moving in the direction you desire. 3. Gives You New Tools to Create a Game Plan The first step to success is to have a clear destination. After all, how do you know if you’re headed in the right direction if you don’t know where you’re going? One of our objectives for anyone who attends Convention is to help them identify a clear goal and come up with specific steps for how they will accomplish that goal. You’ll receive detailed instruction, worksheets, and step-by-step guidance to help you create a unique game plan on your road to success. I strongly encourage you to solidify and commit to the daily habits and processes that will make the most difference in your business. You’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish in a few months once you have a focused plan and destination. And remember, you don’t need to wait for Convention to make your next game plan. This is a practice you should do regularly. Your game plan will evolve with your business and your goals.

1. Helps You Better Evaluate and Change Your Habits

Your greatest asset is the 24 hours you have in a day. Is your time spent on the specific activities that move you closer to your goal? For many of you, your Melaleuca business either is or could be the vehicle for you to change your life—if you’re truly willing to consistently perform a few critical activities. For those building a Melaleuca business, continually adding to your contact list and making at least 5 calls a day (or 20 calls a week) are the required intentional steps to take. When you do this, your Melaleuca business—and your income—will grow and you’ll be well on your way to reaching your goal. 2. Inspires You to Identify or Strengthen Your Why Do you know why you’re building this business? It’s never just about money. To succeed in this business (and life in general), you need to have a meaningful and sustaining purpose that drives you forward. Convention provides you with a unique opportunity to deeply define and strengthen your why . You’ll learn more about Melaleuca and its products, business plan, and company values. What’s more, you’ll get a better sense of what Melaleuca can mean for you and for those you share it with. Understanding that potential and hearing from other


4. Provides Connections to Build a Stronger Support System

Part of the reason Convention workshops are geared toward specific statuses is that we want to ensure you’re getting information that is relevant and effective for your specific needs and experience. Just remember, the real payoff for all this learning is the action you take after Convention. As the philosopher Herbert Spencer said, “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” 6. Shows You How to Fall in Love with the Process This is one of the most important steps for creating a healthy, thriving business—learning to enjoy the work that leads to success. It’s a lot easier to grow your business if you don’t dread approaching others or aren’t nervous about meeting someone new. However, it’s not uncommon for some new business builders to struggle with the process at first. It’s a lot like losing weight or getting in shape. Those first few weeks at the gym can be uncomfortable. You’ll probably have sore muscles, and your workouts might leave you feeling worn out rather than energized. But if you keep going, over time you’ll start to notice how good you feel when you work out. While your original goal might have focused on losing a certain amount of weight, you’ll begin to see value in exercise beyond just a number on the scale.

With thousands of Marketing Executives in attendance, Convention is one of the best relationship-building opportunities you’ll ever get. You’ll meet individuals from around the world who are building a business just like you. You’ll rub shoulders with the very best in the business and have a chance to hear from leaders you may never meet otherwise. This is a priceless opportunity to create lifelong friendships, learn new approaches and solutions, find an accountability partner, and widen your support system beyond your team, your state, or even your region! 5. Sparks the Desire to Become a Lifelong Learner Study after study has found that the most successful individuals are those who are committed to lifelong learning. They’re constantly looking for ways to improve, change, and evolve. And that is what Convention is all about. No matter your status or how many years you’ve been building a business, you’ll never outgrow Convention. You’ll always leave smarter, more efficient, and better prepared to take your business to the next level.


8. Helps You Recommit to Your Goals When it comes to your business (and your goals), there is no stasis. There’s either growth or atrophy. The problem is that change takes time, and after a while it can be easy to start letting go of little actions here and there. Maybe you get busy, so you make one less call a day. Maybe you fall into the “maintenance” trap, where you stop focusing on your power to progress and start doing the bare minimum to get by. Sometimes these changes are so little you don’t even realize they’re happening. And because you might not see an immediate difference in your business, you can end up frustrated and confused when six months later you’re struggling to maintain your status or income. Coming to Convention every year is crucial because it helps you take inventory of your business and recommit to the critical daily actions that allow you to reach your goals. It serves as an aha moment for Marketing Executives at all levels, giving them the knowledge and training they need to move forward. All Roads Lead to Melaleuca Remember that all roads truly do lead to Melaleuca. And nothing else compares. Like many of you, I came from another industry. When I first started out in my professional career, I had no idea I would end up in Idaho. But I’m so glad I did. I’ve seen enough of the corporate world and the marketplace to know that Melaleuca is truly a one-of-a-kind company. We’re offering solutions and opportunities that everyone needs, whether they’re customers or business builders. Come to Convention 2022 and discover—as have so many others just like you—how being there can change your course forever.

When you fall in love with the process of exercise, or the process of a building a business, your mindset shifts. The process becomes part of your lifestyle—something you do naturally and consistently. When you fall in love with the process of enhancing lives, you get excited about sharing Melaleuca with others. It’s easier to reach out and speak up. You’re no longer building a business just to see a certain status by your name. You’re sharing Melaleuca with others because you genuinely enjoy it and because you see the value Melaleuca has for both your life and theirs. 7. Helps You Discover Your Power Often when we hear the word “power,” we think of strength or control. But there’s another definition of power. One definition of the word power as “the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way.” All too often, we underestimate or forget our own power—our ability to act and achieve certain goals. That is why Convention and all Melaleuca events are so important. They are designed to help you realize your own power and ability. Nothing compares to sitting in a room filled with thousands of Marketing Executives and listening to their stories of how Melaleuca enhanced their lives. It’s a transformative and revealing experience. Executive Director 4 Sherry Bedinger said of her first Melaleuca Convention, “I walked into Convention and saw thousands of ordinary people just like me doing extraordinary things. And I thought, ‘If they can do it, then I can do it too.’” You are capable of building a Melaleuca business—you have that power. You might not see it now, but come to Convention and you will.


Rising costs are everywhere! Like a river threatening to flood, increased expenses for some of the most basic family needs are eroding and spilling over the banks of household budgets everywhere. Thousands are coming to Melaleuca—building bridges of supplemental income to take them safely over the raging and unpredictable waters of the economy.

These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Facing the Facts: Erratic Financial Circumstances Are Widening the Gap

50% Gas

19% Beef

17.8% Rent

4.7% Wages

North Americans have experienced an unprecedented economic upheaval over the past two years—record unemployment, supply chain bottlenecks, labor shortages, and record levels of inflation. Here are some of the facts: As of February 2022, the average family is spending about $276 more each month on household expenses compared to 2018 and 2019. 1 More than 61% of Americans reported they now are living paycheck to paycheck. 2 Gas prices skyrocketed 50%, putting a strain on the cost of commuting to work and forcing families to travel less. 3 Beef prices jumped 19%, ballooning grocery budgets and forcing families to make more affordable meals with less expensive meats like pork and chicken. 3 Rent spiked a whopping 17.8% between January 2021 and January 2022. The median rent price as of January 2022 was $1,312. 4 While prices rose, so did wages. But not at a similar rate. Even with a 4.7% annual increase in wages to an average of $31 an hour, most workers still received a 2.4% pay cut in 2021 because of inflation. Wage increases in only the bottom 25% of earners narrowly outpaced inflation by 2.3%–3.0%. 3 It’s no surprise then that a new Bankrate survey reported that many Americans have less money in their savings accounts today than they did two years ago. Only 17% of Americans have more money in their accounts today, while 34% have less. Another 42% were able to maintain the same level of savings. 5 But overall, 51% of Americans have less than three months’ worth of income saved in an emergency fund. 25% reported having no emergency fund at all, up from 21% in 2020. Millennials are more heavily affected—57% reporting they couldn’t cover three months’ worth of expenses. Gen Xers are not far behind with 49% unable to cover three months of expenses. 5 To feel financially secure, Americans reported that they would need to make about $122,000 annually—more than double the average national salary. 1



1 Ariel Zilber, “Inflation Costs the Average US Household $276 More a Month, Study Says,” New York Post , February 10, 2022. 2 Jessica Dickler, “Despite Rising Wages, 61% of Americans Are Still Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Report Finds,” CNBC, February 17, 2022. 3 Greg Iacurci, “Despite Higher Wages, Inflation Gave the Average Worker a 2.4% Pay Cut Last Year,” CNBC, January 12, 2022. 4 Chris Salviati et al., “Apartment List National Rent Report,” Apartment List, January 27, 2022. 5 Sarah Foster, “Survey: More than Half of Americans Couldn’t Cover Three Months of Expenses with Emergency Savings,” Bankrate, July 21, 2021.


Bridge Troubled Waters with Melaleuca When Melaleuca opened its doors in

For 36 years, thousands of Melaleuca Marketing Executives have benefited from receiving supplemental income each month from their Melaleuca business. Most businesses only earn a small amount each month. But there is a smaller number who have dedicated significant time to working hard and, due to other factors, earn thousands each month! While Frank knew Melaleuca businesses would become valuable, he couldn’t have predicted the kinds of challenges the average family has faced throughout Melaleuca’s history. Melaleuca has become a lifeline for so many struggling families. Building a Melaleuca business has become about more than just a little extra income. For some, Melaleuca is a vital plan B that has helped them weather the variety of unpredictable economic storms that have come their way. The following seven stories illustrate just a small portion of the hope and help that Melaleuca gives to families everywhere. What will your story be?

1985, Melaleuca founder and CEO Frank VanderSloot envisioned helping average families earn additional income to help them get ahead in life. The business model was simple: share Melaleuca’s superior wellness products with others, earn commissions from your customers’ orders each month, and receive bonuses and incentives as you help others build Melaleuca businesses too.

“Inflation is bad news. We don’t want to see pressure put on people’s households like what’s happening right now. Their expenses are going up faster than their wages are. They are looking for a way to make up the difference, and we have the answer for that. We’re in a good place, at the right time. We’re changing lives here. I’m proud of where we are going. And I’m proud of how we got here.”

—Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

Bringing Her Plan B into Focus Amy Donovan Senior Director 8 Newfoundland and Labrador

Enrolled May 2020 In spring 2020, Amy Donovan watched in dismay as the vast majority of the weddings she was scheduled to photograph were canceled. As she issued obligatory refunds to equally heartbroken clients, she had no idea what to do next. “I had no work on the horizon,” Amy remembers. “I was in a panic. So I called my friend Executive Director 4 Jessi Harris, who I knew was building a business with Melaleuca. She showed me her business report, how many customers she had enrolled, and what that looked like financially. That’s when I decided I was going to do it too!” Amy enrolled 25 new Members the month after she enrolled and immediately advanced to Director 4! In that moment, she knew that building a Melaleuca business

was exactly what she needed to keep from depleting her savings as she waited for her photography business to pick up again. Since then, Amy has used her bonuses to help pay off debt and rebuild savings. In February, she traveled to Melaleuca Global Headquarters to receive invaluable instruction at Road to Executive Director. Today, Amy can hardly imagine what her life would have been like without Melaleuca. “It would have been a complete financial disaster,” she says. “I had no plan B—just some savings that wouldn’t have lasted long enough. Now I know I always need to have a financial plan B!” Amy loves that her new plan B with Melaleuca is helping her find better balance as her photography business recovers. Because of her residual income,

she can be more intentional about scheduling weddings while simultaneously shifting her focus back to what she loves most—taking portraits.

“I had no plan B—just some savings that wouldn’t have lasted long enough.”

“I studied journalism, but I didn’t like having to report on events that made me sad,” Amy says. “Photography was the happy part of that world. But even that happy part became stressful as I had to constantly look for new clients. Now I can just go back to shooting things I love, and it doesn’t even feel like work!”

No Sweeter Rescue Elizabeth Martinez Senior Director 2 California

Enrolled November 2017 Elizabeth Martinez enrolled with Melaleuca in 2017, during a difficult period of her life. Shortly after going through a divorce, she began to suffer from some serious health problems. Along with treatments from her doctor, the Melaleuca products Elizabeth uses helped improve her health—especially the Peak Performance Pack . Little by little, she recovered the energy and strength to perform everyday tasks. Impressed by the results, Elizabeth shared the online store with those around her and started to build a solid, growing organization. “Something that drove me to build a Melaleuca business was being able to earn income for my retirement,”

income. In times of adversity, her Melaleuca business has provided priceless support to help her navigate life’s hardships.

she explains. “My Melaleuca income is helping me a great deal, not only to pay the bills but also to help support my parents. I love that the Car Bonus pays for my car every month.” Elizabeth is more than grateful for the additional income that allows her to enjoy greater financial security and peace of mind. “I run a dessert business,” she explains. “I’ve been selling desserts on the street for years. My work allows me to have control over my own schedule, devote time to Melaleuca, and spend time with my children.”

“Melaleuca really came to the rescue.”

“In recent years, I became very ill and was hospitalized,” she says. “I got out of the hospital, grateful to God for being alive, but the bills kept coming, and for nearly two and a half months I couldn’t sell my desserts. But my Melaleuca checks helped cover our expenses, and I even had some money left. Melaleuca really came to the rescue.”

Through personal experiences, Elizabeth has come to know the power of residual


Never Too Old to Have a Dream Joyce Galewick Director Arizona

Enrolled January 2022 At age 87, Joyce Galewick has learned a thing or two throughout her life about building businesses and helping others see the value of quality products. Now her Melaleuca business benefits from her extensive professional experience, and she’s thrilled to be just getting started! “I was thinking one day, ‘I’ve got to do something else with my life!’” she remembers. “So that night I said, ‘Dear God, please show me a way that I can make some extra money with something that changes others’ lives.’ The next morning Product Advocate 2 Ron Ramer called me and I enrolled!” Joyce is off to a fast start! She enrolled nine customers in her first month and advanced to Director on Pacesetter. She’s not afraid

to talk with anyone about the products she loves. She even enrolled her hairstylist in the middle of getting a perm! For the first time in her life—after being divorced once, widowed three times, and losing two daughters to cancer—Joyce is living alone. “Melaleuca has given me a purpose for my day,” Joyce says. “It has given me something to do with my life.”

up with all her bills but allows her to have some fun money as she helps others. “I call my little group the Dream Catchers,” Joyce says. “We are going to catch our dreams and follow them! There are so many ‘dream stealers’ out there who want to keep us from doing great things. But I think that if you have a dream at any age, you’ve got to find a way to make it come true. And Melaleuca opens the door!” In fact, Joyce even authored a simple poem that sums up her experiences withMelaleuca: You’re never too old to have a dream. You’re never too old to build a team. When you get old, you don’t have to stop, Because at Melaleuca you can still reach the top!

“Melaleuca has given me a purpose for my day. It has given me something to do with my life.”

Joyce now relies on a limited retirement income to cover her expenses. Building a Melaleuca business not only helps her keep

Something So Noble Angelina & Miguel Castro Senior Directors Texas

Enrolled July 2007 When Angelina Castro heard about Melaleuca in 2007, she was somewhat skeptical. From a distance, she mistakenly confused Melaleuca with an MLM company she’d had bad experiences with in the past. However, she discovered that The Wellness Company is nothing like an MLM once she listened carefully to what it was all about. “When I saw the Melaleuca Overview, I said, ‘This makes all the sense in the world! Is it real? Does something so noble really exist?’ I decided to enroll right there, and I started building my business. Less than a year later, I reached Director 9.” Then, for personal reasons, Angelina put her business on hold, and for the following 12 years she continued enjoying the products as a loyal, happy customer. When

she finally decided to resume her business, she worked with great dedication and commitment, growing her organization little by little until she reached Senior Director in May 2020. The income Angelina earns with Melaleuca is a great addition to what her husband, Miguel, earns as a welder. “The fact that we’re not in the agony of living from paycheck to paycheck is so reassuring,” she says. “My income covers extra expenses and any additional needs that might arise in the family, and that gives me incredible peace of mind.” Today, Angelina builds her business with the goal of continuing to enhance not only her family’s quality of life but the lives of those all around her. Few things are more

rewarding to her than making a difference in other people’s lives.

“My deepest desire is to change many lives—to leave the world a better place,” she says. “I want people to know that there’s something that can help any family improve their financial situation. Melaleuca is a vehicle that can help them dream again and be excited about the future.” “I want people to know that there’s something that can help any family improve their financial situation.”


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

Building a Brighter Future Meghan & Adrian Dirk Senior Directors 8 Alberta

Enrolled March 2020 Before enrolling with Melaleuca, life seemed to be going just as Meghan and Adrian Dirk had planned when they started dating in high school. Adrian earned enough working in the oil and gas industry to provide the necessities for their family. Meghan could be home to raise their children. And they could afford little extras for their family after Meghan opened an in-home brow business. But then a turn in the economy upset their sense of security. Meghan’s brow business suddenly slowed, and the bonuses Adrian was used to earning in addition to his salary disappeared. As the Dirks braced for a financial disaster, they began cutting back on expenses wherever they could, even applying to defer their mortgage payments for six months.

daughters in dance lessons, and helping their teenage son go on a school trip to Quebec.

That’s when Meghan decided to reach out to her best friend about buying more affordable wellness products. Three days after getting her EcoSense ® Safer for Your Home Pack , Meghan couldn’t help but share what she had discovered with others. “I didn’t really know what I was doing,” Meghan remembers. “I was just going for it—sharing products, enrolling customers, and helping others. And it felt so good!” Meghan’s first Melaleuca check was just enough to keep their family afloat amid all the uncertainty. Today, with Meghan’s growing Melaleuca income and Adrian’s employer now recovering, the Dirks are able to better provide for their family. They have focused on things that are meaningful—like finishing some needed renovations to their home, putting their

“I love sharing Melaleuca with others because I know what it’s done for me.”

“I love sharing Melaleuca with others because I know what it’s done for me,” Meghan says. “A friend of mine is going through some hard things. Every month when she gets her Melaleuca check, she tells me, ‘If it weren’t for you, I don’t know where I’d be.’ She reminded me that you don’t know what Melaleuca will do for someone, like it has done for us. Because of Melaleuca, we feel at peace. Because of Melaleuca, our future is bright.”

A Lost Job and Newfound Hope Harold Bosch & Agnes Ramirez Senior Directors 6 Puerto Rico

Enrolled June 1993 One summer day in 1993, Harold Bosch came home with bad news: he’d just lost his job. As he walked in the door he found his wife, Agnes, listening to a Melaleuca Overview. She was thrilled about the idea of using safer products and earning an additional income. After discussing it with Harold, Agnes enrolled their family with Melaleuca to try the products and give the business a chance. She advanced to Director status in only two weeks. Throughout the years, her business grew little by little until it became a valuable income source for her family. “Our Melaleuca income helped us provide a good education for our four children,” Agnes says. “It helped us maintain a healthy lifestyle and gave us the means to

help our children reach their goals.” Soon after Agnes enrolled, Harold found another job in marketing and sales, and he later started his own industrial equipment business. But Melaleuca was always there to provide substantial financial support for the family. Finally, in 2005 Harold was able to dedicate all his time to building with Agnes. “We determined that building a Melaleuca business together was the best choice,” he says. “We saw that our Melaleuca business was a means to creating true residual income. It was something that could support, prepare, and propel us in the coming years.” When they think about all that Melaleuca has given them during the last 29 years, Agnes and Harold feel deeply grateful. And

their joy multiplies when they consider the lives they’ve changed along the way.

“The things we enjoy the most are the flexibility Melaleuca gives us,” Harold says, “the lifestyle we can have, and the time we can share with our family and with each other.” “For us, Melaleuca means health and wellness in all areas,” Agnes adds. “But the happiness of seeing others reach their goals is something you don’t find in other places. It feels so incredibly good when someone in our team gets ahead.” “It feels so incredibly good when someone in our team gets ahead.”


So Much More Than Average Jefferson & Tre Green Corporate Directors 4 Georgia

Enrolled June 2017 When Executive Director 9 Klinton Keller reached out to Jefferson Green in June 2017, Jefferson was ready. Once he saw Melaleuca’s Annual Income Statistics, he was all in. He was ready to engage a lifetime of experience to build his own Melaleuca business with passion and drive. He was poised to accomplish the extraordinary! By May 2018, thousands of Members had enrolled through Jefferson’s efforts and helped him advance to Corporate Director 2—a feat very fewmake the effort to achieve, even after decades of hard work. Today, Jefferson and his organization have helped more than 10,000 Members experience the life-enhancing products of Melaleuca. And his personal enrollees have collectively earned over $7 million. Though Jefferson has been receiving checks from Melaleuca for the past 55 months, it’s the check he earned in his second month that sticks in his mind most. “I had opened a separate bank account just for my Melaleuca earnings,” Jefferson explains. “After seeing that check come in, I bought a $2 cup of coffee—and my debit

card went through. Then I went to the bank and withdrew $20 from the ATM. Then I walked inside the bank and withdrew more. That’s when I said, ‘This is real!’ I went back to my car and cried. I had no reference point to feel like that was a normal event in my life. I knew at that point that my life was changing forever.” Today, Jefferson is most grateful that, in 2020, his Melaleuca business gave him the flexibility to meet and date his wife, Tre, while he lived in Georgia and she lived inMaryland. “I didn’t really know what his career was,” Tre recalls. “He was always in Maryland visiting me! When he finally shared what he did for a living with Melaleuca, the flexibility he enjoyed resonated with me most. I love that he owned his time.” Tre has worked in the beauty industry for more than 20 years as a salon owner, platform artist, and educator. She loves helping others look and feel amazing—so naturally, she shares Sei Bella products with others. Now she and Jefferson have set their sights on eventually becoming Presidential Directors.

“We are grateful for all the Marketing Executives who came before us and made tremendous sacrifices along the way,” Jefferson says. “We really feel like we are here today because we are fortunate enough to stand on the shoulders of so many giants who paved the way. We fully embrace our ongoing responsibility to enhance the lives of others and help them reach their goals.” “We really feel like we are here today because we are fortunate enough to stand on the shoulders of so many giants who paved the way.”

Building a Melaleuca business takes hard work and consistency. Over time, your residual income can grow! See the average earnings of Marketing Executives in the Melaleuca 2020 Annual Income Statistics on page 58.


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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Ashley & Brandon Olive TEXAS

I’ve Never Been So Thankful in My Life

lets me be a mom first and a Melaleuca Marketing Executive second.” Ashley’s latest advancement to Corporate Director 4 is clear proof that you can have a family and a successful business too. It’s also a good indication of just how dedicated and hardworking she is. “I worked really hard in 2020 and didn’t let up,” she explains. “I spent a year humbling myself in 2019, focusing on growing my residual income and product introduction commission—

things within my control. I was putting in a whole lot of work behind the scenes. In 2020, I was busy homeschooling three boys and scribing for our son with two

Several years before discovering Melaleuca, Ashley Olive worked as an eighth grade math teacher. And while she excels at teaching, her job at that particular school wasn’t a good fit. “I had a principal who made it very clear that my work in the classroom should come before my responsibilities as a mom,” Ashley says. “And I struggled with that because I am a mom first.” Ashley was facing a conflict of values between her home and workplace that many can relate to. “When I came to Melaleuca, I was ecstatic that this company

broken arms while also nursing our daughter. There was a lot of pressure on me, but I knew that

it was important to put the work in at that time. The saying ‘strike while the iron is hot’ was all I could think of. People needed Melaleuca more than ever.”


boys or things were going on during my pregnancy, I was being consistent,” Ashley says. “I would still share Melaleuca when I could even when I had to navigate everything that came along with having a seriously ill parent. I had the products in my purse while at the hospital. I was still engaging when I could on social media and keeping a presence.” All of these experiences have only strengthened Ashley’s ability to coach her team about the importance of a clear goal. “We talk a lot about vision boards and having benchmarks along the way,” she says. “If you don’t have a clear vision of why you are doing this, you will make excuses and will never push yourself out of your comfort zone. So having a detailed vision of what you want to accomplish is important. And if you don’t step out of that comfort zone, you’ll notice fewer results.” Ashley credits her parents for helping her build a resilient mindset while growing up. “I don’t second-guess my ability,” she says. “I really think it comes frommy childhood. My parents were so good at building up my confidence and making me believe that I could do it. My mom told me ‘That’s such a good idea!’ a million times when I was a little girl. My dad taught me that hard work always had to be put in to find success.” And Ashley purposefully repeats these patterns of encouragement with her own kids. A Culture of Support It was really important to Ashley to take care of her father during and after his hospital stay. “It was nice to be able to give back to my parents and be the one that got to be there every single day,” she says. “I can’t tell you how many times he thanked me for being there while he was in the hospital. This advancement definitely came after a year of hard life.” Ashley is also tremendously grateful for the support she received over the last year from her Melaleuca family. “It meant more to me than they’ll ever know,” she says. “Through all the tough times and especially during everything with my dad, they have shown up with prayers. They have shown up to check on me. And I truly believe this would not be the case if I were anywhere else but Melaleuca. They are so supportive of the fact that family is my number one priority.” LIFETIME EARNINGS $3,328,584 $4,305,537 PERSONAL ENROLLEES’ EARNINGS

Braced for Challenges Then 2021 threw several big challenges at Ashley’s family one after another. “Last year was probably the hardest year of my life,” she says. “It kicked off with an unexpected pregnancy that made me really sick. And then before I was even out of my first trimester, my daddy got really sick and spent 67 days in the ICU. Then I had our fifth child, and she is our first baby that has had colic. She’s basically my little puzzle with one thing after another needing to be figured out. She has really struggled during the first four months of her life.” With all these different types of pressures, it’s a testament to Ashley’s character that she still has a positive outlook. “I’ve never been so thankful in my life!” Ashley explains. Having put in the hard work to build a strong foundation for her business meant she could breathe easy knowing her business was there to take care of her. “I knew that we would be okay,” she says, “and that I didn’t have to feel guilty about spending so much time in a hospital with my dad every single day, because we were still going to be able to pay our mortgage. We were still going to be able to afford groceries. I’m blessed that I have my husband home, and he was able to stay with our kids.” Tools for Success When asked how she’s achieved so much success, Ashley explains, “It’s consistency and it’s discipline.” This is simple advice that a mentor gave her years ago that she took to heart. “Even when life was happening, whether it was homeschooling the three


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Joshua & Sarah Rankin FLORIDA

What Do You Want?

lot of things. It was a yes to paying down debt. It was a yes to establishing a retirement plan. And it was a yes to more time together as a family.” For over a decade, the Rankins were in survival mode. “Before Melaleuca, we were building on quicksand,” Sarah says. “Every time we got a wall up, another wall was falling. But at Melaleuca, our business is not going to fall.” Because of their solid foundation with Melaleuca, Sarah and Joshua are no longer asking what they need to do. Instead, they’re asking a new question: What do we want to do? Their answer? Updating the dream they shared in their twenties of living a glamorous, fast-paced life in the city for longer- term goals that are much quieter: paying off their mortgage, eliminating medical debt, and saving up for a plot of land where they can become a self-sustainable family. “We revolve around our home,” Sarah says. “I work at home. Joshua works at home. We’re homeschooling. So our goal is to create a safe place where our family can run, stretch, play, and grow. We want to grow our own food, and Joshua wants to raise some animals. We want to teach our kids the value of hard work and seeing fruits of your labor.” And what’s more Melaleuca than that?

As the 2022 company-sponsored Fast Track comes to a close this month, Sarah and Joshua Rankin couldn’t be more thrilled with the progress and momentum their team has built. And they know things are only going to get better once their team experiences an in-person Convention for the first time this May! “You just don’t know Melaleuca until you attend your first in-person event,” Sarah says. “It’s like getting a breath of fresh air. I can't wait to see my friends make their own emotional connection to Melaleuca and really set their hearts on fire with our mission.” Sarah is anxious to help her team further solidify their confidence in Melaleuca as they continue attending more events. She hopes the events will help them see all the possibilities when they say yes to building a business. “I wasn't interested in the business at first,” Sarah says. “But I could say yes to ordering better laundry soap. And then we realized that MelaPower ® is some outstanding laundry detergent! Everything just kept being so great that we had to start sharing. So that one yes to a single laundry product became a yes to a

$35,491 74




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.