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Livewell Clinic Oct 2017

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The Livewell clinic - December 2017

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Livewell Clinic - August 2018

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Livewell Clinic - May 2018

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Livewell Clinic - January 2019

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The Livewell Clinic - September 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - April 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - June 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - April 2019

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The Livewell Clinic - October 2018

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Livewell Clinic Nov 2017


NOVEMBER 2017 LEDGER SEARCHING FOR THE ROOT CAUSE OF DISEASE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100, Clive, IA 50325||515.279.9900

So much of what I do is dispelling confusion and uprooting persistent misinformation about the medical field. When it comes to living a healthy, energetic life, the things you need to do are actually relatively straightforward: Eat a variety of natural foods containing vital nutrients, get plenty of sleep, and get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. But with the endless amount of information available, it can be hard to sift through it all. For instance, there’s a reason that America has more fad diets than any other nation, yet we’re still the most overweight population in the world. Over the years, I’ve helped dozens of patients transform their bodies and lives simply by developing healthy habits and measuring their nutritional and metabolic intake. I love educating people and working with them to create lasting habits that will allow them to prevent disease before it starts. The cases that stick with me are the ones that are a little more dramatic. Patients who are desperate to resolve an issue tell me that other physicians have recommended surgery. Usually, I can put them at ease, though, by informing them of less invasive alternatives. Other patients come in having struggled to lose weight for years; a few months later, they have lost more pounds than they ever imagined possible. “I LOVE EDUCATING PEOPLE AND WORKINGWITH THEM TO CREATE LASTING HABITS THATWILL ALLOW THEM TO PREVENT DISEASE BEFORE IT STARTS.” Even more emotional are the patients who, for whatever reason, have been told they can’t have a child. With these cases, our clinic is often the last place on their list, after they’ve being pushed around from specialist to specialist for months. In traditional medicine, infertility is treated like a disease. Doctors pump patients full of medicine and hormones, trying to artificially replicate the processes that enable birth.

Don’t get me wrong, it works sometimes; but just as often, it fails. And that’s after the patient has spent an astronomical amount of money on several procedures. When these women come into my office, I don’t recommend a battery of expensive treatments or outline some ridiculously complicated medical process. I ask them questions, working side by side to break down their problem into a holistic picture. Nutrition, stress, and sleep habits can contribute to infertility more thanmost people realize. Instead of telling people, “Well, you probably won’t have kids, but you can give me $30,000 to try,” I provide themwith tools to reshape their lives and encourage the outcome they’re looking for. It’s a fundamental mind shift for most people, but frequently it results in the baby they’ve been waiting for so many years. No matter what my patients are dealing with, there’s a root cause behind their symptoms. The way I do things, it’s not about diagnosing some specific blanket condition and prescribing meds to slap a Band-Aid on the disease. Instead, I address the chronic cause of the problem and lead people toward a healthier life.

317-776-9942 515.2 9. 00 – Dr. Z a cha ry Watki ns


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In the world of traditional modern medicine, doctors are primarily focused on treating specific illnesses. When you go to the hospital, you outline your symptoms, and the traditional physician writes you a pharmaceutical prescription that will, presumably, help you get over those symptoms. Sometimes it works. But often, especially with chronic illness, this approach fails to identify the underlying cause of the illness. Sure, a battery of antibiotics might eliminate the microbes running amok in your body, but even those might return at the first sign of weakness from your immune system. Many people get caught in a cycle — they get better after taking their medicine, but before they know it, they’re back in the doctor’s office with the same problems. Some physicians will simply rinse and repeat this process without a second thought. Instead of working to improve your health after you’re already sick, the functional medicine experts at the Livewell Clinic believe in being proactive about wellness. We prefer to address the needs of your body before small problems become major issues. Many serious health concerns develop over years of undiagnosed and seemingly unrelated symptoms, making early detection and prevention of health issues a must. That’s why we’ve developed our brand-new Livewell Membership Plans. With a single monthly payment, Livewell members will get access to a wide array of important treatments for promoting everyday health, ranging from regular checkups to IV therapy, depending on which plan you choose. This way, you can stay on top of your health and feel great every day, rather than waiting around until sickness strikes. If you’re interested in becoming a Livewell member, give us a call at 515-279-9900. We’ll provide you with extensive resources on the program and help you determine which plan is right for your lifestyle. Don’t leave your health up to chance. Subscribe to one of our robust new membership programs and receive personalized, preventative health care, year round! INTRODUCING OUR BRAND-NEW MEMBERSHIP PLANS! WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING “Dr. Zac has helped our family with pervasive problems we’ve had for years. He gave us answers when no one else could. Can’t recommend highly enough!” –JUSTINE W.

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But sometimes we stumble across a few hidden gems that make our lives easier. And, when it comes to cleaning house, we can all use a little “easier.” Check out these products you may have already written off and let them surprise you. DOLLAR STORE CLEANING PRODUCTS If you’ve ever ducked into the local dollar store to buy some Mylar balloons for your niece’s birthday party, you might have noticed the jugs and spray bottles plastered with the word “Awesome.” Surely, this knock-off soap can’t work as well as your brand-name products, right? You’d be surprised. Online reviewers sing Awesome’s praises, suggesting it should really be a higher price for how well it works. Just make sure you wear gloves when you use it. DETERGENT PODS You use too much soap in your washing machine and dishwasher. At least, that’s what the New York Times reported as the No. 1 complaint from repair people and appliance experts. Modern appliances are designed to use less water, and as soap becomes more concentrated, using too much can damage your machine. That’s what makes detergent pods so handy. They don’t look like they can clean all your dishes or an entire load of clothes, but they actually provide the perfect amount for modern machines. You save money on detergent and machine repair! FOAM CLEANING BLOCKS Anything with “magic” in the title sounds like a scam. For this reason, you may have avoided the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and similar melamine foam products. But this is one case where the product lives up to its wild claims. Melamine foam is abrasive and can break down and remove material from fine cracks and textures, making it an effective cleaner. It can be used to whiten sneakers, clean tub scum, and remove permanent marker from your fridge. Since the snake oil salesmen in the days of old first tricked trusting folks out of their hard-earned cash, consumers have wised up and are quick to write off perceived scams. Still, every now then you get lucky, and the cheap white sponge really does make the stove look like new. But you should still think twice before you say yes to gas station sushi.


3 NUTRITIONAL MYTHS YOU PROBABLY BELIEVE There is a ton of misinformation out there about nutrition. Instead of leaving your health up to word-of-mouth, it’s best to consult the experts. Here are a few of the most persistent myths about your nutrition, and why they’re wrong. MYTH: CHOLESTEROL IS BAD FOR YOU

You’ve probably heard that you should avoid foods like egg yolks that are high in cholesterol. The story goes that the stuff will build up in your blood vessels, leaving you at risk for blood clots or a heart attack. In reality, cholesterol is a vital substance, instrumental in thousands of bodily functions, like constructing cell membranes or fatty sheaths for nerves. Your liver produces its own cholesterol, and is able to downshift if it senses an uptick in your cholesterol consumption. The opposite occurs when you cut down on cholesterol — the body produces more to compensate. MYTH: GLUTEN IS GOOD FOR YOU These days, we’re often told that whole-wheat bread and other less- processed grains are a vital component of a balanced diet. The fact is, the vast majority of people are at least marginally gluten intolerant, causing a persistent feeling of lethargy and a craving for sugars. Gluten is a protein that has been shown to cause inflammation and immune

system imbalances. That’s why Dr. Watkins has cut them out of his diet for good. MYTH: WE GET OUR DAILY NUTRITION FROM DIET ALONE The standard American diet for most people involves lots of grains, legumes, and dairy, not to mention a whole mess of highly processed foods that muck up our nutritional intake. Even with a more balanced, healthy diet, it’s almost impossible to get everything we need from diet alone in the modern world. Recent research backs this up, highlighting the necessity of regular supplements to stay healthy.



New patient information sessions: Nov. 4 at 9 a.m. Nov. 8 at 5 p.m.


Nov. 20 at 11 a.m. Nov. 28 at 5 p.m.

• 2 tablespoons olive oil • 3.3 ounces fresh, hot Italian sausage

• 1½ pounds Brussels sprouts • ½ cup water • Salt and pepper


LIVEWELL CHATS (TLC —The Livewell Chat)

1. Trim sprouts and cut in half. 2. Heat oil in a large skillet over mediumheat. Add sausage and cook, stirring occasionally, 3–5 minutes. 3. Add sprouts to skillet. Add ½ cup water. Add salt and pepper. Cover and cook 10 minutes or until just tender. Check them periodically and add a bit more water, if necessary. 4. When sprouts are just about done, remove cover and raise heat to medium-high. Cook, stirring just once or twice, for a couple more minutes. The liquid should evaporate, and the sprouts should start to brown. 5. Add more salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot or warm.

Come and learn applicable information for you and your family’s health! Call our office to register for free.

**The next Livewell Chat is on the importance of gut health.** Nov. 7 at 5 p.m.

Recipe courtesy of


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24/7 Emergency Services 515.279.9900


INSIDE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100 Clive, IA 50325

Finding the Cause of Disease

These Products Make Housework Easier! Introducing Our Brand-New Membership Plans!

3 Nutritional Myths You Probably Believe Brussels Sprouts With Sausage

How Saunas Will Change Your Winter Health


Colder weather is hard on our bodies for many reasons. The air dries and cracks our skin, freezing temperatures cause old injuries to flare up and joints to ache, and the conditions make it just plain hard to exercise. What’s a fair-weather bird to do? Head to the sauna! Sauna use has been popular in Finland for thousands of years, and there are compelling reasons why. Not only are there many bodily benefits, but science is telling us it may also protect the mind. We’ve known for a long time that saunas can help with blood circulation, stress relief, and cardiovascular health. Traditional saunas use heat to get your blood flowing and promote circulation, and the sweating that goes on during a sauna experience is said to purge toxins from your body. It’s a rejuvenating ritual that releases stress along with endorphins. Now, the health journal Age and Ageing has found evidence linking sauna use to a lowered risk for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Men aged 42–60 who participated in frequent sauna bathing sessions were found to have lowered rates of dementia and Alzheimer’s. If feeling good and warming you up weren’t enough, a healthy mind is a great reason to sauna.

And while the simplicity of the traditional sauna is part of what makes it great, some facilities have added a modern twist: infrared rays. Infrared saunas, already hot in New York City and Los Angeles, are starting to pop up everywhere. If you have trouble dealing with the heat of a typical sauna (average sauna temperatures are kept around 212

degrees F), this latest trend is for you. The average temperature of an infrared sauna is 150 degrees F, making it a more tolerable experience. One New York studio touts infrared’s ability to stimulate collagen production, an added anti-aging benefit. Need another bonus? Infrared saunas are said to release up to 20 percent more toxins from the body than traditional saunas. Whichever type of sauna you decide to visit, the potential health benefits speak for themselves. If you don’t get to escape to Miami or Cancun this winter (and even if you do), it’s a relaxing way to warm up and ease winter ailments. Treat your body and yourself to a sauna experience!


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