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Livingston Dental May 2019

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Livingston Dental - May 2020

2 cups for later use. 3. In a bag, add the remaining mixture and pork shoulder. Marinate for at leas

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Livingston Dental April 2018

2 teaspoon crushed red pepper • Salt • Parmesan cheese (shells or orecchiette) • 2 cups broccoli flo

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Livingston Dental June 2018

Livingston Dental June 2018 800 South Washington St., Afton, WY 83110 (307) 885-4337 | www.drlivings

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Livingston Dental November 2018

2 teaspoon salt 1. Heat oven to 425 F. Mix all ingredients together except evaporated milk. 2. Stir

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Livingston Dental December 2018

2 cup heavy cream • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and pe

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Livingston Dental February 2018

2 teaspoon sesame oil • Salt and pepper, to taste Ingredients 1. To make the salad, add all ingredie

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Livingston Dental July 2018

smores-strawberry-shortcake-recipe. S’MOREO A simple but memorable twist on the campfire classic. Gr

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Livingston Dental August 2018

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 8 cloves garlic, smashed and coarsely chopped Directions 1. On a larg

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Livingston Dental September 2018

2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese (preferably Directions 1. Butter each slice of bread on the out

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Livingston Dental May 2018

800 South Washington St., Afton, WY 83110 (307) 885-4337 |

May 2018

Life With Livingston Dental

e G e n

How My ‘Mean Mother’ Helped Me Become a Better Person

do we have to blame for the terrible way we turned out? You’re right, our mean mother.

the next morning. We couldn’t sleep in until noon like our friends did. So while they slept, my mother actually had the nerve to break the child labor law. She made us work. We had to wash dishes, take out the garbage, make beds, put our clean clothes and toys away, dust the furniture, learn to cook, set the table, vacuum the rugs, clean the bathrooms, do yard work, and tend to the garden, among many other cruel things. I believe she laid awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us. She always insisted upon us telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, even if it killed us – and it nearly did. By the time my brother and I were teenagers, Mother was much wiser, and our life became even more miserable. While my friends were dating at the mature age of 12 or 13, my old-fashioned mother refused to let us date until we were 16, and then only group dates, and only for church functions twice a year. My mother was a complete failure as a mother. Bill and I both graduated from high school, served in the church, and found careers. She forced us to grow up into God- fearing, educated, honest adults. And whom

When I was 20, I had the opportunity to give a speech in church. The speech I gave was entitled “My Mean Mother,” and my notes listed all the ways that my mother was the meanest. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to eat cereal, eggs, and toast. When others had coke and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. As you can guess, my supper was different from other kids as well:

This was the gist of my speech. As you can probably tell, it was written in jest. As a kid, I did believe some of my mother’s strictness was out of sheer meanness. As I grew up, I realized how fortunate I was to have someone who cared so deeply about me that she wanted to make sure I was healthy, disciplined, and out of harm’s way. In reality, “My Mean Mother” was a tribute to what an incredible mother I have. My mother made sure we had enough to eat and kept us out of trouble, which was no small feat, as we were mischievous boys. Using this as a background, Jeanelle and I are trying to raise our family of five children and seven grandchildren the same way my mean mother raised me. I stand a little taller and I am filled with pride when my children call me mean.

liver, and onions!

But at least I wasn’t alone in my sufferings. My brother Bill had the same mean mother as I did. My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times. She had to know who our friends were and what we were doing.

Because, you see, I thank God for giving me the meanest mother in the world.

1 Livingston Dental -Dr. James Livingston

The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by 9 o’clock each night and up early

3 Camping Tips Camping season is upon us. We all like to enjoy the scenery and adventure of the great outdoors with our families, but sometimes “roughing it” can be, well, rough.

For Your Best Adventure Yet

Plan a Simple, Tasty Menu Nothing ends a camping trip as quickly as realizing you didn’t bring enough food. To avoid this, plan your menu with a few ready-made meals and some nonperishable items. Dutch oven meals and hot dogs roasted over the campfire are great options, and snacks such as trail mix and fruit are easy to store. Think about the meals you normally cook at home, then decide which are adaptable for the campsite. Once you’ve decided on the meals — which could be a fun opportunity for the kids to get involved in the preparation — make a list and head to the grocery store. As you pack, make sure you have proper storage options for perishable and nonperishable items. If bears are a concern, think ahead about how you’ll safely store your food. Plan Activities — And a Few Backups If it rains during the trip, don’t let the weather ruin your whole weekend. You may have to save fishing and hiking for another day, but there are still some activities you can enjoy in a sheltered area or a cozy tent. Bring along a few indoor activities, such as a deck of cards or games like Boggle, which require little equipment and can easily be stored in a backpack. To keep kids engaged outside, bring some picture books listing the plants and animals native to the area where you’re camping. You could even use the picture books to set up a nature scavenger hunt along a trail, which is a great way to motivate reluctant hikers. A few games can prevent the most dreaded words a parent will ever hear: “I’m bored.”

Luckily, a little prep goes a long way and can make camping more enjoyable for everyone. These three simple tips will let you spend more time soaking in the natural beauty around you and less time stressing about who brought the trail mix. Do Your Research Triple-checking your packing list won’t do you

much good if you arrive at your destination and find it’s lacking some of the necessities you were counting on, such as water or restrooms. Campsites offer different amenities, and some can be quite meager. With a little research, you can find a spot that fits your family’s needs. Don’t want to pack in all your water? Find a site that has a pump. Are you bringing your dog? Look for a site that’s pet-friendly. Prefer a cabin or yurt over pitching a tent? Plenty of locations have these options. Most U.S. Forest Service websites and state and national park resources include these details. By doing your homework, you can find and reserve the place that fits your priorities.

What’s Behind That Headache? At the onset, you feel a dull ache that eventually becomes a sharp and pulsating pain. Light sensitivity, visual auras, and an upset stomach are all part of the mix. If you’ve ever experienced a migraine, you are probably all too familiar with these symptoms. How can you find relief? There are many strategies you can utilize to manage your head pain. Keep a journal of when symptoms occur to help you identify environmental triggers. Stress and a disrupted sleep schedule may contribute. Certain foods and odors can serve as triggers, and avoiding them may reduce the severity and frequency of your migraines.

Millions of people suffer from the debilitating pain of migraines every year. And what’s almost as bad is how little is understood about them. Research shows that preventive migraine medications only work 40 percent of the time, and only one out of every three people are properly diagnosed. What might be behind your chronic head pain? Part of the difficulty in diagnosing migraines is that there are many different symptoms that people experience when they get one. Symptoms range from visual auras to vomiting, making it challenging to pinpoint a singular cause. One possible contributor to your headaches is your jaw. The complex mechanics of this joint can be easily disrupted, and when you consider that the human bite creates over 260 pounds of force, small imbalances can lead to big pain. Trauma to the jaw, the daily impact of chewing, clenching or grinding your teeth, and orthodontic issues may all be behind your migraine symptoms.

Your dentist can also help you to identify whether or not your jaw is the source of your headaches and may have the resources to give you treatment. Over 300 clinics in the U.S. offer TruDenta, which is a drug-free option for treating headaches. Precise diagnoses and customized treatment plans are helping many people find relief. Did you know that Livingston Dental now offers TruDenta, the treatment specifically designed for migraine sufferers? If you’re ready to say goodbye to your headaches, talk to your hygienist today or call our office to schedule a consultation and see if you qualify. And on the next page, read more about Shelbi, the TruDenta therapist who may hold the key to your migraine relief.

2 (307) 885-4337 |

Shelbi Offers You Headache Relief

With the Help of TruDenta

and shoulder area, sometimes down the back, that are associated with headaches. I’ll see if they’re tight or have trigger points and try to work them out. These can contribute to headaches, especially if they’re in the head, neck, or shoulder.” When it comes to the dental-care portion, Shelbi performs a scan of your mouth and jaw to measures imbalances there. She’ll look for tooth wear that’s greater

What do dentistry and massage therapy have in common? Possibly the solution to your headaches. It’s a two-pronged approach that many medical professionals are using to combat head pain at the source — sports medicine combined with dental care. Shelbi, our new massage therapist who specializes in the TruDenta process of headache relief in connection with dental issues, takes us through the treatment. “If a patient is complaining of headaches or if the dentist notices tooth wear, those are a couple signs we look for. Their dentist will ask them about it, and if they want help, I’ll determine if they’re a good candidate for TruDenta. We’ve found that, in a lot of cases, headaches are caused by dental issues.” Once a patient has been determined to be a good candidate, Shelbi will begin taking scans of their jaw and mouth area. Based on these results, she’ll determine a comprehensive treatment plan, incorporating massage therapy, cold lasers, and alpha stimulation to give you headache and jaw-pain relief.

on one side, measure the force of the wear, and be able to see which muscles are working the most and if any are working too hard. “Ideally, we want them to all be working equally, though that’s rarely the case; a lot of people have 40-60 or 30-70 imbalances,” explains Shelbi.

After just one treatment, many patients have already found relief from their head and jaw pain. Shelbi says, “I’ve talked to a few people who’ve gone through the whole treatment. Everyone said it cured them fully.”

“During the massage portion of treatment, I’ll massage different ‘headache muscles.’ They’re a group of muscles in the head, neck,

Puzzle Time! Grilled Ranch Potatoes

Inspired by


• Ranch dressing for drizzling • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives • Bacon bits (optional) • Salt and pepper to taste

• 2 pounds baby potatoes, halved • 1/4 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil • Juice of 1/2 lemon • 1/2 packet ranch seasoning


1. Heat grill to medium. In a large pan, toss potatoes with olive oil, lemon juice, and ranch seasoning. Season generously with salt and pepper. 2. Skewer potatoes. (If using wood skewers, be sure to soak in water an hour before grilling.) Grill until tender and lightly charred, about 15 minutes. 3. Drizzle with ranch and garnish with chives and bacon bits.




3 Livingston Dental


on being named Top Dentist of Wyoming 2018!

800 South Washington St., Afton, WY 83110 (307) 885-4337 |

Inside A Mother’s Love

Plan the Perfect Camping Trip The Mysteries Behind Migraines

How Massage Therapy Can Relieve Your Headaches Grilled Ranch Potatoes

3 of the Most Formidable Moms in History

3 of History’s Bravest Moms Mothers Shape the World Moms make the world go round. After running the gauntlet of childbirth, they raise and guide us throughout our lives, shouldering the tremendous burden and responsibility of motherhood. Mothers are in turn formidable, kind, powerful, gentle, wise, fierce, patient, supportive, empathetic, driven, and full of love. In honor of Mother’s Day, here are three historic moms who never stopped fighting for what they believed in. she went to court and secured his safe return. It was the first successful case brought by a black woman against a white man in American history. Truth went on to become a prominent abolitionist and a speaker for women’s rights, delivering her famous impromptu speech, “Ain’t I a Woman?” in May of 1851.

tragically young — Emmeline Pankhurst became one of the fiercest advocates for women’s suffrage in the late 19th century. After founding the Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903, she and her cohorts adopted an aggressive strategy to raise awareness for the issue; they began by buttonholing politicians and staging rallies, then progressed to vandalism, window smashing, and arson. She was instrumental in the movement. Pankhurst lived to see women gain the right to vote in 1928.

Irena Sendler (1910–2008) When the Nazis invaded Warsaw in September of 1939, Irena Sendler, a 29-year-old social worker and mother of two, hatched a scheme to rescue Jewish children from the brutal ghettos. Along with many friends and colleagues, she smuggled out nearly 2,500 Jewish orphans, hiding infants on trams and garbage wagons and guiding kids through a labyrinth of secret passageways beneath the city. Emmeline Pankhurst (1858–1928) Despite being a wife and the mother of five children — two of whom died

Sojourner Truth (1797–1883) Before she escaped from New York slaveholder John Dumont, Sojourner Truth had at least three of her children sold away from her. When Dumont went back on his promise to emancipate Truth and her infant daughter in 1826, she took the girl and fled to an abolitionist Quaker family, but she was forced to leave her other daughter and her 5-year-old son, Peter, behind. Soon after, she learned that Peter had been illegally sold by Dumont to a slaveholder in Alabama, so 4 (307) 885-4337 |