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Louis Berk PLLC - February 2022

2 cucharadita de pimentón • Sal y pimienta, a gusto Inspirada por 2 | 407-906-050

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Louis Berk, PLLC - December 2021

4 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla • Canela y leche batida, para decorar Instrucciones 1. En un t

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Abogado Louis/Louis Berk, PLLC - July 2021

4 de taza de azúcar morena Instrucciones 1. Remoje las virutas de madera en un bol con agua, de un d

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Louis Berk, PLLC - April 2021

AbogadoLouis INSIDE THIS ISSUE What’s My Case Worth? 1 For the First Time, a Vegan Restaurant Gets a

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Louis Berk, PLLC. - May 2021

2 cucharada de salsa de pescado Inspirado por • Hojas de cilantro al gusto • Hoja

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Abogado Louis | Louis Berk PLLC - August 2021

4 de taza de aceite de coco Instrucciones 1. En una cacerola pequeña, saltear especias y hierbas en

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Louis Berk PLLC - March 2021

4 de cdta. de sal • ralladura de 1 naranja 2 | 407-906-0500 Published by Newsletter Pro • www.newsle

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Louis Berk PLLC - March 2022

Premises Liability | Wrongful Death Leer a través del Día de América Sumergiéndome en mi lista de le

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Louis Berk PLLC - June 2022

2 cucharadita de sal para las brochetas • 900 g de pechuga de pollo, cortada en cubos del tamaño de

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Louis Berk, PLLC. - July 2022

4 de taza de alcaparras escurridas y enjuagadas, picadas • 1 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida •

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Louis Berk, PLLC - February 2021 407-906-0500 February 2021

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

You Deserve an Attorney With Speed and Assertiveness

Picture this: It’s the end of the business day, and the insurance company responsible for paying out on your personal injury just sent over their offer — and, of course, they’re lowballing you.

What happens next depends entirely on your attorney.

If you’re working with a big firm, it probably takes the rest of the week to decide how to respond, and perhaps a response gets sent the next Monday. If you’re lucky, the lawyers decide they want to sue the company. But that means more time, more back-and-forth with the company, and so on, until a month later, they actually file suit. During that month, keeping you in the loop will probably not be a priority for that law firm, never mind educating you on the process and what’s actually going on. As far as they’re concerned, you’re on a need-to-know basis. And ironically, many big law firms don’t think the client needs to know much at all! So, let’s try this again: It’s the end of the day, they just lowballed you, and at 5:01 p.m. your personal attorney tells the company, “Thanks for the offer, but if you’re gonna lowball us, we’re going to sue.” At 7:58 p.m. that same day, he files that lawsuit on your behalf. What’s the difference? The first scenario is how your case is going to be treated at a big law firm with all the bureaucracy that comes with it. The second scenario is how we do things at my firm. In fact, that exact situation happened not too long ago, and we really did file a lawsuit that same day at 7:58 p.m. I understand the impulse to hire a big firm for your case. Big firms seem secure, stable, and like they have power and connections. Sometimes, that’s true. But I’ve been part of that world, and I left it to form my own practice. Why? I saw that the best way to handle personal injury cases was with speed and assertiveness — and most big firms aren’t capable of doing that. When you’re injured, you can’t wait around for the big law firm to decide it’s time to sue. You need money as quickly as possible.

quickly to you, as well. After all, there’s a reason they call attorneys “counsel.” I got into law to help people, and part of that means letting them know what’s going on each step of the way. I consider it my duty to move with speed and assertiveness on their behalf. But I also consider it my duty to educate my client so they don’t feel left out, confused, or worried that they’ve been forgotten. I’m here to counsel them through stressful situations, where money is tight. They’re not just worried about their case — they’re worried about the rest of their lives, too. Will they be stuck with a big bill? Will they make a mistake in their case? Will they accept an offer they should have rejected? I can provide answers to all those questions, answers that come as soon as you ask instead of a week later via email. I know you might be scared. I know you might be in pain. I understand you might even be trying to work with a big firm right now and feel like you’re getting nowhere. You deserve an attorney who will act with speed and assertiveness to respond to your needs.

That kind of attorney is only a phone call away.

Just as your attorney needs to respond quickly to insurance agencies, at-fault parties, and the court, they need to respond | 1 -Louis Bernardo Berk

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The Original Death by Chocolate 17TH CENTURY CHOCOHOLICS GET REVENGE

Here’s the restaurant’s mouthwatering description of the seven-layer confection, which takes three days to make: “The decadence begins with layers of moist chocolate cake, dark chocolate ganache, crunchy chocolate meringue, and an airy chocolate mousse. The cake is then coated in a glaze of dark chocolate and served on a pool of chocolate sauce with house-made milk chocolate ice cream, topped with a hand-rolled white chocolate truffle, and finally dusted with white chocolate powder.” Is your mouth watering yet? The original version of death by chocolate might be a bit complex for the average chef, but if you’re craving a slice, you can find more accessible recipes at and Just remember that when you pull it out of the oven, we don’t live in the 1600s, so you should probably restrain yourself from poisoning anyone who steals a bite!

National Dark Chocolate Day and National Chocolate Fondue Day both fall this month (on Feb. 1 and Feb. 5, respectively), and in honor of those tasty holidays, we investigated the original “death by chocolate” — an act of legendary revenge. Rumor has it that the controversy started in the 1600s in Chiapas, Mexico, when a group of chocoholic churchgoers started bringing their favorite sweet snack to services. This annoyed the bishop, who resorted to banning parishioners from eating chocolate during church. As an article in Indian Country Today tells it, the chocoholics got back at the bishop by poisoning his daily cup of chocolatl, an Aztec chocolate drink. Who knew the ancestor of hot cocoa could be so deadly? Surprisingly, this crazy story isn’t the origin of the “death by chocolate” cake we love today. That dessert was created in 1993 by Chef Marcel Desaulniers, then-owner of The Trellis restaurant in Williamsburg, Virginia.

How much do you love chocolate? Would you be willing to die for a taste of your favorite candy bar? Would you kill for one? You’ve probably never thought to ask yourself these questions, but if tall tales can be believed, arguments over chocolate have, in fact, turned deadly.

FROM BOOKS TO … PRESCRIPTION DRUGS? Amazon Launches Amazon Pharmacy

Both the Whole Foods purchase and the failed Haven Healthcare venture foreshadowed the arrival of Amazon Pharmacy. The latter showed how serious Bezos is about diving into the highly regulated realm of health care and insurance. The former revealed the growing importance of Prime membership in an increasingly Amazon‑owned world.

For years, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has been vocal about his plan to disrupt the American health care system. In 2018, Bezos and his millionaire pals Warren Buffett (CEO of Berkshire Hathaway) and Jamie Dimon (CEO of JPMorgan Chase) formed a company called Haven Healthcare to “stem the rise of employer health care spending,” according to Bloomberg Businessweek. That venture fell apart, but Bezos never took his eyes off the prize. That same year, Amazon bought a drug-delivery startup. In 2019, it started selling its own brand of over-the-counter medication. Then, in November of 2019, Amazon opened Amazon Pharmacy to sell prescription drugs online. The new program offers Prime members two-day delivery and massive discounts on generic and name-brand drugs. Given Amazon’s history, this was no surprise. Since starting in 1994 as a marketplace exclusively for books, Amazon has worked toward becoming a one-stop shop for everything, especially all things health and fitness. Health-conscious people have bought workout equipment, supplements, snacks, fitness books, and more on the website for years. Then, in 2017, Amazon bought the organic grocery store Whole Foods and offered shopping discounts to Prime members, further cornering the market of health-conscious consumers.

According to Business Insider, Prime members have access to “discounts of up to 80% on generic drugs and 40% on brand-name medications when paying without insurance” through Amazon Pharmacy. Doctors can also send prescriptions directly to Amazon. If you have insurance, you can simply type your insurance and payment information directly into the website and have medication delivered to your door. To check out Amazon Pharmacy, head to and click on the menu in the top left corner of the home page. Then scroll down to “Programs and Features.” All of that said, Amazon isn’t the only — or even best — option for purchasing prescription drugs online. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s BeSafeRx program offers tips and a comprehensive list of online pharmacies nationwide. Visit today to learn more.

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Try These 3 Tricks to Improve Your Mindset Lonely on Valentine’s Day?

If you feel like the “before” actor in a commercial right now, you’re not the only one. Valentine’s Day causes an epidemic of

loneliness. But contrary to those cheesy commercials, the feeling isn’t exclusive to people struggling to find a date — and it won’t necessarily be solved by one.

What is loneliness, really?

Psychology Today defines loneliness as “the state of distress or discomfort that results when one perceives a gap between one’s desires for social connection and actual experiences of it.” That means you can get lonely any time you crave a deeper connection to someone, even if you’re married and have 500 Facebook friends. If COVID-19 lockdowns and canceled holiday celebrations have left you frustrated and sad, you’ve caught the loneliness bug.

How can you fight the feeling?

• Work out your social muscles. If you don’t push yourself to connect with others regularly, it’s easy to fall into the trap of loneliness and depression. You have to commit to your social life just like you would to an exercise routine. To do this, try blocking off time in your calendar to call your friends or loved ones, or join an online group with regular Zoom meetings you’re committed to showing up for. • Add more art into your social life. Researcher Jeremy Nobel, the head of The UnLonely Project, says that getting creative with other people could help reverse loneliness. If you’re feeling disconnected, try collaborating with your sibling, roommate, friend, spouse, or child on something artistic. You can paint together, have a jam session, take photos, or write a poem. Whatever you choose, getting creative will bring you closer. • Find and fix your negative behaviors. Does scrolling through social media make you feel like you’re missing out on all the fun or leave you feeling like a zombie? If so, it’s probably time for a hiatus. As you go about your day or week, keep a notebook with you and write down what you’re doing when you feel loneliness creep in. By identifying those negative behaviors and swapping them with positive ones, you can turn your thoughts around. Loneliness is serious: It’s a predictor of premature death, and one leading researcher compared its health impacts to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. If you’re coping with loneliness, try the tips above, and if you continue to struggle, reach out to a counselor near you.


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Who needs a Valentine’s Day date when you have a furry friend at home? This Feb. 14, show your pooch your love with these frosty strawberry dog treats. Use a heart-shaped silicone mold to make this snack extra festive.


• 1/2 cup plain yogurt • 1/4 cup frozen strawberries, puréed


Note: If you don’t have a heart-shaped mold, you can freehand your treats on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Freeze 1 tbsp dollops of yogurt for an hour, then top with 1/2 tbsp of strawberry purée and freeze another hour. 1. Fill each heart in the mold 3/4 full with yogurt. 2. Freeze the yogurt hearts for 1 hour. 3. When the yogurt is set, add the puréed strawberry on top of each heart to fill the rest of the mold. 4. Freeze for another hour, then share the tasty treats with your dog! | 3

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Referrals Welcome We thank you so much for referring clients to us over the years. We are grateful that you have


407-906-0500 4700 Millenia Blvd., Suite 175 Orlando, FL 32839

trusted us with taking care of those who need our services.

New address? New phone number? New email? Help us stay current by letting us know. Notify Louis at 407-906-0500.



You Deserve Speed and Assertiveness!

The Deadly Revenge of 17th Century Chocoholics Amazon Launches Amazon Pharmacy


‘My Furry Valentine’ Pup Snacks Kick Loneliness to the Curb This Valentine’s Day



Brad Pitt Battles His Doppelganger


an interest in her! According to Page Six, in addition to soliciting donations, the Pitt wannabe also wooed Christina romantically with what she later called, “discussions of marriage.” Just when things were getting steamy, the fake Brad took off with the businesswoman’s cash. Page Six reports that “in court papers, [Christina] said that the fake Pitt asked her for $40,000 to attend the events, but ‘canceled’ at the last minute each time — then disappeared with the money.”

When actor/producer Brad Pitt makes headlines, it’s usually to take credit for an award, talk about his new hairstyle, or fend off the latest gossip about his relationship with Jennifer Aniston. But last fall, the ‘90s heartthrob made the front page of Page Six for an entirely different reason: He won one of the craziest lawsuits of the year. The saga started out strange and continued to escalate. It began in 2018 when businesswoman Kelli Christina fell for a Brad Pitt charity scheme. A man claiming to be Pitt approached Christina online and asked for her to organize fundraisers for his charity, the Make It Right Foundation. The charity is very real. Pitt founded it in 2007 to help

The scam isn’t even the craziest part. When the truth came out, Christina sued the real Pitt for failing

to protect her from his double! After a long time on the court’s docket, a judge finally dismissed the $100,000 lawsuit last November and Pitt reclaimed his dignity. Luckily, some good came out of the whole debacle. According to Page Six, Christina is now working on “a joint project between the government and the Hollywood establishment” to protect future victims from scammers like the Pitt impersonator who broke Christina’s heart.

rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and as of 2019, it had funded more than 100 eco-friendly homes. However, the Make It Right Foundation has also been hit by scandal after scandal, including allegations of poorly built houses “rotting and collapsing.” And, of course, the Pitt who’d contacted Christina wasn’t the real deal.

None of this mattered to Christina, though. She was just excited that “Brad Pitt” had taken

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Published by Newsletter Pro • 407-906-0500 February 2021

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

Usted Merece Un Abogado Con Velocidad Y Asertividad

Imagine esto: el día laboral está terminando y la compañía de seguros responsable de pagarle por su lesión personal acaba de enviar su oferta y, por supuesto, le están ofreciendo poco dinero.

Lo que suceda después depende completamente de su abogado.

Si trabaja con un bufete grande, probablemente demoren el resto de la semana para decidir cómo responder y quizás la respuesta la envíen el lunes siguiente. Si tiene suerte, los abogados decidirán que quieren demandar a la compañía. Pero eso implicará más tiempo, más ida y vuelta con la compañía y, así sucesivamente, hasta que pase un mes y sea allí cuando realmente entablen la demanda. Durante ese mes, mantenerlo al tanto probablemente no sea una prioridad para ese bufete y ni mencionar informarle acerca del proceso y sobre lo que realmente está sucediendo. En lo que a ellos respecta, usted solo debe saber cuando sea estrictamente necesario e irónicamente muchos bufetes grandes no creen que el cliente deba saber mucho. Así que intentemos nuevamente: llega el final del día y le están ofreciendo poco dinero y a las 5:01 p.m. su abogado persona l le dice a la compañía, “Gracias por la oferta, pero si nos van a ofrecer esa suma tan baja, los vamos a demandar”. A las 7:58 p.m. de ese mismo día, su abogado entabla una demanda a su nombre. ¿Cuál es la diferencia? El primer escenario es cómo su caso será tratado en un bufete grande con toda la burocracia que conlleva. El segundo escenario es cómo hacemos las cosas en mi bufete. De hecho, esa misma situación ocurrió no mucho tiempo atrás y es verdad que sí entablamos una demanda ese mismo día a las 7:58 p.m. Comprendo el impulso de contratar un bufete grande para su caso. Los bufetes grandes parecen seguros, estables y que tienen poder y conexiones. A veces, es verdad. Pero, he sido parte de ese mundo y lo dejé para formar mi propio despacho. ¿Por qué? Vi que la mejor manera de encargarme de los casos por lesiones personales era con velocidad y asertividad y la mayoría de bufetes grandes no son capaces de hacer esto. Cuando usted está lesionado, no puede esperar que un bufete grande decida que ha llegado el momento de entablar una demanda. Usted necesita dinero lo más pronto posible.

Del mismo modo en que su abogado necesita responder rápidamente a las agencias de seguros, las partes culpables y el tribunal, también necesita responderle rápidamente a usted . Después de todo, hay un motivo por el que los abogados reciben el nombre de “consejeros”. Ingresé al mundo de las leyes para ayudar a la gente y parte de ello significa informarles qué está sucediendo en cada paso del camino. Considero que es mi deber actuar con rapidez y asertividad en su nombre. Pero, también considero que es mi deber educar a mi cliente para que no se sienta excluido, confundido o preocupado de que ha sido olvidado. Estoy aquí para aconsejarlo en situaciones estresantes, cuando el dinero es escaso. Usted no solo está preocupado por el caso, sino también por el resto de su vida. ¿Quedará entrampado con una factura elevada? ¿Se cometerá un error en su caso? ¿Aceptará una oferta que debió haber rechazado? Puedo dar respuesta a todas estas preguntas, respuestas que se dan tan pronto como usted plantea las preguntas, en lugar de hacerlo una semana después por correo electrónico. Sé que usted puede estar asustado. Sé que podría estar sufriendo de dolores. Entiendo que hasta podría estar tratando de trabajar con un bufete grande en este momento y sentir que no está llegando a ninguna parte. Usted merece un abogado que actúe con velocidad y asertividad para que responda a sus necesidades.

Ese tipo de abogado está a solo una llamada de distancia. | 1 -Louis Bernardo Berk

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Virginia. Esta es la tentadora descripción que el restaurante creó para la confección de siete capa, que tarda tres días en realizarse: “La decadencia comienza con capas de torta húmeda de chocolate, ganache de chocolate oscuro, merengue crujiente de chocolate y un aireado mousse de chocolate. Luego la torta es cubierta con un glaseado de chocolate oscuro y servida sobre salsa de chocolate con helado de chocolate con leche hecho en el restaurante, por encima lleva una trufa de chocolate blanco enrollada a mano y finalmente se la espolvorea con chocolate blanco en polvo”. ¿Ya se te hace agua la boca? La versión original de la muerte por chocolate puede ser un poco compleja para el chef promedio, pero si se te antoja una porción puedes hallar recetas más accesibles en y Al quitarla del horno solo recuerda que no vivimos en el siglo XVII, ¡así que deberías evitar envenenar a quien te robe un trozo!

Tanto el Día Nacional del Chocolate Oscuro como el Día Nacional de la Fondue de Chocolate son este mes (1 de Febrero y 5 de Febrero, respectivamente) y en honor de esas sabrosas fechas, investigamos la “muerte por chocolate” original — un acto de venganza legendaria. Cuenta la historia que la controversia comenzó en el siglo XVII en Chiapas, México, cuando un grupo de feligreses adictos al chocolate comenzó a llevar sus dulces favoritos a misa. Esto molestó al obispo, quien recurrió a prohibir a los asistentes que comieran chocolate durante los servicios. Según lo cuenta un artículo publicado en Indian Country Today, los adictos al chocolate se vengaron del obispo envenenando su copa diaria de chocolatl , una bebida azteca a base de chocolate ¿Quién podría imaginar que el ancestro del chocolate caliente podría ser tan mortal? Sorprendentemente, esta loca historia no es el origen de la torta “muerte por chocolate” que amamos hoy. El postre fue creado en 1993 por el Chef Marcel Desaulniers, entonces dueño del restaurante The Trellis en Williamsburg,

¿Cuánto amas el chocolate? ¿Estarías dispuesto a morir por un bocado de tu barra de chocolate preferida? ¿Matarías por una? Es posible que nunca te hayas hecho estas preguntas pero, si podemos creer en las historias clásicas, algunas discusiones en torno al chocolate se han tornado realmente mortales.

¿Quién necesita una cita se San Valentín cuando tiene un amigo peludo en casa? Este 14 de Febrero, demuéstrale tu amor a tu perro con estos meriendas para perros de fresas heladas. Utiliza un molde de silicona con forma de corazón para que sea un bocadillo extra festivo.


• 1/2 taza de yogur natural

• 1/4 de taza de fresas congeladas, hechas puré


1. Llena con yogur cada corazón en el molde hasta cubrir 3/4 partes.

3. Cuando el yogur esté firme, añade las fresas hechas puré en cada corazón para llenar el resto del molde.

Merienda De Cachorro ‘Mi San Valentín Peludo’ Inspirado por

2. Congela los corazones de yogur durante una hora.

4. Congela por otra hora, ¡luego comparte el delicioso bocadillo con tu perro!

Nota: si no tienes un molde con forma de corazón, puedes realizar tus bocadillos a mano sobre una plancha de horneado cubierta con papel de horno. Congela porciones de una cucharada de yogur durante una hora, luego cúbrelas con media cucharada de puré de fresas y congela durante otra hora.

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