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Manager Essentials Mid-Year Toolkit

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Manager Essentials Mid-Year Toolkit

Manager Essentials The Mid-Year Toolkit

Manager Essentials - The Mid-Year Toolkit In our PMP guidelines for people managers it says; ‘ It is also required for a people manager/lead to have a more formal performance and learning review mid-way through the performance cycle by January ’ . PMP Guidelines for People Managers. It also provides some hints and tips for holding regular and end of year conversations with your employees. We have developed this Toolkit to compliment the Manager Essentials session – ‘The Mid - Year Review’ and to help you prepare for holding successful mid-year conversations with your employees.

Preparing for the Mid-Year Conversation The Mid-Year conversation allows you to; 

Provide feedback on progress against goals and level of demonstration of competencies  Give recognition for accomplishments to-date, reinforcing the path to goal achievement

 Re-adjust goals or objectives based on changing priorities or circumstances

 Discuss and agree priorities for the remainder of the year

 Identify and potential barriers to goal achievement

 Discuss growth and development so far and opportunities/areas of focus for the employee. Ultimately you should be aiming for a ‘ partnership ’ approach to performance management where you and the employee take responsibility for actions that lead to success. Before the Conversation Select the right setting - regular conversations can take place in informal settings however the mid-year and end of year conversations normally require somewhere private. Invite your employee prepare – whilst you will do your own preparation, in a partnership approach you should invite your employee to prepare to ‘lead’ the conversation about their year to date. This can involves a focus on objectives, achievements, challenges and priorities for the next period. Gather your >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

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