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TotalCarePT_Knee or Hip Pain WIth Walking Discover How To Live Pain Free! Patient Success Spotlight At Total Care Physical

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Ramsey Rehab_Knee or Hip Pain With Walking

2-ounce) cans diced tomatoes • 2 to 3 tablespoons chili powder • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon pepper

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ReQuest: Knee Or Hip Pain With Walking

self-pay patients, flexible payment schedules, and same-day appointments. We also accept patients wi

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zppG7 Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE Physical Therapy Analysis Download theKaywaQR

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National Rehabilitation Hospital, where he served as Chief Resident and was twice named “Resident of

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Rehability: Knee or Hip Pain with Walking

ligaments • Being overweight cause any harmful side effects. REHABILITY’S infrared light over an inj

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Kerrville PT: Knee Or Hip Pain With Walking

or hip pain, don’t hesitate to contact Kerrville Physical Therapy Center to schedule an appointment.

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10K Bronze Sponsor & Participant! “Save The River works each and every day to protect the magnificen

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Relieving Knee Or Hip Pain While Walking

spinach-stuffed-mushrooms Visit Our Facebook Page Today!

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Pinnacle PT: Knee or Hip Pain While Walking

hips and walking problems. What’s common is that they’re all adept at uncovering the root cause of y

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ManualEdgePT_Knee or hip pain with walking



WHY IS THE TRAFFIC GETTING SOMUCHWORSE? As a Physical Therapist, I have been working with the human body for nearly 37 years now. I remember initially becoming interested in the human body during high school through athletics and working out. At that time the body was simple tome, just make it strong. During PT school, I learned about anatomy, exercise, strength, and something I hadn’t considered until that point, neurology. Neurology is the study of the nervous system: the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Neurology has become more important inmy practice than almost any consideration over these last 37 years. Studying it and appreciating it allows us to understand the way that the body is interconnected and self-regulating. We all know the “hip bone connected to the thigh bone” song, but neurology takes it many steps further. It means every part of our body is connected to every other part by boulevards of nerves through which information flows. These boulevards of nerves are then connected to the spinal cord super highway to get the information to the brain and have it sorted out by this super computer. After processing by the brain, decisions are made for a response that are carried out by nerves, brain pathways, or a series of chemical reactions.

unaware of. Trust me that is a good thing as it would drive us insane! The body is constantly shifting and adjusting through the nervous system to maintain our “easy-normal” state of being. We call this homeostasis. When we treat patients, their “easy normal” state of homeostasis has been disturbed and they have pain. It is our job to take into consideration the way the boulevards, super highway, andmaster computer are interconnected as we make changes with the body to eliminate the pain. We want just the right amount of traffic flow. If the traffic flow is too heavy, side roads become too busy and nerves communicate with things that they shouldn’t. If the traffic is heavier yet, we get traffic jams and things really don’t work well. Generally the patients we see are stuck in a traffic jam resulting in pain. We all know the pain of a traffic jam and I don’t know about you but my “easy normal” state of homeostasis goes away when I’m stuck in a traffic jam! As PTs, we try to control the traffic and get things flowing normally again! Tim Bonack

The interesting part of this process is that some of these things we may be aware of in terms of thoughts, emotions, body movements, etc. But there is a whole world of self-regulating processes by the nervous system that are constantly happening that we are completely





Do you find it difficult to walk, run, or exercise, as if your knees may collapse underneath you? Are you experiencing sharp pains in your hips and knees that make daily tasks difficult? Does standing up after a lengthy amount of time pose as a challenging feat? If so, physical therapy can help. Constant hip and knee pains can greatly hinder your daily life. The efficiency of your walk comes from the effectiveness of your flexibility, strength, and balance. When any of these aspects become abnormal, it may cause joints to become strained and work harder than they usually need to, leading to pain in the knees and hips. Physical therapy is an easy, comfortable, and safe way to both identify and relieve pain. If you are suffering from knee or hip pain, contact Manual Edge Physiotherapy today for relief! Correcting your knee and hip pains with PT treatments: At Manual Edge Physiotherapy, our licensed physical therapists are movement experts. They will analyze how you walk in order to determine any abnormalities and to pinpoint stiff or weak muscles. By pinpointing the exact areas of your body that are not moving as they should, they are able to create a treatment plan that will improve your strength, coordination, and overall mobility. Physical therapy has been proven as one of the most effective treatment methods for knee and hip injuries. This has been demonstrated through several research-based studies, including a 2014 study published by the Journal of American Medical Association.

The study, titled “Effect of a Home-Based Exercise Program on Functional Recovery Following Rehabilitation After Hip Fracture,” focuses on the benefits of exercise programs for those recovering from hip fractures. In this study, patients were split into two groups. The intervention group received “functionally oriented exercises (such as standing from a chair, climbing a step) taught by a physical therapist and performed independently by the participants in their homes for 6 months,” while the other group simply received education on cardiovascular nutrition and recovery. Results from this study concluded that those participating in the in-home physical therapy exercise programs demonstrated “modest improvement in physical function at 6 months after randomization.” Restoring normal motion is a key aspect to alleviating pain and allowing you to safely partake in the activities you love. Our dedicated team can help you walk, run, and play better. With our motion analysis, strength testing, coordination testing, and more, we can spot your muscles and joints that are in need of treatment. Your treatment plan will be individualized, based on your specific needs, in order to help you reach your optimum function with the least amount of effort.

If you are experiencing aches and pains, our physical therapists would be more than happy to meet with you for a consultation to discuss how they can help. Call us today to talk to an expert about how we can relieve your aches and pains!

Call Today 719-694-8342



• Standing near a counter top, put one foot in front of the other so you are touching heel-to-toe. Without putting your hands down, see if you can balance for 10 seconds. If you cannot, this may mean you have trouble with the coordination of your balance from the nerve endings in your hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Contact us today: As noted, physical therapy is an effective mode of treatment for patients suffering from knee and/or hip pain. At Manual Edge Physiotherapy, we help provide treatment for patients through movement and physical manipulation. If you are suffering from knee and/or hip pain, don’t hesitate to contact Manual Edge Physiotherapy to schedule an appointment. We’ll help you kick your knee and hip pains to the curb, so you can live a happy, active, and pain-free life!

If you are suffering from knee or hip pain, it is important to make sure you contact a physical therapist as soon as possible. However, there are also some tests you can do on your own before your consultation – these simple tests can help you determine if your knees and hips are as flexible and strong as they should be. Practice caution when performing these tests with a painful knee or hip, and do not continue them if they cause your pain to worsen: • When you are standing, can you touch your toes? This indicates hip and low back flexibility. • When sitting down, can you comfortably cross your legs so your ankle is resting on the opposite knee? Does one knee go further down than the other? This indicates hip flexibility. If one hip is tighter than the other, it can impact the way you walk and can cause knee pain. • Keeping your feet flat on the floor while holding onto something solid, how far can you squat down? You should be able to squat all the way down so your buttocks almost touches your heels. Don’t let your heels pop up! If you favor movement to one side, you probably have hip weakness on that side or limited motion in the hip joint.



Manual Edge is committed to the health and wellbeing of you and your family. In the wake of the recent spread of COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, we are taking every precaution. Before and after every session we are asking our clients and staff to wash or sanitize their hands. Additionally, we have increased the number of times per day that we sanitize our equipment and facility. To do your part to prevent the spread of this contagious disease, we ask patients that if you are demonstrating symptoms of coronavirus— coughing, sneezing or fever—to please stay home. Additionally, if you or your family has been exposed to someone who has a confirmed case of the virus, please notify us immediately, so we can take the necessary steps. Your cooperation in this tough time is what makes us able to continue to provide valuable services to you and your family. We appreciate your ongoing support. Our clinic features individual treatment rooms that are cleaned after each session for maximum safety.

Helps with Knee Pain

IT BAND - STRETCH - SIDELYING Start by lying on your side with your back near the edge of your bed or table. Your affected leg should be on top. Next, let the top leg lower behind you as you maintain an extended knee as shown. You should feel a gentle stretch along the side of your leg. Hold for 30 seconds. Helps With Knee And Hip Pain




Manual Edge Physiotherapy offers the latest tools in rehabi l itation, including Laser Therapy! To learn more about how Laser Therapy can help you, visit





• 1 cup cooked or canned chickpeas, drained, rinsed and lightly mashed • 8 ounces seitan (about 1/2 batch if using homemade), finely diced • 1/2 cup slivered or sliced roasted almonds • 1/3 cup chopped fresh dill

• 1 cup diced celery (about 2 stalks)

• 1/4 cup chopped scallions (about 2 medium scallions) • 1 garlic clove, minced • 1/4 cup vegan mayo (or more if you’d like a creamier salad) • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar • Salt and pepper to taste


1. Place the chickpeas into a medium bowl and roughly mash them with a fork or potato masher.

2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir until fully mixed. 3. Taste-test and adjust any seasonings to your liking. 4. Chill or serve immediately.