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Mar 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

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Dec 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

21​- ​Safety risks due to new labelling on the outer carton packaging of intravenous potassiumchlori

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Aug 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

Aug 2021 - Foresight Newsletter AUGUST 2 2 1 ED I T I ON 8 Useful Information and resources for

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PCSBV Mar 2021 Newsletter

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April 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

April 2021 - Foresight Newsletter APR I L 2 2 1 ED I T I ON 6 Clinical Governance

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June 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

communal team resources that benefit all staff. Scan the QR code or click here to complete the short

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Sep 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

400mg injection For more information, contact: [email protected]

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Oct 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

21 - ​Remdesivir 100mg injection - disruption to supply - ​Issued ​9 September Medication Safety Upd

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DEC 2020 - Foresight Newsletter

20 - Heroin and cocaine containing fentanyl and acetylfentanyl - Issued 26 Nov 2020 For more informa

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June 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

Nurse Practitioners, Allied health staff and Allied health Students; as well as a new Smoking Cessat

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Feb 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

Feb 2022 - Foresight Newsletter FEBRUARY 2 2 2 ED I T I ON 1 2 After a very

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Mar 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

MARCH 2 0 2 1



Partnering with Consumers Standard


"Understanding my healthcare rights" – a detailed guide for consumers and summary booklet An animation video which can be viewed online or shown in waiting rooms The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care ('the Commission') has recently released a number of new supportive resources for consumers on the Charter. These include: The NSLHD Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights Policy PO2020_006 outlines our responsibilities to ensure all clients are aware of their rights and have their rights protected and respected at all times. The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes what consumers, or someone they care for, can expect when receiving healthcare. The second edition is available and reflects an increased focus on person-centred care and empowers consumers to take an active role in their healthcare. This replaces the Rights and Responsibility policy and brochures. A number of resources are available for all staff to support the implementation of the second edition of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. The Charter has also been made accessible to as many consumers in various versions through the Commission's website. This includes translated versions, easy English, Charter for people with cognitive impairment and braille versions. THE AUSTRALIAN CHARTER OF HEALTHCARE RIGHTS

Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights Pressure injuries associated with PPE Healthcare Champions Package Seclusion and restraint update NSLHD Quality and Improvement Awards Prompt update April Falls Month What did you think of this issue? Give us your feedback

Contact: Alicia Wood (Manager, Consumer and Patient Experience, Clinical Governance) [email protected] The Charter is available through the Commission's website, NSLHD Consumer Participation & Patient Experience intranet page or EIDO Patient Information Brochures (via ‘Additional resources’)

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights Second Edition (You tube 1min 57sec)

The "Top tips for Safe Health Care" booklet is designed to help consumers, their families, carers and other support people get the most out of their health care.


MARCH 2 0 2 1


Comprehensive Care Standard

In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, images of clinicians with facial skin injuries due to prolonged mask-wearing circulated on social media. The use of N95 masks, in particular, causes the bridge of the nose to be more vulnerable to having a medical-device related pressure injury (MDRPI). Since then, the American National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) has reviewed the current safety standards and research on PPE as well as evidence on the prevention of pressure injuries and has released a position statement and developed a poster based on best practice.

Please think about whether this matter needs attention in your place of work.

Grace Manjoro will soon be joining the Clinical Governance unit as acting Skin Integrity Improvement Facilitator, to offer you support with any activities to address this safety issue. In a future edition of Foresight, we will cover the prevention of pressure injuries in patients with COVID-19, particularly the use of prone positioning (lying face down). Contact: [email protected] (Patient Safety Manager, Clinical Governance) for further information.

A question that often comes up in quality improvement work is how to complement the introduction of initiatives and best practice to mitigate identified risks to patient and consumer safety. Clinicians often self- initiate or are asked to take on the role of a 'champion' to do just this. As NSLHD did not have a generic evidence-based resource to support clinicians in champion roles, the NSLHD Health Care Champions package was developed using literature and anecdotal evidence from NSLHD clinicians. The package is intended to build and maintain a core group of champions, strengthen their capacity to be self-sustaining and on the front foot with innovative ideas, continual quality improvement, promotion and best practice responses to whatever the subject matter. The package guided by best practice literature features a program (semi-formal session structure and ideas for content), a framework (governance structure and highlighting the essential ingredient of the champion-manager relationship) and a toolkit (resources and templates for scoping, assessing and conducting quality improvement projects). HEALTH CARE CHAMPIONS PACKAGE

Clinical Governance Standard

The package has generated a lot of interest across the district and is now being tested by Sexual Safety Champions from MHDA. Its evaluation will be based on their experience of using the package, compared with the baseline >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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