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Mattson Financial Services - August 2019

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Mattson Financial Services - February 2019

4 cup olive oil 2 sprigs rosemary • Directions 1. 30 minutes before cooking, remove steaks from frid

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events to stay up to date! TAKE A BREAK! ney in One Place if you have high-value accounts, depositin

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Mattson Financial Services - August 2022

4 tsp pepper 1 tsp Italian seasoning Solution on Pg. 4 Directions 1. Add chicken to a large resealab

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Mattson Financial Services - August 2018

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and pepper, to taste • 8 cloves garlic, smashed and coarsely cho

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Mattson Financial Services - August 2020

4 cup crumbled feta cheese • 6 cups arugula, packed Directions 1. In a large pot of boiling water, c

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Mattson Financial Services January 2019

4 cup onions, chopped Directions 1. In a cast-iron skillet or large sauté pan, heat oil to medium. 2

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Mattson Financial Services - December 2019

2 or older: We are sending you a friendly reminder that you MUST take your required minimum distribu

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Mattson Financial Services - May 2019

2- inch cubes 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes •

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Mattson Financial Services - July 2019

2, you do not have to continue taking the RMDs until you are of age. The State Supreme Court made a

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Mattson Financial Services - August 2019

F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S , L L C


August 2019

At age 90, my mom finally got a cellphone with texting capability. She decided to get a cellphone because she heard this technology would allow her to connect with her grandkids and great-grandkids directly. I was with her when she got the phone. She asked my opinion on which phone to get, so we went to the phone store, and the rest is history. Now, five years later, she is constantly sending her grandkids and great- grandkids texts and pictures. She has successfully connected with them. Plus, she gets to share pictures of the grandkids and the newest great- grandbaby with all of her friends. It wasn’t always like this. When she got the phone, she spent the first two hours playing with it and had a very frustrating time. She told me she would never “get” this or understand how any of it worked. It was a struggle, and she wanted to go back to older technology. Her feelings about technology are common. New technology — whether it’s a smartphone, the latest model car, or the newest airplane — always comes with challenges, no matter if you’re a business owner or just a regular consumer. Advancements in technology come with growing pains. Is this pain worth the return? As we know, there is always new technology coming out all the time. By the time you can afford to buy the latest phone or car, that technology is already outdated. But without advancements in technology, we would stagnate. Do We Change for Change, or Do We Change for the Better?

positive or negative faster now more than ever. We see this all the time. If there’s a natural gas pipeline explosion in Alaska at 10 a.m., it’s already old news worldwide by 10:30 a.m. This kind of rapid pace can only create more, not less, volatility when it comes to investments and global information. The way we’ve structured Mattson Financial Services addresses these rapid movements and maintains proper asset allocations for our clients. We stay updated on the way we process business. Our goal has always been two-fold —making sure your portfolio has the proper return you need while we minimize risk. We’re very happy to state that our portfolio managers are fully on board with us in working toward this end. We’re already well into the 21st century, but when it comes to investing, we have to be prepared for the 22nd century. But to do that, we have to invest heavily in infrastructure as well as the proper technology, all while we protect our clients’ information. This will always be our goal. Our secondary goal is to make this as cost-efficient for our clients and to continue looking for ways to reduce these costs.

Now, go out and buy the latest $1,000 iPhone! Happy texting!

P.S. Dear President Trump, a little less tweeting would be nice. –Gary Mattson

I bring this up because new technology and new information sources are always emerging in terms of the markets. Things are going to move

Published by The Newsletter Pro • | 1


“active number” list that can then be sold to other scammers who market in these types of phone numbers. If you can’t verify who is calling without picking up, don’t answer. Let it go to voicemail. If it’s important, the person will leave a legitimate message and you can respond afterward.

Two of the most common scams are phone scams and robocalls. These calls are incredibly annoying and can trick you out of valuable information if you’re not careful. While it might seem like these scams are inescapable, there are some precautions you can take to avoid their traps.



You can even go a step further and block the calls. Many phone service providers offer call-blocking options, including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon. You can sign up for this service in-store or on your service provider’s website. Each service costs about $4 per month. There are also a number of call-blocking apps available on Android and Apple devices, but if you subscribe to a blocking service through your phone provider, these apps are unnecessary.

One thing you can do to avoid these fraudulent, time-wasting calls is to simply hang up. If possible, it is best to not answer at all. It’s always good to have a list of numbers you can reference, so you never have to guess who is calling. Think of it as going one step beyond caller ID. In some cases, answering and then hanging up can actually do more harm than good. Answering the phone gives the scammers confirmation that the number works and that they should try again. Once your number is confirmed as active, it often gets put on an

Finally, you can sign up for the Federal Trade Commission’s “Do Not Call” program ( While the Do Not Call program can


Get Over Yourself and Find Success

on themselves than others, but, as the book’s title suggests, ego hurts us regardless of which end of the spectrum we fall on. Holiday argues our self-perception can act as both a roadblock and a pitfall: Those with low self-esteem get stopped by doubt, while those with inflated egos often trip over their own arrogance. Those who unshackle themselves from their own personal narratives, however, can find lasting success. “Ego Is the Enemy” is rich with examples of this concept in action as it explores the lives and contributions of often overlooked historical figures like Katharine Graham and Howard Hughes. These powerful individuals remain relatively obscure thanks to their tendency to put their work before self-promotion, yet their impact on global events is undeniable. Pulling from history, literature, and the latest psychological findings, Holiday weaves an argument as engaging as it is thought-provoking. At times contemplative and other times combative, “Ego Is the Enemy” holds up a mirror to readers and asks them to challenge what they see. For those willing to attempt conquering themselves, this book is a worthy companion.

Once in a while, a book comes along with a truly transcendent message. “Ego Is the Enemy” by Ryan Holiday is one such work. This book is not just for business owners, athletes, or those trying to lose weight; it’s a guide for everyone . By digging into the root of the human condition, this instant bestseller examines the single greatest threat to our own success: ourselves.

This ambitious premise shouldn’t come as a surprise if you’re familiar with the author. Dropping out of college at 19 to be mentored by business strategist Robert Greene, Holiday has become one of the most trusted advisors of our time, working with brands like Google, Taser, and Complex. His other bestseller, “The Obstacle Is the Way,” tackles the difficulties of the creative process and our natural tendency to avoid necessary

steps toward our success. “Ego Is the Enemy” dives deeper into the latter concept, highlighting ways we sabotage or deceive ourselves.

For Holiday, ego is defined loosely as our perception of self. Some may have a poorer outlook

Published by The Newsletter Pro •

2 | 616-514-3831

You’ve probably heard of pickleball, especially given its rising popularity in the United States and Canada, but youmay be wondering what the big deal is about this relatively new fad. Pickleball is an awesome, low- impact sport that people of all ages can enjoy. It’s great exercise and great fun, and it’s the perfect game for family get-togethers. Pickleball originated on Bainbridge Island, Washington, in 1965. It was the creation of three fathers— Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum—who needed to come up with something to keep the little ones entertained and out of their hair. Soon, however, it became popular among the adults, and they ended up spendingmore time on the court than their children.“Frankly,”McCallum says,“the kids got pushed out.” Since its early days, pickleball has transformed from an ad-hoc game to a full-fledged sport, complete with official rules, equipment, and leagues. Despite the more formal structure in place today, pickleball is incredibly easy to pick up and play. Investing in some paddles and balls won’t cost more than $100, and you can easily convert a tennis or badminton court for pickleball. One of the appeals of pickleball for older adults is that it is not excessively strenuous. It also doesn’t have the steep learning curve and high barrier to entry that sports like tennis or golf do. Due to the nature of a pickleball, which contains strategically placed holes similar to those of a whiffle ball, the game is muchmore about finesse than pure power or athleticism. While you can definitely hone your skills with practice, you’ll start having fun fromday one. In addition to being a fun formof exercise, pickleball also offers older adults the chance to socialize with their peers. Leagues often lead to long-term friendships. Courts are small, and each game consists of only four players, making it easy to engage in some casual conversation or playful, competitive banter between points. If you’ve never picked up a paddle, consider joining a league or buying a set for your next family outing. You can introduce your grandkids to a fun new sport —and then school them for the bulk of an afternoon. A Sport for All Ages Becomes a Craze Among Older Adults THE INCREDIBLE RISE OF PICKLEBALL

help cut back on calls, this list is largely ignored by scammers. If you’re getting a ridiculous number of robocalls every day, signing up can offer you some brief respite. Thankfully, Congress is already attempting to fix this problem by making it harder for scammers to call you. But until they are able to pass tough, effective legislation, it is up to us as consumers to remain vigilant and do what we can to keep our personal and financial >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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