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Maximum Solutions PT - June 2022

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Maximum Solutions PT June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably 1

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Maximum Solutions PT - June 2021

4 tsp cayenne pepper • 2 tsp turmeric • 1 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp ground black pepper • 2

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Maximum Solutions PT - July 2022

or enjoy. Once in a while, replace overly salty or sweet snacks with fresher alternatives. cardiovas

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Maximum Solutions PT

2 tsp lemon zest • Hot water, as needed DIRECTIONS 1. In a small bowl, add all ingredients and whisk

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Maximum Solutions - May 2022

Maximum Solutions - May 2022 MAY 2022 908-475-3505 | 570-420-0606 | 570-775-5050 12 HARDWICK STREET

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Maximum Solutions - April 2022

Maximum Solutions - April 2022 APRIL 2022 908-475-3505 | 570-420-0606 | 570-775-5050 12 HARDWICK STR

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Maximum Solutions PT July 2019

Maximum Solutions PT July 2019 JULY 2019 908-475-3505 | 570-420-0606 8 HARDWICK STREET | BELVIDERE |

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Maximum Solutions PT - March 2020

2-inch thick • 1 red bell pepper, chopped • 2 garlic cloves, sliced • 2 pints cherry tomatoes • 3 57

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Maximum Solutions PT - November 2020

4 cup almond milk • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 1–3 tsp maple syrup (to taste) • Fresh berries (for garn

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Maximum Solutions PT - January 2020

carbohydrate cycling, and meal plans that include 6–8 meals per day. Ate Ate bills itself as a “visu

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Maximum Solutions PT - June 2022

JUNE 2022

908-475-3505 | 570-420-0606 | 570-775-5050



June 1 is Global Running Day. Running isn’t for everyone; if just the idea of running a mile causes painful flashbacks to high school gym class, you’re better off finding an exercise you enjoy. But running has millions of enthusiasts, and millions more have toyed with the idea of trying it as a hobby. The science indicates they are onto something. Running improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and causes better blood sugar indicators. Runners have a lower body fat percentage, and the practice builds muscle, especially in the calves. There’s even evidence that running can increase bone density, making you less likely to suffer a break or fracture.

At Maximum Solutions, we often see patients suffering from runner’s knee. It’s actually a set of conditions with varying causes, but overuse is a common factor, as are issues with bone alignment and weak or tight thigh muscles. Depending on the cause of runner’s knee for the individual patient, we will provide exercises, stretches, and massages to improve the pain and promote faster healing. We also see many patients with plantar fasciitis, which causes heel pain when walking or running. As with runner’s knee, you don’t need to be a runner to get it, but the condition accounts for approximately 8% of running injuries. Manual therapy often proves helpful, as does ice therapy, foam rolling, and stretching.

The benefits aren’t only physical. Running reduces stress, boosts confidence, and improves mood. It also presents an excellent excuse to get outside and enjoy nature. While runners appreciate improved body health, these mental effects usually keep them coming back. “Runner’s high” is real, and it can be addictive!

If you’re injured while running, it’s crucial to seek treatment immediately. Acute pain can worsen or turn into a chronic condition if treated improperly at home. Your doctor or physical therapist will guide you through the safest recovery possible. A running injury isn’t the time to rely on internet advice — seek help right away.

But it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. Excessive running and overtraining are real risks, especially for beginners. The practice can have the opposite of the desired effect by reducing speed and endurance. Too much running can also cause injury and pain, especially in the shins. Walk before you run — literally. Avoid taking on too much too quickly, run on softer surfaces whenever possible, and ensure you have running shoes that properly fit and allow for good form. Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, many runners will suffer an injury at some point. As with so many things, there is no reward without risk. But the benefits of running outweigh the hazards for a vast majority of people. And if you are injured, physical therapy can often get you back on your feet with minimal pain and downtime.

While treating your injury, we will also check for poor posture, incorrect running

form, and improper gait. In many cases, these issues will cause damage without the runner realizing it. As necessary, we’ll provide exercises to train your muscles and change how you move to make injury less likely in the future. There are no guarantees in life, but there are ways to mitigate risks. One of the things we love most about running is how accessible it is. You don’t need a fancy gym membership or expensive equipment. You can just get a pair of sneakers with proper support and go! If you don’t currently run but are thinking of picking it up, plenty of videos, podcasts, and apps can help you get started. Stay safe and happy trails! –Dora Godnig & Cara Sadowski

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Our bodies are made up of many systems working together to keep us functional and healthy. It’s so complex that even scientists don’t understand how all of it works. But we do know that our health is a whole-body experience, and ignoring one aspect of our wellness will often lead to other problems down the line. Oral health is no exception. For example, poor dental health can contribute to cardiovascular disease, and diabetes can lead to gum disease. Still, most people don’t know that their oral and mental health are linked. Researchers have found that people who suffer from mental illnesses are more likely to develop oral health problems like tooth decay and gum disease. In fact, experts have identified several reasons for the apparent connection.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 280 million people across the globe are affected by depression. That’s about 5% of the adult population. Depression is more than just sadness, and it impacts people’s ability to think clearly and engage in regular activities. Oral care routines often fall by the wayside as a result, along with dental visits. This neglect of regular mouth maintenance can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Meanwhile, anxiety can make social interactions terrifying, and sufferers may have difficulty scheduling and attending dental appointments. Additionally, many people have a phobia of dentists that causes them to postpone care. Due to this anxiety or fear, oral health issues can go untreated and significantly worsen.

There are still more connections. People with eating disorders may experience dental erosion or low calcium levels that affect their teeth. Pain is a risk factor for depression, so existing oral pain can spark or worsen mental health problems. And while more research is needed, a 2019 study found a possible genetic link between depression and oral health conditions. If you’re struggling, you need to protect your mental and physical health. Talk to your doctor about what you’ve been experiencing, and be open to their recommendations. Treating your mind well will lead to better health and perhaps a happier and longer life. In addition to this, don’t forget to include your dentist in your plans for full-body health. They’re not trained mental health professionals, but they can provide helpful strategies to help you maintain your dental health while seeking treatment for your mental health as well. Be sure to tell your dentist about any medication you’re taking. Side effects from antidepressants can include dry mouth or teeth grinding, and your dentist can help you minimize the damage. Whatever you're going through, it's crucial to keep your entire health team engaged. Physicians, dentists, and therapists all have specialized roles, but outcomes are better when each specialty has the complete picture and can work together. Keep the lines of communication open — and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.


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Making a meal plan is a pain, but you still want to get all your necessary vitamins, minerals, and protein through everyday foods. Even if you’re not a cooking expert, you can employ a few very simple cooking hacks in the dishes you commonly prepare! You'll be surprised how these little boosts can reap big, nutritious rewards. No. 1: Add quinoa to recipes. Want to add extra texture or color to your steamed white or brown rice? Mix it up with 1 cup of quinoa (any color) and another 2 cups of water or broth. Or, simply throw quinoa into any grain-friendly soup you’re preparing, like a simple chicken soup! Quinoa is rich in antioxidants and filled with fiber to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reducing your risk of diabetes and heart disease. No. 2: Replace cream with almond, walnut, or oat milk. Cream is a popular mainstay in any American kitchen, but it doesn’t have to be dairy cream. Plant-based milk and creamer (such as almond, walnut, or oat milk) are often extra rich in vitamins and minerals and low in fat. They contain no cholesterol and are easy on your digestive system. Because they all have slightly different flavor profiles, you can pick your favorite! Walnut milk works surprisingly well in a creamy pasta sauce. 3 Easy Cooking Hacks for Better Nutrition

No. 3: Add frozen spinach to almost anything. Fresh spinach quickly loses its folate, powerful vitamins, and nutritional benefits over time, but spinach, frozen at its peak freshness, saves the day. That’s why frozen spinach is actually more nutritious than most fresh spinach at the supermarket! Whether it's for pasta, pizza, scrambled eggs, cheese dip, a smoothie, or curry, frozen spinach is more versatile than you might think. Plus, studies show spinach may have amino acids that help reduce stress and depression! (Bonus) No. 4: Add chia seeds to cold drinks, yogurt, baked desserts, and more! It’s easy to feel guilty for indulging your cravings for sweet tea, pudding, cookies, and cake. But if you add chia seeds, you might feel a little better about it! These small seeds are densely packed with antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which may promote heart health, support strong bones, and improve blood sugar management.

We hope these tips help make your favorite dishes a little more fun and guilt-free! Enjoy!

Sweet and Spicy BBQ Chicken Skewers


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For the Marinade • 1 tbsp olive oil • 2 tbsp soy sauce • 2 tbsp chili garlic sauce • 2 tbsp rice vinegar • 3 tbsp honey • Juice of 1 lime • 3/4 tsp smoked paprika • 1/2 tsp salt For the Skewers • 2 lbs chicken breast, cut into bite-size cubes • 1 small pineapple, cut into 1-inch cubes

1. In a bowl, whisk together marinade ingredients. 2. In a reusable freezer bag, combine cubed chicken and all but 1/4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overnight. 4. The following day, preheat the grill to 400 F. Thread chicken and pineapple onto skewers, adding two cubes of chicken for each cube of pineapple. 5. Grill the skewers for 3–4 minutes per side, brushing with the reserved marinade in the final minutes. 6. Serve over rice or with your favorite barbecue sides!

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66 S. Courtland Street East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

1. Celebrating Global Running Day 2. Your Mental Health Can Affect Your Mouth 3. 3 Cooking Hacks to Eat Better Sweet and Spicy BBQ Chicken Skewers 4. Permanent Weight Loss Is Too Hard — Or Is It? INSIDE THIS ISSUE


Losing weight is hard — and not just because creating new diet and exercise habits is difficult. The truth is that you’re working against your body’s natural instincts, which is to preserve weight. In other words, even when weight loss is the healthiest thing you can do for your body, physiologically, your body rarely realizes that.

A popular, effective way to think of weight loss is “calories in, calories out” (CICO). You want more calories going out than coming in because this helps sustain a caloric deficit which can assist in losing weight. However, not all calories affect your hormones the same way, and being overweight to begin with can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate an appropriate appetite.

As just one example, according to the Journal of Clinical Investigation, a diet with added fructose (high-fructose

corn syrup) is linked to insulin resistance, increased blood sugar levels, and higher triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels — but if you replace fructose with regular sugars and glucose, the risk is noticeably less. That said, fruit with natural fructose does not appear to carry the same risks as added fructose. Our bodies are complex machines. Many factors beyond diet (genetics, medical comorbidities, long-standing diabetes, stress, sleep, etc.) can affect your ability to lose weight. The best path to a healthier weight is to move more and find multiple ways to live a healthier life, one small step at a time.

How does weight loss work? Complex interactions between hormones and neurons in your

So, how do I lose weight — for good?

hypothalamus control how much you weigh. Your hypothalamus controls your thirst, hunger, and body temperature. The chemicals that interact with the hypothalamus therefore influence your appetite and how much food you eat. In particular, fat cells in your body produce the hormone leptin, which then tells your body when you’ve stored enough fat, thus decreasing your appetite.

Even after following a new diet and exercise regimen, most people are likely to regain about 30%–35% of the weight they’ve lost after one year. After sacrificing those potato chips for sugar snap peas, this is frustrating! But we promise that some changes do help maintain permanent weight loss, including replacing processed foods in your diet.


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