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AUGUST 2020 Financial Horizons Your Connection for Wealth, Lifestyle & Legacy 309.808.2224 McBeathFi

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11, too. When that happened, it felt like nothing would ever go back to normal again, but it did. We

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1949, or you’ll incur penalties. If any of these birthdays are on the horizon for you, we would love

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APRIL 2021 Financial Horizons Your Connection for Wealth, Lifestyle & Legacy McBeathFinancialGroup.c

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McBeath Financial Group - November/December 2020


Financial Horizons Your Connection for Wealth, Lifestyle & Legacy



Some clients may already know this, but for those who don’t, my husband, Robert, and I are big animal lovers. Our family has a 16-year- old dog at home, and while we know our days with our pup are limited, we hold onto our memories and cherish each additional day we have with him. This stage in our dog’s life, and the upcoming holiday season, reminds me of a heartwarming experience Robert once witnessed some two decades ago. It’s a story of redemption and love. It reminds me that, while it’s easy to get caught up in the commercialism of the holidays, as we approach what could be one of our most difficult holiday seasons yet, the greatest gift we can give others is compassion. About 20 years ago this past October, Robert made a difficult choice that many pet owners have confronted. He had to put his beloved dachshund to sleep — an action that ultimately brought his pet peace but became cemented as one of the hardest days of Robert’s life. That same day, a tearful family brought their farm dog into the same small-town vet. Their little puppy had gotten into rat poison, and the treatment was very expensive and extensive. The family already had so many lives and costs to contend with that they couldn’t afford the dog’s treatment. So together, they made the tough decision to give their pup some peace, and they said their goodbyes.

It turns out the story had a happy ending. The vet administered treatment to the puppy and nursed it back to health all the way up to Christmas Day. On Christmas morning, the vet appeared on the family’s front stoop, puppy in tow, just as happy and healthy as it had been before eating the rat poison. The whole family and the vet were in tears, as they had been given the greatest gift of all time. This family had their rambunctious, adorable, lovable puppy back, and that vet had turned a very bad day into the best Christmas present ever. That story still gives me goosebumps all these years later! It’s a thoughtful reminder of how powerful our actions can be, and during the holiday season, it shows us that it isn’t money that makes our gifts or our lives powerful. It’s the actions we take. You may be surprised to read that sentiment from a financial planner, but this business is much more personal than the tools we use make it seem. Money is just that: a tool. We use it, invest it, save it, and plan with it, so we can discover and immerse ourselves in the actions that give our lives meaning. Money isn’t the meaning of life; it’s the actions we take that define our lives. This field is all about building relationships. I walk with each of my clients through the many phases of their lives. I cry with them. I laugh with them. I cheer them on. My goal is to offer the support my clients need to be secure. I hope you find compassion this holiday season or take action to spread it further into our communities. Small or big, your actions can make a difference this holiday season.

That’s when the vet let Robert in on a little secret.

When Robert met with the vet, he learned about this family’s story. Because of the pup and ultimately having to help Robert say goodbye to his best friend, the vet was also having an extremely difficult day. However, in that appointment, the vet explained that she was moved by those heartbroken kids losing their puppy. She realized the treatment was far more than an average family could afford. So, unbeknownst to the family and many people in town, the vet decided to secretly treat the puppy for a month at her own expense, hoping that she could save his life. Upon hearing this story, Robert was undoubtedly touched. He only heard about this situation because he was facing an emotional loss as well, but it was something so pure and caring that it stuck with him for months. Soon, he found himself wondering how that story ended. He became so curious that he picked up the phone and asked for an update.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!

P.S. I also want to share a special tradition that Robert and I have developed in lieu of giving each other gifts. Years ago, we decided to donate our gift money to the Humane Society of Central Illinois. It’s been a touching tribute and better than purchasing items we really don’t need, year after year. If you’re looking for a great organization to give back to, you won’t find any group more caring and dedicated than the Humane Society of Central Illinois. —Krista McBeath

309.808.2224 1

Top 5 Healthy Life Hacks to Have an Awesome Morning

Write in your journal. Who says you have to journal at the end of the day when you’re tired and ready to sleep?

More Than Just the Blues The holidays are a wonderful time of the year for gathering with our loved ones, giving back to the community, and indulging in some of our favorite treats. It’s a beautiful season, but it can also be one of the most difficult for many people. Holiday-related depression is a common condition. Stress, fatigue, heightened expectations, or homesickness can lead to overwhelming sadness and apathy, and it’s not uncommon for this to happen around Thanksgiving or Christmas as the demands of shopping and gift-giving coincide with the stress of family and having “the perfect holiday.” Furthermore, seasonal depression can exacerbate these feelings. As we continue to live with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, our holiday celebrations may look a little different this year. Travel may be impossible. We may not be able to afford presents for those we care about. It may be difficult to feel gratitude this year. Getting your day started with coffee isn’t always enough. Sometimes, you need to give yourself an extra boost, especially when you have little energy or trouble focusing. For an awesome start to your day, here are five tips to get you going right off the bat. Find focus spiritually. Dedicate 15 minutes for a prayer and Bible reading before looking at your phone. Looking at social media or the news as soon as you wake up can increase your anxiety, ruin your mood, and set a bad tone for the day. Instead, spiritually connecting first thing in the morning can energize you to conquer the day. Start with green tea, then coffee. A cup of coffee at 7 a.m. can leave you burned out by 10 a.m. Try swapping it with green tea for a more gentle wake-up call. After that, you can brew your favorite coffee to keep you going strong. This practice also might help you consume less caffeine overall! Take a quick morning walk — and have your meetings on the go. Morning meetings can make us want to fall asleep again. Don’t spend all of them sitting down if you don’t have to! Not only will morning walks help you wake up, but they can also add some extra physical activity to your day.

You can journal in the morning about what happened yesterday and the things you’re looking

forward to that day. Journaling can remind you of your daily goals and motivate you to stick to your commitments.

Pack your lunch (or snacks!). Staying on track with your goals starts with having the energy to do them. Plan a healthy balance of fats, vegetables, carbohydrates, and proteins. This can be as simple as assembling dips, carrots, wraps, and salads each morning.

It’s time to try these tactics to jump-start your day!


presents over video chat or perfect your cookie decorating skills while videoconferencing together. There are many ways you can stay connected, even from afar. 2. Volunteer or Give Back: Giving back is infectious, and the best part is that it can make you feel better, too! If you can’t be with your loved ones or if your celebrations leave you feeling sad, look at ways you can put some good karma into the world. Volunteering and giving back are just two easy ways to perk yourself up and give the world a little good. 3. Ask for Help: You do not have to fight mental illness alone. Seek help from local counselors, friends, family members, or other health professionals. Or use the therapist finder

on to locate a local mental health professional to speak with. The Suicide Prevention Lifeline can also be reached by calling 1-800-273-8255. It is vital that you seek assistance if you feel angry, depressed, or anxious this holiday season.

However, there are a few ways you can cope or find help for your holiday depression.

1. Try Virtual Gatherings: While you may not be able to see your children or grandchildren in person this year, programs like Skype, Zoom, or even Facebook Messenger make it easier than ever for us to stay connected to our loved ones. Set up a time to open

Regardless of what your holiday celebrations look like this year, we wish you all a very safe and healthy holiday season.


Listen Carefully

What the Radio ‘Experts’ Want You to Hear About Your Financial Plan


This fall, our family was in the car for a three-hour road trip. Along the way, we heard five different financial “experts” on various radio stations along the way. Each one had different advice about how you should handle your personal finances for investments and retirement. Many of the talking points were directly contrary based upon what they were trying to sell. As an industry insider, I’m completely aware these “radio shows” are paid promo spots, so they can push their financial product. I also realized that if I didn’t have the expertise that I do as an investment advisor, I would have been very confused. This is an interesting phenomenon. I don’t want to completely discredit these talk show hosts. They are clearly educated and can offer thoughtful perspectives. However, their sound bites and catchphrases can be detrimental when they evoke a financial decision that is also emotional. Radio and TV “experts” don’t have a personal relationship with the people they are dispensing advice to. It’s easy to say what the masses should do and how things should work, but it’s not feasible for everyone to take that advice to heart and aptly apply it to their lives.

The relationship I build with you allows us to discern which steps are best

for you. Because I get to know you, your goals, your family, and your wishes, we can make decisions


based upon your personal objectives. These decisions should be carefully calculated and based upon your complete financial picture which includes a tax strategy, insurance, investment allocations (based upon risk tolerance), your estate plan, and so much more.

Furthermore, we have to understand that radio and television gurus are also salespeople. They want us to buy something, whether that’s a book outlining their steps to financial freedom, or on a local level, setting a “free” appointment as a precursor to peddling their financial product. Many are very adept at creating insecurity as a tool to lure you in. So, should you heed their advice?

We’ll all occasionally have questions or concerns about our finances, especially during a market drop or a transition period in our lives. These are the times to rely on the relationship you’ve established with me. I have your portfolio history, goals, and comfort level in mind. You don’t need to panic-buy something. We can work together to develop or update a plan that helps you navigate personal and market changes. Frankly, that’s more peace of mind than any radio personality could ever offer. So, next time you hear an “expert” sound off on the radio, it may be best to just change the channel.

—Krista McBeath

309.808.2224 3

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203 Landmark Dr Unit A - Normal, IL 61761 - 309.808.2224



What Matters Most: An Important Lesson From a Christmas Miracle


Top 5 Healthy Life Hacks to Have an Awesome Morning

You Don’t Have to Live With Holiday Depression. Get Help Here.


The Problem With Radio ‘Experts’


How Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Winter Falls


Advisory services are offered through Landmark Wealth Management Inc, dba McBeath Financial Group, an Illinois Registered Investment Advisor firm. Insurance products and services are offered through McBeath Tax and Financial Services, LLC. McBeath Financial Group and McBeath Tax and Financial Services, LLC. are affiliated. All content of this newsletter is for information purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of McBeath Financial Group and our editorial staff. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness. All information and ideas should be discussed in detail with your individual financial professional prior to implementation. Copyright 2020 McBeath Financial Group.

Worried About Slipping and Falling This Winter?

A Trip to the Physical Therapist Might Help

When was the last time you slipped and fell on a patch of ice? If your immediate thought was “last winter,” then you’ve probably been dreading the arrival of this year’s snowy walkways and frozen parking lots. We don’t blame you! Slipping and falling can be dangerous, especially for older people. According to the National Council on Aging, emergency departments treat more than 2.8 million fall-related injuries every year, and falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries among older adults. Those are some pretty scary statistics, no matter your age. So, what can you do to protect yourself? Well, apart from wearing nonslip shoes and watching where you walk, one of the best ways to keep yourself safe from falls is by improving your balance, and a physical therapist can help. Usually when physical therapy makes the news, it’s because a therapist helped a famous athlete recover from an injury or assisted a car crash victim in learning to walk again. These cases are inspiring, but they leave out half of the story about what PT can do. Not only can physical therapists help people recover from injuries, but they can also prevent them by guiding patients through exercises to improve their balance, strength, and flexibility.

Physical therapists are movement experts with a keen insight into how the muscles in your body work together. Identifying your weak spots and strengthening them with targeted exercises can help give you the coordination and agility you need to stay on your feet in slippery or icy conditions.

A licensed physical therapist can customize a workout specifically for you, but you can also start improving your balance today with simple at-home

exercises. is a great resource and offers guides to easy workouts like marching in place, standing on one leg, and walking heel to toe. To learn more about which exercises will help you the most, reach out to a physical therapist for some advice.


Published by The Newsletter Pro •