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McCraine Law Firm - September 2017

September 2017

The George McCranie Law Firm

301 E. Jackson St., Douglas, GA 31533 • 912-383-7581 • 1400 Baytree Rd., Valdosta, GA 31602 • 229-232-4114

George F. McCranie, IV Best-Selling Author


How to Demystify Your Kids’ Jampacked Schedules

AS SCHOOL STARTS UP AGAIN, so do sports, and your kids’ extracurricular ambitions pile up like the falling autumn leaves. Madge is looking at piano and voice lessons as well as horseback riding. Managing your kids’ schedules can seem impossible, but don’t let yourself get burned out. Here are some tips for staying sane in the midst of the extracurricular activities whirlwind. Consolidate all your scheduling, jotting, and activity-tracking strategies into one system. You can’t afford to be scrawling “Madge piano lesson rescheduled September 21” on the first scrap of paper you come across. That doesn’t mean you have to be hyperorganized, but it does mean that you need to keep your entire calendar in one place, whether that place

Maintain balance. This might come as a surprise, but you will have to say no to your child every now and then. Sure, simultaneous baseball, football, soccer, and riding seasons might seem healthy and fun for your kid, but you need to consider your own needs as well. Many parents give their children free rein over what to choose, but limit activities to one or two per season. Make sure you weigh each child’s needs equally and keep the rules the same for each of them. So, let me run! Google Calendar says it’s time to pick up Madge! —George

is Google Calendar, a fridge whiteboard, or the old-fashioned standby, a calendar with a lighthouse on every page. Whichever system you choose, keep it updated. Its word is law. Seriously, the calendar rules, and what you thought you heard your wife tell you about riding lessons is trumped by the calendar! Just trust me on this. I’ve learned from experience. Form parent alliances. It’s vital that you and your spouse coordinate availability, but you should go further than that. Those voice lessons Madge’s going to? There are other classmates of hers, and they have parents shuttling them around just like we do. Set up carpools with trusted parents to manage scheduling conflicts between your kids and drastically reduce the time you spend as a chauffeur. | 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro .

SPIDER SENSE Just How Smart Are These 8-Legged Critters?

Before you continue reading this article, ask yourself, “Do you actually want to know?” For all the females at my house, spiders are the definition of creepy. It’s not that they’re small, that they hide in dark places, or even that they’re bugs (so are butterflies). It’s the way they move. Fear of spiders has spawned all sorts of rumors, including the urban legend that humans swallow eight spiders per year. But what about their intelligence? If I asked my wife or youngest daughter, “Did the spider that chased you do it by choice?” they would immediately say yes. Unfortunately, as it turns out, it probably did. I read a recent article based on a study by Fiona Cross and Robert Jackson at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand that found spiders’ behavior shows evidence of “expectancy violation,” meaning they have expectations of what they’re going to see, and if they don’t see

it, they understand the difference and alter their actions. That means they absorb more information than you think — about the same as nonhuman primates (monkeys) did in a similar study. They also have the ability to pick up signals from potential mates, according to another study. “These tiny animals have far more capacity for complex (and subtle) communication and decision-making abilities than we ever gave them credit for,” said George Uetz of the University of Cincinnati, who conducted the study. Finally, another study at Cornell University found that not only can some spiders “hear” at close range and see exceptionally well — which makes sense, with their eye count — but some species of jumping spider can hear you as far as 10 feet away. I know what my wife and daughters are thinking. “Reading all these articles on spiders is fine, but we all know they’re just out to get us!”

And if you don’t get

shivers reading

this quote from a real scientist, you’re stronger than the ladies in my family. “How an animal with

such a small nervous system can do all this should keep us awake at night,” said Cross. For those of us with severe arachnophobia, it certainly will. And if you see Madge, ask her about the HUGE banana spider she saw last week on the trail ride. She’ll tell you that it was HUGE and that it could have gotten both her and her horse Max!



two wonderful daughters and loves spending all of her extra time with them. She enjoys helping those in need and works hard to make sure our clients receive courteous, friendly, and professional service.

Carolina for seven years, where she worked as an early Head Start interpreter for migrant workers. She graduated from Catawba Valley Community College in Hickory, North Carolina. Juanita is the mother of

Juanita Calvillo is the criminal legal assistant at The George McCranie Law Firm in the Valdosta office. She was born in Bakersfield, California, and grew up in middle Georgia. She later lived in North

2 | 877-976-8835

The Most Exciting Years of Your Life! Developing a Passion After Retirement

For many people, getting older often leads to an increase in free time. For me, not so much, thanks to my 8-year- old daughter and all that goes along with raising a child. So, retirement is a long way away for me, but for others, when they retire and the children have left the nest, many schedule slots open up. And when you suddenly have full days to spend at your leisure, it can be an intimidating experience. I would suggest filling up this influx of free time by developing a skill or revisiting a long-lost hobby or passion. Everyone has things they wish they were better at or hobbies that were squeezed out of their busy lives. Maybe you were a phenomenal high school swimmer and are

ready to dive back into the pool; perhaps you have always wanted to play the piano or learn a foreign language. Whatever sparks your interest, there is no better time than after retirement to pursue it. When you are deciding how you want to fill your days, you should ask yourself some key questions. Are you a social person, or do you prefer solitary activity? What goals do you want to achieve in your later life? When you think back to your youth, what really inspired you? The answers to these questions will help you hone in on the most rewarding projects. Don’t limit the sources of pleasure in your life. Try as many new things as you want. Stick with those you love most. Whether

you take up organic farming, tai chi, or digital photography, do so with gusto, and you will be rewarded. You will impress your loved ones in no time. A lack of commitments can be scary, or it can be exhilarating. If you fill your days with the people and endeavors that bring you the most joy, your later years will be more exciting than your earlier ones. Following your dreams is not something that has an age limit. For myself, just like my dad, Big George, I don’t have to look for things to do in my “spare time.” I can always find a project or 12 to do on the farm or at home! —George

Have a Laugh on Us!

1) 2) 3) 4)

When was the first Labor Day celebrated in the U.S.?

A) B)


C) D)

1901 1882


Where was the first Labor Day parade held?

A) B)

Boston Chicago

C) D)

Las Vegas New York

What was the original federal minimum wage?

A) B)

$0.75 per hour $2.75 per hour

C) D)

$1.25 per hour $3.50 per hour

What is the current federal minimum wage?

A) $7.25 per hour B) $10.92 per hour C) $7.95 per hour D) $8.29 per hour | 3

301 E. Jackson St. Douglas, GA 31533



Inside This Issue

Extracurricular Overload PAGE 1

Dare We Ask … How Smart Are Spiders? PAGE 2

Meet Juanita Calvillo! PAGE 2

The Most Exciting Years of Your Life! PAGE 3

Have a Laugh On Us! PAGE 3

Two Dogs, Two Soul Mates PAGE 4

INSEPARABLE The Story of Two Dogs, Two Soul Mates

Dogs have always been a part of our home. We just got a new dog, and we’ve had a ton of fun with the new little guy, as well as many sleepless nights. When I read about this story from California, I knew I had to share it with y’all. When animal shelter authorities found Isaac, a blind husky, meandering through the streets of Fontana, California, they immediately noticed something curious. It wasn’t that the pup was blind. It was that he had a faithful companion, Isabella, a Chihuahua-terrier mix. She was serving as Isaac’s guide dog, or rather, his unofficial Seeing Eye dog. How the two met and how they developed their unique and remarkable relationship is a complete mystery, but one thing was clear:

Isaac fell behind, Isabella would patiently wait for her companion to catch up. Or, if Isaac couldn’t find his way, Isabella would go to Isaac and let him know he was not alone. Not long after Isaac and Isabella were found, they were brought to a local shelter. Unfortunately, due to overcrowding and extremely limited resources, the two pups were put on the schedule to be euthanized. Knowing they only had days to live, the shelter put the

The shelter hoped a caring family would see the dogs before time ran out. But no one with the right home conditions came forward. The shelter was at a loss until someone from the STAND Foundation reached out. The STAND Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to animal rescue, and they were more than willing to take the pair. With Isaac and Isabella in the care of the STAND Foundation, the organization put their resources to work to find the pups a new owner. Eventually, a new home was found, and the two best friends went on to live a life full of love and continued companionship. Isn’t this the best thing you’ve heard in a while? When the odds seem stacked against you, just remember this story for inspiration!

story of the dynamic doggy duo on their Facebook page.

These two could never be separated. They were soul mates. When they


walked together, Isabella took the lead. Whenever

4 | 877-976-8835

Published by The Newsletter Pro .