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Medlin Law Firm December 2018

Medlin Law Firm December 2018 The Medl in News DECEMBER 2018 While Christmases during college would

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Medlin Law Firm- December 2020

The Medl in News



Imagine leaving an orphanage at age 16 without a high school diploma. You’re given a few dollars and a few changes of clothes. There’s no legal guardian waiting for you because you’re now expected to fend for yourself in the real world — where do you start? Young orphans have a lot of obstacles to attain safety and stability in their lives. Especially after being abandoned or losing both of their parents, it can be tough for them to trust adults or find the necessary guidance to live a healthy, fulfilling life. This leaves them vulnerable to drug or alcohol addiction and sex trafficking, a very real modern-day slavery problem. As 2020 comes to a close, I find myself thinking about the ways we can give back and help the most vulnerable people in our world. So, how do we help these kids? For Allies in Youth Development (AiYD), their mission is as comprehensive as it should be: to provide physical and mental health resources, as well as emotional, educational, and spiritual support. They often offer job training or life-skill lessons that would’ve been otherwise unavailable to these kids. Eastern European university students can also empower young orphans in need through a big brother or big sister program, which can help inspire solidarity, togetherness, and motivation to make huge life changes. It doesn’t take a huge donation to make a difference to these kids’ lives, and the organization has been incredibly successful in its mission. It’s expanded far beyond Eastern Europe into places like Asia, Africa, and South America, and it currently operates out of 10 countries. My family is very passionate about supporting AiYD. We typically attend the in-person fundraisers, but plans changed with the tide Why Allies in Youth Development Is One of My Favorite Charity Organizations

of the coronavirus pandemic. However, we were still thrilled to attend and support the virtual fundraising event this year instead. As I reflect on our history with AiYD, it reminds me of how important it is to have wonderful people around you and that we need to give these kids that chance, too. For example, I didn’t discover AiYD on my own. The organization began in Eastern Europe, and my wife (from Ukraine) is actually friends with the associate director of the organization. We also contribute to children in Kiev, but not through any singular organization. My wife had some connections that led her to learn about a few kids in desperate need of medical help. They organized several efforts to help raise money, and a few of her friends actually created handmade decorative plates with painted designs as a part of the fundraiser. When you get a unique chance to help someone else in that way, it gives you so many reasons to be grateful for what you have. If you ever have the opportunity to make someone’s life much easier and healthier, especially a child’s, you might not realize beforehand the immense impact you can have. If you’d like to learn more about AiYD, check out

Thank you for reading. I hope this holiday season is filled with peace and joy for you and yours.

– Gary L. Medlin, Esq. | Pg. 1

Holiday Hacks for the Busy Professional

4 Tips for a Less Exhausting Holiday Season

The holidays are an incredibly busy time of year. Between work and home, it can feel like there isn’t enough daylight to get everything done. We have projects to complete, emails to answer, dinners to plan, gifts to buy — and family is coming in from out of town. Is it possible to take care of everything and not be completely exhausted by the end of it? While we can’t answer that definitively, we can share a few “holiday hacks” to help you get more out of your time.

Take frequent breaks. When you have a lot going on, frequent 5–10 minute minibreaks can go a long way in easing the mental pressure. Don’t hesitate to take brain breaks throughout the day. Go for a quick walk around the building or neighborhood. Read a chapter of your book. Play a quick game on your phone.

Say no to the kitchen. When your time is precious, why spend a lot of time in the kitchen?While some find cooking a joy, others find it burdensome. If you’re in the latter group, it’s okay to go the boxed or prepared meal route when time is short. Boxed meals can still be prepared with love, and you can get high-quality frozen dishes or freshly prepared meals from your favorite grocery store. The time and energy you save is worth the investment.

Put work aside. Give yourself blocks of time to focus on one thing at a time. You may be tempted to multitask, but for your mental health, don’t do it. Focusing on one thing at a time produces better results (this applies equally to cooking as it does to client work) and you’ll feel better through the process.

Delegate — at home! You delegate assignments at work, so why not do the same at home? Start with your immediate family and work your way out. Give everyone a task: Someone does the grocery shopping. Someone is in charge of a main course dish. Another is on side-dish duty. Others get dessert. Don’t forget to assign a clean-up crew. Save yourself for the tasks you REALLY want to do.

In 2020, we have more options than ever to make life easier. So, enjoy the holidays a little more by doing the things you love and using these tips to make the most of your time and energy this season.


After a serious accident, the prospect of choosing and calling an attorney might be overwhelming. “I’ll call the attorney tomorrow,” you tell yourself again and again. The problem is that, while the hesitation about lawyers is understandable, your case is running on a strict clock. You might not find out when that clock stops ticking until it’s too late. As soon as the incident occurs and you’re charged with a DWI, you absolutely cannot wait to call an attorney. There are many long-term consequences of getting a DWI, and not all of them are obvious. For example, if your lease states that a clean criminal record is necessary to keep your home, you could be evicted. You could lose your driver’s license, get your vehicle impounded, and lose your job as a result of company policy or the inability to commute or fulfill driving duties associated with your job. You may be prohibited from renting a vehicle, as well. And that’s not all. Other consequences of having a DWI on your record include:

Increased health insurance premiums

• Difficulty finding employment without a clean criminal record

Loss of pilot’s license

• Delays in or termination of citizenship proceedings

Loss of the right to vote or own a firearm (in felony cases)

Substantial court fees, legal bills, and fines

Mandatory court-ordered Texas DWI/DUI classes

Worst yet, your first DWI case could cost upward of $17,000. That’s not a price tag most people can afford, but if you’re able to get an attorney right away, there’s a lot an attorney can do for you to decrease the risk of these consequences. If you or a loved one is charged with drinking and driving, don’t wait to give yourself the gift of time and high-quality legal protection with Medlin Law. We wish you all a safe holiday season!

Negative effects on your credit rating

Increased auto insurance costs (or cancellation of coverage) | Pg. 2

Although the two are a fairly private couple, the story of how they met is fascinating. Buffett was originally from Pascagoula, Mississippi, and dropped out of college at Auburn University in Alabama. When he moved back to his home state, he attended the University of Southern Mississippi and pursued his music dreams in New Orleans. After graduation, Buffett married his girlfriend Margie Washichek, and they moved to Nashville. It turned out that both Nashville and Margie weren’t right for Buffett. So, he took a big risk and decided to move out to Key West, Florida. If he didn’t, he would’ve missed his chance to meet Jane, a model and university student who came to Key West for spring break. When the two met on a Saturday night, they had an immediate connection. A few years later, they got married and eventually had three children together. Fun fact: Jane starred in the “Come Monday” music video. They didn’t have money for production, so they used Buffett’s car, and Jane worked for free. It’s a beautiful, rare video in the music industry that shows the very relationship that the songwriter was writing about.


Learn How Jimmy Buffett Wrote ‘Come Monday’

An iconic love song is arguably one of the best gifts you can get, but it almost didn’t happen for Jimmy Buffett.

Not many people realize how much traveling professional musicians do, even when they aren’t famous yet. When American singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett was working hard on his musical career, he struggled with the time he’d been spending away from his future wife, Jane Slagsvol. He missed her terribly. While he was headed to San Francisco for a Labor Day weekend show in 1973, Buffett wrote “Come Monday.” It was released in 1974 on his album “Living & Dying in 3/4 Time,” and the song became his first Top 40 hit single. It reached No. 30 on the Billboard Hot 100, No. 3 on Easy Listening, and No. 58 on Country. It was his breakthrough song, and it would not have been possible without Jane for inspiration.

We hope this story brightened your day a little bit, as it did for us! Have a very happy December!

Festive Apple Cider


If you’re cutting back on calories, skip the eggnog and buttered rum this year and fill up your mug with this delicious mulled cider!


1 lemon

1 inch fresh ginger, thinly sliced

1 gallon pure apple cider

1 large orange, thinly sliced crosswise

2 tbsp honey

3 cinnamon sticks

2 tsp whole cloves

2 tsp allspice berries


1. Using a paring knife, shave the lemon peel off in curls. Reserve the curls and save the lemon for use in a different recipe.

2. In a large slow cooker, combine the lemon peel with all other ingredients. Cook on low for 3–4 hours.

3. If desired, use a sieve to strain the spices. Serve and enjoy! | Pg. 3

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1300 South University Drive Suite 318 Fort Worth, TX 76107



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INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. Why Allies in Youth Development Is One of My Favorite Charity Organizations

2. Want to Make Your Holidays a Little Easier?

Don’t Wait to Get an Attorney

3. Jimmy Buffett’s True, Wholesome Love Story

Festive Apple Cider

4. The Story Behind 3 Laws Named After People


That All Americans Should Know

Perusing a list of federal laws may read like a yearbook of crime history. Bills introduced in Congress are often named after the victims of horrific crimes, greed, and exploitation to honor those victims. Below are three such laws. Each has made a lasting impression on society and culture. The AdamWalsh Child Protection and Safety Act The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act was signed in 2006 — 25 years after 6-year-old Adam Walsh was abducted from a Florida shopping mall. Adam’s body was found 16 days later, and his father’s reaction to his son’s horrific death impacted generations of victims. His father, John Walsh, went on to create the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and hosted the popular TV show “America’s Most Wanted” for 23 years. The act created a three-tiered categorization for sex offenders, designated requirements for registering as a sex offender, and included a provision that requires offenders to report their whereabouts. The Muhammad Ali Boxing ReformAct Boxing is a tradition that stretches back to the early Egyptians, but it wasn’t until 1999 that Congress took action to protect these

heavyweight fighters from greed and exhaustion. The Muhammad Ali Boxing ReformAct — known as the Ali Act — sought to protect boxers from promoters who took advantage of sports bets to make a quick buck. Experts identified many unethical business practices that put boxers in danger and stripped them of their rights to payment. The act was signed into law on May 26, 2000. Though it bears the name of famed boxer Muhammad Ali, there are no explicit ties to him, but the boxer did fervently support the bill in Congress. Kari’s Law In 2013, Kari Hunt Dunn was killed by her estranged husband in a hotel room in Texas. Her daughter, who witnessed the event, knew to call 911 but was unaware that she had to dial 9 first to make an outbound call. Kari’s parents sought to change that by advocating for Kari’s Law, which was introduced in the Texas legislature in 2015. The law was signed into effect nationwide in 2018. It mandates that hotels, businesses, and other multi-line phone operating systems can no longer require dialing a 9, or any other number, prior to making a 911 call. | Pg. 4