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Minnesota School Of Music - September 2018

Minnesota School Of Music - September 2018 09. 2018 (763) 432-9713 WHAT MENT

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Minnesota School Of Music - September 2021

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Minnesota School Of Music - February 2019

ChiChiRescueDog. happens, through love and patience, we can make the world a better place. Chi Chi i

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Minnesota School Of Music - May 2019

Minnesota School Of Music - May 2019 05. 2019 763-432-9713 THE MONTHLY MUSIC

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Minnesota School Of Music - June 2019

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Minnesota School Of Music - January 2019

Minnesota School Of Music - January 2019 01. 2019 (763) 432-9713 DEFINING TH

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Minnesota School Of Music - October 2019

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Minnesota School Of Music - August 2019

AIRPLANE HANGAR Geneva, Florida When Airbnb was founded a little over a decade ago, the developers h

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Minnesota School Of Music - November 2019

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Minnesota School Of Music September 2019

09. 2019 763-432-9713



W hen you think about it, buses are back on the road, the leaves are changing, and football is getting ready to kick off. Now I may no longer be in school, and I’m a little old to be jumping in fall leaves, but the return of NFL games has me excited. Not only do I look forward to this season but I am also nostalgic for my past connection with the sport and the lessons it taught me. Naturally, I’ve been a Vikings fan my whole life. Long before we had Kirk Cousins on the team, I grew up cheering on Jim McMahon, Herschel Walker, and the other heroes of the ‘80s and ‘90s teams. Heck, I still have my Vikings starting-lineup action figures — my kids enjoy playing with them to this day! In fact, it looks like my son is growing up to share my love of the team and the game. Three years ago, Caleb and I actually witnessed a (small) part of Vikings history. On Aug. 28, 2016 we entered U.S. Bank Stadium for the team’s inaugural game against the Chargers. I thought seeing the building from the outside was impressive, but, as anyone who’s been inside “The Ship” will tell you, being under that glass ceiling is an incredible experience. there’s a lot of anticipation this time of year. School When I think back to my own experience playing football, I don’t jump to memories of touchdown passes or game-winning interceptions. I think

about my mom. As a full-time nurse and a single parent, she couldn’t make all of my games. It just wasn’t feasible — I knew she was doing her best to support us, whether she was there or at work. Then, in seventh grade, the injury happened. I wish I remembered more details about the play. All I remember is that I got the ball, ran for my life, and then took a hit. The next thing I knew, I was looking up at a circle of coaches staring down at me, concerned. I remember thinking, “This is just like when the pro players get injured on TV.” Then I felt the pain in my leg. It was worse than anything I’d ever felt. I started panicking. Was it broken? Was I going to lose my ability to walk? Could I ever play again? That’s when a new face entered the circle above me: It was my mom. Seeing her calmed me down almost instantly. Somehow, I knew everything was going to be okay, and the pain was fading away. I got up and was helped gingerly over to the sidelines. In reality, I’d rolled my ankle, painful for a seventh- grader, but nothing life-altering. Still, that moment I learned my mother was there for me sticks out in my mind. It underscores the real, tangible benefits of supporting your kids. Young musicians can really benefit from this, too. Sure, guitarists and pianists may not be rolling their ankles all that often, but a difficult chord progression can be incredibly frustrating, even disheartening. Having a parent there to give them a high-five when they succeed,

or commiserate with them when they struggle, can make a huge difference in your child’s willingness to practice. I feel like this kind of support comes more naturally where kids’ sports are concerned. Regardless of whether we’ve played the sport ourselves, we’re used to watching them on TV — rooting on our kids the way we root on the pros isn’t much of a leap. Supporting music practices can be more intimidating, however. I can’t tell you how many times parents have told me they don’t know enough about music to help their kids get better. But here’s the thing — you don’t need to have a musical bone in your body to help make music practice an incredible experience. My mother was not remotely a football player. She didn’t need to know what it was like to be injured on the field, what the rules were, or what my position was — none of that mattered. What made the difference was that she was there ; she saw my struggles and supported me through them. I had coaches to teach me the ins and outs of football, but none of them could make me feel calmer and more confident than my mother. As parents, that’s the best thing you can give your child. Here’s to a great season,

–Eric Nehring

763-432-9713 • 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro •


LISTEN When your child does open up, the best thing you can do is listen. It can be tempting to try to give them advice or question the way they handled the situation, but doing this can give your child the impression that it’s their own fault they are being bullied. Let them tell you the whole story, without judgment, and then help them come up with ideas on what to do next. FINDING THE RIGHT SOLUTION Once you’ve been informed that your child is being bullied, you should inform teachers as soon as possible. Apart from that, there are several ways you can help your child to deal with bullies, so talk to them about what approach they would be most comfortable with, such as de-escalation strategies or a buddy system with their friends. As with most conflicts, the sooner you handle the situation, the better.

A new school year is a prime opportunity for kids to make new friends among their classmates. Unfortunately, kids also form connections during the school year that aren’t always positive, and many children become the targets of school bullies. If you suspect your child is being bullied, there are a few things you can do to help. KNOW THE SIGNS Kids usually don’t open up about being bullied right away. However, there are

some common signs that your child is being harassed. Here are a few of them: • If they’re refusing to go to school or ride the bus, they may be dreading their bully. • If they’re rushing to the bathroom after school, it may indicate that they’re being bullied in the bathroom, which is a common tactic bullies use to avoid teachers. • If their grades suddenly change, it may be the result of constant harassment. • Anxious or depressed moods can be the result of bullying as well. If you spot one or more of these signs, it’s time to talk to your child about what’s happening to them at school.


Say “Cheese!” The Minnesota School of Music picture day is Sept. 7, from 12– 2 p.m.! Participants will receive a free 8-by- 10-inch photograph from the shoot. We’ll even frame it for you! Space is limited, so be sure to show up early to receive one of these touching keepsakes.

So, on Saturday, Sept. 7, bring your best smile to school! Light refreshments will also be provided to parents and students. We’re proud to help families create memories that will last a lifetime.

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Cameron O. Lana K. Veronica O. Noah Y. Adam Y. Bryn D. Ellamae U. Faith R. Ken D. Talia W.

Bentley L. Noah O. Naomi O. Paige P.

Kiley H. John C. Bianca C. Jana C. Sophia M. Philomena K.

As Eric mentions on this month’s cover, fall sports are kicking off! We’re excited for all our students who aspire to be athletes and want to support them however we can. We know that juggling music lessons and sports practice can be difficult, especially when tournaments or away games are a factor. That’s why we have three solutions to help your musical sports star stay on track without needing to be in two places at once! SCHEDULE A NEW LESSON TIME If your student’s lessons conflict with their weekly sports practices, shifting them to a new time slot is no problem. We’re open six days a week and have 15 incredible teachers on staff — finding a time to fit your student’s schedule will be a breeze. Pick up the phone, dial 763-432-9713, and Eric will get you scheduled! USE OUR MAKE-UP CLASSES Make-up classes are the perfect fit for those one-time situations like away games and tournaments that cause kids to miss their weekly lesson. These classes take place several times a month and won’t cost you anything. They are designed to keep your student progressing in their music education without life’s little hiccups getting in the way. MAKE A SUBSTITUTION This option is ideal for families who love their time slot and teacher but can’t keep up with lessons during the fall sports season: Sublease the slot to another family member! This works particularly well when your busy student has a younger sibling who may not be sure if they want to pursue music. By filling in for their older brother or sister, you can give them a trial run of what it’s like to play music while keeping your slot. When sports come to a close and your student wants to pick up their instrument again, the slot is available. We know this time of year can be a scheduling nightmare. That’s why we’re committed to keeping all these options open, so your child isn’t forced to choose between two activities they love. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to swing by the school or give us a call.

IS YOUR TEACHER If you’ve tried to make a schedule change recently, you’ve seen firsthand how full our teachers’ schedules are. If you are looking to make an upcoming schedule change, please read below to see if your teacher is sold out. Note: Teacher availability is subject to change based on enrollment. Please contact the front desk at 763-432-9713 for up-to-date schedule information. SOLD OUT?

Mrs. Bunish - SOLD OUT

Mr. Nehring - SOLD OUT

Miss Hoops - SOLD OUT

Mr. Norell - SOLD OUT

Mr. Membrez - SOLD OUT

Miss Pliam - SOLD OUT

Mrs. Morris - SOLD OUT

Miss Schwefel - SOLD OUT

763-432-9713 • 3

3533 88th Ave. NE, Blaine, MN 55014 763-432-9713



Root for Your Student Like They’re Football Stars

How to Respond to School Bullies Get a Free Framed Photo of Your Student!

Welcome New Students Sports? Music? Why Not Both?

An Excursion in the Pennine Alps


Nestled between Italy and Switzerland, Monte Rosa is the second highest peak in the Alps, making it one of the best views in either country and one of the more physically

For accommodations, opt for charming mountain huts to immerse yourself in the true Alpine experience. You can book them in advance to guarantee your bunk and a dinner of spaetzle or lasagna, depending on which country you’re in that night. Unless you’re traveling with an experienced mountaineer, a guide is recommended for touring Monte Rosa, even if you only plan to traverse a small section of the mountain. Weather can vary greatly and change quickly in this region, so you never know when you’ll encounter ice or snow, which can lower your visibility. Toward the top of the peak, you’ll even have an opportunity to cross a sprawling glacier, and having a guide will ensure you have the necessary equipment for a safe trip. On top of the spectacular views, you can expect a beautiful blend of cultures and an experience unlike any other on your tour of Monte Rosa. Plus, you may even get to see a few Swiss cows or mountain goats along the way!

demanding ascents in the mountain range. In the late summer and early fall,

tourists and locals alike tour Monte Rosa to pay their respects to the peak and to be challenged by the cross-country trek over the mountain. The full tour of the mountain is a nine-day journey that starts in Switzerland and crosses quickly over into Italy, winding its way through both countries before eventually returning trekkers to their starting point. The out-and-back path is the most popular route, though there are other ways to approach it. However you go, you’ll encounter massive glaciers, rigorous 1,000-meter ascents and descents, and breathtaking views that are sure to make this journey memorable.

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Published by The Newsletter Pro •