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Mission, Action Plan, End Game

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Mission, Action Plan, End Game

Our Mission  Restore both the reality a nd the perception that elections in the United States are fair.  Institute Fair Elections Assurance Practices (FEAP), developed by The Fair Elections Foundation, as the standard f or for ff..for election integrity in every state.  Make compliance with FEAP principles as important to a state’s election integrity as compliance with Generally A ..A ccepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are to a state’s accounting integrity. Note: like GAAP, FEAP isthe product of a private foundation (The Fair Elections Foundation), not gov ernment bureaucrats, not politicians . Action Plan  Establish a skilled, accomplished and robust Board of Directors. (See Directors’ critical role, page 13 of Business Plan )  Target five initial states which show most immediate feasibility and receptivity to instituting FEAP. Initially focus on the 26 states that allow voters to bypass their legislatures and implement FEAP-compliant legislation themselves through citizen ballot initiatives or referendums.  A ppoint a State Chair in each of the five targeted states.  Build public awareness within each targeted state as to urgency of ensuring fair elections in the U.S. Specifically: ✓ Unless we act now, the faith Americans had in their elections until 20-25 years ago will not be restored. ✓ History has proven repeatedly that once a country’s elections lack integrity, the result is authoritarianism. ✓ The U.S. Constitution, Article II; Section I, gives the “legislature of each state” sole authority over Presidential El ...... ec election processes in that state —not state or county bureaucrats, not state or local judges, and not theU.S. the ...... Congress. (they wish!) ✓ That there is no “plague and pandemic clause” in the Constitution that allows election laws to be changed ad hoc by any governor or any other state or county government officials. ✓ That the travails experienced in the wake of our recent election s are not normal. They only occur when new election practices or changes to election law are put into effect "on th e fly" by government officials outside of......of any constitutional authority to do so. ( Continued Next Page)

© 2021 The Fair Elections Foundation

Action Plan, Continued... ▪ The Foundation will target donors, supporters, and volunteers who are especially passionate about the cause. Specifically: ✓ Americans who understand that “it doesn’t have to be this way.” Particularly, those who remember a time when Americans woke up the morning after election night confident that even if their favored candidate lost, they still accepted the vote count as fair. Prior to year 2000, the last Presidential election that was disputed was 114 years earlier—1886. But, since 2000, three elections were disputed by significant portions of thepopulation: Bush/Gore, Trump/,Clinton, andBiden/Trump. ✓ Those who remember the reputation for election integrity the UnitedStates once had. Those who remember when countries around the world would insist on bringing in election monitors from the U.S.A. to ensure that their votingprocess eswere fair. ✓ Those who want to restore for their children and grandchildren the confidence in election integrity that Americahad less than 25 yearsago. ✓ Those who recognize the urgency and the gravity of this issue. Particularly , students of history who realize that without election integritywe will lose the d emocracyuponwhichour Republic stands. ✓ Thosewho doubt the validity of themost recentPresidential Election results (2020). Most are Republican. But that may change if the Democrats lose next time. (Just as a sports fan questions the referees’ competencemore when his team loses, voters aremore likely to question election results when their party loses.) End Game As soon as one of our initially targeted states adopts FEAP compliant election laws, the Foundation shall immediately target additional statetso build uponth at momentum for the cause of Fair Elections and Principle- B ased election laws. ✓ Exertpublic pressure onstatelegislators that have failedto implementpracticesthatconformwith FEAP. ✓ Reveal the smug politicians in thenon-conforming states aswho they really are. Showhow in the faceof American’s rising expectations of fair elections, they are “misfits”--outdated aberrations motivatednot by electionintegrity,butbyshamelessandselfishpoliticaladvantage.


© 2021 The Fair Elections oundation

A Message from the Executive Director

We are told that precepts like the 10 C OMMANDMENTS came to us already engraved in stone.

But, in today’s world, principles and precepts do not come to us that way.

Take Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, for example. GAAP was conceived by a private foundation, The Financial Accounting Standards Board. GAAP principles were not readily accepted. It t ook time to gain credibility. But over time people realized that accounting fraud is less likely to happen when a state's accounting practices conformed to GAAP Principles . So much so that now all 50 of our states voluntarily follow GAAP. Similarly the Fair Election Assurance Principles ( FEAP ) come to us from a private foundation, T HE F AIR E LECTIONS F OUNDATION. In promoting FEAP principles, t he foundation will initially target five states. They will be our “stakes in the grou nd." From that base, with the support of our donors and volunteers, we will establish FEAP as the venerable standard for fair elections across the country.

State after state will adopt legislation that conforms to FEAP Principles to accurately account for every citizen ’ s vote.

The polling firm, Morning Consult, reported 34% percent of American’s voters believe the 2020 Presidential Election results were illegitimate. After the 2016 election, the number was almost as high. As the world’s longest surviving democracy, the United States has w atched democracies crumble over our 245-year history.

The U.S. is not exempt from that potential reality.

With your help, can make certain that real possibility never happens here. For our children and grandchildren, we c ..c an and will restore the reputation for Fair Elections that America once had!



© 2021 The Fair Elections Foundation