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MIYC May Calendar 2022

MIYC May Calendar 2022 May 2022 Marco Island Yacht Club Reservations - 239-394-0199 Sunday Monday Tu

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MIYC May 2018

Communications Carol Comeaux, Chair Vicki Bretthauer Angela Holt Jon Holt Jim Marr, Bridge eblasts L

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MIYC May 2019

Exterior SST & Alum. Metal Fab. Dockside services Innovation in Marine Fabrication Creating more liv

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MIYC August September 2020

or members might have.” When not at the Yacht Club, Carlotta likes to go to the gym, and also to wat

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MIYC October 2020

Executive Chef ! 26 Food Pantry Needs Donations The need is greater than ever due to Covid 19 MIYC h

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MIYC November 2020

2 dinners (on board). The balance of dinners will be on-shore, at crew expense. ◦ Crew will be respo

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MIYC February 2020


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MIYC March 2020


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MIYC December 2020

benefit ratio for us oldsters, it will help us get back to our new normal. ! 34 Autopay is Fast, Eas

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MIYC April 2020

Catering - ext. 304 Pamela Dorr [email protected] Membership - ext. 303 Cynthia Hult

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MIYC May 2020

Marco Island Yacht Club Anchor Lines

May 2020

Volume 20:5

Drive By Sentiment

Jon & Angela Holt did a few Drive Bys on Marco Island

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Chairman’s Report

The Club will be re-open on Wednesday, 6 May! I am looking forward to returning to the Club and seeing Members enjoy dining in our spectacular Marco River venue…and I hope you are too! As I referenced in my email last week, we have a reopening plan. The plan conforms to the Executive Order issued by Governor DeSantis this week. The Plan is available in “ Key Documents ” under the Member Central tab on our website. Key points to keep in mind: • The Club is open for dining only, specific reservation times required. •

out, as well . With the return of the kitchen staff, and r es t a r t i ng t he k i t chen operations, we are going to g e a r u p f o r t a k e - o u t operat ions as wel l as serving in the Club. Look for more information soon! The Club sponsored an auction to support the Sailing Club. Club Members r a i s e d o v e r $ 5 0 0 0 p l u s purchased several Sailing Club scholarships and purchased a few new training boats. Check

Dave Everitt Chairman

The Club is open to Members and family members meeting required self-quarantine requirements only. Table configurations are fixed to meet capacity limits and may not be re-arranged by members. Maximum number of diners at any table will be six . All drinks and beverages will be served table-side. (No bar.) We will be open Wednesday thru Saturday for lunch and dinner, and for Sunday Brunch (a la carte dining only). Seating will be limited, so please make your reservation early. Comprehensive cleaning, personal hygiene, and safety protocols will be in effect.

out Dwyn von Bereghy’s column for more information. Thank you Dwyn and Members supporting the Sailing Club! In addition, through the generosity of our Membership, we were able to donate over $600 to each furloughed employee. We provided those funds in the form of pre-paid cards that will help employees purchase essential items. The response from the employees was heartfelt and very appreciative. Our participation in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) enabled us to bring back our furloughed employees. We began bringing some Staff back this week and will have nearly the full complement back by Monday. And even though we will be operating at less than full capacity, we will be able to include a little extra in their paycheck to compensate for the lower level of business. Thank you, Bob DeFeo, Gerry Gorman, Pam and Chef Bob, for putting together a program to maximize the PPP for the benefit of the employees. The IT Sub - Committee has been working to update our credit card and invoice payment systems and processes. This is necessary to update our systems and capability to support the security standards associated with ‘Chip cards’. You will be hearing more about this in the next two months. This is an important improvement in our ability to keep critical member information secure and safe.

We expect other functions (Ship’s Store, and scheduled events such as Boater’s Night and Sunset Cruises, etc.) to be open soon. We need a week or two to assure the current plan is implemented well. We will expand to other events and functions as our ability to meet government defined requirements and provide a safe environment for our Members is assured. Look for updates as we are able to provide more information. Even though we have been closed, it has been amazing how much work has been undertaken by Staff, Club Committees and Members. So, let me also update you on additional activities and information related to our Club. Chef Bob has been working on menus for our opening. And he is in process of ordering food to refill the refrigerators and pantry and getting ready for next week’s opening. We will begin offering take

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The Finance Committee has continued to work on our 2021 Budget . We felt it important to delay the process a bit to see how the coronavirus situation might affect our results. We will be finalizing the budget in the next 30 days and communicate 2021 dues information in June. Dues will be invoiced in July, as in years past. And as a reminder, we will not be mailing invoices in May . As we said when we closed the Club in March, it doesn’t make sense to send out invoices in May when no member charges were being recorded in April. You will receive your next invoice in June. It will include capital and debt service charges from April and May as well as any member charges incurred in

May. If you are in arrears, any applicable late charges will also be applied. As for Ellie and me…we are definitely looking forward to going to the Club! There will certainly be a number of restaurants re-opening and looking for your business. For my part, I think the Club is perhaps the safest and most desirable choice to begin enjoying ‘dining out’ again. Call the Club to make your reservation today! And, I have been waiting for a while to say this… I look forward to seeing you at the Club! Dave Everitt Chairman, Board of Directors Marco Island Yacht Club

“Kindness is spreading sunshine into other people’s lives regardless of the weather”

Thank You for the Generous Gifts

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Food Pantry Needs Donations The need is greater than ever due to Covid 19 shutdown MIYC has been supporting the Food Pantry for years with a dropoff basket in our lobby for canned goods and other supplies. The Club is closed now, but with schools and businesses shut down, the need is greater than ever. Below is information about safely dropping off food items at their collection area. Or even simpler, please make a financial donation at the following link: Our Daily Bread Food Pantry Thank you

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What We do While Social Distancing

Bernie & Mary Sergesketter spent some time in Chicago, recently. They had a family celebration for their son Steve's 50th birthday in their driveway. Observing social distance protocols, of course!

News from our Friends in Canada!

Patrick McNally enjoys a bit of wine from their vineyard while Nancy makes meatballs from Bob Aber’s recipe.

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The pandemic wears on. Everyone gets more restless with the abiding uncertainty, repetition, and worry. Those who were on edge supporting their bills are worried. Those of us with family or friends in nursing homes are worried. Those of us with Grandangels in Schools & Universities are worried. Those countries already suffering are even worse off. Our mantra "May we be happy, may we be healthy, may we have peace" is even more in need of our prayers. We don’t have physical treatments for Covid-19 yet, but we do have social and psychological ones . Our superpowers are kindness and generosity. Stories abound: • Have recommended friends get takeout from Mr. Crab Cakes . . . one business not only surviving but thriving! • Have given extra cookies not used on Dolphin Delight trips to those who are working to keep us supplied ♥ • Have helped Pete get on line to do his CGAuxilary training sessions so he will be good for another 5 years! • Have watched MIYC Members support the Sailing School virtual event. • Have been happy to see the Go Fund Me dollars accumulate to help our Staff. So: 1. How can we up our generosity game to show the positive power of networks? 2. Don’t hide your generosity. 3. Share what you or others have done that’s inspired you! Peggy’s Positive Attitude is Contagious!

Sunsets and taps give us a time to gather

The little ones are having so much fun!

A weekend shelf storm was impressive!

Even the Ospreys seem to be quarantined!

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We've been busy! For the Love of Cats has launched a "Grab 'n Go" Pet Food Pantry to distribute cat and dog food to families who are running out of money to feed their pets. We don't want to see anyone abandon their pet for lack of food during this pandemic. We are at the East Naples Community Park every Tuesday from 2-4 pm until the "Stay Home" order is lifted in Florida and people can go back to work. We are also supplying Our Daily Bread with pet food and helping supply Saving Grace Pet Food Bank in Naples. So far we have purchased 2500 lbs of pet food and have received donations of almost 2400 lbs of pet food. We just about wore Jim out the first day with over 1000 lbs of food delivered. Jim & Jan Rich

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The Marrs Socially Distance . . . Outside!

Hiking with the girls

Fishing with the girls


Rocky Bretthauer hunts for Geckos, while Mom, Vicki sits on the beach!

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Linda Sandlin dressed to the 9’s to meet Jon & Angela in the ice cream section of Winn Dixie.

Take Out - Dine Out!

Tom and Alice Jobe enjoyed a delightful evening with Russ Doeringer and Cara DuBay. Take out dinner from La Tavola, dined outside, enjoying the sites of the Marco River.

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Denise and Tom Morrison —- Social Distancing in Marco!

Myrt Rose takes Social Distancing to a new Level! Get it?

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Mahjong Anyone?

Karena DeWitt Linda Spell playing Mahjong remotely with the MIYC group

Social Distancing Meet-up @ Sea They brought lunch and a full cooler beer. The Muthers and the Traisers attempted a meet- up but were foiled by 30 knot winds. Kathleen shown here Rescuing Geoff’s hat.

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Grace & Dick Pantano, Maribel & Bob Aber, Angela & Jon Holt and Nancy & Pat McNally had a Zoom Happy Hour on Friday Night. They called it their international Happy Hour with McNallys in Ontario, Canada.

Carri & John Kendall and Tom & Alice spent some time together . . . (6 feet apart!)

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Henry Stanley’s Circus Tent!

Doing great! I'm learning to channel my introvert side. Upgraded my audio system, listening to more music, and started some paintings...and many projects long overdue. And I'm keeping in touch with friends and family through weekly Zoom cocktail parties!. But I do slip out for super-safe golf several times a week at The Links and Eagle Lakes. Carts are fully wiped down and we each have our own cart. No handshakes, only virtual elbow bumps! I'm doing all the proper things like social distancing, wiping down surfaces, and oh yes, really into masks... in fact I'm so into masks, I've decided the carry it one

step further...I decided to do the house! Works good, but there is no front door. 😏 Henry

By the Sea . . .

Bruce and Melanie Kraemer enjoyed a walk by the Bay at the Jersey Shore.

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Boys just can’t stay inside! Jim Marr and Grandson, Aidan went fishing!

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Piano Lessons! Carol Comeaux used YouTube videos to finally start learning the electronic keyboard she bought two years ago.

Bridge Anyone? Quarantine accomplished the impossible: Jeff finally agreed to let Carol teach him the game of bridge!

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Chef Jeff! Chef Comeaux’s kitchen has been very busy while in quarantine! And, the results . . .

There’s a new Pool Guy at the Niblack House!

Photo by Michelle

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Thai Green Curry with Chicken, Bell Pepper, and Snow Peas

INGREDIENTS: 1-2 tablespoon Virgin Coconut, Canola or Avocado Oil 1 oz. green curry paste

(4 oz. can Maesri from Thailand available in 2-pack from

1 1/2 teaspoons freshly grated ginger 1/2 teaspoon finely grated lime zest (optional) 1 medium sweet onion, sliced into 1/4-inch strips 2 medium carrots, sliced into1/4-inch x 2-inch strips 1 red bell pepper, sliced into 1/4-inch x 2-inch strips 1 cup Chicken Stock (Costco Brand) 4 cups 1/2-inch cubed cooked chicken breast (pre-packaged Costco Rotisserie Chicken Breasts) 1/2-pound snow peas, trimmed (about 2 1/2 cups)

7 oz. unsweetened coconut milk 1/4 cup Thai basil leaves (optional) 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice (optional) Cooked Jasmine Rice or Rice Noodles Limes wedges for serving (optional)

PREPARATION: Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Sauté curry paste and ginger, stirring, until heated through, about 2 minutes. Add onion and cook, stirring, until onion is soft, about 2 minutes. Add chicken stock, sliced carrots, bell pepper and thinly sliced chicken. Stir and heat through, about 5 minutes. Then reduce heat to simmer. Add coconut milk and snow peas and cook until warmed through, about an additional 5 minute. Be careful not to boil. Stir in basil and lime juice if desired. Serve with Jasmine Rice or Rice Noodles and lime wedges alongside. Ray Rosenberg & Linda Spell, April 2020

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The Sandlins Have Been Busy!

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” to quote Charles Dickens. We are “All in this together” blares all print and airwaves. Unlike the days of old when one might contract a virus before knowing there was a virus- today, we are bombarded with “info” whether we seek it or not. However, it is also these times that bring out the best of mankind, the very souls of giving and caring. For Linda and me, it has always been a matter of Faith- Psalm 46 is perfect for our times, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea”…. “How do I love thee, let me count the ways,” another famous quote! We like to point out the beauty that surrounds us we so often take for granted. Now in these times of seclusion, we “count the ways” every day working in our gardens… Here then are captions of some of our special blessings living in our Island Paradise. No, we are not immune, but we do experience untold blessings everywhere in our gardens! To our “MIYC dear friends” from our gardens where we are spending so much more time today smelling the roses, we miss seeing and being with you all and pray blessings, peace and good health for you and your families. Until we meet again, with our love, Alan and Linda Sandlin

Grocery shopping In Pink Mask

Playing “Horse” B-Ball

Colorful “Vinca” near the Waterfall

Our Tabebuia tree

in the pool

is in Bloom!

Our Magnolia is in Bloom!

Our Amaryllis just popped today

We planted these Easter Lilies over 20 years ago!

This Frangipani tree grew from a cutting taken nearly 20 years ago from a neighbor!

Variegated Ginger in bloom

Sunset on the Marco River from “Camelot”

Flame of the Woods Ixora - Love them!

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Socially Distancing at the Pool!

Lois & Ed Dixon, Trevor & Maureen Haworth and Geoff Muther & Kathleen Douglas gathered by the pool at South Seas. They enjoyed an evening of tasty adult beverages and Social Distancing.

. . . And on May 6 th , the Club Reopened!

L-R: Alice Jobe, Carri Kendall, Karena DeWitt and Joan Gorman helped celebrate the Club’s reopening. They decided that even though there was no Derby Party, they could still wear a pretty hat!

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Attention Book Club Members! MIYC 2020 Book Club Selections Zoom Discussion a Hit with the Book Club The MIYC Book Club didn’t let social distancing get in the way of having a great discussion of a terrific book! MA Harlacker arranged for a Zoom meeting and 16 Members took part, focusing on The Girl with Seven Names, a memoir of the author’s escape to freedom from North Korea. Carol Comeaux narrated a Powerpoint presentation with highlights of the book plus background about North and South Korea, then an engaging discussion followed.

The next Book Club selection is Beneath the Scarlet Sky, with the discussion to be held on May 28. If we cannot have activities at the Club in late May, Book Club members will look forward to another Zoom meeting. Date Book Presenter May 28 Beneath the Scarlet Sky Deb deVries June 28 The Pioneers TBD

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Marco Island Yacht Club Sailing Center Sailing School Auction Update THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Through the generosity of our Members, The Marco Island Yacht Club Sailing Center raised $5,066 in our sale. $2,100 of those monies were donated for scholarships for island children. In these difficult times, this will allow us to have 12 students in our Summer Program that may not have had the ability to attend! My heartfelt thanks to the following Members for their donations: Purchased Items: Scholarships: Geoff & Kathy Fahringer Vicki & Neil Breithauser Kimberly Porter Jim & Linda Marr Dean Heard Gillian Stuart & Dan McElaney Bill & Sandy Wallen Dwyn von Bereghy & Lee Dorison Bruce & Melanie Kramer Jim & Mary McKeown Jane Curtis Grace & Dick Pantano Duke & Marsha Pointer Alice & Tom Jobe Carol Comeaux Susan & Gary Hieftje Kathleen Douglas & Geoff Muther Mary Carleen Ferry Cash Donations: Donated A New Boat: Capt. Bill Schroeder Geoff & Cinda Walker Thomas Carmichael

Dwyn von Bereghy Fleet Sailing Captain

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Getting to Know You - Our Superb Staff Pam Dorr

Born and raised in Michigan with my 5 brothers. Spent a large part of my time there, until I left my job of several years at a law office w h e n o f f e r e d a position in Chicago. I have 1 Son, who is my pride and joy, who now lives in Chicago. And of course, he is the best

to spend a couple days where Paul Newman was with Mario Andretti, …. and Ladies, Mr. Newman’s eyes really were all that WOW! Clive Owen, much more handsome in person that on the big screen and very nice. I have worked with all types of people, and with events at all levels of budgets. In the mix of the large events were a lot of other events from simple rehearsal dinners to fundraisers, corporate dinners and cocktail parties. Michigan & Chicago Winters eventually did get to me, so to Florida ! I do truly enjoy my job at MIYC, and the people. A typical day trying to get in early to get through emails and phone messages. We get inquiries for different outside events, and you would think a wedding is a wedding, but they are all different. There is a lot more time involved in each individual event than you might think, and that includes MIYC events. I enjoy trying to make things different from previous time, change things up if I can and think of ways we can make it hopefully better. I try to get as much done as I can before Staff arrives. Once Staff arrives, it is the start of lunch, dinner and events. There are a lot of moving parts and people, and there goes the rest of the day. Meetings, Appointments, Planning, Ordering, Floor- plans, Schedules, Reservations, and some paperwork. Before you know it, it is closing time. Days go fast. We have been trying hard to get more Corporate events as those are more profitable for MIYC, as are a good share of the Weddings. My philosophy with business is to treat everyone the same, with respect as I would like to be treated. A $1,000 spent by one person for their event is every bit as important to them as $20,000 spent by another. I want them to know we believe one is as equally important as the other. I try to treat others and I would like to be treated. My Grandmother taught me to respect others, even if it is not always easy; and I truly detest disrespect. Unfortunately I have found I cannot please everyone but I do my best!

Son ever (aren’t they all!).

In my many years in Chicago, my career was Events and Hospitality. I was in charge of the Sales, Marketing and Operations, which also included the Food and Beverage portions (thankfully for everyone never in the kitchen). Dining would range from Fine Dining to large buffets, food trucks to concession stands. I managed and worked with Staffing ranging from an immediate 25 to over 300 at times and was comprised of Security, Paramedics, Maintenance, Ground Crews, Ticketing, Parking, and Administrative along with working with Police and Fire Departments as needed. Each event involved the assurance that Contracts, Permits and Licenses, Insurances, Blueprints, Electrical, Traffic, Safety, Operations & Staffing were all in place, and every area knew what they were responsible for. I worked with Politicians, Celebrities, Performers, Sport Stars and even a couple times with Government Officials from other Countries. Events included sit down dinners of up to 850, to over 100 Weddings. I worked wi th major Corporations such as Mercedes and BMW for their Product launches, and US Cellular for their Corporate launch. Outdoor events such as Festivals with 5,000 – 10,000 in attendance to Major Concerts of 50,000+ in attendance. Nascar & Cart time trials, practices and races were some of the most exciting. I was “forced”

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Several years ago, two other couples and we thought our retirement destiny included prolonged Caribbean cruising together on a sailboat. So, it seemed a good idea at the time for us to put a Lagoon 52 sailboat into charter service. This allows use of one’s own boat as well as those in other locations. We embarked on a partnership with Dream Yacht Charters (Shelly may advise that this turned out not to be exactly a good dream!) but it afforded us sailing in the Chesapeake, Abacos, British Virgin Islands, Turkey, Croatia, Corsica, and Sardinia. We had opportunity to use Cataventure (our boat) for the week before the intrepid MIYC charter group took out their Moorings power catamarans. Cataventure is set up for charter with six staterooms, six bathrooms, and (when it works) a water maker. Our crew included Dave’s sister, her two daughters, her nephew’s fiancée, and our friends, The Osmans. Our Commodore introduced Rich Osman as the Assistant – Fleet – Surgeon – In – Training at an FCYC rendezvous at Saint Charles Yacht Club last year! Everyone, sans the Osmans, arrived Saturday. We flew our little plane to Nassau loaded with supplies. They arrived a couple days later due to plane engine issues. Our 70 – mile passage to Staniel Cay would have seen 25 – knot winds on the beam and brisk waves and we had some novice cruisers aboard. This prompted sheltering several nights at the very nice Palm Cay Marina before embarking. The young ladies seemed fine with this, enjoying the sun, pool area, and making friends with the mixologists at the poolside bar. Exumas Sailing Aboard Cataventure By David Randell

Palm Cay Marina

Stock photo of Lagoon 52 – ours doesn’t look this good!

The MIYC and our plans originally called for an Abacos itinerary. These islands lie about 160 miles east of Miami and form the northeast corner of the Bahamas. The sea rises to a shallow atoll with Great Abaco Island to the west and various pleasant – sounding islands to the east: Elbow Cay, Man – O – War Cay, Green Turtle Cay, and the like. These all enclose the shallow (sometimes too shallow ) Sea of Abaco and its line – of – sight sailing. Similar to the British Virgin Islands, various small harbors, restaurants, hotels, and marinas dot the chart and offer delightful options to visit. Sadly, Dorian destroyed most all of this and forced fleet relocation to Palm Cay on the southeast of Nassau.

The Abacos Exumas An archipelago of 365 small cays comprises the Exumas, a sparsely – populated chain 30 – 40 miles east of Nassau and due south of Eleuthera Island (another cruising area accessible from our base)

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We anchored off Big Majors spot – also known as Pig Beach. When in Rome, one does as the Romans; when at Staniel Cay, one must go and see the swimming pigs. These famous animals were apparently stranded on the island but now see loads of food – bearing visitors each day. We had two nieces bent on holding a piglet. This along with swimming with them (guess where they go to the bathroom?) and getting too close with food are probably common sense no – no’s with our porcine pals. One niece was holding some food and got a little love bite from one of these guys. She subsequently named her injury, “Pig-nelope.” We visited Staniel Cay Yacht Club the next day and got to see their usually – friendly nurse sharks that hang out by the dock for fish scraps. They served us up a couple good drinks and a SCYC Tervis tumbler for a souvenir. We had flown ourselves to Staniel a couple years before to spend a couple of nights. They have a short but nice airstrip and the two couples each had a very nice waterfront one – bedroom bungalow with a porch and big swing. They served up some pretty good food. Our package came with use of a center – console and the kitchen loaded us up with scraps to feed the piggies. Cataventure - Pig Beach

Pig beach

Don’t try this at home

Niece Kiley and piglet

Unlike the Abacos and BVI, the Exumas have much less civilization and probably have more popularity for snorkeling, diving, and getting away from things. Compass Cay was our next stop. They have a nice marina and good anchoring area just off the island. Waves break over some low rocks to create Rachel’s Bubble Bath – one of Compass’ popular spots.

Compass Cay Marina

Rachel’s Bubble Bath

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We embarked still with some brisk winds – great for sailors; maybe not – so – great for the novices. Our nephew’s fiancée silently pondered why anyone could possibly find this fun that first day! However, she rallied once we had calmer winds and seas. Our plans for the first day were to accomplish the long passage to Staniel Cay and its famous yacht club. Jimmy Buffet may have declared this one of his favorite bars.

Staniel Key Yacht Club

Really?? They are Sharks and do bite people!

Thunderball grotto

Snorkeling inside – where’s Sean Connery?

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Drug lord Carlos Lehder ran operations of Norman’s Cay during the bad days of drug trafficking through the Bahamas. An old DC – 3 offers a popular snorkeling sight and rests in about 10 feet of water. Carlos was probably not happy with his pilot that day. Maybe he was flying after using some of the product…

Norman’s Cay

MacDuff’s Cottages and Restaurant, Norman Cay

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We anchored out each night although considered coming dockside at Compass Cay to get out and stretch our legs. The boat had a decent dinghy, which afforded mobility to get out and explore. Shelly and my sister dished up some really good meals. Chef Rich outdid himself at the grill. I was happy to help with prep, cleanup, and avoiding cutting myself during chopping tasks. The Lagoon has a decent galley and we ate pretty darn well. Again, the Exumas offer fewer dining options than past cruising grounds.

Highbourne Cay Marina

Highbourne Cay advertises itself as the, “Gateway to the Exumas.” It, along with Compass and Staniel are the only sites offering water and groceries. We did not stop here but the photos look nice and it may bear a visit on a future cruise. The 176-square-mile Exuma Cays Land and Sea National Park, created in 1958, was the first land and sea park in the world and is one of the most successful marine parks. It is the first "no-take reserve" (all fishing is prohibited) in the wider Caribbean. This stretch of pristine water, land and beaches is an ecological preserve and wildlife refuge famous for its breath-taking marine environment. (I borrowed this from their website, land-sea-park. )

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We had a fairly stable routine of anchoring, doing some swimming (April would be a warmer month for that), eating, reading, and of course, enjoying libations. The Dark and Stormy originated at the Soggy Dollar Bar in the British Virgin Islands. It got its name from the condition of one’s paper currency after swimming ashore to the beach. The other two drinks are Pusser’s Rum concoctions.

Dark and Stormy

Pain Killer (Soggy Dollar Bar)

Pusser’s Grog ( 2 ounces Navy or dark rum 1-3 tsp unrefined sugar to taste On ice; serve when ½ dissolved Or, top with hot water instead of ice Juice of ½ lime

¾ once fresh lime juice 4 ounces ginger bear 2 ounces dark rum

2 ounces dark rum

4 ounces pineapple juice 1 ounce orange juice

Layer juice, ginger been, 1 ounce cream of coconut

rum on top. Use a straw

Garnish – grated nutmeg

British Grog Trivia The 18th-century British Admiral Edward Vernon, nicknamed Old Grog for the grogram fabric cloak he wore, attempted to prevent scurvy among his men by serving them a pint of rum a day. The dark navy rum had nothing to do with scurvy, but it did lend itself to “the swinish vice of drunkenness”. As a result, Admiral Vernon ordered that the sailors tot of rum be mixed with water, lime juice, and brown sugar–making the world’s first cocktail. The drink was named Grog after Admiral Vernon. George Washington’s half-brother, Captain Lawrence Washington, having served under Admiral Vernon during the War of Jenkins Ear, so admired Old Grog he named the family’s Virginia plantation Mount Vernon in his honor. We finished our trip with fiberglass, bodily parts, and egos all intact. Everyone had a nice time and it looks like next year’s family trip shall see us on a similar boat in the British Virgin Islands. They were hit hard by a hurricane a few years back but are recovering. Next on the Bahamas sailing list may be Eleuthera, which lies to the north of the Exumas. We have flown there for a few days in the past but that’s another adventure. If you go there, be sure not to book an Air B n B at Ashante’s non – existent residence! Fair winds and following seas!

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Bob Aylwin - Manager/Executive Chef

Ahoy Members of MIYC -

restrictions, but I have a feel ing that the great excitement that always looms at MIYC will shine brightly through. Pam continues to take in brisk banquet inquiries as we roll into a new prosperous Summer filled wi t h Membe r i nsp i r ed

As I write this the Marco Island beaches are opening, Southwest Florida Corona Virus numbers seem to be leveling and a glimpse of better times is peeking through. Even in the worst of times, great things can occur. The generosity of you, the Club Members, has been one of the brightest spots we’ve seen. Your generous “Publix Shopping Card” not only helped our Employees in a great time of need, but also sowed a wonderful much needed feeling of support. I have been in touch with our Employees on a day to day basis throughout our temporary closure and everyone has expressed their deep gratitude and appreciation for all of you. I would also like to express my thanks for a “First Class” job well done. I salute you. Under the direction of House and Staff Committee / Vice Chairman Bob DeFeo, we continue to monitor Governor Di Santis’s guidelines and phased plan for re-opening our Club. Obviously, upon re-opening, we will be operating differently to ensure Member/Staff safety, it may be seem somewhat awkward following new

Bob Aylwin Manager/Executive Chef

cuisine, new wines and a Staff who is ready to serve! We

have all been at home for a while now so I am quite sure that nearly everyone is an accomplished Kitchen Personal ity and/or a Professional Landscaping Designer by now, (haha), we look forward to sharing our experience and strength with each other and bringing our vibrant Club back to full form. In closing, I am reminded of the saying that I heard many years ago, “the best ingredient in any recipe is your heart”

See you at the Club - Chef Bob

Members Recruiting Members Our Member Recruiting Member Program is in full swing for FY2020! The

recruiting Member and new Member each receive a $100 gift certificate to use for food and beverage on a Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday Evening or at Sunday Brunch! Bring us new Members and celebrate with them!

Marco Island Yacht Club

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MIYC Membership

The beach is opening and the weather is beautiful! I saw Chef at the Club today as I was checking on some Membership Committee issues, and he worried about how to ramp up. I told him we are all so eager to be back at the Club he should be ready. I told Pam to have a new Quaran-tini each day we’re open! I hope you have seen Dave’s column (aka Chairman Everitt) about your first drink at the table at dinner is at happy hour pricing. We will just be happy all the time! I don’t know about you, but I am READY for some MEGA Social Distancing! Our pool re-opened at the condo building so I had to organize water aerobics into groups of 10. Do you know how many new folks we have at water aerobics? Chef, we’re all ready to be SEEN at a distance. We’re really tired of cooking! So, I said I was over at the Club today. I went last week to check on the Membership Computer. We have folks who are interested in our Club. I sent them lots of information! I went today to again check the computer…last week I had not checked in four weeks, today it was only one week…but there is still activity! I love that so many of our Members donated to GO FUND ME in support of our Staff. We are such a close-knit Club! And even in these quarantined times, I have exciting news to tell you about Members in April! Ken and Val Bilbrey who joined us as Full Members in December upgraded to Equity Level in April! Magnus and Ulrika Clacton were Trial Members and are currently in Sweden. Magnus contacted me and they joined as EQUITY Members for next season!

We are still working with the Finance Commi t tee about the Budget for next season and we will work with the Board on our Dues for FY2021 so that we have a vibrant Club. Also, the Board voted to extend Equi ty Memberships at $9,000 through Oct 31, 2020. The Board felt it was best to

delay the increase to $12,000 until all members who are thinking about upgrading have time to get all their questions answered. Thanks to all of you in support of our great Club. We were ‘founded’ in the days after 9-11. We are a strong group who bands together in support of each other and better times ahead! Again, if you need anything, we have Members who will help! Please reach out to me at [email protected] and I will get you in contact with someone. Know that we still want to have an ALL EQUITY Meeting as well as a SEMI-ANNUAL Meeting of the Membership. We are looking into different technologies to select the best way to do this! Stay Safe until we can share some time together! Vicki Bretthauer

Stay Safe until we can share some time together!

MIYC on Facebook Don't forget to 'like' our page on Facebook at to see what's happening at MIYC. (You do not need to join Facebook to like our page.) If you are a member of Facebook, feel free to "Check-in" when you're attending events and to share our posts with your friends! You can also “tag” the Club when you post events you attend.

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House & Staff

I hope everyone is staying healthy and anxiously waiting for the Club to open. We are gearing up for opening in May and cannot wait to see all your smiling faces again. The Operations and HR Committee along with Chef Bob and Pam have developed a Club Opening Plan which will be posted on our website. (MEMBER CENTRAL tab, then drop down to KEY DOCUMENTS) Our priority is focused on the safety of our Members and Staff.

Robert J DeFeo

At this point the Club will be open to Members and their family only, no reciprocals or guests. We are planning to open Wednesday through Saturday for lunch and dinner and for Sunday a la carte brunch. Reservations will be spaced in half hour intervals with restricted seating. Please be sure to make a reservation because with the restrictions we might not be able to handle walk-ins. We will have limited menus for lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch. The tables in the Dockside Lounge, Burgee Bar and Harbour Room have been positioned six feet apart and cannot be moved. Tables are set-up to handle two, four or a maximum of six diners at any table. Standing, seating or gatherings at the bar will not be permitted. Beverage service will be at the tables only and we will provide Happy Hour pricing at your table for your first drink during dinner hours. Chef and Pam will be in constant communications with the staff to ensure they are following the procedures outlined in the Operating Plan. The Club might have been closed but a lot has been happening at the Club. Chef Bob has been busy scheduling some maintenance and inspections in preparation for our opening. Pam has been keeping up with the phone messages, e-mail messages and the banquet/wedding events. Both Chef and Pam have been in contact with the Staff weekly. Carlota has been busy keeping the Club finances in check for the past five weeks. I will end with some good news! Thanks go to Geoff Walker, Steve Reeves and Pam Dorr as the Harbour Room lights and dimmer switches are scheduled to be installed next week.

Robert J DeFeo Operations and HR Chairman Vice Chairman

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Enhancements to your Equity Membership

We have some really exciting news for Equity members. First, many of you have asked to have some form of recognition for being an Equity member. Your Membership Committee working with the Board of Directors has subtly redesigned the Equity name badge adding a line showing that you are an Equity Member. If you would like to have your name badge replaced, please send an email to Cynthia Hultquist at [email protected] showing how you would like your name to read on the new badge. You will then exchange your former badge for the new badge. Also, you may remember that the wine bin program was modified so that only Equity members are allowed to have bins on the property. Below are the instructions for the new program. Wine Bin Program The Wine Bin Program is for Equity Members only. The wine is stored in our temperature-controlled cabinets. Red wines are stored at a temperature between 58-62 degrees and white wines are stored at a temperature between 48-52 degrees. An Equity Member can have one free wine bin either red or white that holds two standard 750ml bottles of wine. • Additional wine bins may be rented for one year at $50 per bin. • The corkage fee is $10 per bottle. • You may restock your bin as many times as you want. • Your name will be placed on the bin. • Only authorized staff will be allowed to stock the bins or withdraw the wine when requested. • Members are not allowed to access the wine cabinets. • If you want to use a bottle of wine on a Friday Evening, please order it in advance when you make your reservation so that your server can have it available for you. • Wine Bin Procedures An Equity Member who would like to participate in the wine bin program should e-mail the Front of House Manager at [email protected] with the following information. • Requesting use of your free wine bin please provide your name, member number and whether you would like a red or white wine bin. • If you are renting an additional wine bin, please provide the same information as above. Your account will be charged the appropriate amount. • Your wine bottles must have your name attached. Bring them in only to Pam Dorr, Tina Carano, or Cynthia Hultquist. • A log will be kept on all wine bins.

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Safety & Training

Vessel Safety Checks - * Stay tuned for Resumption of this Program * A reminder, again, for all Members, especially those new to the Club this season, is that it is Board policy that all vessels participating in MIYC sanctioned on-the-water events must display a Vessel Safety Check sticker. Inspections are provided free of charge by either the US Coast Guard Auxiliary or America’s Boating Club. Plan to get your 2020 sticker by contacting one of the local Inspectors: Paul Soden 914-450-8066 [email protected] Rudi Landwaard 239-389-4444 [email protected]

John Saloto 703-864-5528 Dan Marinelli 239-900-0299 Trevor Haworth Safety and Training Officer (612) 805-3595 [email protected]

The USCG Aux has some specialty courses for those unfamiliar with the Marco environment: Boaters’ Local Knowledge and Boaters’ Local Knowledge – Backwater Edition

Click for more course schedules and to register -

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As of June 1, 2020 - each month we will publicize one or two PROMOTIONS

Henry Stanley has joined the team to assist in putting out the promotional advertising as per email and Anchorlines. Specially priced items as well as regularly stocked merchandise may be ordered via email to- [email protected]

Photo at right - Beach/Swim Cover-ups - regular retail $40 , offered for $30 WITH DISCOUNT! Available June 1. Perfect for Aquafitters! Purchases will be transacted, charged and packaged at the store and either bagged for pick-up at the front desk or shipped via USPS.

Upon the MIYC opening - we would like only one person shopping at a time. The hostess (business hours) or Member Volunteers during Friday dining and events will be able to assist you. Arriving later in June:

- Hand Sanitizer - 3oz. FDA approved - $5.50 - reusable 2 layer Patterned Face Masks -$6

We hope to reopen as of June 1 with your * SUPPORT SAFE MIYC SHOPPING * WE MISS YOU ALL!!!! Sandy, Mary, Ellie, Michele, Henry, Diana and the Member Volunteers

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A GREAT TIME TO BRUSH UP ON YOUR SKILLS Whether you are still on the Island and lucky to be able to sneak out on your boat (maintaining social distancing of course!) or cooped-up Up North, there’s lots of free stuff on the web that can keep us all up to snuff with our boating skills. Captain Jim Marr kindly forwarded this link to a host of tips and training material on the Sea Tow site :

Enjoy and stay safe, Trevor Haworth MIYC Safety & Training Officer

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Doug’s Transportation

Cell (239) 692-4285 Marco Island, FL. 34145

Check Out Our Enhanced Website! We’ve been making improvements to our website—check it out! It now has more information and it’s easier to use! Drop down menus are one new feature that makes it easier to find the information you’re looking for. In “Member Central” (the password-protected side of the website for Members only) you can more quickly access the roster, pay your statement, check the calendar of events, see our Fleet List, join a committee and more! Log in and take a spin!

Also, take a look at the new information we’ve put on the “public” side of the website. Under “About Us,” we have added a Club History, a map with directions, and photos of our Bridge Officers. Under the “Boating” tab, we have added information about our various types of cruises, the sailing program, information for visiting cruisers (under “Port Captain”) and safety and training information. And there will be even more to come!

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Bridge - 2020 Commodore - Ray Rosenberg [email protected] Vice Commodore - Geoff Walker [email protected] Rear Commodore - Tom Wentworth [email protected] Fleet Captain Power - Pete Frazier [email protected] Fleet Captain Sail - Dwyn von Bereghy [email protected] Port Captain - Henry Stanley [email protected] Safety and Training Officer - Trevor Haworth [email protected] Director FCYC - Ray Rosenberg [email protected] Director FCYC Alternate - Tom Wentworth [email protected] Chaplain - Alan Sandlin [email protected] Recording Secretary - Dr. Shelly Derrough [email protected] Quartermaster - Lee Dorison [email protected] Fleet Surgeon-Dr. David Randall [email protected]

Board - 2020 Chairman – Dave Everitt Vice Chairman – Bob DeFeo Treasurer - Gerry Gorman Secretary - Vicki Bretthauer Directors (term expires):

Angela Holt (2020) Tom Krepelka (2020) Ray Rosenberg (2020) Bob DeFeo (2021) Geoff Walker (2021) Bill Wallen (2021) Dave Everitt (2022) Tom Jobe (2022) Tom Wentworth (2022)

2020 MIYC Commi t t e e s

Building and Grounds Geoff Walker, Chair Heyward Boyce Dale DeFeo Meredith Downton Mary McKeown John Steeves Marketing/ Communications Carol Comeaux, Chair Jeff Comeaux Vicki Bretthauer Michelle Hennessy Jim Marr Linda Marr Erin Milchman Kevin O’Neill Dwyn von Bereghy Marine Facilities Jim Marr, Chair Boating Committee Pete Frazier, Co-Chair Dwyn Von Bereghy, Co-Chair

Membership Vicki Bretthauer, Chair Tom Jobe, Vice Chair Kathy Caruso, Secretary Carol Comeaux (Comm) Jeff Comeaux (Walker) Lee Dorison Kathy Hershberger (MIMA) Cyndee Kennedy Bruce Kraemer Melanie Kraemer Linda Marr Henry Stanley Kelley Wentworth Mariners Fund Jon Holt, Co-chair Angela Holt, Co-chair Linda Marr

Ship’s Store Sandy Wallen, Chair

Tom Morrison Jim Rich Ray Rosenberg

Buyer, Merchandiser

Bill Schroeder Geoff Walker Finance Gerry Gorman, Chair David Caruso Bob DeFeo Jon Holt Bruce Kraemer Member Events Angela Holt, Chair Patti Cohen Deb DeVries Russ Doeringer Cara Dubay Ellie Everitt MA Harlacker Jon Holt Alice Jobe Carri Kendall Marguerite Steeves Nancy Traiser Advisory Members Alice Jobe Bill Wallen

Mary McKeown,

Vice Chair, Schedule & Merchandising Michele - Vice Chair, Inventory Head Ellie Everitt, Head of Training & Jonas input Diana Winterhalter, Jonas Input Shirley Bishop Mimi Conner Shelly Derrough

Kathleen Douglas Meredith Downton Ellie Everitt MaryCarleen Ferry Kerry Heckenlaible Mary McKeown Grace Pantano Kimberly Porter Marguerite Steeves Nancy Traiser Mary Varisco Cinda Walker Sandy Wallen Diana Winterhalter

Dick Pantano Henry Stanley

Diana Winterhalter Operations & HR Robert DeFeo, Chair Bob Aber

Joan Gorman M.A. Harlacker Mark Mosley Tom Wentworth

Jeff Comeaux Peggy Frazier Jim Marr Trevor Hayworth Jim Heckenlaible

Vicki Bretthauer Carol Comeaux Linda Marr

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Introducing the state-of-the-art MIYC Riverside Marina Wet Slip Membership

Because market demand for boats over 65 feet has grown substantially over the past 10 years, the inventory of available slips large enough to accommodate them in Naples and south to Marco Island is tight. In addition, and for the same 10-year period, Southwest Florida accounts for a 10% growth in boats 40 to 65 feet. The MIYC Riverside Marina will provide 27 new slips, ranging from 50 to 124 feet. All slips are designed to be a minimum of 24 feet wide.

Wet Slip Memberships Do you know someone who wants to buy a bigger boat, but they don’t know where to keep it? Tell them about our new state-of-the-art Marina! They’ll get a top-of-the-line boat slip and Full Membership in the Club, too! The sales team is ready to answer any questions! Membership sales team: Captain Geoff Fahringer: 239-253-4091 Lee Dorison: 561-756-7375 Ken Gandy: 239-877-3777 Web: MIYC Phone: 239-394-0199

Some slips will have lifts, all slips will have water, electricity, pump-out facilities, lighting and security cameras. A full-time Dockmaster will be on hand for any needed assistance, and each Wet Slip Membership includes member- ship as a Full Member in the Yacht Club. Construction is slated to begin in 2020, to be completed in early 2021. Because slips are in high demand, now is the time to take advantage of this one-of-a-kind, turn- key, pre- construction investment opportunity.

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Mariner's Fund Donations from Members make a real difference to the success of Marco Island Yacht Club. Our generous Members enable the Club to make beautiful renovations and provide extra "pop" at events. For example, the Burgee Bar renovation was made possible entirely by Member donations. The bar was expanded, new drop down window covers were installed and attractive curtains and valances were added. How Can I Donate? You can make a general donation or donate for a specific project. We have identified a number of needs and wishes, which are listed in a binder just below a recognition plaque in the lobby area. Here is a sampling of initiatives we are looking for Member donations to fund: • Landscaping around the front of the Club • Upstairs dining room chairs • Major update of upstairs dining room $ 2,500-$4,000 $40,000-$50,000 $$$ to be determined If you'd like to donate to one of these initiatives or any other project of your choice, please download the Mariner Donation Form , on which you can indicate the project you wish to support, the amount of donation and how you wish to pay (separate check, credit card or Club monthly statement.) If there is something special you would like to see happen and would like to financially support, please let any member of the Board, Bridge or Mariner's Committee know. Mariner's Fund Recognition Levels A Mariner's Fund recognition plaque in the lobby hallway honors the cumulative contributions Members have made. • Bronze

$ 500 $ 2,500 $ 10,000 $ 20,000 $ 50,000 $100,000

• Silver • Gold • Platinum • Diamond • Sapphire

Final Voyage If you have enjoyed the Club, please consider a gift from your estate.

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All Full MEMBERS European River Cruise, September 2021 September 2-9, 2021 cruise on AMA Waterways' beautiful and modern "Kristina". Luxury on the Rhone River for 7 days, Avignon to Lyon You Will Enjoy - Incredible gourmet meals - Free champagne during breakfast - Cocktail hour with complimentary wine, beer, spirits and soft drinks - Free beer and wine during meals - Free Wi-Fi

- Swimming Pool - Fitness Center - Bicycles

- Live, local entertainment - Exclusive Cocktail parties - Larger and more modern cabins than most other lines (many with walkout and French balconies) - Amazing Excursions!

Visit the fantastic temple of Ceasar Agustus, built between 20-10 BC Wine Chateaus! Chateauneuf-dePape or Hermitage Opulent Papal Palace in Avignon, the home of the 7 Popes of Europe

Marco Island Yacht Club Mission Statement Provide an extraordinary Member experience of boating, social events and dining in a warm and beautiful Club setting where fun and friendship flourish. ACT NOW! DON'T DELAY! CALL ANGIE AT 800-626-0126,ext 406, between 10 am and 6:30 pm our time. Check out the fabulous rooms, amenities and itinerary, just click here- AMA Waterways. Look for "COLORS OF PROVENCE",September 2-9, 2021 You can also call or email me directly with any questions. See you Onboard! Jim Rich, Cruise Captain - 239-248-4166 - [email protected]