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MIYC October 2019

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MIYC October 2020

Executive Chef ! 26 Food Pantry Needs Donations The need is greater than ever due to Covid 19 MIYC h

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MIYC October Calendar 2018

MIYC October Calendar 2018 October 2018 Marco Island Yacht Club Reservations - 394-0199 Sunday Monda

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MIYC April 2019

FCYC Director [email protected]. 239-877-4206 ray ondrosenber il.c Marco Island Yacht Club

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MIYC December 2019

Day Cruise to: Naples Sailing and Yacht Club Arrive Tuesday, January 7 Depart after the Day Cruise L

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MIYC August:September 2019

9 Margaritaville Marco Island Yacht Club " 2 Independence Day Celebration! Marco Island Yacht Club "

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MIYC November 2019

nautical paper cocktail napkins, guest towels and cloth napkins Logo sweaters and vests for men and

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MIYC June:July 2019

Exterior SST & Alum. Metal Fab. Dockside services Innovation in Marine Fabrication Creating more liv

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MIYC January 2019

Communications Carol Comeaux, Chair Vicki Bretthauer Angela Holt Jon Holt Michelle Hennesy - Faceboo

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MIYC March 2019

Executive Chef Please donùt forget to wear your name tag when you visit the Club. We have many new M

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MIYC May 2019

Exterior SST & Alum. Metal Fab. Dockside services Innovation in Marine Fabrication Creating more liv

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MIYC October 2019

Marco Island Yacht Club Anchor Lines

Flamenco Night!

October 2019 Volume 19:10

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Cocktails 5pm Dinner 6:15pm Dancing 7:15 - 9:30pm Secret Password to enter the MIYC Speakeasy!

The Three Flamingoes!

These three beauties - Sandy Wallen, Mary McKeown and Angela Holt showed up at the Club tonight for Happy Hour! Time to Flamingle!!!

Staff member, Jimi Hernandez helped demonstrate the dance on Salsa Night!

Marco Island Yacht Club

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By Angela Holt This year's final event of the summer season, The Luau, was held on August 31. Since the Club would be closing for the next few weeks, everyone came out to bid farewell. Omar Baker entertained to a crowd of 99 Members and guests. The fan favorite singer kept us on our feet all night. Pam decorated the Club with the help of Maritza and it was indeed a Polynesian feast for the eyes. Many reciprocal Members joined us that night and clearly loved the dancing. We expect to see more of them.

Marco Island Yacht Club

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M A R I N E / 1 9 4 5

Talk about Community Service! Florida Roofing and Construction received a plea for assistance on the Marco Patriots Facebook page. A Veteran was having problems with roof damage from Irma. The company stepped in and tarped his roof. Take a look at the Marco Patriots Facebook page.

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Marco Island Yacht Club

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Dare To Be There . . . Halloween on the Docks of Marco Island Yacht Club Thursday, October 31, 2019 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Witch’s Brew 6:30 pm Chef’s Cauldron of Devilish Delights

Come & Bring Friends.. Costumes Encouraged or Not! Dancing in The Courtyard Prizes Buffet

Call for Reservations 239 394-0199 or Email: [email protected]

Attention Book Club Members! Our MIYC Book Club and Luncheon series will begin this January 2020, and continue through May. Book Club dates are the last Thursday of each month, 12:00 noon - 1:30 PM. Our reading list has not yet been finalized, so please send your book suggestions to MA Harlacker at [email protected] at your earliest convenience. The selections for our Book Club reading list will be published in next month's Anchorlines.

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Call 239-394-0199 to make your reservation or email us at [email protected]

Marco Island Yacht Club

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We’re excited to begin a terrific new Season of boating activities at MIYC! With so many Members arriving mid- month or later, we’ve moved Boaters Night with Bob McConville from its usual night to Thursday, October 24, the night after our Sunset Cruise. Also, if you are on the Island, you won’t want to miss our Day Cruise to the beautiful Naples Yacht Club on Monday, October 7. Then next month, in addition to the usual monthly Boating Events, we’re looking forward to our Extended Cruise to Key West. Kelly Wentworth has jumped in to help Peggy Frazier and Jim Marr with planning this event. This will be our best Key West trip ever, filled with great activities, dinners and social activities with MIYC friends! Through the diligence and great work of Dwyn von Bereghy, we had a very successful launch of our Youth Sailing Program this summer and we’re looking forward to adding adult classes this Season to take the program even higher. I also want to thank Geoff Walker for his yeoman’s efforts in getting our big March Extended Cruise in the

Abacos re-organized for the Exumas i ns t ead , a f t e r t he devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian, which essentially leveled the Abacos. We are chartering four Cat 51s with four couples aboard each, and several Members with large boats will rendezvous with us in Nassau for the journey. I also want to thank Members who made contributions to funds helping the people of the Abacos, Grand Bahama and other islands so

Jeff Comeaux Commodore

horribly ravaged by Hurricane Dorian. Some time has passed, but the need still exists, so I ask everyone to keep the Islands in your prayers and consider making a financial contribution to one of the charities working to help them recover. Jeff Comeaux - Commodore

bonita springs

marco island

RENTALS ADVISOR A The Rental Professionals



[email protected] 239.455.4177

Marco Island Yacht Club

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MIYC Member Events By Angela Holt

Welcome to our upcoming season of fun at the Yacht Club. The summer months brought us dances, games, karaoke and Latin dancing. Ninety-nine members and guests enjoyed the luau on Labor Day weekend. Fan favorite, Omar Baker began and ended our summer season with his exciting music and dance steps. We'll see more of Omar in the coming months. So here we are at the start of our 2019-2020 calendar of events. The Member Events Committee along with Chef Bob and Pam have worked hard to bring you a new year of fun activities. Thank you to Vicki Bretthauer for maintaining the club calendar, Carol Comeaux and Pam for sending the enticing eblasts; and Linda Marr for featuring our events in Anchor Lines. AND, let's not forget our Member Events Committee who rises to every occasion with ideas, directions and prizes. If you would like to be part of the event- planning action, reach out to me or to a committee member. Or, just show up at 10 a.m. on Friday, October 4th when we meet at the Club! Be ready to roll up your sleeves! The evening of October 4th, we will have Oktoberfest entrees so expect brats and beer. Now that 50 years have passed since Woodstock captured the imagination of an entire generation, we

will celebrate the event at the Yacht Club. There will be dinner and dancing in the courtyard with a fun menu which includes Alice B. Toklas brownies. Dress the part or just come dressed casually. Nevada will provide the music, but we need you for the fun. October 26 th is our first Signature Event of the

Angela Holt Member Events

season - the Welcome Back Party. This year we are " Roaring back to Marco" with a 1920s theme. Be ready to give the secret password

and you'll gain entrance to enjoy your drinks at the Speakeasy Burgee Bar. It will be a true glitz of an evening with Wendy Renee entertaining. Join us to kick off the season. Make your reservations early! See you at the Club Angela Holt - Chair - Member Events Committee

FCYC Meeting at Charlotte Harbor Saturday evening dinner and dancing. Left to Right: Susie Williams Lauderdale YC, Ray Rosenberg and Linda Spell MIYC, Tom and Kelley Wentworth MIYC and Ray Williams LYC.

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Marco Island Yacht Club Sailing Center With the beginning of a new fiscal year for the Yacht Club, our Sailing Center is off to a great start! We have begun High School Sailing with 9 students thus far participating. They will be sailing twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays with a few Saturdays thrown in. We also have firmed up the Adult Sailing Program which will begin in January. The class will be taught by Terry Naylon, a US Sailing Certified Instructor, assisted by Henry Stanley and Scott Kiley. Classes will be held on Thursday nights for 6 weeks. As we get closer, I will send out registration forms to Members. We will participate in the Marco Island Christmas Street Parade, promoting our Sailing Center. We will have students walk with our float throwing out candy. It will be a great way to get our program out to the community!

Dwyn von Bereghy Fleet Sailing Captain

Dwyn von Bereghy Fleet Sailing Captain

Once again, MIYC will be participating in the Toys For Tots Program. Starting on November 7 th , please bring unwrapped gifts to the Club. We will be collecting toys for local kids in need until December 12 th .

Marco Island Yacht Club Mission Statement Provide an extraordinary Member experience of boating, social events and dining in a warm and beautiful Club setting where fun and friendship flourish.

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Chairman’s Report

I hope you are ready! We’ve had a busy summer, and we were busy during our September shutdown sprucing up the Club. And we are geared up for another great year at the Club! The summer has been busy with both member participation and local reciprocals visiting the Club. We had a number of great events during the summer. And, a number of reciprocal guests using the Club this summer have let us know that they appreciate coming to the Club to dine and enjoy a great evening with friends. The staff were very busy during our two-week shutdown in September. They completed the annual deep cleaning of the kitchens. All dishware and silverware were counted, and new items ordered to replace chipped or worn pieces. All the woodwork and chairs were touched up and a number of walls repainted. Floors in the lower and upper foyers and the burgee bar were deep cleaned. Carpets upstairs and down were also cleaned. And a number of maintenance items inside and out were taken care of. We also completed installation of our new server system, updated our computer security and installed a number of upgraded terminals. This has been a big project and positions us for continued growth and system capability. Look for an update on this in the near future. Our event calendar for the coming year is also packed with special activities and parties. We have October Fest games during Happy Hour on the 4 th of October and Dancing Under the Stars on the 12 th . One of our 2020 signature events…” Roaring 20’s

Back to Marco” …will be he l d on t he 26 th o f October. The Club will be decorated as a Speak Easy, and I am reliably informed you will need a password for entry. Look for more details on this event. I know it will be one to remember! We have also been working on our project to develop slips on the North side of the Club. We have named the project “RiverSide Marina”, and you have been

Dave Everitt Chairman

receiving updates about various aspects of the project for the past couple of months. We have a summary review of the project scheduled for the November membership meeting. I encourage you to review the material we have been providing in the updates, and make sure your questions are answered, either by sending me an email, or coming to the November meeting and participating in the discussion. We are looking forward to all of you returning this fall. We have a lot of activities and special events in store throughout the year. And, I’ll see you at the Club! Dave Everitt

Chairman of the Board Marco Island Yacht Club

Boat Inspections Courtesy vessel inspections are provided by the Power Squadron and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Inspections cover US Coast Guard required safety equipment.

Decals awarded for successful inspections. SCHEDULE YOUR INSPECTION NOW Contact Rudy Landwaard of the Power Squadron (239) 389-4444

John Moyer of the Auxiliary (239) 248-7078 Al Rapp of the Auxiliary (239) 393-4949

Marco Island Yacht Club

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The Riverside Marina Project

This is the most current column about the Riverside Marina Project. Previous columns can be found on the Club website under MEMBER CENTRAL and then the KEY DOCUMENTS tab. Riverside Marina Project Revenue Projections September 29, 2019 Dear MIYC Members, In the previous update, we reviewed costs associated with the Marina Project. This update covers the revenue streams we project. Revenue Streams: • Wet Slip Member Deposits • Marina Operating Fees from Wet Slip Members • Fees from leasing Club-owned slips and our transient operations • Wet Slip Membership Annual Club Dues As noted previously, a prospective Wet Slip Member will gain exclusive access to a Riverside Marina slip by paying a refundable deposit. This approach is similar to other marinas, notably Hamilton Harbor in Naples. The value of the deposit is determined by market values of similar sized slips in the local market area. The >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50

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