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MIYC October 2020

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MIYC October Calendar 2018

MIYC October Calendar 2018 October 2018 Marco Island Yacht Club Reservations - 394-0199 Sunday Monda

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MIYC October 2019

1 9 4 5 Talk about Community Service! Florida Roofing and Construction received a plea for assistanc

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MIYC August September 2020

or members might have.” When not at the Yacht Club, Carlotta likes to go to the gym, and also to wat

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MIYC November 2020

2 dinners (on board). The balance of dinners will be on-shore, at crew expense. ◦ Crew will be respo

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MIYC February 2020


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MIYC May 2020

Communications Carol Comeaux, Chair Jeff Comeaux Vicki Bretthauer Michelle Hennessy Jim Marr Linda M

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MIYC March 2020


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MIYC December 2020

benefit ratio for us oldsters, it will help us get back to our new normal. ! 34 Autopay is Fast, Eas

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MIYC April 2020

Catering - ext. 304 Pamela Dorr [email protected] Membership - ext. 303 Cynthia Hult

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MIYC January 2020


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MIYC October 2020

Anchor Lines

October 2020

Volume 20:10

Surprise Opening! The Mariners Fund invites you to Dine and Celebrate the Newly Renovated Harbour Room Friday, October 2, 2020 Cocktails and Passed Hors d’oeuvres 5:30pm Dinner 6:30pm

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New Look Dinner Menu 1 st Course – Passed Hors d’oeuvres Crunchy Shrimp Tempura with Thai Lime Chile Sauce – Beef Wellington and Creamy Horseradish – Vegetable Egg roll Medallion with Tangerine Soy – Diver Scallops Wrapped in Bacon with Dijon Pepper Sauce 2 nd Course – Salad (Name to be determined) Cucumber Feta Mint Salad with Olives, Cherry Tomato, Bermuda Onion and White Balsamic EVO Vinaigrette. Nestled in a Boston Bibb and Radicchio Cup. 3 rd Course – Entrée Selection – Choose One Executive Surf & Turf – Braised Short Rib and Jumbo Shrimp Scampi served with Capellini Pasta and Vegetable Bundle ! Center Cut Filet Mignon – Cremini Duxelles, Herb Roasted Yukon Gold Tower and Vegetable Bundle ! Pan sautéed Chilean Sea bass – (Patagonian Tooth fish) – Dijon Sherry Beurre Blanc, Capellini Pasta and Vegetable Bundle ! Traditional Chicken Francese – Tender Scaloppini of boneless Chicken simmered in

Pinot Gris, Capers, Lemon, Parsley and Butter. Served with Capellini Pasta and vegetable Bundle. 4 th Course – Dessert Lemon Lime Delight with Macerated Blueberries and Key lime Midori

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End of Summer Party!


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Big Changes Coming to the Club!

Angela Holt and Henry Stanley put the light bulbs in the new chandeliers.

Jon Holt delivering paint to the crew.

The Mariners Fund Committee Members would like to thank those who so generously contributed to the refurbishment of the Harbour Room, Rotunda and Board/Bridge Room. The work is continuing full speed ahead with painting, new chandeliers, brass cleaning and even a few well-appointed furniture pieces. When you return to Marco Island you will have a pleasant surprise. There will be a special reception and dinner to celebrate the new Harbour Room on Friday, October 2 for those who remained in Marco over the summer and for the early returnees. The Mariners Fund Recognition Board located at the entrance of the Dockside will be updated to reflect the names of the Members who have given $500 or more to the Mariners Fund. The projects that the Mariners Fund invests in are those that enhance the Members' experience. Several years ago, the Burgee bar was updated. More recently, the sound system was installed, light dimmers were added, and we supported a pilot program to make improvements to the Club’s computer system. Thank you to a Membership who invest time, effort and financial support. We truly have a Club comprised of special Members.

Mariners Fund Committee Jon and Angela Holt, Co-Chairs Linda Marr

Dick Pantano Henry Stanley Diana Winterhalter

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Staff Spruces Up the Club During Close Down ‰ This September was a real awakening to Jon and me. Although we've been full time in Florida for the past four years and spending many a day at the MIYC, I never was aware of what happened during the two week shut down.

I suspected there was a long list of jobs to be completed, but I was not aware of the extent of the work accomplished. Since we were overseeing the Harbour Room as it was being painted, we visited the Club each day and were therefore face to face with a scrubbing team without compare. Here were Members of our Staff painting on ladders; scrubbing every outdoor chair and table and then repainting, washing all cushions, painting woodwork; cleaning veranda floor, polishing door handles. Then they attacked the kitchens, rewashed all dishes, painted kitchen floors and deep cleaned all appliances. Mind you, this is an abbreviated list of the work which covered four pages of jobs, all accomplished under the guidance of Chef Bob and Pam. Thank you to those who worked so hard during this two week closure. Our Members will be proud to see a spanking- clean Clubhouse in time for our next season. Thank you, dear MIYC Staff. Angela and Jon Holt

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I hope everyone is well and following the COVID protocols; wash your hands, social distancing and wearing a mask while out and about. Our Club has been following these guidelines and remains open for business while other FCYC Clubs have remained closed – what a shame. BTW, do you know what FCYC stands for? No, it is not the Fellowship Child and Youth Club. It is the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs. Back in 1960, a group of 13 West Coast privately owned yacht clubs got together to discuss forming a representative body to encourage the sport of yachting, promote safety afloat and encourage reciprocity. Over the years several other private clubs, both East and West Coast, also joined and today FCYC is comprised of 36 yacht clubs, including our own Marco Island Yacht Club. Full members of the Council’s member clubs may visit any other member club, have a berth for their boat with the first night’s dockage free and have all of their charges for club activities billed back through their own club. Linda and I have enjoyed this reciprocal benefit many times, both by boat and auto. If you have not visited a member club in your travels around Florida you should! One of our most important benefits of FCYC is in the government affairs area. Our total Council population represents about 38,000 Florida voters who have aided in bringing many boating and waterway matters to a successful conclusion. FCYC

has hired government affairs lobbyists, Johnson a n d B l a n t o n i n Tallahassee, paid by the Counc i l , t o mon i t o r legislative issues. The Co u n c i l i s a we l l - established, respected force recognized as a potent organization of ded i c a t ed y a c h t smen / yachtswomen. Johnson and B l a n t o n mo n i t o r a n d continually provide updates on pending and approved Florida legislation

Ray Rosenberg Commodore

and work with our representative to achieve success. An important website you should check out and go to the Gov’t Affairs Tab: Check the site out soon, because in a short while it will be completely remodeled into todays technology. That’s the great news, because it is, as we FCYC Directors say, contains good info, but is an antique. HA-HA!

Ray Rosenberg Commodore FCYC Director, MIYC

FCYC MEETING SCHEDULE CLUB DATE Sarasota Yacht Club November 13-15, 2020 Key Biscayne Yacht Club January 8-10, 2021 The Florida Yacht Club March 12-14, 2021 Venice Yacht Club May 14-16, 2021 TBA July 9-11, 2021 Bird Key Yacht Club September 10-13, 2021 TBA November, 2021 Smyrna Yacht Club January, 2022 Marco Island Yacht Club May 13-15, 2022

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Chairmanùs Report

October begins our 2021 Fiscal Year and the beginning of our 20th Anniversary Year as the Marco Island Yacht Club! There are a number of activities and changes planned for 2021, and I am going to exercise a little bit of "Chairman's Discretion" to give you a preview. But first it is probably appropriate to comment on this past summer and how we have been managing during the coronavirus pandemic. As you know, we did shut down for a short period of time in the Spring. We re-opened as soon as we were able to do so following the directives and suggestions coming from various governmental agencies. I am very proud of our Staff and our Members and Member Volunteers and how we managed through this period. Members contributed to a GoFundMe account for our Employees at a critical time. We applied for and were awarded funds through the Paycheck Protection Program. The protocols we implemented helped keep our Club, our Members and our employees using the Club safely during the past six months. And, we will manage to complete our 2020 fiscal year with an operating profit. We will be providing more information about all that happened in 2020 at the November Membership Meeting. Now for a look at all that is happening in our 20th Anniversary year! This coming year is a big year for the Club. In fact, it is shaping up to be one of the more significant years in the 20-year history of the Club. The event schedule is full with a significant number of activities and events throughout the year. Angela Holt and the Member Events Committee are lining up events and entertainment this year and will take the opportunity to make sure we celebrate our 20th anniversary. And, the Bridge has assembled a Cruise Schedule that may be the best ever! The Mariners Fund successfully raised funds to allow us to dramatically update and refresh the Harbour Room and the Bridge Room upstairs. The change is, I think, breathtaking. The result provides a space that is light and elegant. I think the new colors make the room seem larger and more welcoming to Members and individuals scheduling events at our Club. Thank you to all who contributed to the project, to Jon and Angela Holt and Geoff Walker who managed the project, and to the Staff who helped get ready for the change! As I have reported in my "Chairman's Emails", we are starting the seawall and Riverside Marina

c on s t r u c t i on p r o j e c t . During October, most of t he l ands cap i ng and pavers next to the seawall and electrical transformers are being cleared. The contractor will be onsite by the first of November to begin demolition of the current dock. And the seawall refurbishment and mar ina instal lat ion wi l l be complete by January 2022. We are scheduling a "Part the Waters" Event the week before Thanksgiving to kick off the

Dave Everitt Chairman

public phase of our marketing program. (It's hard to say 'groundbreaking' when constructing a marina!) We will install a new operating software environment in 2021 as well. After evaluating our current system (Jonas) and others on the market, we have decided to transition to a new system (Northstar.) The new system is cloud based, using the latest integrated web-based design. Recent systems improvements, including our server upgrade and conversion to electronic billing, help get us ready for the change. The features and capability of the new system will enhance our Member experience and propel us into the next 20 years with capabilities we have dreamed about but could not implement. The system will be implemented during the summer of 2021. We are also planning a number of changes in the Club operation and staffing plan that will improve Member Experience. The addition of the Riverside Marina, as well as the continued level of activity and events at the Club, require us to adapt and improve how we manage the Club. Look for more information in the coming months. Finally, let me comment about our financial outlook. We have, since 2016, not required assessments to cover operational costs nor do we bill a Food & Beverage Minimum like many other clubs. We have, in each year since 2016, improved our financial position. Including 2020, we will have reported an operating profit for three consecutive years. And, our budget forecast for 2021 projects an operating profit despite the significant number of special actions noted above.

(Continued on next page)

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Chairmanùs Report

year to reflect the resignations and support our overall budget expenditure plan. We will also get new Members from the marina project. But that number will not be enough to meet our new member objectives for 2021. I do believe this year is a great year to be recruiting members. The changes we have been making, the attraction of the new marina, and the increased number of people transitioning to Florida certainly are all reasons we can be more aggressive in new member recruiting. When you meet someone new to the Marco area, make sure you include an invitation to the Club as part of your welcoming them to the area. With all the activities and plans underway, I am confident that our 20th Anniversary Year will be one of the most exciting years we have had as a Club. Your support, engagement, and help in new member recruiting will ensure those plans become a reality.

There are three factors contributing to our ability to achieve this improved level of financial performance. First is very disciplined budget management. We watch our expenditures very carefully. And, we establish budgets that are realistic considering our operating plans and expected dues income. (However, we do need you to pay your dues!) Second, is the generosity of Members supporting the Mariners Fund. The Mariners Fund enables us to make repairs or improvements that would otherwise need to come from operating funds, our capital budget, or through member assessments. The Mariners Fund also lets us implement projects driven by member interest. And third is continued Membership growth. It is in this last area we need your help. The impact of the coronavirus has increased, a bit, the number of resignations at the end of fiscal 2020 compared to our normal expectations. We need to offset that loss and add new Members to support our overall operating objectives for 2021. We will certainly increase our outreach to attract new Members this year. But our best Member recruiting tool is you, our current Members. I encourage you to identify and help recruit candidates for membership to the Club. We need to add at least 25 new Members this

Dave Everitt Chairman, Board of Directors Marco Island Yacht Club

Movie Under the Stars Saturday, October 17 th

Come enjoy a wonderful meal and movie on the Burgee Bar!

Reservations - 239-394-0199

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Weekend! October 9 th & 10 th

Get out your Lederhosen and don your Dirndl! Chef Bob and his Staff are cooking up some German specialties, which will be available all weekend. Rather have a burger? Not a problem! Regular Menu will be available. Reservations - 239-394-0199 Piano Bar Evening Saturday, October 24 th

Mike Nardi will entertain during Dinner. There will be a sing along after dinner and Mike will take Requests. Reservations - 239-394-0199

Halloween ‘Monster Mask’ Event October 31 st Enjoy Halloween at the Club with your friends. Wear a mask or not. Or go all out with a costume! Prizes may be available . . . Reservations 239-394-0199

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Marco Island Yacht Club

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MIYC Membership

Rosemary Price , Judy and Larry Sacher and Tony and Vicki Simms ! Congratulations to Denise and Tom Morrison and Cathy and Wayne Foster who are our newest Equity members upgrading in

Sadly, I must begin this column with the news of the passing of members Norm Terreri and Petra Williams . Both added joy to activities at our Club. Our condolences go out to Pat Terreri and family as well as Lee Williams and family. Please remember all in your thoughts and prayers. Finally, I am sitting back at my desk on Marco Island! We arrived at Noon on the 26 th and we were able to have a FANTASTIC Dinner at the Club that evening! There were so many entrée selections, I didn’t know what to have! The Eggplant with shrimp scampi was excellent…so much so, that I had the rest of it for dinner on Sunday Evening! The Staff is excited and raring to go! We also have many new and returning members! So, your FY2021 Dues were billed to your account on your June 30 th invoice which you received via email and USPS mail in July. Your payment was due by September 30 th so if you have yet to pay, please do so ASAP or you will receive a late charge on your invoice in October. You can pay via the website with a draw from your bank account or with your credit card. I’d like to welcome Debbie and Richard Siakel to our Club as Full Members. They joined this past Friday. Jeff Fisher and Amy Simpson agreed to join our Club as Social Members Saturday evening! We’re also welcoming back Judy and Steve Aldrovandi , Diane and Paul McCarthy ,

August and September, respectively! If you are interested, remember an Equity Share is currently $9,000 going up to $12,000 on November 1, 2020. IT IS A GREAT DEAL so email me if you have any questions! Member Recruiting Member is still in place so be sure to recommend friends to join our Club. You and your friends will receive $100 gift certificates if your recommended members join the Club and pay joining fees! Welcome to Fall! With hope, a front will come through and the humidity will be gone! Come to your Club to enjoy what I consider the safest place ‘on island’ to dine. The great Staff, food and ambiance are just an added bonus! Oh, what a great season it is going to be! Vicki Bretthauer Membership Chair

Marco Island Yacht Club

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Fishing Club October 22 nd 11:30am With peak hurricane season on the decline, many of us can start thinking about fishing in Florida and other destinations. October is typically a transition month with pelagic fish, which means they’re harder to find offshore. Backwater fishing will see good speckled sea trout and redfish.

Some Members have talked about running down to Islamorada or Key West to fish the gulf stream and the great fish hatcheries in these areas. Last fall, six Members of the Fishing Club fished Islamorada for Kingfish and we limited out each day. Time for a repeat. There is also a strong interest to fish for sailfish and marlin in Guatemala in January/February. If you’re interested in either trip, please email me. On November 12 -15, the Club is scheduled to have an Extended Cruise to Sarasota and Venice. I plan to research what’s biting in this area and may try to organize some half day fishing charters. More to follow. There will be a Fishing Club meeting on October 22 at 11:30 in the Burgee Bar. This will be a CDC social distancing get together. Jeff Comeaux Past Commodore – USCG Captain 850 lb. Black Sailfish MIYC Book Club Our MIYC Book Club will be starting in the New Year! All members are welcome! Our scheduled dates are the same - the last Thursday of each month, 12:00 Noon until 1:30 PM, with a theme-based luncheon prepared by our creative Chef Bob. In order to have the most interesting and satisfactory reading list for all of us, I am soliciting your input for books you would like to read and discuss. It may even be a book you've already read and would like to share with others. We have an opportunity to decide upon five (5) selections (January through May). Please send me your book nominations : [email protected]. (That's a live link to my email.) I will also use the NYT Best Seller list and other local book club selections as additional resources. I need your input ASAP, no later than October 16th. I will compile a list of your nominations and send it out to you for your "vote" on the final

five. Your Book Club selections will be announced in November in Anchor Lines. Thank you for being enthusiastic and involved Book Club members! I am looking forward to another season of thought-provoking reading and discussions! MA Harlacker - Book Club Chair

Marco Island Yacht Club

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It’s Not Too Late to Sign Up!

24 Fellow Members are Fully Reserved . . . and you can join them! MIYC’s Extended Charter Cruise to the BVI’s April 9 – April 17, 2021 You may have heard stories about MIYC’s fantastic March 2020 cruise in the Exumas, or maybe you were one of the lucky crew members, either way you won’t want to miss this year’s charter cruise to one of the Caribbean’s most popular cruising grounds - The British Virgin Islands. This cruise is still open to (4) additional full or equity member couples . If you want to be included, please respond promptly to Geoff Walker - BVI Cruise Captain at 678-296-5233 Itinerary includes: • April 9 – early a.m. Bus transportation - Marco Island to Miami Intl • RT Airline reservations - American Airlines - Direct flight Miami / St. Thomas ◦ We have (8) additional seats reserved in case we need them. • All ground transportation and and fast ferry, to and from Moorings Yacht Harbor, Tortola • Marina facing rooms - Night one • April 10 - 16, Cruise the BVI's aboard 50+ foot Catamarans • April 17 - early ferry departure to St. Thomas, afternoon air departure to Miami, evening bus return to Marco Island • Estimated cost = $6,700/couple Charter Details: • All Charters Include: ◦ Charter, fuel, insurance, and all other fees ◦ Four cabins per vessel, each with private head/shower – double occupancy ◦ Split food provisioning including breakfasts, lunches and 1/2 dinners (on board). The balance of dinners will be on-shore, at crew expense. ◦ Crew will be responsible to provision their own liquid refreshments 1. 534PC - 53’ Power Catamaran - Exclusive Pus) (new) - 4 Couples - Fully Reserved 2. 5000 - 50’ Sailing Catamaran - Exclusive Pus (1-3 YO) - 4 Couples - Fully Reserved 3. 5000 - 50’ Sailing Catamaran - Exclusive Pus (1-3 YO) - 4 Couples - Fully Reserved 4. One additional Power or Sailing Cat - 4 Couples - Open for Reservations All Reservations: In the event this charter is cancelled due to Moorings or Government related COVID orders, all Moorings payments will be fully refunded to your credit card. This is a special concession by Moorings at the request of MIYC, not their normal policy. Please treat these arrangements as confidential.

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Sun Protection

By Fleet Surgeon David Randall Ultraviolet light consists of three types: A, B, and C. UVA causes most skin cancer and can penetrate glass. UVB contributes some but only 1% - 10% reaches the Earth’s surface. Our atmosphere filters out UVC. Clouds offer minimal protection - only about 20% - which explains the risk even on non – sunny days. Sand, water, and concrete reflect UV quite efficiently and increase risk for burning and skin damage. Ultraviolet also poses risk to various parts of the eye and polarized sunglasses should be worn.

Solar protection strategies include sun avoidance, protective clothing, and sunscreens. Peak risk hours occur between 10 AM and 4 PM. Columbia, Solumbra, and other manufacturers offer clothing with sun protection. Sam’s Club and Wal Mart carry their Habit and Bimini Bay brands with similar benefit. All protective clothing loses effectiveness when wet. Rit, the clothing – dye manufacturer, offers a product that increases UV blockage and is applied in a standard washing machine. Hats should have a four – inch brim. Various other items such as gloves, masks, and gators (no – it’s not a COVID mask!) add further protection.

Sunscreens primarily come in two varieties – physical barriers (mineral) and chemical. The former includes titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. They have the benefit of immediate effectiveness but can have a chalky- white appearance and work less well than the other type. Chemical sunscreens work by absorbing UV radiation and converting it to heat. These are problematic for acne-prone, sensitive and rosacea-prone skin. Concern exists about absorption into the body with regular use. Studies have shown blood levels that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) feel is, “of concern.” These may have hormone effects, but the actual significance remains unknown. Spray sunscreens may be more convenient, the lotion-based options reduce inhalation and lung exposure (as well as making your deck slippery). The U. S. Virgin Island, Hawaii, Key West, and several other places have banned those with the common blockers oxybenzone and octinoxate (due to bleaching of coral). One problem for all types is that people often apply less than half of the amount needed for adequate protection. The whole body requires a full ounce.

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More Sun Protection Confusion exists about sun protection factor (SPF) ratings. Testing has been problematic since it measures skin redness, which is a function of UVB. Unfortunately, no means exists to measure protection from UVA, the primary skin cancer culprit. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends an SPF of at least 30 although the FDA has moved away from this rating. One should look for, “broad spectrum,” labelling that indicates UVA and UVB protection. Those listed as, “water resistant,” retain effectiveness for 40 – 80 minutes after immersion. Plan on reapplying based upon water exposure. Chemical barriers require 20 – 30 minutes to become effective. Aerosol sunscreens need to be rubbed – in just as do lotions. One should avoid spraying the head and face out of concern for inhaling the chemicals. Having made part of my living by whittling away skin cancers, I think a few take – home points seem in order. Avoid peak hours. Remember that water (germane to us MIYC folk), sand, snow, and other light surfaces reflect light upward. Get a big, dorky, wide – brimmed hat. Collared sun shirts or swim shirts, other SPF clothing, sun glasses and gators reduce the need to bathe in those friendly – sounding chemicals like octinoxate. Most of us use a combination of sun protection to try to minimize our trips to the dermatologist as well as the eye doctor as we go through the aging process.

Beautiful View of the Jolley Bridge! Member Susan Hieftje caught this gorgeous scene from MIYC’s docks. If you have a photo to share, please send it to: [email protected]

Member Janie Curtis Loves Big Hats!

Her love for anything related to the Kentucky Derby started when Janie was just 5 or 6-years old. Growing up, they did not have electricity, but they had a big battery-operated radio and every time the Kentucky Derby came on the radio on the first Saturday in May, Janie would put her ears against the radio and listen. Many beach walkers wonder what the Hat Lady is going to be wearing that day and she usually does not disappoint. For Friday’s walk, Janie wore a Black Kentucky Derby Hat that is about 60 cm brim diameter (24” inches) with an arching white plume. She likes her hats to be over the top. If not, she would take them to Diane Shagott of Hats to Di For, a Marco couture milliner to make them Bigger and Better! Her grandchildren, Jenny and John, are also into hats, thanks to Grandma. They wear their special Derby hats to the beach when they come for a visit. According to Janie, her Derby hats are as perfect for Marco’s sunny day at the beach as they are for a sunny day on the First Saturday in May in Kentucky.

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Getting to Know You Guadalupe (Lupe) Ramos Our Hard-Working Line Chef By M.A. Harlacker Lupe was born and reared in Guatemala, and graduated from High School there. Years later, he moved to the US, and has lived in the state of North Carolina; Atlanta, GA; and here in Florida.

Lupe is married, and he and his wife have three children – two daughters - 17 years old and 8 years old, and a son – 23 years old, but no pets. All of their children live in Florida. Besides his native Spanish, Lupe also speaks English. Lupe has worked in many jobs in the culinary industry, and is dedicated to his craft. Lupe was hired at the Marco Island Yacht Club on March 10, 2007, and has the longest tenure of any employee. Lupe dependably maintains the Luncheon Menu production and operates the Salad Station at dinner. Occasionally he prepares soups, sauces, and some butchery. Chef Bob notes that “Lupe interacts with all of the staff with a professional good-natured attitude, and is always willing to help wherever he is needed. He is a quiet man but has a wonderful sense of humor.” Lupe, in his own words, “loves working at the MIYC,” and considers “Every day (at the Club) to be a great day.” When not working at the Club, Lupe enjoys watching his grandson, being with his family, fishing, and watching TV. A vacation in Guatemala is on his bucket list, as well as travelling at a record 200 mph and winning the Lotto! Lupe is concerned about our environment and cares about “Saving the planet for my kids’ futures.” His personal motto also shows his concern for those close to him: “Family First; Work Second.”

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MIYC Member Events By Angela Holt

Member Events is ready for the Fall Season at the Yacht Club. Events will begin on October 2 with a reception and dinner to show off the refurbished Harbour Room. The event will be called the ‘New Look’. Cocktails, a special drink and hors d’oeuvres will be served in the updated room while the player piano music will be piping in music. Even new CDs have been ordered for the event. On October 9 and 10, we will celebrate Oktoberfest with a special Bavarian menu. Now, October 17, will be the first of our Movie Under the Stars. Dinner will be served at the burgee with the film projected to a large blow-up screen in the courtyard. In case of inclement weather, the screen can be used on the burgee. We are planning to view Captain Ron with Martin Short, a yachting film that our members can relate to. On October 24, we will have our first piano bar sing- along with Mike Nardi, MIYC receptionist Patty’s husband. Mike will play during dinner, and at the end of dining, he will take requests and members can sing along. We might also consider providing an area to dance if Members feel the urge. November plans are in the works for the Signature Event, “Cheers to 20 Years”. It is our Welcome Back and our first event to focus on the

MIYC’s 20 th Anniversary. Also in November we will work on the groundbreaking for the Riverside Marina called the ‘Parting of the Waters’. A Country jam session is scheduled for Nov. 21. Then there is Thanksgiving Dinner on the 26 th of November. This will be fo l l owed by a Thanksgiving Family Picnic

Angela Holt Member Events

of casual fare on the Saturday after the holiday to encourage members to bring the whole family out for dinner and forget the cooking. We are then entering the Christmas season, and there will be events galore. So, get ready for a fall season jam-packed with fun events. We can’t wait for all of our Members to be back in full force. Angela Holt Chair, Member Events Committee Marco Island Yacht Club 908-303-2139

MIYC on Facebook Don't forget to 'like' our page on Facebook at yachtingmarco to see what's happening at MIYC. (You do not need to join Facebook to like our page.) If you are a member of Facebook, feel free to "Check-in" when you're attending events and to share our posts with your friends! You can also “tag” the Club when you post events you attend.

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Marco Island Yacht Club 2020-21

• 4 th Boater’s Night • 5 th Twilight Golf • 6 th Evening Colors – Wear your patriotic clothing in honor of Veteran’s Day • 7 th Welcome Back Party – Cheers to 20 Years! • 9 th Day Cruise Hamilton Harbor • 11 th Couple’s Bridge • 13 th -15 th FCYC Sarasota YC • 11 th -16 th Ext Cruise-Marina Jack, Sarasota YC, Venice YC • 15 th Grande Brunch • 17 th Annual Meeting and Dinner • 18 th Sunset Cruise • 19 th Fishing Club • 21 st C-WJamSession & Toys for Tots

• 1 st Deck the Halls • 2 nd Boater’s Night • 3 rd Twilight Golf

• 2 nd “New Look” Reception (unveiling of Harbour Room Decorating) • 7 th Boater’s Night • 8 th Twilight Golf • 9 th Oktoberfest HH & entrees (Oktoberfest entrees throughout the weekend) • 14 th Couple’s Bridge • 15 th Fishing Club • 16 th Evening Colors • 17 th Movie Under the Stars • 21 st Wine & Dine • 24 th Dinner & Piano Bar • 28 th - Nov 1 st Ft Lauderdale Boat Show • 31 st Halloween “Monster Mask” event

• 4 th Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest • 5 th Member Holiday Party & Toys for Tots • 9 th Couple’s Bridge • 11 th Evening Colors & Ship’s Store Fashion Show

• 12 th Christmas Boat Parade • 12 th Staycation Dock Party

• 13 th Grande Brunch • 16 th Sunset Cruise • 17 th Fishing Club

• 24 th Christmas Eve Dinner • 31 st New Year’s Eve Dinner • 31 st New Year’s Eve Party

• 26 th Thanksgiving Dinner • 28 th Family Holiday Picnic

Lots Happening This Season! Oh my! Our Club really has wonderful events planned for us this season! The Club is spiffed up and ready to go to keep us all entertained! This calendar is FULL of all kinds of events with social distancing in mind! Start marking those CAN'T MISS dates on your calendar! The FY2021 Season's calendar is attached to this email. Also, if you have not yet paid your dues or made arrangements with Carlota for two payments, remember your dues payment is DUE by September 30, 2020. Go out to the website and pay NOW if you have yet to pay your dues as you don't want to incur late fees! Stay safe all and if you have not yet made a reservation for Friday October 2nd for the Opening of the Renewed

Harbour Room, do so by calling 239-394-0199! Stay safe and let's get this new season started!

Vicki Bretthauer Board Secretary

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• 1 st Scavenger Hunt • 3 rd Boater’s Night • 4 th Twilight Golf • 6 th Wine & Dine – Jackets Required • 10 th Couples Bridge • 12 th Lunch & Learn – Marco Island Historical Society • 12 th -14 th FCYC The Florida YC

• 3 rd Boater’s Night • 4 th Twilight Golf • 6 th Blessing of the Fleet, Lunch • 7 th Super Bowl • 10 th Couple’s Bridge • 11 th -15 th Miami Boat Show • 12 th Lunch & Learn • 14 th Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance • 15 th -20 st Ext Cruise Circumnavigation Hawks Cay, Miami, Stuart, Clewiston, Legacy • 20 th Clambake • 24 th Sunset Cruise • 25 th Fishing Club • 25 th Book Club • 26 th Evening Colors • 27 th Comedian Frank Del Pizzo, with Italian Dinner (back by popular demand!) • 28 th Grande Brunch

• 4 th De-decorating • 6 th Couple’s Bridge • 7 th Twilight Golf • 8 th -10 th FCYC Key Biscayne YC • 9 th Wine & Dine Jackets Required • 12 th -14 th Ext Cruise NSYC • 14 th Day Cruise NSYC • 16 h Burgee Bar Opens - Buffet & Karaoke • 20 th Boater’s Night • 21 st Fishing Club • 23 rd Commodore’s Ball with Colors • 27 th Sunset Cruise • 28 th Book Club • 31 st Grande Brunch

• 14 th Grande Brunch • 17 th St. Patrick’s Day

• 15 th -19 th Ext Cruise Pink Shell, Charlotte Harbor YC • 19 th March Madness Happy Hour • 20 th Hooray for Hollywood (Mariner’s Fund & Club’s 20 th Anniversary Gala)

• 24 th Sunset Cruise • 25 th Fishing Club • 25 th Book Club • 26 th Evening Colors

• 27 th Magician (Illustionist) • 30 th Equity Only Meeting

• Thirsty Thursdays with free bottle of wine with two entrees

OTHER WEEKLY EVENTS • Ladies’ Bridge on Wednesdays • Canasta on Thursdays

• Thursday PRIME RIB • Happy Hour Fridays

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• 1 st Twilight Golf • 4 th Easter Brunch • 5 th Day Cruise Naples YC • 7 th Boater’s Night • 9 th -17 th BVI-Charter Fleet • 14 th Couple’s Bridge • 15 th Fishing Club • 21 st Member Semi-Annual Meeting with Happy Hour, Dinner & Dancing • 23 rd Evening Colors • 24 th Wine & Dine–Jackets Required • 28 th Sunset Cruise • 29 th Book Club

• 1 st Kentucky Derby Party • 1 st Bahamas or Florida West Coast Cruise (20 days) • 5 th Boater’s Night • 6 th Twilight Golf • 9 th Mother’s Day Brunch • 12 th Couple’s Bridge • 20 th Fishing Club • 20 th Singing Bingo • 22 nd Intl Wine & Dine (Club Casual) • 26 th Sunset Cruise • 27 th Book Club • 28 th Evening Colors honoring Memorial Day • 29 th Bye, Bye to the Burgee Menu

• Boater’s Night - first Wednesday or Thursday each month • Fishing Club – third Thursday each month • Sunset Cruise – fourth Thursday each month • Every Friday Happy Hour • Other events to include: Margaritaville, Independence Day Eve Picnic, Lobsta-fest, Cooking with Chef Bob, Labor Day Party, Trivia and Game Nights and Dancing at the Burgee Events! • 30 th Aug-9 th Sep River Cruise in France (with land pkgs 31 st Aug – 12 th Sep)

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Twilight Golf Golf, Anyone? Join us for 9 holes of Golf ! Thursday, October 8 th

• Couples and Singles • 9 Holes “The Links” • $20/pp cart + green fees

Tee times begin @3pm Format: Scramble Dinner at Club afterwards

Contact Alice Jobe at 239-248-7640 or email: [email protected] Deadline to sign up: Noon on Thursday, October 1 st Full and Equity Members

MIYC Brunch on the Gulf 10am - 1pm Join us at the MIYC for Sunday Brunch each week ~ Reservations - 239-394-0199 - Club Dress

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Boatersù Night October 7 th Cocktails 6pm Dinner 7pm EMERGENCY ESSENTIALS FOR EVERY BOATER OR HOW I LEARNED TO DIG MY DITCH BAG! Presented by Cruise Captain Jim Rich, assisted by Tom Wentworth Gentle Members - Jim Rich, an experienced Captain with over 30

Tom Wentworth Rear Commodore

years on the water, will bring his Ditch Bag and display and explain all the very important gear that no boat should leave the dock without. This is a MUST ATTEND session for every Boater who is serious about safety. Even if you are not so serious, the Admiral will likely thank you for taking this important step toward keeping all hands safe and sound.

Jim will be assisted by Tom Wentworth, who will bring his Alternative Ditch Bag, which may contain items which are not generally regarded as necessary for safety, but which might be viewed by some as desirable, if not strictly essential equipment. Combined, we feel sure that these recommendations, if faithfully followed, will result in a well-equipped and (very) happy boat. So, join us for a little information and a lot of laughs on the next Boater’s Night, Wednesday, October 7! A special Menu will be prepared by Chef Bob, according to the Theme of “Which Foods I Would Bring to a Desert Island”. Dress is Resort Casual, Life Jackets not required. Don’t forget your masks!

Safely, Tom Wentworth Rear Commodore

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Movie Night!

Jon and Angela, MA, Henry and Kathleen viewed "The Third Man" with Orson Wells and Joseph Cotten. A discussion followed while drinking Rose and enjoying shrimp, homemade guacamole and fine cheeses.

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Bob Aylwin - Manager/Executive Chef

Dear MIYC Members - A new season is upon us at MIYC. My Staff and I are excited and energized as we embark on our new voyage. We have the distinct pleasure to welcome you into a beautifully transformed dinner and event venue, The Harbour Room, which will make our Member events even better! Our primary interest, however, is the quality and variety of the food and wine that will be served in our new surroundings. We have spent the late spring and summer listening to our Members’ preferences, combing culinary resources for new ideas, techniques and trends, while rolling out a variety of new dishes on a regular basis with a focus upon various regions of the world. In case you missed it, our Summer Culinary Travels included stops in Morocco, The French Riviera, Spain, Italy, Pacific Rim, Greece, and the Southern United States. This allowed Members, guests, and reciprocals to sample a variety of dishes enabling us to identify those destined to become signature dishes at your Club. I am confident that several of our most enjoyed dishes this Summer will become favorites for the expanded number of Members returning. A number of the dishes have been incorporated into the initial menu for October. Importantly, we are committed to enhancing Member satisfaction with their dining experience through greater creativity in menu creation, improved wine selection at reasonable price points paired with our menus, supplemented by premium selections for the most refined palates of the Club. We are tentatively targeting November for our new “Member Inspired” wine initiatives. We fully appreciate the input we have received and seek to respond to all Member requests when able.

Additional ly, we wi l l continue to regularly modify our menu to provide the opportunity for creative new dishes from around the world ensuring fresh and interesting offerings that you will not find elsewhere on the island. As always, our ability to create Gluten Free, Lactose Intolerant and Vegetarian Specials is as strong as ever. Please reach out with your special requests as it remains our pleasure to be accommodating. Our Summer Spruce Up was a great success as many of our nagging Clubhouse issues were resolved through the hard work and dedication of our awesome Staff. There are too many projects and persons to mention here but trust me when I say . . . a lot was accomplished in our short two weeks of closing. As a great team we continue to sanitize, energize, organize, and revitalize our Food and Beverage efforts so that we can consistently provide the service and surroundings you deserve. The future is incredibly bright for the Club and we are just getting started! By the end of this approaching season there will be no other place you feel so comfortable, appreciated, and thoroughly satisfied than here at your Club. That is our promise. Chef Bob Bob Aylwin Manager/Executive Chef

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Food Pantry Needs Donations The need is greater than ever due to Covid 19

MIYC has been supporting the Food Pantry for years with a dropoff basket in our lobby for canned goods and other supplies. The Club is closed now, but with schools and businesses shut down, the need is greater than ever. Below is information about safely dropping off food items at their collection area. Or even simpler, please make a financial donation at the following link: Our Daily Bread Food Pantry Thank you

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Autopay is Fast, Easy, Convenient! Here's How to Enroll!

There's no easier way to handle monthly bills than with Automatic Payment, and we're happy to introduce this time-saving convenience at MIYC! Members can sign up now for Automatic Payment, and have it in effect for their MIYC statements sent in July. When you enroll a U.S. bank account or a credit card in our secure Automatic Payment system, the MIYC statement you receive around the 4th of every month will automatically be paid between the 10 th and the 17 th . Your bank account or credit card information will be encrypted and stored in a secure system so there is no need for you to enter any >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55

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