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MN Victim Services Newsletter Feb 2021

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minnesota @MADDMinnesota1 - Adam Vanek , MADD CEO email: [email protected]

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MN Victim Services Newsletter Feb 2021


JUNE 2027

NEWSLETTER February 2021

MADD SPOTLIGHT : David Grotberg


Virtual Support Group : 2 / 25 / 21 @ 11am & 5pm

Statewide Law Enforcement Recognition Awards : 4 / 7 / 21

David Grotberg was the oldest chi ld of Clark and Diane Grotberg . He was rai sed in Fergus Fal l s , Mn wi th hi s brother and four s i sters . As a homeschooled student , he was able to devote tremendous amounts of t ime to robot ics . He even started hi s own team , Central Lakes Robot ics which competed very successful ly in BEST Robot ics . Af ter high school he attended Baylor Univers i ty where he was a Univers i ty Scholar in thei r honors program , concentrat ing in phi losophy . Ever on the go , David played trumpet in the Baylor Univers i ty Golden Wave Band and was the pres ident of the Baylor Bal l room Dance Society . On October 6 , 2016 when he was a 19 - year - old sophomore , he was ki l led whi le r iding hi s bike back to Baylor wi th hi s gi r l f r iend . The dr iver didn ' t stop or s low down but was later ar rested when someone turned her in . Charges include drunk dr iving . David ' s zest for l i fe and love of God and fami ly l ive forever in our hearts . (~ David ’ s mom , Diane ) I had the great honor of seeing thi s memor ial in person last month in Waco , Texas . Thi s Ghost bike i s in honor of David . Ghost bikes are placed in locat ions where bicycl i sts are ki l led or severely injured . Normal ly they are down wi thin s ix months , but thi s one has been up over four years . I t i s very humbl ing to see thi s bike and to know that f r iends f rom over 1 , 100 mi les away are thinking of David ’ s fami ly . (~ Rahya , Northern MN Vict im Services )

Walk Like MADD : 9 / 2021

For more information , contact the MADD MN State Office at : 651 - 523 - 0802

Regionalization ' Kickoff ' Meeting : In case you couldn ' t join us , find a meeting summary below ~

"A cocktail or wine with a fancy dinner should be a small part of a beautiful, lasting memory, not the prelude to a deadly, drunk driving crash. This Valentine’s Day and every day after, share the love by spreading the word that Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving—and by always driving sober. That’s a Valentine you can share with everyone." - NHTSA

On January 26th , the MADD Minnesota , North Dakota and South Dakota region hosted a ‘ Kick off ’ call , sharing the new regionalization for the organization and giving an overview of all the plans for FY2021 ! Along with the Minnesota Statewide Law Enforcement Awards event on April 7th and the Walk Like MADD Minnesota event on September 18th , much of the planning and conversations are centered around MADD ’ s Victim Services program ~ the heart , soul and foundation for the organization . 2021 starts a new year for the Victim Services program in Minnesota , North Dakota and South Dakota with Virtual Support Groups being held on a monthly basis . The very beginning of plans are in place for Regional Candlelight Vigils , and we are asking you to be part of it ! We want you to share in the planning of these healing events , as well as provide your input and expertise in building the program in other areas to include our referrals and resources for the victims that we know will need our support in the future . YOU are an integral part of the success of all of our programs ! We will be sharing more about the volunteer opportunities centered around MADD ’ s Victim Services program to include planning committees for the Candlelight Vigils , peer - to - peer support , etc . through email and our Facebook page . Please also contact Megan Helberg and Rahya Iliff for additional information !


Are you, or someone you know, interested in getting involved with MADD? MADD MN is looking for volunteers to help fill the roles of Victim Impact Panel speaking, Impact Panel coordinators, Walk Like MADD committee, Law Enforcement Recognition committee, and much more! Reach out to your local staff for more information TODAY!

Know the Facts

Contact Us Today!

Impai red Dr iving :

- Did you know that more than 645 , 000 Minnesotas wi th dr iver l icense records have a DWI ( MN OTS ) ? Thi s means that 1 in 7 persons in Minnesota has a DWI , wi th 125 , 954 ( or 1 in 33 ) have three or more . However , most impai red dr iving of fenders are f i rst - t ime of fenders . - From 2009 - 2018 , 1 , 061 people in Minnesota were ki l led as a resul t of alcohol - impai red dr iving crashes ( CDC ) . - A DWI can range f rom a mi sdemeanor charge to a felony , wi th consquences including l icense suspens ion / revocat ion / cancel lat ion , special requi rement plates , igni t ion inter lock , jai l t ime , f ines , etc . ( OTS )

Stefanie Hurt Manager, VIP Program - MN, SD, & ND Region [email protected] 651-523-0802 ext.2752

Rahya Iliff Victim Services Lead

(Greater MN region) [email protected] 651-523-0802 ext.2760

- More than 10 , 000 people in the Uni ted States die each year in crashes inovolving an alcohol - impai red dr iver ( CDC ) .

- Every day , 29 people in the Uni ted States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol - impai red dr iver . 1 Thi s i s one death every 50 minutes . 1 The annual cost of alcohol - related crashes total s more than $ 44 bi l l ion ( CDC ) .

Megan Helberg Victim Services Specialist (Metro & Southern MN region) megan.helberg@madd. org 651-523-0802 ext.2758 Find us at: @MADDMinnesota1

- 12 . 6 mi l l ion Amer icans reported dr iving under the inf luence of mar i juana or other i l l ici t drugs in 2018 ( CDC ) .

- As of December 2019 , there were 9 , 878 cert i f ied DREs act ive throughout al l 50 states and Washington , D . C . In 2019 , states reported 49 , 905 DRE evaluat ions ( CDC ) . Don ' t be another DWI stat i st ic . The cost of a DWI / DUI i s l i felong , impact ing not only yourselves , your loved ones , and your career , but al so the others you put in danger , may injure , or even ki l l , whi le under the inf luence .

email: [email protected]