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Mometrix - February 2019

2 cups strong espresso, cooled DIRECTIONS 1. In a large mixing bowl, use a whisk to beat together eg

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Mometrix April 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Mometrix - January 2019

pink-noise-generator-for-relaxation . You can also search “pink noise” on Google, where you can find

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Mometrix - May 2019 Memo (888) 248-1219 | MAY 2019 THEDIFFERENCEA TEACHERCANMA

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Mometrix June 2019

2 lb.), peeled • • • 1 tsp Kosher salt, plus more to taste Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Pin

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Mometrix - December 2018

2 cup unsalted butter, melted 2 teaspoons kosher salt, or more to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 4

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Mometrix - August 2018

‘I’ll blow down the Bridge of Tay.’” McGonagall published over 200 poems in his life, each written w

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Mometrix - September 2018

4 cup apricot preserves DIRECTIONS 1. Butter each slice of bread on the outsides and sprinkle with P

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Mometrix - July 2019


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JULY 2019


T he Fourth of July has always had a special place in my heart. It was the holiday I always looked forward to most as a kid, second only to Christmas. My dad was a Staff Sergeant (E6) in the United States Army, and knew a few things about explosives — which came in handy every Fourth. We’d go outside and blow stuff up using firecrackers or whatever fireworks we had on hand.

That was a great day. We shot off so many fireworks and just went absolutely nuts. We were lighting off fireworks all day and into the night. I’m sure the neighbors couldn’t wait for the day to be over. But it was worth it. We had a blast. Over the next couple of years, we celebrated Independence Day in style. But when I was 30, my wife and I had brought a new life into the world: our son, Benjamin. As a baby, he wasn’t too thrilled with the loud explosions, so we toned it down a bit.

We would blow stuff up all day long. Then, in the middle of it all, we’d have a feast of homemade ice cream, cake, watermelon, and all the Fourth classics. After an explosive day, we’d head out to watch a local fireworks display. Every Fourth of July was a good time. When I turned 17, our annual Fourth of July tradition was put on hold. I got a summer job selling educational books, which took me away from home. And I was working on the Fourth. At first, as I was working away that summer, I didn’t feel homesick. I was busy, and my mind was preoccupied with the job at hand. Then on the day of July 4, it hit me like a ton of bricks (or, in this case, a ton of books). I realized just how much spending the Fourth with my dad meant to me. But I had a job to do, and for the next 10 years, I missed the Fourth with my dad.

And it stayed toned down. With small kids, we kept the excitement and explosions much more controlled. Then my family and I moved from Kansas City to Louisiana (and eventually Texas), and I realized our yearly tradition was behind us. But those are still some really good memories. In 2017, I was moving the week of July 4. I got a text from my dad letting me know how much he enjoyed spending the Fourth with me and all the craziness we got into. It was nice. I called him back and let him know the same. He passed away a month later. When the Fourth of July rolled around last year, it was a tough day. But I’m thankful for the memories we made together. We had many good years together, and we blew up so much stuff! I’m sure Independence Day this

Finally, when I was 28, I was home on July 4. We had put off our family tradition for 10 years, and you can bet we made up for it. I went out and bought at least a $100 worth of fireworks. My dad did the same. I have no doubt we ended up spending several hundred dollars that day. My dad had one thought on his mind: “Let’s do this!”

year will be tough for me again. I’m proud of my dad for serving his country and just being an all-around great dad, and my mind will be on those memories we shared.

–Ja y Willi s


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You get up in the morning and reach for your first cup of coffee. Before you know it, you’re on your second cup and then third. With every cup, you’re hoping for a burst of energy so you can get things done. Sometimes you find the energy, and sometimes you don’t. If you’re looking for a surefire way to gain energy in the morning and throughout the day, here are three tricks that can help. Watch a cat video. When you start feeling the urge to take a nap but still have the rest of the day ahead, jump on YouTube and search for a few cat videos to take a 10-minute “brain break.” You might be asking, “How will cat videos keep me awake?” It all comes down to how the brain works. Cute animal videos are practically impossible to resist, and there’s a good reason why. When we watch them, our brains release oxytocin, a feel-good hormone. It’s the same one that is released when we spend time with our favorite furry companion. When oxytocin is released in the brain, levels of the stress hormone cortisol are reduced. Cat videos (and puppy ones, too) boost your mood and energy, helping alleviate that pesky tired feeling. Shine on. When you’re stuck inside all day, the cure for your low energy may be sitting 93 million miles away. Natural sunlight has been found to increase alertness and wakefulness. Thankfully, you don’t have to travel far to take advantage of the sun’s energy-boosting properties. Are you tired of watching perfect summer days pass your office by from the wrong side of the window? Instead of leaving work to enjoy the weather, bring your company outside! A company picnic is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the warm weather and foster team camaraderie through awards, team-building exercises and, of course, good food. Putting on a slam-bang company picnic is no easy feat, but if you start with these three fundamentals, you’ll be well on your way to pulling off an event the whole company will remember for years to come. Picnic Theme The first step to organizing a company picnic is to choose a theme your employees will be excited about. From a Hawaiian luau to a country and western barbecue, the possibilities are endless. To generate more hype at the office, you can hand out fun invitations that go along with the theme, like lei necklaces or custom sunglasses. At the actual picnic, the theme should influence your setup, team-building exercises, activities, and food and drink. Picnic Location Large public parks can easily accommodate big groups, but if you’re in a pinch, you can also use your company campus. If you have enough in your budget, you can rent a venue nearby that works with your theme. Make sure

Bright light triggers the release of orexin, a neuropeptide, which helps control the feeling of being awake. All you have to do is take a brief walk in the sun, and you’ll be feeling refreshed and energized. Hydrate. One of the best things you can do for your body and energy level right this second is drink a glass of water. When you’re dehydrated, your body becomes stressed. This stress leads to fatigue and confusion. The more dehydrated you get, the worse the symptoms grow. Even minor dehydration can have a profound impact on our ability to focus. When you start to feel your attention drifting and have a hard time keeping your eyes open, reach for a glass of water. Accept no substitutes, and be sure to keep it nearby at all times.


your location has enough seating for everyone and keep track of the weather reports for that day if you’re grilling outside. Picnic Food/Drink Let’s not forget the most important part of a good company picnic — the food! First, you need to consider what type of picnic will go best with your theme. Will this picnic be a potluck, or will the food be catered? Will alcohol be allowed at the picnic? If so, will the company provide it, or will it be BYOB? When in doubt, just choose the realistic option for your budget, and remember to stick with your theme. Ultimately, the purpose of your company picnic is to give your employees opportunities to bond outside the office and celebrate one another through awards and team building. Follow the above tips and your company picnic will go off without a hitch!



The Atlantic hurricane season officially began in June and ends in November. For anyone living in the Gulf region or along the East Coast, preparing for the coming hurricane season can go a long way. The same applies for anyone living in Tornado Alley. Even when it’s nice out and the seven-day forecast predicts sunny and hot weather, it’s crucial to avoid making assumptions. Always stay well-informed about all weather conditions, especially if you have travel plans for a summer getaway. Whether you’re going on a day trip, a weekend getaway, or a weeklong vacation, pay close attention to the forecast and check on the weather every day. The best way to stay informed is to simply have a weather app installed on your phone. Apps from The Weather Channel, Weather Underground, AccuWeather, or your local news station’s weather app are all great options. To stay informed, keep two weather apps at your fingertips so you can get a second opinion. Another great way to be prepared is to have a stash of nonperishable food items and water. How much you should store depends on the size of your family. A good rule of thumb is to have 4–7 days’ worth of food and water stored in a cool, dry place where it can be easily accessed in the event of a weather emergency, especially power outages. It’s also important to update that food and water on a regular basis — every six months to a year.

During the summer and before the next storm, it’s a good idea to take stock of your belongings. Create a spreadsheet and go line by line, listing everything your own. You can even take it a step further and include the purchase price or estimated value. Creating a list like this in an app like Google Sheets means it’s accessible just about anywhere and will not get lost. A list of you and your family members’ personal property can prove crucial should you have to file a homeowner’s insurance claim.


Inspired by Bon Appétit Magazine JUICY LUCY SLIDERS

The Juicy Lucy is a burger with cheese hiding in the patty, and it is a staple in Minnesota. We think it should be a Fourth of July favorite nationwide.


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2 lbs. ground chuck beef, 20% lean 8 slices melting cheese (like American, Swiss, Muenster, or cheddar)

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16 small potato rolls, toasted Salt and pepper, to taste

Your favorite burger accompaniments


1. Divide beef into 16 evenly sized balls. 2. Rip cheese into roughly equal pieces, creating 16 equal portions. 3. Using your index finger, create a small indentation in each ball. 4. Fill indention with cheese and pinch meat around to seal. Then gently form balls into 3/4-inch-thick patties. Season patties. 5. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high. 6. Lightly coat skillet with oil and cook patties in batches. Brown one side undisturbed, about 3 minutes. Carefully flip and cook until desired doneness, about 3 minutes for medium. 7. Serve on toasted potato rolls with your favorite accompaniments.


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(888) 248-1219 | 3827 Phelan #179, Beaumont, TX 77707


Memories of Summer

EasyWays to Boost Your Energy


Hosting a Company Picnic

Are You Prepared for the Next Storm?


Juicy Lucy Sliders


Make Yourself HeardWith Fierce Conversations


So often, we talk to our friends, coworkers, and loved ones without actually saying anything. We’ll beat around the bush on important subjects or hesitate to bring up sensitive matters. Global business coach and best-selling author Susan Scott has set out to change that. In her life affirming book Fierce Conversations , Scott argues that the key to get more out of our personal and professional relationships is to learn to lower our barriers and convey our message honestly.

Those who tend to judge a book by its cover may make the mistake of associating the word “fierce” with “aggressive.” However, as a master of meaningful communication, Scott has found that it’s important not to force emotions one way or the other. As she observes, “If your behavior contradicts

your values, your body knows.” Instead of relying on false bravado or false modesty, the author argues it’s better that the bravery be genuine. Breaking down those social barriers to be authentic in our conversations takes true ferocity.

Fierce Conversations is one of those works born out of a simple idea with big implications. As the author explains it, “While no single conversation is guaranteed to change the trajectory of a career, a company,

Scott does more than simply explain why frank and honest communication is important; she gives readers the tools to get there. Having spent years as a business coach, and now as the head of a firm that trains CEOs around the globe, Scott is well-versed in the art of teaching exercises. Fierce Conversations is brimming with action items, tactics, and tailor-made examples of how to communicate in every situation, from board meetings to parenting. If you’re someone who likes concrete guides over vague concepts, this book will pleasantly surprise you.

a relationship, or a life, any single conversation can.” By learning the communication skills necessary to

create lasting bonds, handle strong emotions, and overcome barriers, you’ll be prepared when crucial conversations present themselves.