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Mometrix - March 2019

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Mometrix - February 2019

2 cups strong espresso, cooled DIRECTIONS 1. In a large mixing bowl, use a whisk to beat together eg

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Mometrix April 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Mometrix - January 2019

pink-noise-generator-for-relaxation . You can also search “pink noise” on Google, where you can find

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Mometrix - May 2019

Mometrix - May 2019 Memo (888) 248-1219 | MAY 2019 THEDIFFERENCEA TEACHERCANMA

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Mometrix - July 2019

4-inch-thick patties. Season patties. 5. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high. 6. Ligh

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Mometrix June 2019

2 lb.), peeled • • • 1 tsp Kosher salt, plus more to taste Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Pin

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Mometrix Test Preparation - August 2019


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Mometrix - December 2018

2 cup unsalted butter, melted 2 teaspoons kosher salt, or more to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 4

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Mometrix - August 2018

‘I’ll blow down the Bridge of Tay.’” McGonagall published over 200 poems in his life, each written w

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Mometrix - September 2018

4 cup apricot preserves DIRECTIONS 1. Butter each slice of bread on the outsides and sprinkle with P

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Mometrix - March 2019


(888) 248-1219 |

MARCH 2019


When you wake up on Monday morning ready to take on the day — rather than dreading it — that means you love what you do. You may still need a cup of coffee or two to get the day started, but you possess this feeling of positive energy. You want to go to work, see your co-workers, and get to it. When you can work diligently and passionately, your job is a source of joy. You feel as though you’re contributing to something that is worth your time and energy, and you know others will benefit from your efforts. This is what I feel while working at Mometrix, and a lot of that positive energy is due to my history with the company. One thing many people don’t recognize is that focusing on others is really important in order to gain that healthy perspective. Whether it’s through your work, your family, your friends, or complete strangers, much of your joy comes from dedicating time to others. To do this, you need to listen, be attentive, and validate them by performing selfless acts. Our 7-year-old daughter was in a performance of “The Nutcracker” last year. She’s a graceful dancer, and when she comes home from class, I say, “I heard you learned something new.” I ask her all about it, and she tells me and shows me. When I engage in what my daughter is passionate about, her energy and joy come back to me. It’s rewarding to validate her and what she loves. Our 12-year-old son is incredibly smart. He’s been learning Latin and getting into theater. Last year, he was the narrator in a performance of “Scrooge.” To top it off, he performed his narration duties with an English accent. I found myself blown away by his talent. After the performance, I asked him how he got so good. He was thrilled to talk about something that brought him joy, and we shared that enthusiasm together. It turns out he had been listening to “The Chronicles of Narnia” audiobooks, which feature a British narrator. Again, this comes back to validation. For many people, it’s rare when they receive validation for the things they do and are passionate about. Validation is important, and when you give it to someone, you get to be a part of the joy they experience.

Another source of my joy is God. So much in our modern lives is superficial, and leaves us feeling hollow. I look at God as an infinite source of true joy. Regardless of life’s circumstances, by following God, you fulfill a greater purpose in the larger story. I also find that when I don’t stay plugged in to scripture and prayer, it’s easier to get sidetracked with frivolous distractions. Frequently, I need to take a step back and relish those moments that really do matter. When it comes down to it, the key to experiencing joy is sacrificial love, pouring yourself into the lives of others. It’s about being selfless rather than self-absorbed. I always think back to something one of my managers from way back once said: “When you’re all wrapped up in yourself, you make a pretty small package.” My advice is to look for joy in whatever circumstances you’re in. Not everyone will find happiness in the work they perform, because everyone’s story is different. But when you make yourself available to it, keeping your eyes and heart open to appreciate others, joy will find you.

–Ja y Willi s


(888) 248-1219


or give their workers part of the day off. Other ways to celebrate on that day or throughout the year include:

Employees are the backbone of any business, big or small. If you’re looking for a way to say thanks to your hardworking staff, there’s no better time than now. Employee Appreciation Day is a non-official holiday that takes place on the first Friday of March. But showing your employees that you appreciate them shouldn’t be confined to a single day, and it doesn’t need to be expensive. History In 1995, the idea came to Dr. Bob Nelson — also known as the “Guru of Thank You” — and he put it into action. Dr. Nelson is a founding Recognition Professionals International board member, head of Workman Publishing, and author of “1,001 Ways to Reward Employees.” His goal was to create and bolster the bond between employee and employer in all industries. Observing Employee Appreciation Day An employer can use many different methods to say thanks to their employees. To celebrate, employers across the country throw office parties, buy lunch for the whole office,

● Organizing an after-work gathering ● Buying surprise snacks for the entire office ● Practicing flexibility in the office ● Giving thank-you cards to your staff ● Creating an encouraging environment

● Praising team efforts and accomplishments ● Celebrating birthdays ● Giving rewards ● Recognizing team and individual achievements publicly

The Importance of Appreciation No matter where they work, employees want to be treated like human beings. When they’ve reached a personal or professional goal or they accomplish a feat for their team, they want to be recognized. And when that recognition is given, employees feel proud of their work and valued as individuals within the company. It doesn’t take much effort to give that praise, and when you do, it affects the whole company in a positive way. Taking the time to value people for the work they do will create a happier and more productive workplace. Let this year’s Employee Appreciation Day be the first day of many to celebrate the efforts of hardworking employees.


When it comes down to it, the number one way to establish a new habit is repetition. When you repeat the same action over and over again, it will eventually stick. Think about the goals you set at the start of the year. What progress have you made? Are you happy with the progress, or do you feel that there is more you can do? Have you even started working toward your goals?

Don’t worry if you haven’t! Many people are in the same boat. But there is a way to start down the right path, and it comes back to developing positive habits.

Forming a new habit is not a quick process. It takes time to get into the groove, but in the long run, it is worth it if you want to improve yourself and achieve your goals. Here are the three elements required to develop a new habit: time, consistency, and repetition. Let’s a closer look at each element. Time You need to commit to sticking to it for at least 30 days. It can take anywhere between two weeks and two months before a repeated behavior becomes a habit. When you commit to the 30-day minimum, you put yourself in the best possible position to develop a new habit. Consistency In order to develop a new habit, you must dedicate yourself to performing that task on a consistent basis. In other words, you can’t skip a day.

You have to commit yourself to staying true every day of that 30-day period. On top of that, you need to perform the new habit in the same way each day. Any inconsistency and you may find yourself less than happy with the results. Repetition Focus on your habit and commit to performing the action over and over — and over. Live every day while being dedicated to the same task. Whether it’s a 20-minute jog around the neighborhood, saying “Good Morning” to all your coworkers, or writing in a journal, when you repeat it on a consistent basis daily, you’ll find it becomes second nature sooner than you think.



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