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Move Freely, Walk Farther

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Move Freely, Walk Farther

Move Freely, Walk Farther Health &Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

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iMotion PT: Move Freely & Walk Farther

iMotion PT: Move Freely & Walk Farther & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For You

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SOS Physiotherapy: Move Freely Again

hoe, to keep the work within your base of support so you can use your hips and legs to power the mov

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Innovative PT Solutions: Move Freely Again After ACL Surgery

or tissue. Physical therapy can help them retrain their bodies for normal, everyday movement. So, Wh

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Retire More Freely

FHA or any other government agency. L2567-Exp042020_v032021

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Retire More Freely

privacy. Not all products and options are available in all states. Terms subject to change without n

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Just Move Challenge

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Fusion Move Catalog

4” diameter rubber belting allows product to cool. Upper Press Conveyor Presses bagged product from

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On the Move December 2019

On the Move December 2019 ON THE MOVE DECEMBER 2019 End of the Year Message We were blessed with a

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Retire More Freely Self-Mailer

privacy. Not all products and options are available in all states. Terms subject to change without n

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Move Freely, Walk Farther

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Heal h And Caring For Your Body

“Has Your Knee Pain Caused You ToBecome Less Active? ” Move Freely, Walk Farther

Put the Spring Back in Your Step Do you find it harder to walk, run or exercise? Is hip, knee or leg pain keeping you from being active? If so, understanding how your body walks and moves can be the key to putting the spring back in your step. Think of your body as a big spring that stores and releases energy with every step. The efficiency of your walk comes from the effectiveness of your flexibility, strength and balance. When any one of these is off, it affects your ability to walk efficiently and takes a lot of energy. This results in strain to different joints and makes muscles work much harder than they need to. (continued inside)

Inside: • Move Freely, Walk Farther • How Do I Know If I’m Moving Like I Should?

• Service Spotlight

• Patient Success Spotlight

“Are You ‘Hip’ To The Effective Sources Of Treatment For Pain Relief? ” Move Freely, Walk Farther Health & Fitness The Newsl tter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“ DON’T WAIT FOR YOUR CO-PAY TO KICK IN, START YOUR PHYSICAL THERAPY TODAY! ” Do I need a prescription to start physical therapy? No, you don’t. Although we see many patients sent directly by their physician, in the state of Michigan, a licensed physical therapist may begin the physical therapy process by performing a full physical therapy evaluation. We will verify benefits for you so that you can get started right away. The simple solution is to put the spring back in your step. This is accomplished by first analyzing how you walk. There are slight changes in the way that you walk and move, that our trained medical experts can pick up on. This analysis tells us just what joints or muscles are stiff, stuck or weak. By pinpointing the exact areas of your body that are not moving as they should, we can make a plan to increase motion, strength and improve coordination. YOU CAN START NOW CALL TODAY! METROPOLITAN PARKWAY (586) 228-7000 HALL ROAD (586) 868-7000 This leads to possible pain in the back, hips and knees. It also causes fatigue after walking, even for a little while. If you are experiencing pain again after therapy, it might be because muscles or joints have tightened or become weak again. The Remedy

“How Do I Know If I’mMoving Like I Should? ” CAN YOU DO THIS?

Restoring Normal Pain Free Motion

Can you do these simple tests to see if your hips and legs are as flexible and strong as they should be? Try them for yourself and let us know how you did. Use caution and common sense when attempting these tests; do not continue if they cause pain or discomfort.  Do not attempt if you have had a hip replacement. • From standing, can you touch your toes? This indicates hip and low back flexibility. • In sitting can you comfortably cross your legs so that your ankle is resting on the other knee? Does one knee go further down than the other? This indicates hip flexibility. If one hip is tighter than the other, it can wreck havoc with your walking and even cause knee pain. • Keeping your feet flat on the floor and holding onto something solid, how far can you squat down? You should be able to squat all the way down so your buttocks almost touch your heels. Don’t let your heels pop up! If you favor movement to one side, you probably have hip weakness on that side or limited motion in the hip joint. • Standing near a counter top put one foot in front of the other so that you are touching heel to toe. Without putting your hands down, see if you can balance for 10 seconds, keeping yourself steady. If you cannot, then you have trouble with the coordination of your balance from the nerve endings in your hip, knees, ankles and feet.

HIP ADDUCTION - SIDELYING While lying on your side, slowly raise up the bottom leg towards the ceiling. Keep your knee straight the entire time. The top leg should be bent at the knee and your foot planted on the ground supporting your body. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 5 times. Strengthens Back & Improves Posture Relieve Hip Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing hip pain. Print sudoku 4 8 9 1 6 9 5 7 6 8 8 5 6 9 Restoring normal motion is key to alleviating pain andallowingyoutodothe activities you love to do safely. Physical therapy is the key to restoring normal joint and muscle motion. Our medical experts pinpoint the key problem areas that you may not even be aware of and focus on a custom treatment plan that will restore your normal pain-free motion. Performing at Your Best Whether you are just out for a walk or an avid athlete, we can help you walk, run and play better. With our motion analysis, strength testing, coordination testing and more, we can spot your muscles and joints that need flexibility, strength or coordination. A specific training and treatment plan is then put together to help you reach your peak movement with the least effort. Discover how our Spine Program transforms your back pain from a pressing problem, to a distant memory, allowing you to live a happy, active and pain-free life.


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Think Empower PT & Fitness First

Patient Success Spotlight

Why You Need To Come Back In For Another Check Up: • Move without pain • Bend and move freely • Balance confidently and securely • Sit for long periods comfortably • Walk for long distances • Live an active and healthy lifestyle • Have loved ones stopped listening to your complaints because they have heard it so many times before? • Does back or neck pain put a frown on your face? ATTENTION Pain Sufferers TAKE CARE OF YOUR ACHES & PAINS BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

“I tore my ACL in soccer and had to have surgery to repair it. I didn’t think I would walk normally ever again. The Empower staff pushed me hard and effectively enough to get me to where I am today; No crutches and walking up stairs! The staff genuinely cares about their patients and their well being. It’s because of the staff I’m where I am today. I’m incredibly grateful to them!” – Casey C. No crutches and walking up stairs! THIS CAN BE YOU! CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT! METROPOLITAN PARKWAY (586) 228-7000 HALL ROAD (586) 868-7000

Service Spotlight


AlterG takesoffup to80%ofan individualsbodyweight, allowing us to rehabilitate lower body injuries faster. Whether you’re a world-class athlete or a weekend golfer, it’s always preferable to prevent injuries rather than recover from them. The AlterG allows individuals to receive the health benefits of walking or running while reducing the risk of injury and they can get a great cardiovascular workout without the chronic pain so many people experience while exercising. It allows the individual to increase training volume and speed while minimizing the risk of impact-related injury and continue training regimens without pain caused by chronic injury issues. Weight, speed, and incline settings can be set with precision and include a broad range. Effective body weight can be reduced to as low as 20% of the your body weight with reduction increments of 1% allowing for progressive weight bearing. Speed variables can be adjustedup to18milesperhour in forwardmotionor10 milesperhour in reverseand inclinecanbesetup to15%.

Learn 5 Simple Ways To Stop Your Back Or Neck Pain Naturally With This FREE eBook IfYou’reNoddingYesTakeOneEasyStep inThe RightDirectionToTakingChargeofHowYouFeel. DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK TODAY!