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MY - SG - LIA - 201710

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MY - SG - LIA - 201712

뺯ϿĠĉŮĩѿ̀ ĞĈĕƟĀŭʵɍ뻟ȚĄŢ'TKE6QJŠ5VGRJCPKG6JKCPĎĸ뻟ĕ㥠̀ƦĄŬǰĀ뺯 פ ˤƥʌ뻟ŴĶćſǒŝģУėąȝ˦˗΃Ɓʈоত઱Ā

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前几个月内取消该顾客资格或从优惠顾客更换 为基础顾客。 • 必须符合每月消费点数,不包括预备订单。 • 免费产品不附产品点数。 • 免费产品不可退或换取其他产品。有瑕疵的产品除外。 + 牙刷 (任选一

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renewal of other services) are inclusive of 6% GST. All Melaleuca Malaysia products do not contain p

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CH-zhcn-LIA-201710 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11

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pump – 237mL 5 23.00 14.90 130 Sol-U-Mel ® 3-in-1 Cleaner – 473mL 18 59.00 39.90 2465 Sheer Confiden

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3nM ༇२ྻ 5495 17 94.00 62.00 ྯᒮග૫ᏄႤ)21ີᓤ* 9231 8 37.00 24.90 ༴ ࠔ ૚ሚᇹ೰ ဟ਒ࣶेறખጘlj41nM 7684 45 250.80 165

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Service Centre Business Days Business Hours Mondays – Fridays 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM

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TW-zh-ml-201710 美商亞洲美樂家有限公司台灣分公司發行

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CH-zhcn-LIA-201708 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Pa

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29 ( 三 ) 19:30~20:30 歡唱新人生 ~ 遇見美樂家 全國總監 2 蔡富美 全國總監 4 徐薪雅 1 1 月課程行事曆 事業講堂 名師講堂 產品達人 星期一

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MY - SG - LIA - 201710

All Roads Lead to Melaleuca

THAT industry for 20 years, but let’s be clear. That was an entirely different industry. You’ve just changed industries! With Melaleuca, you are now in the Con- sumer Direct Marketing® industry. Direct to the con- sumer. Not multiple levels, not several different levels. Just direct to the customer. That’s the industry we’re in. We have worked hard to stay out of the MLM buck- et. Please don’t drag us into it. You can say, “I was in THAT industry for 20 years, and I just changed indus- tries.” Leave that industry behind. Those folks have a bad reputation. They deserve it. They’ve worked hard to get it. So welcome to Melaleuca. Be open. Be teachable. Be honest. Don’t exaggerate. There are experts here who are more than willing to teach you how to build a Melaleuca business properly. Learn a new way. Those who embrace our policies and these principles will prosper. Those who try to adhere to their MLM ways will fail. At Melaleuca, it is all about having vastly superior products at affordable prices. The world is looking for what we have. And if you think things are good now, watch what’s going to happen in the future. Our story is becoming more compelling each day. Anybody who looks at the facts, who wants better health, wants more energy, is budget conscious, who looks at what we have to offer, is going to come to the conclusion, “We’ve got to be Melaleuca customers.” It only makes sense. Because all roads truly do lead to Melaleuca.

matter what your education is. It doesn’t matter what ethnic group you come from. It doesn’t matter about your country of origin. You can do what Melaleuca offers. You can do it, but it takes tenacity, and it takes hard work. You need to learn how to fall down and get back up. You need to learn all the principles of leadership, because that’s what leadership is. That’s what success is—falling down and getting back up again. Those who come out on top in life, those who become champions, have fallen down thousands of times. And we teach that. We teach that when you fall down, you keep moving forward. We move forward together. And you’re rewarded based on your own contributions and based on your own accomplishments. As we grow and become more successful as an organization, we sometimes attract those who have been in multilevel marketing organizations in the past. Thousands of them enroll with us each month, and we welcome you. Welcome home to Melaleuca! But honestly, I will tell you, in all sincerity, that you’ve been taught improperly in so many ways. You need to learn the Melaleuca way. The reason Melaleuca is prospering so much more than the company or companies you were with before is because of the principles that we live by. We don’t exaggerate our products. We don’t make exaggerated income claims. We don’t run around screaming on social media “Make $10,000 a month, ask me how!” “Text me!” “Private message me.” We don’t do that stuff because it degrades your message. We don’t do it because it ends up being a disaster. Now, I’ll go further and say this. We are not a multilevel marketing company, you know that. There’s nothing about Melaleuca that has multiple levels. We don’t have mul- tiple levels of distribution, we don’t have multiple levels of marketing. There are no multiple levels of anything. All of our transactions are directly from the company to the customer. No multiple levels. No one buys and resells and takes it from one level to the next level. Everything is a single transaction. A single point from the company to the customer. There’s nothing multilevel marketing about us. I cringe when I hear a former MLMer say, “I have been in ‘this’ industry for many years.” You may have been in


We have so many wonderful examples of honest, hard- working, ethical, caring people who’ve joined us to help get our message out to people who need us—who need what we have. Both from a customer perspective, and yes, from a business perspective. I’m so proud to have played a small role in helping you create this fine-tuned, smooth- running machine that’s getting the message out to liter- ally thousands and thousands of people. So far in 2017, Melaleuca has experienced the best start to a new year we’ve ever had. The fields are ready to harvest here in the United States and Canada, and you’re harvesting. I’m not only thrilled with where we are, I’m really proud of how we got here. I’m proud of how many lives have been enhanced. I’m proud that not a single person has been hurt in the process. I’m proud of the fact that now in our 32nd year, I’ve never heard a single person, not one time, say, “I’ve been hurt building a Melaleuca business.” That says something about you. That says something about the promises that you make and the promises you

keep. That says something about what you say and what you don’t say. That says something about who you are, because ultimately, we turn our reputation over to you. There are not a whole lot of options for people work- ing a traditional 9-to-5 job to get ahead in life. Their financial future isn’t necessarily all in their hands. They have to depend on somebody else to notice them before they’ll get the raise. They have to depend on someone else to be paying attention to their hard work so that they’ll get the promotion. And many get passed over. And yet, every month they try to make ends meet. They’re looking for a better way. And Melaleuca can provide that for them and for you. We provide a way for them to take charge of their own lives, to choose themselves. Not to wait for some- body else to decide, but to choose themselves to move ahead. And so many have done that. There have been so many who have set the example. And that’s proof for us that anyone can be successful in this business. It doesn’t matter what your background is. It doesn’t



2 OCTOBER 2017



因此,非常欢迎您来到美乐家。让我们用开放的、受教 的、诚实的心来到这个大家庭,而非夸大美乐家。这里 有很多的专家,愿意去教您如何适当建立一个成功的 美乐家事业,学习一个新的正确方法。那些接受我们的 政策与原则的人会得到成长,而坚持多层次传销方式的 人最终将失败。 在美乐家,我们谈的是优质卓越的产品以及经济实 惠的价格。世界正在寻找我们所拥有的东西,如果您 觉得美乐家已经够好了,我鼓励您接着看下去,看看美 乐家的未来会如何更美好。我们的故事每天都引人注 目。如果您向往的未来与事业是基于事实基础,如果您 想要的是以有限的预算来拥有更好的健康与更多的精 力,欢迎来美乐家。在这里,任何人都可以梦想成真。 我们要让大家认为“我一定要成为美乐家大家庭的一 份子”,这个想法是如此理所当然。因为,条条大路都 会通往美乐家!

在。那些站在生活顶端的人与成为优胜的人,都曾经经历 过无数次的失败。而我们要教导您的是,当您跌倒也要继 续往前迈进。我们是一起前进的,根据您的付出与成就,给 予您奖励。 当美乐家越来越茁壮时,我们有时也会吸引那些过去 曾在多层次传销组织的人的注意,其中有上千人也加入了 我们的行列。我们十分欢迎你们的加入,欢迎你们加入美 乐家!我想真诚的老实告诉您:有太多人被不正确的方式 指引,所以您需要学习正确的美乐家道路。 美乐家公司之所以比许多您曾经接触的公司更蒸蒸日 上,是因为我们所遵守的原则。我们不夸大我们的产品效 果,也不夸大我们的收入、不在社交媒体中渲染,例如“想 一个月内赚$10,000?我告诉您如何办到。”、“想致富快传 简讯给我。”、“私讯有好康”等等,我们不会发送这样的 信息,因为我们了解这将变成一场灾难。 现在,我要更深入的说些关于美乐家的事。我们不是一 间多层次传销公司,,就如您所知道的,美乐家跟多层次一 点关系也没有。我们没有多层次传销的系统,也没有多层次 的行销手法,更没有关于多层次的任何包袱。我们的所有 买卖交易都是直接从美乐家公司的仓库,交到消费者的手 中。没有多层次,没有买卖双方从一个直销商将产品传送到 另一个直销商。每笔交易都是单笔交易,每一个单点交易都 是从公司直接到顾客手上。因此,多层次传销跟我们一点关 系都没有。 当我听到前多层次传销经营者说:”我已经在‘这’行业 许多年“,我会感到畏缩。 您可能在‘那’行业待了20年,但让我们说清楚,那是与 我们截然不同的行业。您已经改行了!在美乐家,您正身处 于消费者直购的行业,是能够直接面对消费者,而非多层 次传销。也不是透过层层直销商,而是能够直接面对消费 者。这就是美乐家的行业。我们很努力的脱离多层次传销 的圈子,因此,请不要把我们跟多层次传销有所牵连。您可 以说“我已经处于‘那’行业20年,但我改行了。”

条条大路 通往美乐家



美乐家有很多精彩的故事,有许多诚实、勤奋、有道德,愿 意帮助他人的成员加入我们的行列,一同向需要我们服务 的人传达信息。无论从顾客或是从事业的角度而言,皆是 如此。在帮助大家创建这个运转良好的美乐家机器的过程 中,我很自豪的能在此发挥小小作用,能够帮助大家把美 乐家的好,口耳相传给成千上万的人们。 截至2017年为止,美乐家史无前例的经历了极佳的新 年。在美国与加拿大,我们的成绩斐然,你们也各有收获。 我不仅为我们所获得的成就感到兴奋,也为我们达到 的目标感到骄傲。我很自豪有许多人的家庭生活因此提 升,而且并没有一个人在过程中受到伤害。我很自豪的是: 在美乐家这32年的历史,至今我都没听过有哪个人说“我 因为建立美乐家事业而受伤”。这也代表身为美乐家一份 子的你我所曾经承诺过与坚持过的事情。这也代表了我们 深切明白,有哪些话我们会说,哪些话我们则不会说。这 些功绩都代表了您个人,因为最终在美乐家的一切荣耀,

我们都会归功于您个人的荣耀。 对于许多朝九晚五、为生活而工作的人们,他们未来 的财务不一定掌握在自己的手中。他们必须仰赖其他人 的注意与观照而获得加薪,也必须因为其他人或上司看 到自己勤奋工作,才能获得升职。很多人甚至永远都不被 瞩目。然而,我们每个月都很努力的达到收支平衡,也正 在寻找更好的生活方式。我相信美乐家就是就是他们最 好的机会,并且也能为您提供最好的机会。 美乐家提供一个方式让他们为自己的生活负责,也为 自己的生活做选择。不要等待他人来决定您的生活,而 是要为自己做出决定,往前迈进。已经有很多人可以做为 您成功的楷模,他们证明了在美乐家,任何人都可以建 立成功的事业。无论您的背景、学历、种族或国籍是什 么,美乐家可以提供您所想要的资源。只要有坚韧的意 志,努力的工作,您一定可以达成。您需要学习如何从挫 折中爬起来,学习身为领导人所需的纪律,因为这也是 领导统御的管理要领。不断地跌倒与爬起这就是成功所


4 OCTOBER 2017



Tiada apa-apa mengenai berbilang tingkat tentang kami. Saya merasa rendah diri apabila saya mendengar bekas ahli MLM berkata, “Saya telah berada dalam industri “ini” beberapa tahun lamanya.” Anda mungkin telah berada dalam industri TERSEBUT selama 20 tahun tetapi saya ingin jelaskan - ia adalah industri yang sangat berbeza. Anda baru sahaja menukar industri! Dengan Melaleuca, anda kini dalam industri Consumer Direct Marketing® (Terus Kepada Pengguna). Tiada berbilang tingkat, bukan beberapa tingkat yang berbeza. Hanya terus kepada pengguna. Ini adalah industri di mana kita berada sekarang. Kami bekerja keras untuk menjauhkan diri daripada lingkungan MLM. Jangan tarik kami ke dalamnya. Anda boleh berkata, “Saya telah berada dalam industri TERSEBUT selama 20 tahun dan saya sudah menukar industri.” Tinggalkan industri tersebut. Mereka memiliki reputasi yang buruk. Mereka berhak menerimanya. Mereka bekerja keras untuk menerima akibatnya. Jadi, selamat >Page 1 Page 2-3 Page 4-5 Page 6-7 Page 8-9 Page 10-11 Page 12-13 Page 14-15 Page 16-17 Page 18-19 Page 20-21 Page 22-23 Page 24-25 Page 26-27 Page 28-29 Page 30-31 Page 32-33 Page 34-35 Page 36-37 Page 38-39 Page 40-41 Page 42-43 Page 44-45 Page 46-47 Page 48-49 Page 50-51 Page 52-53 Page 54-55 Page 56-57 Page 58-59 Page 60-61 Page 62-63 Page 64-65 Page 66-67 Page 68-69 Page 70-71 Page 72-73 Page 74-75 Page 76-77 Page 78-79 Page 80-81 Page 82-83 Page 84-85 Page 86-87 Page 88-89 Page 90-91 Page 92-93 Page 94-95 Page 96-97 Page 98-99 Page 100-101 Page 102-103 Page 104-105 Page 106-107 Page 108-109 Page 110-111 Page 112-113 Page 114-115 Page 116

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