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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 21

More news is to follow in due course. 15 YEAR GUARANTEE #levelup 028 9446 2419 [email protected].

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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 18

resurgence MAY 2019 NFA DIGITAL 41 GENERAL with Our >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page

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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 20

newbchamp 44 NFA DIGITAL JULY 2019 JULY 2019 NFA DIGITAL 45 GENERAL GENERAL When it comes to product

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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 24

resurgence 18 NFA DIGITAL DECEMBER 2019 DECEMBER 2019 NFA DIGITAL 19 GENERAL GENERAL glass technolog

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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 22


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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 17


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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 19

NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 19 TheLeadingPVCu Window&Door manufacturer Windows&Doors PVCu ‘A’ ENE

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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 23


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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 25


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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 26

NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 26 with your prospects are looking good. Our >Page 1 Page 2-3 Page 4-

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NATFEN Digital Magaine Edition 16

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S ecurity is a continually hot topic as violent crime and burglary figures continue to rise. A number of exhibitions in March are showcasing the latest technological developments and allowing businesses and consumers to evaluate new automated systems that could provide greater security around the home and business environments. The SCT expo at Olympia this year presented full security solutions for professionals responsible for protecting businesses and people across the UK. The UK Security Week exhibition was held over two days and now incorporates 5 events with over 350 exhibitors. Additionally, more than 10,000 security professionals took part in an immersive learning programme to discover the very latest in security technology. With a focus on areas such as forensics and counter terrorism and a greatly increased footfall this year, it does make you think about our vulnerability and staying safe, in a whole new way. Turning to home security, when a house alarm suddenly explodes into klaxonic noise, and Police cars do not come screeching down the road.

what should really be expected from home security systems, should an opportunistic burglar strike? In light of the fact that there are still many systems out there that have not been upgraded for quite some time, it does make me question what any of us do when we hear a house alarm in full flow. It would seem we just wait. Watch a little while and then wait a little longer. Many seem to presume, that irrespective of the time that has passed, that somewhere along the line the Police or a private security company have been notified and any potential burglary stopped in its tracks. I wonder how many people with older alarm systems that are not linked into the police or video verification systems, realise the true vulnerability of their properties. While addons to alarm systems such as sensors, heating and plumbing monitors, and services that provide medical assistance expand the use and value of security systems, a combination of security measures seems to be the answer along with an annual check on the locks and bolts and any necessary upgrades.



Some security systems do give customers a sense of efficiency with highly effective monitoring centres, while others promote the idea of ensuring products are coded properly, so if there is a technical fault it can easily be found. Barking dogs may still seem a great additional deterrent but it’s been shown that experienced burglars know how to bypass the pet. Combining tried, tested and trusted security systems including multipoint locks, dead bolts, cctv, security gates and home automation continue to be the preferred winning formula. These prevent the need for Police notification or intervention. The fact remains that prevention is evidently better than cure. Without doubt, events such as the UK Security Week bring together those with a common goal of providing improved security options and reassurance at a time when nationally, it has never been more needed. Looking at general home security and locks discussion continues about Locksmith regulation and whether it is required. There certainly are many forums and discussion groups out there with the highly trained locksmiths all posting pictures of shoddy workmanship. Costs, time and standards have all become a focus for the locksmith trade, with some real concern regarding unqualified people completing jobs for unsuspecting homeowners.

The Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) has taken huge strides to introduce regulation and is currently the UK’s largest trade association for locksmiths to join. As a nonprofit making body the MLA has established benchmarks for the industry that promote good standards of conduct, practice and materials within the trade. Actively encouraging members to maintain and improve their skills via training, education, regional meetings and seminars, the MLA has introduced solid platforms for those looking to enter the locksmithing profession. It operates its own scheme, which is recognised by the Home Office, insurers and the Police. Yet the sector remains unlicensed. Access to accredited training courses may give some reassurance in the long run to end users, however many who have been locksmiths for years question the validity of credentials that can be gained in 2 - 7 days. A licence would seem to be the preferred route alongside work inspections and a paid membership that would demonstrate adherence to the craft involved. Some feel that those offering training courses could set a good example by allowing inspections of the courses offered. This would demonstrate the quality standards of the teaching and assessment provided during training programmes; it would also validate standards and give those with years of experience the support they need to further develop their own businesses.



MORLEY GLASS & GLAZING SUPPORTS 20 CHARITIES IN 20TH YEAR I ntegral blinds manufacturer Morley Glass & Glazing has supported more than 20 charities during its 20th anniversary year. Ian Short, managing director of Morley Glass & Glazing said: “As a successful business we’ve always felt that we should give back where we can and have always done so throughout our 20 years. We’ve made a special effort in our 20th anniversary to help even more good causes in our local community and beyond, with cash or in-kind donations. “We’ve supported a wide range of well-deserving organisations from grass roots sports clubs and dance societies to large charities and more local good causes. It is tremendously rewarding to see how, what can be a relatively small contribution, can make a huge difference to so many people – and we’d encourage other businesses to do the same. “A personal highlight was to see the donation of a Variety Sunshine Coach to Mill Field Primary School, as the result of me learning the Samba ad taking part in (and winning) the Variety Strictly Ballroom Challenge last year. I felt truly humbled that so many people took the time and effort to sponsor and support me.” Recent donations by the business have made it possible for Freedom to Dance to offer a new dancing scholarship, allowed Moortown Rugby Club to resurface one of its pitches and provided a youth charity with improved gym facilities.




• North Leeds Dance Academy

• Cancer Research UK (Ricky Richardson climbing Mount Kilimanjaro)

• Nottingham University – Latin, Ballroom and Salsa Society

• Community Action To Change Harehills (CATCH)

• Pudsey St Lawrence Cricket Club

• Freedom 2 Dance

• Rhythm X Mountain Boarding Team

• Huddersfield Community Trust – Woman’s under 19 team

• Rotary Club of Roundhay

• St Pauls Church Morley

• Milford Marlins Junior Rugby League Team

• Thornhill Trojans Rugby League Club

• Millshaw Park Rangers Football Club

• Variety – The Children’s Charity

• Mirfield Parish Cricket Club

• Wakefield Thornes Cricket Club

• Moortown Rugby Football Club

• White Rose All Stars Football Club

• Morley Rugby Football Club

• Yorkshire Elite Football Club

• Norristhorpe Juniors under 14 team

• North Leeds Charity Beer Festival

Morley Glass & Glazing is a specialist manufacturer of ScreenLine integral blinds and has a unique relationship with Pellini Spa in Italy, who manufacture the ScreenLine range. It is the only UK company to guarantee its customers deliveries in just 10 days.

Find out more about Morley Glass & Glazing at




T here is a new ‘B’ word out there and for today’s busy execs traveling the length and breadth of the country as well as internationally, it is a welcome one -Bleisure! While many senior executives over the age of 45 have been practicing the art of Bleisure for some time, millennials have been quick to catch on and now some even insist that this is the way they will do business in the 21st Century. The idea of bringing business and travel together has actually been around for quite some time, but it is garnering a real popularity, particularly with the next generation of executives and directors, and the term has now even found its way into some dictionaries. preferring instead to include a little culture on their journeys and to stay somewhere they can actually relax at the end of a long car journey. Some top executives are even demanding that their trips become more culturally enhanced with ‘bleisure’ now fast becoming a business ‘must have.’ Most people are rejecting relentless travelling towards standardised, bleak hotel rooms,

As a travel trend bleisure allows people to add a couple of days around a business trip to be able to completely reinvigorate themselves while on the road. With healthy minds being a big topic of discussion it also ties in well to the ethos of a good work-life balance, that is not just for the senior executives. The idea of a healthy body and mind is gathering pace with the need to switch off and relax being proven to be important all round. CEOs are recognising that there is a need to support this type of business travel for their staff as it gets the best out of employees. Incorporating holiday time at the beginning or end of a business trip does not blur the boundaries of the business, if anything it recharges the batteries to push harder for the deal. So it should be guilt free. With so many people now being instantly accessible on phones and laptops, with texts and emails pinging through their notifications almost 24 hours a day, there is perhaps a need, more than ever before, to have some real downtime.



So next time there is a long journey on the cards think about the length of the trip, the location and all that is expected to be achieved. Evaluating time and looking at ways to personalise each trip will make it a unique rather than mundane experience. Even for the most seasoned traveller work can be fun by optimising the time spent away from home. Trivago, Skyscanner and Expedia to name a few, have been around for quite some time and offer simultaneous booking options, with Tripadvisor allowing the experienced travellers to share and suggest about their best Bleisure experiences. For the more luxurious business trip then companies such as or promise personalised attention. As business trips become lengthened and incorporated into short vacations, bleisure is now a lifestyle choice for many executives!

Naturally travelling for work can be exhausting with early morning flights, long motorway jaunts and late night international conference calls, all of us are only a ping away from urgent work that needs to be done when the work meter is running. As more companies acknowledge the stresses and strains of work without breaks, being able to mesh working duties with a little rest and relaxation makes work a lot more enjoyable and undoubtedly even more fruitful, with many employers paying closer attention to what is good for their team. Statistics show that millennials are taking life at a much more leisurely pace and are taking full advantage of the technology they have been raised on, by adapting it to work for them rather than the other way round. It seems a perfectly natural option for them to take work with them as they enjoy the Bleisure experience and a more stable work-life balance.



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More Valuable Output. More Benefit.

You increase your prot with the new B‘CHAMP generation.

• Higher yield • Shorter changeover times • Footprint reduced by up to 50%

You will find additional information on our dedicated page and those who are clever, register immediately and secure an exclusive presentation of the new B’CHAMP .



CAMDEN LAUNCH NEW PATIO DOORS AT THE FIT SHOW T he Camden Group has chosen the FIT Show to launch their innovative oversize sliding patio door. To ensure the large door operates efficiency it is seated on an ‘easy track glide system’ for ease of use and can be supplied with triple glazing if required.

The profile have been specially engineered to ensure the PVCu door frames are strong enough to take the extra size of the glazing units. Until now PVCu were limited in size and the only option for householders wanting large doors would be aluminium or bi-fold doors. The new patio door comes with a 15-year guarantee, boasts an ‘A’ energy efficiency rating and is available in a choice of 7 colours, with bespoke colour options also available. The new patio door also has the option for 40mm triple glaze.

Roy Harrison, Camden Group Sales Manager, said: “This development taps into the current fashion in improving outside space accessibility, which has taken the home improvement industry by storm. Bigger doors allow more natural light into the home and can increase the property value. “We originally showcased the super-large sliding door at the last FIT Show at the NEC in Birmingham as a prototype and reactions were very positive.



“Our design and production teams have spent the last two years refining the specifications. We are very excited about it and we are here now, officially launching it.” Roy said customers will have complete peace of mind with the Camden doors because they control the whole production and delivery process, “We extrude the high impact PVCu frames on-site, and therefore have complete control over the quality. We can supply patio door frames up to 2.4m in height and the four-hook bolt locking systems are also fitted for peace of mind. “Sliding doors have a number of advantages over bi-fold doors — they don’t create the same barred effect when they’re closed, they take up less space and they’re much easier to maintain through their working life.” To keep with Camden’s environmental policy the new door is made from 80% recycled PVCu content.

The company currently recycles approximately 160 tonnes of plastic each week at their purpose built factory in Antrim. Roy added: “Our customers can be assured that when they have their windows changed, their old plastic frames are not going in to landfill, they come back to us to be recycled into other products.” Camden will be displaying their popular range of PVCu doors and windows, plus an exciting new contemporary door design, on their 108 Sqm stand and they welcome visitors to come along and see for themselves the quality of the products they manufacture. Camden staff will also be demonstrating their new innovative company mobile app, that will enable easy ordering and pricing for installers on the move.

Camden Group can be found on stand R30 in hall 7, at the FIT Show 21-23 May 2019.




L eeds-based Morley Glass & Glazing is set to sponsor the 8th Annual North Leeds Charity Beer Festival, which features all things Yorkshire with 36 real ales, 8 gins and a prosecco bar for the first time. The event is organised by the Rotary Club of Roundhay and takes place on 5-6 April 2019 at North Leeds Cricket Club. Local Leeds bands will be providing musical entertainment at the festival over both days. Almost £40,000 has been raised by the seven previous beer festivals which has helped the Rotary Club of Roundhay support their charity work in the local community and further afield.

As headline sponsor, Morley Glass & Glazing enjoys the chance to share in and engage with a great community event whilst helping good causes at the same time. Ian Short, Managing Director of Morley Glass & Glazing says: “We are delighted to continue our sponsorship of the North Leeds Charity Beer Festival. This is exactly the type of initiative we like to be involved with as it perfectly reflects our ethos of giving back to local communities.” For more information, visit To purchase tickets visit



NEW SOFTWARE BRAND SET TO MAKE A SPLASH I nfinity is the newest brand to enter the fenestration software market and will be making quite a splash at FIT with three brand new products promising ‘endless possibilities’ for both fabricators and installers. Showroom, a lead generation app, sits alongside Capture and enables Infinity customers to create their very own virtual showroom packed with their own marketing content – from brochures and videos to installation photos and galleries. It works on and offline so sales teams can use it face to face in the sales process even when they have no access to the internet, and homeowners can download it and access it for themselves.

All are designed specifically for this industry and all deliver advanced technology in a user friendly, cost effective package. The first product, which is already available to order via the website at:, is Capture. This is a clever website plug-in for retail companies which lets them add a personalised ‘design your own window or door’ function to their sites. Visitors can go online and play around with bespoke product types, designs, sizes, colours and hardware choices and then submit a ‘warm’ enquiry for that product instantly from the website at the clicking a button.

The third product is Register, which Infinity are calling ‘the first commercially available standard platform for manufactured product registration’. Full details of this product will be revealed at the show along with an upcoming CRM system being branded Rapport. A spokesperson for Infinity said: “We’re bringing something fresh and new to the software market but combining that with many years’ experience and expertise. We’re excited about FIT and think our customers will be too.”



· 70mm sash and 80mm frame · Double rebated for extreme weather · Discreet external seal · Fully foiled for authenticity · Welded or mechanically jointed

A new generation of flush sash windows…

01332 883900 [email protected]









CAMDEN GROUP OFFERS THE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL EMPLOYEES M any people consider working their way up the corporate ladder a distant dream, but three employees of the Camden Group have proved that if you are willing to work hard, the rewards are not out of everyone’s reach. The Antrim-based company actively encourage employees to progress through the company and up the ranks, to progress their careers to new levels. One employee, Gary Malone, tells us about his career at the Camden Group which is now in its 16th year. “I was originally a car mechanic like my dad in a large car dealership, but I knew it wasn’t a long-term career for me. I saw an advert for the Camden Group and I knew it was a family run company which appealed to me, so I applied. I got the job as Product Manager which I loved, and I have recently taken on the role as Quality Manager. I wanted a change and to develop skills in a new area. I would recommend working at the Camden Group to anyone. They really look after their people, and if you show an interest in the business, there’s always room to move up.” The Camden Group also have a substantial female work force on the factory floor. One employee Louise Carleton told us her story. “I originally came to Camden as a factory operative, fitting the rubber seals around the window frames. Since then I have been involved in many production processes for the various products. I eventually became Team Leader, then Supervisor. I’m now the Windows Factory Production Manager. I love it here, they’re a great team. That’s why I have been here 19 years.”



Another member of the Camden Group team is Johnny Hazzard, who has also worked his way up through various roles over the past 15 years.

“I joined Camden working in the panel factory, and I have also worked with the CNC writer and in the decorative glass section. I have had the opportunity to try many roles here which is great. They range from, working in sales, customer services and even in the trade centres. Camden have also invested in me by sending me on training courses for forklift truck driving and first aid. After working as a Team Leader I’m now the Glass Factory Manager. I definitely like working here, it’s a great place and the career opportunities are excellent.” It’s clear as the glass they work with that a career at the Camden Group could prove to be a wise decision. Something that Roy Harrison, Sales Manager at Camden backs up. “Employee retention makes sense on so many levels. Recruitment is both time consuming and expensive, so it pays to invest in the employee’s needs and listen to them when they have something to say. The team here are not just names on the payroll - they are all individuals with skills and qualities. Everyone here has the opportunity to progress their careers if they wish to, which we actively encourage.” Anyone currently seeking employment should visit the website to see the opportunities Camden are looking to fill - or email Camden’s HR department on [email protected]



Long-lasting quality is our guarantee For almost 30 years Edgetech has provided customers throughout the world with reliable and innovative insulating glass products they can build their business on. We’re so certain our products are the best- in-class that we guarantee them, extending a Super Spacer ® unit warranty to 20 years, if service requirements are met.

Let us show you why our customers put their trust in Edgetech.

T: 02476 995841 E: [email protected]



glass technology

• •





ORANGERIES AND CONSERVATORIES STILL POPULAR IN THE RENOVATION SECTOR F or years installers have recognised that an orangery or conservatory makes a statement and are considered a premium For many consumers being able to incorporate selfcleaning glass and replace old polycarbonate

roofing alternatives is an attractive aspect, particularly when the original investment has proved so disappointing in terms of thermal efficiency and every day use.

investment that can be enjoyed as a room for relaxation, every day of the year and sell it as such. With solid guarantees these are what inspire investment and lead to referral business. So are homeowners preferring to wait a little while before selling and upgrading their existing homes for when the time seems better to move? There is certainly a lot of trepidation on the housing market at the moment with the economy in such a state of flux. For builders and installers this has to be an excellent time to remind consumers about the benefits orangeries and conservatories offer. For installers the these types of system give homeowners many advantages in relation to adding space and improved lifestyle.

Light, energy efficient and daily use are the standard demands from todays end user.

Many advances have occurred in both conservatory and orangery design over recent years with aesthetics as important as glass performance for many investors. Overall appearance is now as important as energy saving costs. Noise reduction when it rains was a continual gripe for many conservatory owners but today thanks to technological developments the conservatory is once again appealing.



The finished look adds an alluring charm adding a touch of grandeur. With investment in orangeries continuing to prove popular as a room that can add to the homeowners lifestyle, installers have a solid market to approach in relation to payback. Homeowners have grasped the benefit of adding space without the need to move and those making higher end investments have the guarantees associated with premium products.. For installers this type of installation provides huge advantages, ensuring referral alongside high profit margins.

Eliminating heating and ventilation issues via specialist glasses and integral blinds has removed the frustration with more even temperatures now achievable with a little investment on retrofit projects. Many orangery solutions are now available which offer structural advantages over older alternative options - a reassuring fact for installers looking to grow their business. Many companies now produce fascias using assorted pvcu trims that fit better and last longer to give a better superior appearance to the finished project. Orangeries, without doubt add a striking appearance to any property and many companies now provide striking options that really help to increase the price of all sized homes.




W hen the glass shortage was at it’s peak in terms of media coverage last year, I spoke to a friend of mine at one of the biggest IGU suppliers round here about what has caused such a thing to happen. He went on to explain that issues such as float line closures and factory shutdowns certainly hasn’t helped the situation, the bigger game at play here is suppliers making commercial decisions as to who to supply. The UK fenestration industry has run glass prices down so much that our market is no longer profitable. So when the big companies are deciding who to give their glass to, they are now looking at other markets.It’s our own fault. And it’s happening across other sectors of our industry. WRONG ATTITUDE He also told me that certain glass products being made now can be bought cheaper than 30 years ago. Just think about that for a moment. Glass made now is cheaper than three decades ago. It’s madness.

Our industry in this country has for so long decided that price is the only option to sell on that we have built our own platform on which to hang ourselves from. So if I ever get asked as to why we have/had glass supply shortages, I will simply say it’s our own fault because we didn’t know how to sell on quality and service. It’s not just glass though where this insane attitude has caused damaged. You can see it happening in other product areas as well. Aluminium bi-folds are a good example. Once hailed as a high-end door product that could bring both installers and fabricators good profit margins, we now see hard advertising of aluminium bi-folds being sold cheaper and cheaper per leaf. Why? There was no need to. Home owners fully understood that they would have to pay more for an aluminium bi-fold in comparison to it’s PVCu counterparts. Installers knew that too, and could command good prices for them.



It worked. Then, in true UK fenestration industry style, the race to the bottom began, and we started to see sale prices from all sorts of companies offering prices per leaf just that little bit lower than their competitors. So the conversation moved from solid areas like quality, choice, security, design etc to price. Whenever price becomes the key selling point, all the other USPs get put to the back of the line. I feel like the same thing is happening to solid roofs. When they first arrived on the scene prices were at the heavy end. As you would expect for anything that was new. Plus, this was a much more substantial product than a glass or polycarbonate roof. So it could easily command higher prices and better profit margins for installers and manufacturers. Their popularity has since surged, and more companies have joined the growing field of choice. Now, I am getting leaflets from installers of said product advertising solid roofs at lower and lower prices. Granted, they look cheap, certainly not the quality of the higher end options that are out there. But the race to the bottom has already started in this sub-sector too.

It’s important to note that not every installer and fabricator is in a race to the bottom when it comes to price. Some pride themselves on products that are far better in quality and build, designed to last, and sold at a price where everyone can make a bit of money. They should be applauded for doing so in my opinion. But when such a large portion of the industry sells based on price first and everything else second, it creates a strong overall drag on industry prices across the board, which makes selling our wares at a profitable rate much more difficult. BE MORE LIKE EUROPE That’s not a Brexit reference by the way. When I speak to people about how our industry goes about selling, I am often told that we need to be looking at countries like Germany, Austria and Sweden. Attitudes towards building and construction are totally different to what they are here. They consider the quality of the building first, then price second.



That means the windows and doors going into those buildings have been considered on their merits of quality, security, design and energy efficiency, before price. Which is exactly as it should be. I have been told there are barns in Scandinavia built better than some of our own homes in the UK. Surely this is what common sense would have us think like anyway? If we are building a home for someone, or even just renovating one, is it not right that the first priority is quality of design and build, then price? It makes sense to me. Yet, here in the UK we like a bargain, and seem happy to sacrifice other important factors so long as we don’t have to fork out as much money. You can see that in action on new-build estates across the country. The term “thrown up” is about right in some cases. There are builders, and there are builders. There are whole estates near where I live that are new but are lacking so badly in genuine quality it’s baffling. We have houses now that are 120 years old that are built better than the brand new ones being built now, and we know full well that they won’t stand the test of 120 years anywhere near as well.

It is this attitude towards sales and our products that mean the UK window and door industry will always make life hard for itself when it comes to making money. Remember, profit isn’t a dirty word. Making money is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. But the way we go about selling makes it impossible. If you’re an installer or fabricator whose sole aim is to make sure you’re cheaper than the other guy, the profit is going to elude you. Breaking even might be your best achievement. This isn’t a rallying cry for change by the way. I have been in this industry long enough to know that we’ll never change on a wide scale how we sell our products to each other and the general public. It will be invariably by price first, everything else second. Then we’ll all look around at each other and scratch our heads wondering why we aren’t making more money than we should be. Take a look at the glass situation one more time. Do you think if the UK market was a profitable one for glass makers that they would have to look elsewhere when prioritising supply?





More Valuable Output. More Benefit.

You increase your prot with the new B‘CHAMP generation.

• Higher yield • Shorter changeover times • Footprint reduced by up to 50%

You will find additional information on our dedicated page and those who are clever, register immediately and secure an exclusive presentation of the new B’CHAMP .



· 70mm sash and 80mm frame · Double rebated for extreme weather · Discreet external seal · Fully foiled for authenticity · Welded or mechanically jointed

A new generation of flush sash windows…

01332 883900 [email protected]




H ere’s what happens when I go to a home visit for windows and doors and I don’t see lintels: I quote for them. The last thing I want is our installers turning up on site to take out some old big windows and have the bricks above them start to come down. No good work can come of it. Yet, when we’re in the mix of a number of companies quoting for work, we still seem to be one of the only companies talking about lintels. Even though they’re a requirement. SCEPTICISM Most home owners get at least a couple of quotes when they’re searching for new windows and doors. Maybe three of four. In our area we’re usually in the mix of those companies. We like to demonstrate that when it comes to detail, regulations and quality, we’re better than the rest. Part of that process involves taking the home owner outside to look at their brickwork above the windows and doors being quoted for. In an ideal scenario lintels are already present above the existing windows and doors, so that would end that particular conversation. But, as we are finding more and more often, the existing windows and doors are doing the supporting themselves. At that point, we explain to the customer that there is a very good chance that if we take the existing item out there is a good chance bricks can come with it because it’s the old

frame that’s doing the supporting. So, to be able to do the job right and to make sure that we’re sticking to the rules, we will quote for lintels to be installed prior to window and door installation. This is where we can sometimes hit a snag. You start to get that look on the home owner’s face where they’re starting to question your observation, usually because the other companies before us haven’t bothered to mention it. We ask them if any other companies have brought this issue up and almost always it’s no. We explain that we can’t have a scenario where installers are having to worry about bricks coming down when they take their old windows and doors out. We won’t bodge bricks back in, we won’t hope for the best and hope they stay there. It’s not the right way to do the work, it’s against the rules for us not to put them in and it’s better for the new products if the right support is put in above the windows and doors. Once you explain why you have to put them in, and that it will prevent longer term problems with their external walls and new windows and doors they come around and understand that the work absolutely does need doing. The thing is though, if more companies were professional enough to bother to look outside and understand the risks of taking out old windows and doors without proper support then we’d have less scepticism from home owners.



RIGHT AND PROPER To be clear, it is the responsibility of installers to identify window or door openings that currently don’t have lintels to install them if the windows and doors are going to be installed. Speak to your council or self-certification scheme. You have to do it. The issue our industry has is that it’s always been one of those rules that has never been properly enforced. That’s why most home owners in my experience never know to think about them when looking at upgrading their windows. One of the other things I notice and use to help reinforce the point to home owners is when we’re going to replace 1st generation PVCu are the cracks in the mortar above that have been patched up when the last lot were installed. Those cracks can be six or seven courses high. In some cases if the windows are wide enough they’re already bowing. Had lintels been installed when they were changed for the first time they wouldn’t be having those problems.

Away from trivial things, like rules, regs and structural integrity, installing lintels is simply the proper thing to do. Why take a window out and hope the bricks stay up? Why risk the bricks moving and causing the window to bow when it’s fitted? It’s lazy selling. Look at the window or door in question, find evidence of a lintel. If you can’t find one then assume there isn’t, brief the home owner why they need one. Sell the job, fit the lintel, then the installers can come and take the window or door out safe in the knowledge that the bricks are going to stay exactly where they need to be and they can then do the best work they can. Lintels aren’t difficult. The issue our industry has is lazy selling and companies scared to add to the cost of their quotes for fear of losing the job. In my experience we win jobs because we have bothered to educate the home owner about their importance where others have not.



MASCO CORPORATION: EXPLORE STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES FOR CABINETRY AND WINDOW BUSINESSES T here’s a lot going on in our industry right now in the background. You wouldn’t call it calm. That stormy outlook got However, we believe we can potentially drive greater shareholder value by exploring strategic alternatives for these businesses. We expect to complete this review by the end of June.

a little rougher today as Masco Corporation, based in New York and owns the UK Window Group released an article on their global website explaining that they are going to “explore strategic alternatives” for the company. Pure business speak. But we know what that means. “ALTERNATIVES” You can read the full article from Masco in the US by clicking here. In the article is talks about other core businesses, such as their Cabinetry business and other speciality products. But for the UK window industry, this is the paragraph that matters: Over the past five years, we have been executing our strategy to drive the full potential of our core businesses, leverage opportunities across our organization, and actively manage our portfolio to drive shareholder value,” said Keith Allman, Masco’s President and CEO. “Our Cabinetry and Window businesses are leaders in their respective markets and are well positioned to continue their growth.

If there was ever going to be an official definition of 100% pure business speak, this would be it. In short, what this actually says is that things have gone well up to now, but problems are arising and changes have to be made to keep things profitable. And when a company says “explore strategic alternatives” this generally isn’t a positive statement. It’s vague too. What it actually means is the potential for companies to be sold, or jobs to be lost, or companies to be closed. I have read on other sites today similar summations and I tend to agree. There is a chance that this means many jobs could be on the line. For some background, the UK Window Group consists of: DURAFLEX™, GRIFFIN™, PREMIER™, PHOENIX DOORS™ and EVOLUTION™. All well known names in the UK fenestration sector. Masco’s review process won’t be complete until June, so we won’t know anything until then. But it may well be July until we know of their decisions, unless it leaks out here beforehand. This news comes as our industry looks set to enter quite a turbulent period.



TURBULENCE I would say industry chatter is in fifth gear at the moment around a number of issues, which will only continue. But the change in the overall feel of the industry from January to February has been incredibly stark. We started in the first month of the year in a far more positive stance than I think we all thought we would have. The conversations I was having with my installer and fabricator friends were that the year had started far better than predicted. I even got excited enough to write a post about it and explore the idea that Q1 of this year might not be as bad as we thought. Then February came, and that positive mood seemed to have drained away just as quick as it came. I’m not going to ramble on about the general mood of the industry right now, that will come in a separate post to this. But, the conversations I was having with my various friends in various parts of the supply chain sounded a hell of a lot more cautious compared to just a few weeks ago. Speaking honestly, it does feel as though someone applied the brakes as soon as February came. At least that’s how it felt round this neck of the woods. It might not be the same everywhere, but it feels very much like it did pre EU vote. Home owners happy to show interest in home improvement work, but then choosing to wait until after the big day to make a decision. I think March could be the same if not worse. So there’s turbulence when it comes to home owners, but there’s movement within the industry as well. Companies relocating back home their production. Businesses being bought and sold. Flood doors and fire doors failing. Security crisis across the country with break-ins. And that isn’t everything I can mention on here. I feel as though we’re about to head into a very rocky four weeks in the run up to Brexit day. Assuming that the original timetable remains the same, which looks unlikely at this stage. Buckle up, it’s going to get bumpy.




R emember Carillion? Another huge there will be less disruption as the company has already been purchased by it’s lenders in what is known as a pre-pack administration. Here are the details. HOLDING STATEMENT If you go to the Interserve website you get this holding statement before being taken to the main website: Interserve (in administration) has announced the successful completion of the sale of the group. This alternative deleveraging transaction will restore the Group’s balance sheet and provide additional liquidity. The administrators have immediately sold Interserve’s business and assets to a new company, to be controlled by Interserve’s lenders. Government contractor has gone into administration. This time round however

All companies in the Group other than the parent company will remain solvent, providing continuity of service for customers and suppliers. The alternative transaction involves the equitisation of approximately £485 million of existing debt and the injection of £110 million of new money into the Group.

Completion of the transaction is anticipated to occur on or before Monday 18 March.

The Group believes this is the best remaining option to preserve value, protect the jobs of employees and ensure the Group can carry on as normal with minimal disruption. If you are an Interserve Employee, Customer or Supplier and you have a question, you can contact us on our dedicated hotline 0333 207 4180 which is open from 0700 – 1900 until Monday 18 March. Interserve is a huge company. They had turnover of £2.7bn in 2018, they employ 68,000 people around the world, 45,000 of those in the UK.



By any scale this is a large company. For perspective, Carillion had twice the turnover but employed less that Interserve. So if this were Top Trumps they would be level pegging. This story will hit many radars in our sector as it rings a familiar story with what has just happened with Synseal. They too undertook a pre-pack administration and was able to set up a new company with the majority of it’s assets in place. Pre-pack administration is an insolvency procedure in which a company arranges to sell all or some of its assets to a buyer before appointing an administrator to facilitate the sale. It differs from conventional administration in that the sale of assets is pre-negotiated before an administrator is appointed, whereas in a regular administration the administrator starts marketing the business after being appointed. Pre-pack administration often involves selling the business and assets of the old company to its current directors, who then form a new company. The assets, work in progress, debtor book can all be paid for over a period of time. For a definition of a pre-pack administration:

It has already been pointed out on social media that this is the same thing that happened to Synseal, with the expected commentary around who benefits. But before I get to an explanation as to why this a decision taken between a rock and a hard place, it’s worth nothing that tens of thousands of jobs have been secured. Had any kind of administration failed, this would have been a catastrophe for tends of thousands of families, not only here, but around the world. NEVER TO BE PAYED It is right to acknowledge that in recent years pre-pack administration deals have come under fire. It is well argued that it’s an easy mechanism for Directors to set up a new company, transfer assets, but leave unsecured debts unpaid. Like suppliers. Morally speaking, it’s bad. The chances of suppliers and other unsecured debts being paid are slim. You can imagine the frustration of the suppliers to the old Interserve company right now. They will be trying very hard with administrators to recover as much of their money as possible. But considering that they had over £2bn of debt when this deal went through, that would be unlikely. Here’s the other side of the coin. Given that Interserve, or any company for that matter, has to go into administration, pre-pack or otherwise, its because they were unable to pay their bills in the first place.

Credit: Real Business Rescue



So suppliers and others would have never been paid anyway. Had the company been able to pay, then it wouldn’t have needed administration. It’s as simple as that. The bit where people do get frustrated however is that the Directors are able to remain in place at the top of the company. You can see why people would see that as unfair. They get to create a new company, move all the assets over, keep their well paid positions, and remove themselves from their unsecured debts. Should it be that easy? Perhaps a way to counteract the negativity around this type of business transaction is to put a condition on the move by saying all existing Directors cannot run the new company and new personnel have to be found. That might go some way as to assuage those who don’t like the pre-pack option. There is no good option when it comes to these kinds of things. If people are to stick to their morals, then they would shut the company down and not insult their suppliers by forming a new company But, then you’re making redundant tens of thousands of jobs, in the case of Interserve. Morals have been followed, but tens of thousands have lost their jobs. Alternatively, you do the pre-pack administration, keep those tends of thousands of employed, but you ditch your debts to your suppliers and others. Neither are great options, and as I said above, suppliers were never going to be paid in any scenario, hence administration. I think that going forwards there does need to be a rethink about the positions of the top people in any companies when deals of this kind are done. This I think is the crux of the key argument against this kind of arrangement. However, until legislation changes, we can expect pre-pack administrations to continue as they always have.



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