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Natural Product Guide

Natural Is Now.

*Minimally processed. No artificial ingredients.




All Natural* Roast Beef Pho

The all natural opportunity is knocking.

Here are some astounding facts: 76% of U.S. adults claim they’re more likely to visit a restaurant that offers healthy options 1 , with 60% saying “all natural” is important when selecting a meat or poultry dish 2 . That means “all natural” is no longer simply a trend, but rather, a major part of the food landscape. Moving forward, it is critical that Dan’s Prize embraces this all natural momentum and uses it to our advantage. In other words, the opportunity is knocking. It’s time to welcome it in.

*Minimally processed. No artificial ingredients. 1 CEB Iconoculture Consumer Insights. October 2016. 2 Prepared Foods. December 2016.



The demand is there. Answer the call. Simply put, patrons are seeking out all natural options, and operators who offer those options are profiting. The numbers back it up. Take a look at these stats, and you’ll certainly understand the time is right to grab the proverbial all natural bull by its horns.


of consumers across all age groups are looking for natural ingredients. 1

of consumers say they are more likely to buy natural products than they were in 2012. 2

80% 76% 60% 82% 43%

of U.S. adults claim they are more likely to visit a restaurant that offers healthy options. 1

of consumers say “all natural” is important when selecting a meat or poultry dish at a restaurant. 3 of operators who have invested in natural products say they’ve seen positive sales and traffic. 2

of consumers say they are willing to pay more for “natural” menu items. 2

1 “Values and Lifestyle Survey, Wave 6.” CEB Iconoculture Consumer Insights. October 2016. 2 “The Rising Power of Natural and Organic.” Technomic Planning Program. January 2017. 3 “Trends Shaping Meat & Poultry Markets.” Prepared Foods. December 2016.

All Natural* Shredded Pork BBQ Biscuit *Minimally processed. No artificial ingredients.



All Natural* Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps *Minimally processed. No artificial ingredients.



There are a lot of words floating around in conjunction with “all natural.” We have provided this glossary of commonly used phrases to reference if questions arise. Important Food Terms

ALL NATURAL* All-natural, USDA-regulated products generally contain no artificial ingredients, chemical preservatives, added colors or synthetic food additives, and are minimally processed. “Minimally processed” means the product has been processed in a manner that does not fundamentally alter it. ALLERGEN FREE If a food product contains one of the eight major allergens (cow’s milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat) the food manufacturer is required to declare the presence of the allergen on the label. A product absent of these declarations may be considered free from such added allergen ingredients, but the term “allergen free” is not permitted in labeling. ANTIBIOTIC FREE The term “no antibiotics added” may be used on labels for meat or poultry products if the producer provides sufficient evidence demonstrating that the animals were raised without the use of antibiotics. The term “antibiotic free” is not permitted, as all meat and poultry products must be free of antibiotics. CELLULOSE Cellulose extracted from wood pulp or cotton and chemically processed with acids or alkali can be added as a creaming agent or thickener to shredded cheese (Parmesan), ice cream, fast food (burgers), powdered drink mixes and other commercial foods. FREE-RANGE The USDA specifies that animals defined as “free- range” must be given an open, airy space, as well as the opportunity to graze. No other criteria — such as the size of the range or the amount of space given to each animal are required for an animal to be designated “free-range.” GENETICALLY ENGINEERED According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), genetic engineering refers to the use of modern biotechnology to introduce, rearrange, delete or alter genetic traits in organisms. This includes intentionally altering genomic DNA which is a process that includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the use of genome- editing technologies or genetic engineering to introduce desirable traits into organisms. At this time, there are no genetically engineered domestic food animals approved for commercial use.

GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM (GMO) An organism whose genome has been altered in order to favor the expression of desired traits or the output of desired biological products. See prior definition of “Genetically Engineered” for further information. GESTATION CRATE Gestation crates are individual stall units used for housing sows during the time of pregnancy. They are used so that individual sows can be fed relative to their individual needs and to reduce the potential impact of aggressive behaviors sometimes seen in group housing. GLUTEN FREE In 2013, the FDA published a new regulation defining “gluten free.” For a food to be considered “gluten free,” it must contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten. The term “gluten” refers to proteins that occur naturally in wheat, rye, barley and crossbred hybrids of these grains. GROUP SOW HOUSING This is a method of housing sows together in pens. Sizes of the pens may vary from five sows per pen up to more than 100 sows per pen. Free-access stalls, trickle feeding, electronic sow feeding stations and deep-bedded systems are just a few of the many variations in group housing systems. HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a sweetener made from corn found in thousands of foods and beverages on grocery store shelves throughout the United States. HFCS is composed of either 42 percent or 55 percent fructose, with the remaining sugars being primarily glucose and higher sugars. HORMONE FREE Per federal regulation, added hormones are prohibited in the raising of hogs, poultry and dairy cattle. Hormones may be given to sheep or beef cattle to help improve production. The FDA and a joint committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) state that the amount of these hormones that make it into food products is safe for consumption. However, no product may be labeled as “hormone free” because hormones are naturally occurring in all mammals. Claims related to hormones may only speak to the absence of their use in livestock production.


*Minimally processed. No artificial ingredients.


RAISED WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS/ NO ANTIBIOTICS EVER The term “raised without antibiotics” may be

HUMANELY RAISED An umbrella term used to describe animals raised in an ethical manner. There is no official definition of this term, as many people have different ethical standards. If we were to use this claim, it would be qualified within our definition. “Humanely raised” could refer to animals that are grass-fed, pasture-raised, raised indoors with enrichments, raised without antibiotics or harvested humanely. LEAN FINELY TEXTURED BEEF (LFTB) A meat-based product made from finely textured beef and boneless beef trimmings, LFTB is used as a food additive to ground beef and beef-based processed meats, as a filler or to reduce the overall fat content of ground beef. LOCAL Though “local” has a geographic connotation, there is no consensus on a definition in terms of the distance between production and consumption of food products. According to the definition adopted by the U.S. Congress in the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (also know as the 2008 U.S. Farm Bill), the total distance that a product can be transported and still be considered a “locally or regionally produced agricultural food product” is less than 400 miles from its origin, or within the state in which it is produced. MINIMALLY PROCESSED With respect to meat and poultry products, the term “minimally processed” can be used to describe traditional processes used to make food edible and for preservation. These processes could include smoking, roasting, freezing, drying or fermenting. “Minimally processed” can also be used to describe physical processes that do not fundamentally alter a raw product, but separate a whole food into component parts. NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS These products do not contain any artificial flavor or flavoring, coloring ingredient, or chemical preservative, or any other artificial or synthetic ingredient; and the product and its ingredients are not more than minimally processed. ORGANIC “Organic” refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed, as prescribed and administered by the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP). Organically produced foods must be produced without the use of antibiotics, synthetic hormones, genetic engineering and other excluded practices. Organic regulations allow only certain production and processing techniques. Organic products must be produced without artificial ingredients, chemical preservatives or irradiation to maintain the integrity of the food.

used on labels for meat or poultry products if the producer provides the USDA with sufficient evidence demonstrating that the animals were raised without the use of antibiotics. This is different than the term “no antibiotics ever,” which only applies to poultry whose eggs were not vaccinated using antibiotics. The term “antibiotic free” is not permitted, as all meat and poultry products must be free of antibiotics, per federal regulation. SODIUM BENZOATE It is a widely used food preservative. It is the sodium salt of benzoic acid and exists in this form when dissolved in water. It can be produced by reacting sodium hydroxide with benzoic acid. SUSTAINABLE There is no single definition of “sustainable.” One definition, according to the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, sustainable agriculture can involve a variety of farming and food production strategies that embrace three broad goals: profit over the long term, stewardship of our nation’s land, air and water, and quality of life for farmers, ranchers and their communities. UNCURED When a product is labeled “uncured,” it means that the product is an uncured version of an item that is typically cured. Uncured products are made without the addition of chemical nitrates or nitrites. Some ingredients that may be added to products marked “uncured” may naturally contain nitrates and/or nitrites (like celery powder) which may contribute to the traditional cured color formation and other functional properties of cured meats. XANTHAN GUM A substance produced by bacterial fermentation or synthetically that is used in foods as a gelling agent and thickener. It is a polysaccharide composed of glucose, mannose, and glucuronic acid.



These key strategies will help you prepare, identify the right targets and execute. Make the most of the all natural opportunity. PRIME Selling Steps in Action


10.8% midwest

10.6% northeast

Doing your homework before you make the call gets results.

10.7% west

Identify Potential Customers

10.4% south

• Natural products generate interest from both distributors and operators. • Natural has national appeal, with even menu penetration across all regions.

Key Targets

• Operators who currently have natural items on the menu – perform a menu analysis by searching their website or visiting the operation. • Healthcare is a promising opportunity, as patients often require diets with natural products. • C&U establishments value natural products to meet the growing demand of millennial students concerned with food transparency. • Fast casual and national chain accounts are menuing natural products at twice the rate of their commercial segment counterparts.

by region

all natural menu penetration

by restaurant type




9.0% 8.9%





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