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Natural Solutions For Health - August 2022

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Natural Solutions For Health - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste Get Back on Track! Directions Dr. Sladic’s 10-Day Detoxifi

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4 cup roasted pistachios, chopped Directions 1. In a small bowl, combine balsamic vinegar, olive oil

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Natural Solutions For Health - January 2022

2 an avocado. Repeat for the 3 remaining bowls, drizzle with balsamic glaze and any other desired to

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Natural Solutions For Health - July 2022

2 cup BBQ sauce • 1 tbsp chili powder • 1 tsp dried red pepper flakes • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar •

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Natural Solutions For Health - June 2022

2 tsp vanilla extract • 14 oz unsweetened almond milk or hazelnut milk • Cacao nibs • Frozen berries

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Natural Solutions For Health - December 2021

2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish Directions 1. In a

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Natural Solutions For Health - November 2021

3 cup goat cheese, crumbled Directions 1. In a skillet over medium heat, toast the pumpkin seeds unt

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Natural Solutions For Health - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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Natural Solutions For Health - September 2020

4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped and fight disease is diminished. Supplements and vitamins can fill in

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Natural Solutions For Health - August 2022

healthy living

August 2022


How do you want to be when you’re 75? Or how about 90? Do you want to be able to bend down and tie your shoes without falling over? Put things into the top cabinets without straining? Well, in order to continue doing the simple everyday tasks in life, you need to have a plan to start strengthening your muscles now! After we reach our peak around the age of 25, there is a continuous decline in muscle strength. Those simple tasks of bending, playing with the grandkids, or walking up a hill, can become an obstacle if you don’t maintain your muscle strength. It doesn’t come naturally; you have to actually use your body and put forth the effort to see those results. If you sit around on the couch and don’t do anything all day long, your muscle strength will decrease at an even faster rate. So, it’s time to get up and plan now! It’s more so a matter of keeping up with the loss rather than gaining new muscle. It is essential — especially for those in their 30s or 40s — to create a plan that helps maintain your muscle strength and mitigate its long- term effects. Strength training improves your quality of life and your ability to do everyday activities, whether it be going to the gym if you’re able or doing simple exercises or activities at home.

I always think of the turtle and rabbit analogy, how being slow and steady wins the race. People tend to think that they have to overcompensate or lift the heaviest weights to maintain muscle when in reality, it’s about doing simple exercises consistently that build strength over time. When talking about the leading causes of death, falls happen to be one of the top contributors. For someone in their 20s or 30s, a fall would typically result in a bruise or two. But, when you’re in your later years, these falls can actually cause death if you cannot stabilize yourself correctly. When you fall and try to land, you’re using parts of your body to break the fall, but if your muscles aren’t strong enough, you have nothing to brace yourself on. “If you stay mobile and do things that keep your muscles strong starting now, you won’t have to catch up on the loss.”

active. Try to find something

simple to do, so it’s better to do a little bit every day as opposed to

a lot and overloading yourself. Some great activities you can incorporate into your daily routine are squats, riding a bike or walking around the neighborhood, hiking, pushups, or even walking up and down the stairs. As they always say, it’s the little things that matter the most. Just imagine if you were to do 20 squats every day, let’s say, 10 in the morning and 10 before you go to sleep; if you continuously do this for the next 15 years, you’re more likely to be able to do multiple deep squats when you’re 90 versus someone who hasn’t. If you stay mobile and do things that keep your muscles strong starting now, you won’t have to catch up on the loss. Fortunately, strength training isn’t just lifting weights at the gym, it’s about incorporating simple exercises or activities to keep your muscles strong and healthy for years to come.

–Dr. Tom Sladic

From a preventative standpoint, I suggest exercising or doing activities that keep you


“ Your biggest problems are your biggest opportunities”



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Focus on the silver lining. When something bad or unfortunate happens, we are quick to think about the negatives and how they will impact us in the future. Instead, we should be searching for a silver lining. You can find a positive in any situation, but you’ll have to put in the effort to flip your perspective. Keep a gratitude journal. When we think about gratitude and thankfulness, our minds usually think about Thanksgiving. But we don’t need to wait for a special day to show gratitude. Things happen to us every day that we should be grateful for. If you’re struggling to acknowledge your blessings, keep a gratitude journal and write a few things you are thankful for each day. Over time, that thought process will seep into your daily life. Surround yourself with positive people. The people we associate with play a huge role in our mental well-being. If you’re constantly around people who put you down or tell you that you can’t accomplish certain things, you will feel worse about yourself — or even believe them. You need to block the negative people from your life and surround yourself with those who think optimistically.

In today’s society, we are faced with tragic stories and upsetting information, no matter where we turn. This can quickly lead us to a negative mindset where we believe things can’t be fixed and will only get worse, so it’s even more important now to establish a positive mindset. Though it might be easier to bury your head in the sand, fostering positivity in your life will provide you with many benefits.

But doing so is easier said than done. If you’re unsure where to begin, try out some of these methods to help you get started.

Establishing a positive mindset in today’s world may be difficult, but it is not impossible if you develop a strategy and follow through with it.


Strength training isn’t just for bodybuilders or marathon runners, it’s for anyone who wants to feel healthier and build their muscle strength. There are about 600 muscles in the human body with a range of functions from pumping blood to supporting bodily movements. After we reach our peak at about age 25, there is a decline in our muscle strength. Aging is associated with a number of physiologic and functional declines that can contribute to increased disability, frailty, and even falls. Staying active is vital for overall health in general, but it is also the best way to strengthen muscles. Exercises You Can Try at Home Many people tend to take the simple things we do today for granted, like walking to the mailbox, bending over to tie our shoes, and putting things into the cupboards. The best way to continue having the ability to do those simple things is to have a plan starting now.

The reality of exercising is creating a routine that best fits you. Consistency is key and finding something simple to do every day allows you to create good habits that have plenty of benefits in the long run.

do them against a wall. The structure is basically the same, keeping your arms at a 90-degree angle and lowering your chest to the wall instead of the floor. Stairs Walking up and down stairs, whether inside your home or outside, tones and strengthens the lower part of your body. It helps strengthen and tighten your thighs, calves, glutes, and stomach. The best part

Squatting Squats strengthen the entire lower part of your body and core. Consider doing 10 squats a day, every day, to train your muscles and work those joints

to a comfortable level. Whether standing on your own, against a wall, or using a chair as your placeholder, just a little bit can go a long way. Push-Ups This technique improves your whole upper-body

is it’s completely free since just about anyone can gain access to a set of stairs. So, it’s not a matter of growing more muscle, but rather, trying to keep up with the loss. As time goes on, try not to focus on growth, instead, focus

strength, especially in your arms and chest. You can do them normally if you’re able to, but alternatively, you can

on keeping them strong. For more tips on how to strengthen your muscles, call us at (877) 861-5927 for a free phone consultation!



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Strength-training workouts are great for keeping your muscles strong and healthy, but along with that, your diet is also an important contributor to maintaining muscle health. There are numerous foods that can help you preserve muscle strength, many of which are high in protein and allow muscles to recover and strengthen after you have been active. FEED YOUR MUSCLES Preserving Muscle Strength


In just 30 minutes, turn a pile of summer veggies into a Chinese-inspired dish.


• 2 Chinese eggplants, cut into 1/4-inch strips • Salt, to taste • 3 tbsp olive oil, divided • 6 oz green beans, trimmed • 6 cloves garlic, minced • 1/2-inch piece of ginger, thinly sliced

• 1 red chili pepper, thinly sliced • 2 tbsp alternative soy sauce - liquid aminos • 1 tbsp vegan stir-fry sauce (like Lee Kum Kee Vegetarian) • 1/8 tsp pepper

As we age, our muscles become weaker, but a nutritious diet

can help preserve that muscle power. Here are some foods to try to keep your muscles strong and healthy for years to come.


Eggs — Eggs contain high amounts of quality protein, healthy fats, and other important nutrients like B vitamins. The yolk is the best source for everything

1. In a large bowl, add the eggplant and coat with salt. Cover the eggplant with water and soak for 15 minutes. Drain and pat dry. 2. In a wok over medium heat, warm 2 tbsp of olive oil. Add the eggplant and fry for 4–5 minutes. Remove and set aside. 3. Add the remaining olive oil and green beans to the wok. Fry for 5 minutes, then remove and set aside. 4. Add garlic, ginger, and chili before stir-frying for 1 minute. Return the green beans and eggplant to the wok and add the alternative soy sauce, vegan stir-fry sauce, and pepper. Toss to coat, then serve over rice!

that your body needs and it supplies all nine essential amino acids that are used to repair and strengthen muscle fibers.

Bananas — Eating a banana prior to your workout routine can help your body meet its needs for potassium to promote muscle function and prevent cramps. Potassium is also an important mineral that supports muscle contractions. Lean Red Beef — Beef is packed full of high-quality protein, B vitamins, minerals, and creatine. All of which help with developing strong muscles. Look for beef that is 90% or higher lean, as these will be the best options. Whey Protein Isolate — Improves Muscle Mass and Tissue Repair. It is important that you consume whey protein isolate if you want to see quality lean muscle tissue growth and repair. Pickled Foods — The great thing about pickled foods is that you can pickle just about any type of food (especially vegetables). Foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut are great for muscle health, as pickled foods are able to restore electrolytes and treat muscle cramping. Along with strength-training exercises, you need to take in the right balance of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to keep all of your body’s systems functioning properly, especially your muscles. For more tips and information about muscle health and what you can do to preserve it, call us at (877) 861-5927 for a free phone consultation.





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1. Maintaining Your Muscle Strength

2. Dealing With Negativity? Try These 3 Things!

Think Long Term Not Short Term

3. Green Bean and Eggplant Stir-Fry

Best Foods for Your Muscle Health

4. 4 Reasons You Might Not Be Losing Weight

FIND YOUR FOCUS Achieve the Body You Want

As anyone who struggles with their weight knows, dropping a few pounds can be incredibly difficult. Even if you’re working out regularly and your diet is great, you may still find it hard to get to an ideal weight. Our bodies and metabolisms are complex, working out isn’t always enough, and you need to address all of the issues that may be affecting your body. Here are a few reasons you might not be shedding pounds even if you’re working out. You’re not eating the right foods. People tend to focus all their energy on burning calories without considering what they’re eating as fuel for their bodies. A great tip is to look for all natural, whole foods. These will have all the nutrients you need, whereas processed foods have little to none. You’re eating too much. Your body needs to burn as many or more calories than you consume. Don’t focus on

counting calories; instead, focus on eating when you’re hungry, but eat slowly enough to where you don’t get too full too quickly. This way you can find a healthy balance between what your body needs versus what you want.

side. That way you can also focus on other major muscle groups.

You’re not taking recovery days. When you feel that afterburn and soreness following a workout, it is time to take a recovery day. Recovery and rest are important steps in a

You’re doing too much cardio.

workout routine, because most of your fat burning will be done in that period. Make sure that you listen to your body and give it the break it may need before your next workout.

Though cardio is an important part of a workout routine, it can’t be the sole focus.

It keeps your heart healthy and boosts

your metabolism, but if you’re doing too much, it can have side effects that reverse your progress. Long cardio sessions can eat away at lean muscle mass; your muscles are important for your metabolism to burn more calories. Try to keep cardio on the lighter

There may be many reasons you aren’t making as much

progress on your weight-loss goals as you’d like. But you can do many things to help you lose weight in a safe, sustainable way.



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