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Natural Solutions For Health - January 2022

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Natural Solutions For Health - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste Get Back on Track! Directions Dr. Sladic’s 10-Day Detoxifi

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Natural Solutions For Health - March 2022 healthy living March 2022 HOWTO RAISE HEALTHY

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8 tsp pepper As we age, our muscles become weaker, but a nutritious diet can help preserve that musc

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Natural Solutions For Health - May 2022

4 cup roasted pistachios, chopped Directions 1. In a small bowl, combine balsamic vinegar, olive oil

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Natural Solutions For Health - July 2022

2 cup BBQ sauce • 1 tbsp chili powder • 1 tsp dried red pepper flakes • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar •

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Natural Solutions For Health - June 2022

2 tsp vanilla extract • 14 oz unsweetened almond milk or hazelnut milk • Cacao nibs • Frozen berries

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Natural Solutions For Health - December 2021

2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish Directions 1. In a

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Natural Solutions For Health - November 2021

3 cup goat cheese, crumbled Directions 1. In a skillet over medium heat, toast the pumpkin seeds unt

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Natural Solutions For Health - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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Natural Solutions - January 2021

or there are insurance restrictions. Most physicians are looking to diagnose a disease. If none is f

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Natural Solutions For Health - January 2022

healthy living

January 2022

LEARN SOMETHING NEWTHIS YEAR The Power of Finding a Hobby This fall, I tried something I had never done before: hunting.

wellness isn’t just about what you use to fuel your body and how you choose to move it. It’s also about the ways you support yourself mentally and spiritually. Our hobbies can be a big part of that. If you’re not sure where to start, the best way I’ve found to do so is to plan. So, when it came time to plan my hunting adventure,

I started planning in the summer after a friend of mine agreed to let me join them on a hunting trip. Hunting was never something I paid much attention to, but I liked the idea of learning something new. Plus, a fall day spent in nature is always a good way to

recharge. Ultimately, we came up empty-handed, but I don’t count those days in the woods as a loss. In fact, I think my unlucky hunting trip serves as a reminder of the power of trying something new.

I had to make a list of all the equipment I needed, decide on the best time to go with my friend, and write down what I needed to know. This wiped away any anxiety I had about the anticipation of learning something new and created a tangible action plan for how to complete this new journey. I love learning new things and enjoy my hobbies, and I hope you learn to appreciate yours, too. Our hobbies can be valuable tools in building our overall well-being and strength, and as you approach new goals this year, look at the ways your lifestyle (hobbies included) supports those goals. This is the only way you will succeed. If your lifestyle doesn’t complement what you’re trying to achieve, you will not be successful.

In that spirit, I have a challenge for you this year: Try something new. Find something that you have always wanted to do or a new skill that has always intrigued you, and just do it! Or, if you have a hobby you enjoyed in the past or you could do more with, do that. (Ironically, January is also National Hobby Month, so this challenge fits right in with the theme of this month.)

This can be a scary prospect. I’ve often found that people can be wary of trying something new — and for good reason. But it’s important to remember that there’s no such thing as failure when you’re learning something new. Whether you’re learning

Set yourself up for success in 2022. I can help you find the right plan to accomplish the goals you have created for yourself, whether that includes eating healthier, having more energy, or experiencing less pain. Contact me today at 1-877-861-5927 to set up a discussion about your goals. Together, we can create a plan that works for you.

to hunt, picking up guitar, or trying to paint, starting a new hobby gives you something new and exciting to look forward to. It’s a way to get out of the winter rut many of us can find ourselves in this time of the year. And it just might be good for your health, too. Studies have linked learning new hobbies, particularly those that require you to think (like learning a new skill), to greater brain health. It’s like exercise for your brain! Your thinking skills get stronger, your mental health improves, and your approach to everyday life will benefit as a result. Remember,

–Dr. Tom Sladic


“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” – Edith Lovejoy Pierce



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CARBS Carbs are essential for replenishing your body’s glycogen levels. Glycogen is the fuel that helps keep us moving and active. If you feel exhausted and hungry after a workout, it’s usually your body telling you that your glycogen levels are low. Including carbs such as sweet potatoes, rice, oatmeal, pasta, and chocolate milk in your post-workout meal will help you feel energized and ready to continue with your day.

There’s plenty of emphasis lately on what you should eat before a workout, but not so much about after a workout. What you eat after exercising is just as essential for maximizing your workout’s effectiveness. After intensive exercise, many of us will feel hungry and turn to just about anything to satiate our hunger, but the wrong food could negate the effects of our workouts.

During your workout, you will use up your body’s carbohydrates and the glucose stored in your muscles. A proper post- workout meal, including the right fluids, is necessary to replenish these nutrients. When preparing the perfect post-workout meal, there are three areas you should focus on. PROTEIN Including protein in your post-workout meal is important to repair and build muscle. Muscle tissues get broken down

FLUIDS You should always drink water while working out and continue to do so after your exercise is complete. Water regulates your body temperature, lubricates your joints, and transports nutrients throughout your body. In one hour of exercise, your body can lose more than a quarter of its water. Continue to drink water or other hydrating drinks after your workout to replenish your missing fluids.

Lastly, avoid having a giant fast-food meal after exercising. There are plenty of options for preparing a truly beneficial post-workout meal, so find what makes you feel your best and what you enjoy most and run with it.

during exercise, and protein helps put them back together stronger than before. Eggs, tuna, chicken, and Greek yogurt are great sources of protein and should be implemented into your post-workout meal.

CURB HUNGER FEELINGS LIKE A PRO 3 Reasons Why You’re Constantly Hungry

Out of the top five goals Americans had for 2021, a recent survey found that two-thirds were about eating healthier, losing weight, and exercising more. As this finding shows, we all want to be healthier, but constant hunger pangs may make accomplishing resolutions feel like climbing Mount Everest. But don’t give up! Achieving your wellness goals is about getting to the root of your habits, and that includes finding the source of your constant need to eat. Here’s why you might be hungry all the time. YOU’RE NOT EATING THE RIGHT FIBER AND PROTIEN. What you eat now may impact what you need to or choose to eat later. For instance, if you don’t eat enough protein with your breakfast, you’re likely going to feel hungry later because protein can help

reduce hunger feelings. This may tempt you to eat something unhealthy for you or to overindulge to compensate. We use a supplement called Glucomannan. It’s a fiber that’s taken in between meals with water. The fiber swells in the intestinal tract when mixed with water, reducing hunger as your stomach feels full. YOUR MENTAL HEALTH IS POOR. When your mental health is poor, your body may find refuge in food. Added stress and a lack of sleep can create hormones that mimic your body’s need for hunger, often prompting you to relieve these moments with food. That’s why you tend to eat more when you’re feeling pressured or are overtired. Others may also struggle with telling their brain “no” when they feel hungry. If you are skeptical about whether you are actually hungry or not, practice patience and wait. You may

be able to re-train yourself to identify when you’re really hungry and when you’re just compensating for emotional needs.

YOU HAVE A MEDICAL CONDITION. Some physical conditions can cause

increased rates of hunger. For example, those with diabetes may feel hungrier because their low glucose levels send a signal to their body that more food is needed. This may cause those with untreated diabetes to eat more. Thyroid issues, pregnancy, and medication can also impact your desire to eat. You don’t have to approach lifestyle changes alone. Dr. Tom Sladic has the expertise, tools, and solutions you need to identify the root cause of your constant hunger and develop a plan to mitigate it. Call him today at 1-877- 861-5927 to schedule a consultation!



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3 MUST-HAVES IN A NATURAL FIRST-AID KIT Treat Disease Holistically

Relying on nature and holistic remedies to stay healthy can be powerful — and studies continue to sing its praises — but knowing what to use and when takes time, education, and practice. Constructing a holistic health first-aid kit can help you begin your journey with natural remedies, providing easy-to-use treatment options that are ready in a pinch! Get started with these compounds. ELDERBERRY This small, blue-purple fruit has gained recent popularity for its ability to shorten the duration and lessen the severity of cold and flu symptoms. And unlike other holistic remedies, elderberry is widely accepted by practitioners of all beliefs and teachings for its cold- and flu-fighting properties. As the winter and flu season wears on, you can find elderberry as a capsule, oil, or syrup, making it a flexible option for your family’s needs. TURMERIC Whether you have an active child who frequently gets bumps and bruises while exploring their world or you struggle with your arthritis pain, turmeric just might be the solution your family needs. The main ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which gives it a bright, yellow color. Curcumin has been found to reduce swelling and inflammation when taken regularly. This can be a huge relief for those with joint pain! Turmeric is most effective in a supplement, but adding it to your meals can add a small boost. GINGER Car sickness sufferers rejoice! This sweet, powerful root not only tastes great in stir-fries and cookies, but it is also a powerful anti-nausea compound. For centuries, people have used ginger to treat tummy aches, high blood pressure, colds, and even migraines. Its bold taste is balanced by its power to stabilize the digestive system and blood pressure, making it a go-to for motion sickness, low-energy days, and cold season. You can find ginger in supplement form, but eating it is also beneficial. All remedies — holistic or otherwise — can have detrimental side effects, so please research compounds before trying any of them and consult your physician if you take other medicines. You can find these remedies by shopping online or by visiting your favorite natural health retailer.



Root vegetables are the cream of the crop during winter, and this recipe makes the most out of them by pairing them with other protein-packed ingredients. To level it up, add grilled chicken or fish!

Ingredients (for 4 bowls)

• 8 cups root vegetables of your choice, chopped • 2 tsp olive oil • 1/2 tsp salt • 1/4 tsp black pepper • 2 cups quinoa, cooked

• 1/2 cup hummus • 4 handfuls baby kale • 2 small avocados, sliced • Balsamic glaze • Optional: Garnishes of your choice (lemon juice, fresh herbs, etc.)


1. Preheat oven to 400 F. 2. On a large sheet pan, toss root vegetables in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Spread them evenly and roast until fork tender, about 40 minutes, stirring and flipping halfway through. 3. In a serving bowl, layer 1/2 cup warm quinoa with 2 cups root vegetables, 2 tbsp hummus, 1 handful of baby kale, and 1/2 an avocado. Repeat for the 3 remaining bowls, drizzle with balsamic glaze and any other desired toppings, then serve and enjoy! (If you don’t want individual bowls, you can mix everything together into a salad!)

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1. Learning Something New Is Healthy for You!

2. Include These in Your Post-Workout Meal

Why You Always Feel Hungry

3. Root Vegetable Buddha Bowls

3 Items You Need in Your Holistic First-Aid Kit

4. Get Stretching!


We’ve all been advised to stretch before working out or performing physical activities. However, some recent studies have cautioned against this practice, claiming it may lead to an increased chance of getting injured. Regardless, this does not mean you should cut stretching out of your life completely. Stretching is not just for athletes. Everyone can benefit from this practice, and there are many advantages that come with improving your flexibility. Getting in the habit of stretching after you wake up and before you go to bed can benefit many aspects of your overall health.


Strong posture and balance are essential for both everyday activities and athletic performance. Good posture is necessary for spine health, and you need good balance to do everything from walking down the street to standing and sitting. The flexibility gained through stretching improves the muscles that are needed for correct posture, and you will also increase your range of motion.

Here are our top three benefits!



There are also certain stretches that help lengthen and open your muscles. When your muscles are looser and relaxed, you’re less likely to feel pain or experience muscle cramps. Stretching can work wonders for people suffering from lower back pain. This pain is often caused by tight muscles, and stretching will loosen them and relieve that pain. Stretching can also help your mind loosen up and unwind, which will relieve stress and improve your mood.

If your muscles are tight and you start working out, your chance of injury increases. Stretching helps to loosen your muscles and allows them to move easier. This still does not mean you should stretch right before working out, but by creating a routine where you stretch in the morning or at night (or both!), your muscles will stay looser, helping prevent muscle strains and tears.



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