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Natural Solutions For Health - June 2022

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2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste Get Back on Track! Directions Dr. Sladic’s 10-Day Detoxifi

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2 an avocado. Repeat for the 3 remaining bowls, drizzle with balsamic glaze and any other desired to

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Natural Solutions For Health - June 2022

healthy living

June 2022

LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late As I sat down to write this month’s cover article, I knew I wanted to highlight men’s health, specifically concerns that men should monitor as they age to remain healthy. But then another thought occurred to me — one that I feel resonates with everyone, whether you are a man or woman.

can evaluate your heart health and monitor your

cardiovascular system for any signs of wear or concerns you need to be watching. With this information, you can decide on a place to start. Perhaps you had a moderate concern, so you can slowly improve your diet and add

I think I speak for most of us when I say we’re in the latter half of our lives. I don’t mean to sound depressing right out of the gate, but think about it. The average lifespan for a man is 76 years. For women, it’s 80 years. So, by the age of 40, most of us are halfway through living. Frankly, there isn’t much time for dawdling! If you’re not happy, don’t have the energy you wish you could have, or don’t feel as productive as you think you can be, now is the time to change that. There isn’t much time to wait. When we paint health with broad strokes and label it as men’s or women’s health, we tend to forget the larger picture at play here: It is on all of us to create the life we want and feel content with. What that looks like for everyone will vary. But before we focus on men’s health, ask yourself, “What could I do today to make the latter half of my life better?” Now, when focusing specifically on the ways men could improve their health, and subsequently their lifestyle, a few thoughts come to mind. For starters, men are more likely to die from heart disease compared to any other cause of death. The second-leading cause of death among men is cancer. The common thread among these two diseases is that they are preventable. (Of course, genetics and the environment are major factors as well. For instance, about 10% of cancers are due to genetics.) With the right lifestyle, exercise, and diet, you can limit your risk of heart disease or cancer.

another walk to your day. If your test reveals more pressing concerns, then you know you have to make more drastic changes. (A trusted medical expert can help!) Inevitably, when you choose to live a heart-healthy lifestyle, you impact other areas of your life as well. For instance, what’s good for your heart can have cancer-preventing benefits, and exercise for your heart health can build muscle mass, another concern men have to monitor. Men start losing muscle mass by the time they reach 30 years old. It’s why men who don’t monitor their muscle loss either become really skinny or gain more fat as they age. Even if you have to make a drastic change, remember that lifestyle habits are not created or broken overnight. Take this journey one step at a time. You could try a squat routine three times per week for one month, and then add push-ups to your routine the next month. Just don’t squander what time you do have left in this life. No matter who you are, age can just be a number.

I’d love to help you start or improve your health journey. Please call me at 1-877-861-5927 if you have any questions.

As for where to start, that’s not always as clear. When it comes to heart disease, I always recommend starting with a blood test. This

–Dr. Tom Sladic


“You cannot do kindness too soon for you never know how soon it will be too late.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson



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It’s time for fun in the sun! Whether you’re heading out to the beach or lake, catching a ballgame, hosting a barbecue, or taking a boat tour, it’s important to protect your skin to avoid sun damage. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 1 in 5 Americans develops skin cancer by the

of women and less than 15% of men regularly apply sunscreen, which leaves them vulnerable to the sun’s harmful UV rays. The National Cancer Institute recommends using an SPF of at least 15 and reminds everyone to remember their feet if they are exposed! Seek out the shade. No matter the activity, try to limit your exposure to the sun — you’ll be cooler, too! Look for trees, pavilions, and shelters. When these options aren’t available, create your own shade by wearing a hat and toting along an umbrella. Wear protective clothing. Whenever possible, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants. UV protective clothing is best for maximum protection. Don’t forget about your eyes — UV sunglasses are important for your eyes and the delicate skin around them. Just because sunglasses appear dark does not mean they protect against UV rays! This summer, be sure to have fun but don’t forget to protect your skin from sunburns, possible skin cancer, and early signs of aging due to damage from sun exposure! Lather up!

time they are 70 years old, and every hour, two people die of skin cancer nationally. The risk of skin cancer is severe — it’s not just one sunburn. Having five or more sunburns in your lifetime can double your risk of developing skin cancer.

Here are some surefire ways to avoid a pesky, painful, and potentially harmful sunburn.

Always check: Did you apply (and reapply) sunscreen? Apply sunscreen, and then reapply after going in the water or a few hours later. According to the National Cancer Institute, only about 30%

MEN’S HEALTH IS A MATTER OF HEART 3 Lifestyle Tips for Your Ticker

As Dr. Sladic explained on this month’s cover, heart disease is the No. 1 killer among men. (It’s also the leading cause of death for women, but men are more likely to experience heart disease than women.) But this statistic is reversible! Genetics can influence heart disease, but your lifestyle choices also play a major role.

can lead to heart disease when consumed in large quantities — and rich in antioxidants and fiber. This makes them a heart-friendly goldmine! To find a focus when choosing the right fruits and vegetables, think about the foods that have potassium. This nutrient can lower blood pressure. So, add bananas to your oatmeal, spinach to your salads or pasta dishes, and squash to your meal as the perfect heart-friendly starch. Get moving. It may seem obvious, but exercise is one of the best ways to prevent your heart from succumbing to various diseases. Much like how your muscles need a challenge and have to work to grow and remain strong, your heart needs to feel a challenge in order to keep its strength, too! Focus on exercises that allow you to progress to keep it fun! For instance, walking or hiking are great beginner activities with plenty of courses and distances to incorporate into your routine once you become a master. Your heart is your responsibility. But it doesn’t come with a manual! For guidance on how to kickstart this heart-focused lifestyle, consult with Dr. Sladic today at 1-877-861-5927.

This Father’s Day, do yourself a favor and protect your heart — or share these ideas with your dad!

Have a blood test. Sure, not smoking or drinking, avoiding long stretches of stress, and getting restful sleep are great ways to ensure you protect your heart, but the best way to lead a heart health-conscious lifestyle is to determine where you need to start. After all, those who are relatively healthy are still at risk for a heart attack. A blood test is a useful way to determine your risk factor and to discuss your options with a trusted medical professional. Focus on plants. A heart-healthy diet has a few mainstays, and among them are plants. Fruits and vegetables are low in saturated fats — which are fats that



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Consuming the appropriate balance of nutrients each day is no easy task! Sometimes, the food we consume — no matter how healthy — just doesn’t give us enough. If you’re a man, consider adding these valuable supplements to your diet to limit that gap. Note: Supplements are not overnight wonders, nor should they be taken when you do consume enough nutrients through your diet. Dr. Sladic can help you determine if supplements are the right option for your diet, so please call him today at 1-877-861- 5927 for a health consultation. Fuel your body with these four nutrients. For men, taking the right supplements boils down to their risk factors. For instance, magnesium can aid in muscle and bone health, which can be useful for men who are losing muscle mass. (This is common for men after age 30.) Creatine can also help men build muscle mass, and it’s actually one of the most studied supplements on the market! Similarly, fish oil can aid in protecting the heart, and magnesium can help with this, too! Another supplement combination to try are electrolytes , which are a mixture of sodium, calcium, and potassium. These can boost hydration, which is essential to health, and may have some heart and muscle health benefits. Avoid this supplement. Iron is a great source for hormone regulation and energy, but it’s not something men are deficient in (commonly). The human body was designed to produce enough iron, but because iron is stored in your blood, women are more likely to have less iron in their system than men, due to menstruation. In fact, men are more likely than women to have too much iron, a condition called hemochromatosis! Men don’t need iron supplements, unless a trusted medical professional advises them otherwise. ( Note: If you have hemochromatosis, your blood is incredibly valuable! Consider donating if you feel comfortable doing so.) Dr. Sladic can help you determine your supplement needs. Call 1-877-861-5927 for a consultation, or if you know what you need, please call 248-912-2962. SUPPLEMENTING MEN’S HEALTH 4 Nutrients All Men Need and One to Avoid

A low-calorie and vegan pudding?! Yes, please! The best part is it only takes 5 minutes to make.


• 1/2 cup chia seeds

• 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

• 14 oz unsweetened almond milk or hazelnut milk

• Cacao nibs

• Frozen berries of your choice

• 3 tbsp cacao powder

• 2 tbsp maple syrup


1. In a bowl, mix all ingredients except cacao nibs and frozen berries.

2. Whisk to combine.

3. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight until thickened.

4. Spoon pudding into glasses and top with cacao nibs and frozen berries.





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1. Live Life How You Want It

2. Summer Skin Protection

Your Heart Is Your Responsibility

3. Vegan Chocolate Chia Pudding

The Essential Supplements Men Need (And One to Avoid!)

4. 3 Cooking Hacks to Eat Better


No. 3: Add frozen spinach to almost anything. Fresh spinach quickly

Making a meal plan is a pain, but you still want to get all your necessary vitamins, minerals, and protein through everyday foods. Even if you’re not a cooking expert, you can employ a few very simple cooking hacks in the dishes you commonly prepare! You’ll be surprised how these little boosts can reap big, nutritious rewards. No. 1: Add quinoa to recipes. Want to add extra texture or color to your steamed white or brown rice? Mix it up with 1 cup of quinoa (any color) and another 2 cups of water or broth. Or, simply throw quinoa into any grain-friendly soup you’re preparing, like a simple chicken soup! Quinoa is rich in antioxidants and filled with fiber to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reducing your risk of diabetes and heart disease. No. 2: Replace cream with almond, walnut, or oat milk. Cream is a popular mainstay in any American kitchen, but it doesn’t have to be dairy cream. Plant-based milk and creamer (such as almond, walnut, or oat milk) are often extra rich in vitamins and minerals and low in fat. They contain no cholesterol and are easy on your digestive system. Because they all have slightly different flavor profiles, you can pick your favorite! Walnut milk works surprisingly well in a creamy pasta sauce.

loses its folate, powerful vitamins, and nutritional benefits over time, but spinach, frozen at its peak freshness, saves the day. That’s why frozen spinach is actually more nutritious than most fresh spinach at the supermarket! Whether it’s for pasta, pizza, scrambled eggs, cheese dip, a smoothie, or curry, frozen spinach is more versatile than you might think. Plus, studies show spinach may have amino acids that help reduce stress and depression! (Bonus) No. 4: Add chia seeds to cold drinks, yogurt, baked desserts, and more! It’s easy to feel guilty for indulging your cravings for sweet tea, pudding, cookies, and cake. But if you add chia seeds, you might feel a little better about it! These small seeds are densely packed with antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which may promote heart health, support strong bones, and improve blood sugar management.

We hope these tips help make your favorite dishes a little more fun and guilt-free! Enjoy!



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