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Natural Solutions For Health - September 2020

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Natural Solutions For Health - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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Natural Solutions For Health - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste Get Back on Track! Directions Dr. Sladic’s 10-Day Detoxifi

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Natural Solutions For Health - December 2021

2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish Directions 1. In a

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Natural Solutions For Health - March 2022

Natural Solutions For Health - March 2022 healthy living March 2022 HOWTO RAISE HEALTHY

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Natural Solutions For Health - November 2021

3 cup goat cheese, crumbled Directions 1. In a skillet over medium heat, toast the pumpkin seeds unt

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Natural Solutions For Health - August 2022

8 tsp pepper As we age, our muscles become weaker, but a nutritious diet can help preserve that musc

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Natural Solutions For Health - May 2022

4 cup roasted pistachios, chopped Directions 1. In a small bowl, combine balsamic vinegar, olive oil

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Natural Solutions For Health - July 2022

2 cup BBQ sauce • 1 tbsp chili powder • 1 tsp dried red pepper flakes • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar •

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Natural Solutions For Health - June 2022

2 tsp vanilla extract • 14 oz unsweetened almond milk or hazelnut milk • Cacao nibs • Frozen berries

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Natural Solutions For Health - January 2022

2 an avocado. Repeat for the 3 remaining bowls, drizzle with balsamic glaze and any other desired to

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Natural Solutions For Health - September 2020

healthy living

September 2020

Discovering the Roots PARTNERING WITH YOU FOR YOUR HEALTH E ven after 23 years of navigating, learning, and applying That question is pretty complex. I could start with a straightforward answer: I practice functional medicine. But I believe the answer to what I do and how it influences the lives I work with is much more developed than that. comprehensive methods to a vast array of patients’ conditions, I’m still asked, “What do you do?” The work I do applies to various points in all of my patients’ lives, including their quality of life, their well-being, their pain management, and their ability to progress in their treatment (whether that’s with chronic headaches, thyroid issues, weight management, or something else altogether). Most of that desire to do more for my patients stems from my own battle with chronic illness. I’ve had heart disease. I’m a healthy man who continues to play hockey, and I have a medical background. But my family history put a target on my back. My heart was doomed, I guess. In consulting with medical doctors and other professionals, I realized there wasn’t any form of care that focused on the cause of my issue — they simply offered treatment options to limit the effects of the issue. I did all the right things, ate right, and stayed active, yet, I had heart disease. I wanted to know why and find a better way to root out the cause of this disease, focus on what the symptoms meant, and arrive at a point where I could thrive despite heart disease. That led me to where I am today. I apply that same line of thinking to every patient I help — patients who, like me, just want real answers to what is going on and natural ways to prevent it from continuing to happen. Together, we break down how movement, diet, sleep, biochemistry, and stress/emotions are factoring into their health. We ask questions like the following: Is there pain that’s limiting your movement? Are you getting enough sleep? Do you eat when you need to eat? Are you managing stress well? How does your genetic makeup and composition factor into all of this?

With these questions and proffered answers, we find target points that need repair and focus on the root causes of these issues. With each step, we learn more. I believe the work I do is an evolution. Every patient has a unique position in their care, and I have to disseminate all the information I can gather from their statements and medical tests to determine the best route for them. Together we develop plans that can best suit what they need. Each patient I see teaches me valuable lessons that I grab onto and have taken with me throughout over two decades of treating patients. I’m a constant learner because I know how valuable the treatments I offer can be, but I also know that medicine is always evolving. Look at how our diets have changed in just the past 40 years. In the 1980s, fat was the enemy. Today, it’s considered a vital nutrient. We have to approach each condition with this line of thinking. Otherwise, we’ll get stuck. This isn’t always easy, but as I approach challenging cases or am met with hurdles, I take time to read each testimonial patients leave for me and am encouraged every time. I’m reminded that while answering what I do every day may be a complex question, when asked if my work makes a difference, the answer is very simple: It does. Are you seeking care that digs at the root of your issue, that discovers how each piece of your life plays a role in the hurdles you face? If yes, schedule a phone consultation. I want to know how we can work together to help you.

Stay safe and be well,

–Dr . Tom Sl ad i c



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A N D H O W Y O U C A N S T O P I T While it’s pretty intuitive that physical stressors can cause physical injuries, you might not know that mental and emotional stress can also lead to musculoskeletal your mental and emotional health, you’ll still be at a heightened risk. While you might not be able to prevent every How Stress Can Lead to Injury

stressful situation from ever happening, you can control how you react when one does occur. A few simple things you can do to prevent mental stress are to get enough sleep, maintain a healthy diet, and drink plenty of water. If any of these basic stress inhibitors are absent from your daily routine, focus on incorporating them in to alleviate some of your stress. That said, practicing simple breathing exercises or another form of meditation can also be helpful, especially if you’re looking for a physical way to mentally unwind after a stressful day. While learning about how much stress hurts you can be even more stressful, you can find some peace knowing that with a few simple changes to your routine, you can prevent your stress from causing physical injury.

injuries that require physical therapy. That’s right — a lack of sleep, a busy workweek, and other stressful life events can make you more prone to injury. Why is this, and how can you prevent the stresses of everyday life from causing you bodily harm? When you experience stress, your body does a few things that naturally put you at an increased risk of injury. First, stress causes your nerves to function inefficiently. Second, stressful situations lead to higher levels of cortisol in the body, a hormone that inhibits muscle repair and immune system function. If you’re always dealing with stressful situations, then you’re constantly leaving your body open to physical injury.

You can prevent injuries with all sorts of physical means, but if you fail to address


There are many things we can control when it comes to our health. We choose what to eat each day or how many minutes we exercise. We make a conscious decision to watch one more episode on Netflix or to turn the TV off before bed. We can even choose to have a positive outlook when life gives us lemons. Unfortunately — or, in some cases, fortunately — our genetics and bodily composition also play a huge role in our health and wellness. To gain a full understanding of your well-being and treatment options, we always recommend getting a blood chemistry panel . As we like to say, this is a great first step in your functional medicine journey.

it, it offers us a glimpse into the bigger picture of what’s causing you pain or abnormal symptoms. We look at everything from A to Z in your blood panel. It’s the foundation of your health.


The best part about a blood chemistry panel is that it takes very little effort on a patient’s part. It’s similar to any blood test you may have had in the past. We ask that patients fill out some simple paperwork and fast for 10–12 hours before the test. Within a week after the test, we have a patient’s results mailed to their door. We can even schedule a consultation to review a patient’s results and help them determine their next steps for treatment. To truly live a healthy, full lifestyle, you need the complete picture of your health. Schedule your blood chemistry panel with Dr. Tom Sladic today and receive $30 off the panel’s cost. Don’t put off this simple test any longer. Take the first step toward feeling better today.


A blood chemistry panel is used to find diseases and trends that may point to future conditions. It can explain symptoms you may be experiencing or determine what further testing could provide a direct link to your pain, fatigue, weight issues, and more. Your blood is the main life source for your body, and because it carries so much with



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For many, health and well-being became especially important in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic caused many of us to put our own health and the safety of our families above anything else, and as we continue to battle this pandemic, you may be wondering if there’s more you can do to protect yourself and those you love. Dr. Sladic can help you develop a more comprehensive plan, but these three items are great to start your natural immunity journey. COLOSTRUM FOR SECRETORY IGA PERFORMANCE The lining of our nasal passages has powerful tools for prohibiting infections and diseases. The lining of the passage includes secretory IgA antibodies, which fight a disease’s ability to replicate. When these antibodies are compromised, it’s easier for a disease — like COVID-19 — to replicate, causing the disease to form in our bodies. However, you can boost your secretory IgAs’ abilities with a handy little supplement: colostrum. Multiple studies have linked colostrum, the milky substance produced by a mammal after birth, as boosting the immunity and protection of secretory IgAs. Thankfully, it’s sold in supplement form for easy consumption. SOLUTIONS FOR OVERWORKING AND STRESSING Stress is common during this strange period, but when your body is stressed, overworked, and tense, its defenses are compromised. This strain makes it easier for diseases to creep into weakened immune systems. Practicing meditation, putting distance between your home office and the rest of your home, and finding outlets to your stress can be vital to protecting your body from infection. VITAMIN D FOR IMMUNE STRENGTH Similar to how the secretory IgA prevents the replication of disease, vitamin D allows the replication of defense mechanisms your body uses to rid yourself of disease. And this could prove to be vital to COVID-19 prevention. Many reports cite that the average COVID-19 patient has low levels of vitamin D, which means their body’s ability to quickly adapt


EASY Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Inspired by


• 4 medium sweet potatoes • 1 15-oz can black beans, drained and rinsed • 2 medium tomatoes, diced • 1 tbsp olive oil • 1 tsp cumin

• 1 tsp coriander • 3/4 tsp salt • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

and fight disease is diminished. Supplements and vitamins can fill in this gap and provide an extra tool in a potential fight against disease. For a limited time, place a supplement order for over $80 and take $20 off (expires in 30 days). Call 248-912-2962 to place a supplement order today. You deserve all the tools you can get for your well-being.


1. With a fork, prick each sweet potato a few times. Microwave the potatoes on high 12–15 minutes, or until cooked through. 2. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine the beans, tomatoes, olive oil, cumin, coriander, and salt. When the potatoes are done, microwave the mixture on high for 2–3 minutes. 3. Cool potatoes slightly, then cut each potato open lengthwise. Pull the halves apart to create space to spoon the warm bean salsa inside. 4. Garnish with cilantro, and serve!



Published by The Newsletter Pro •





1. Finding the True Cause of Your Health Needs

2. How Mental Stress Causes Physical Injuries

What’s a Blood Chemistry Panel?

3. Easy Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Boost Your Immune System (Naturally) During the Pandemic

4. The Power of the Golden Spice

THE POWER OF THE GOLDEN SPICE An Introduction to Turmeric’s Health Benefits

People have raved about many superfoods over the past few decades, but one that’s garnered notable attention is turmeric. Fittingly known as the golden spice due to its orange-yellow hue, turmeric is famous for being a crucial part of Indian cuisine, ayurvedic medicine, and Chinese medicine. But does turmeric actually help people? And if so, how? Let’s start with the basics to find out. WHAT’S IN TURMERIC? First, it’s important to know what the spice contains and why researchers are so excited about it. Turmeric is packed with a chemical known as curcumin, which has been shown to provide anti- inflammatory effects, pain relief, antioxidants, and a decrease in the risk of cancer. Pro Tip: You should not consume excessive amounts of turmeric if you take medication that has blood-clotting effects, such as aspirin. However, a moderate amount typically doesn’t react with these or other medications and has many other benefits. CAN IT IMPROVE JOINT HEALTH? In many cases, yes! The Arthritis Foundation recommends taking a 400–600-milligram tablet of turmeric up to three times daily. Multiple studies cite turmeric’s ability to reduce inflammation and relieve arthritis pain, and one study even notes that turmeric seemed to work just as well as ibuprofen (Advil) for people with arthritis in their

knees. Participants in that study took 800 milligrams of turmeric every day.

CAN IT HELP THE LIVER? Yes. One of the spice’s most notable characteristics is its powerful antioxidant

abilities. Antioxidants play an important function in our bodies. The average person is exposed to refined and processed foods, smoking, environmental pollution,

and chemicals found in pesticides and drugs. Turmeric can protect the liver from damage due to these toxins, which also aids those who take strong medications known to cause long-term liver damage. CAN IT DECREASE SYMPTOMS OF HAY FEVER AND DEPRESSION? Some symptoms, yes. The curcumin in turmeric can help reduce hay fever symptoms like sneezing, itching, runny nose, and congestion. When used in tandem with antidepressants, turmeric may help reduce symptoms of depression. There are many benefits to using turmeric in your weekly meal routine. Try out some Indian or Chinese recipes or prepare some Instagram-worthy golden milk. In whatever you make, enjoy the rich flavor combinations turmeric offers!



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