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Never Too Late - June 2022

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Never Too Late - August 2022

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Never Too Late - July 2022

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NEVER TOO LATE - OCTOBER 2019 La importancia de Medicare para adultos mayores En 1965 el presidente L

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Never Too Late - November 2021

hypoglycemia, stress, and emotional problems such as depression, anger, fear, and frustration. • Exe

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low-impact aerobic segment, stretches, and structured strength training exercises using weights. Fit

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August 2019, Never Too Late | Page 3 Pima Council on Aging Aging in Our Community offer, as well as

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It's Never Too Late To Start Moving!

hip arthritis, spinal stenosis, low back arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Scler

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2022 Late Spring


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2022 Late Spring

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Never Too Late - June 2022

Never Too Late Para información en Español ver páginas 19 - 21

June 2022 What’s News • Aging in Our Community • Dementia Capable SoAZ: Memory Café Events • Medicare & SMP • Rights & Benefits • Caregiving: New Workshops • Healthy Living: Classes Happening Now! • PCOA Puzzle • Ending Life Well • Neighbors Care Alliance • Visibility Matters • Advocacy • CareGiver Training Institute • HomeMatch Pima • PimaCare at Home

Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness


Independence. Vitality. Respect.

Inside • Aging in Our Community 3 • Dementia Capable SoAZ 4

• Ending Life Well 22 • Advocacy 23

• Medicare & SMP 5 - 6 • Rights & Benefits 7 - 8 • Caregiving 9 - 11

• Senior Companion Program 24 • Neighbors Care Alliance 25 - 26 • Visibility Matters 28 • HomeMatch Pima 29 • Featured Artist 30 • CareGiver Training Institute, Healthcare Education by PCOA 31 • Introducing & PimaCare at Home, In-Home Care by PCOA 32

PCOA Helpline: (520) 790-7262 Administration: (520) 790-0504 Donate: E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mail: 8467 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85710 Never Too Late is published by Pima Council on Aging, the Area Agency on Aging, Region II. Material from Never Too Late may be reprinted when permission is given and attribution is used along with ©PCOA 2022. Editor Adina Wingate, (520) 790-0504 [email protected] Editorial Assistant Jan Baker, (520) 790-0504 [email protected] Advertising Adina Wingate, (520) 790-0504 [email protected] Design Consultant Lori Lieber, Lori Lieber Graphic Design [email protected]

• Community Lunch Program 12 • Volunteer: Take YOUR Shot 13 • Healthy Living 14 - 16 • PCOA Puzzle 17 - 18 • Nunca Es Demasiado Tarde 19 - 21

On the Cover: Detail from Portal, Arizona by Gary Bachman, The Drawing Studio. (Story, full image on inside back cover) Help from PCOA During the Pandemic Due to the prevalence of the coronavirus in our community, we encourage the public to access our services by phone or email whenever possible. Our building at 8467 E Broadway is open for those requiring in-person assistance. We encourage you to call and make an appointment to ensure the right staff are available to assist you. Our building at 600 S Country Club is not currently open to the public. Please call or visit our website frequently for updates, as availability is subject to change as the public health crisis evolves. The best way to access our services, including making an appointment for in-person assistance, is by calling our Helpline between 8:30 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday at (520) 790-7262 or emailing [email protected].

Editorial and Advertising Deadline for Next Issue JUNE 3 2022

Please include a contact person name and phone number with all submitted material. All articles are subject to editing in accordance with technical and policy guidelines but will not be altered in content without permission of the author. Publication of submissions is not guaranteed. Ads are not to be considered as PCOA endorsements of products, services, or individuals.



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Page 2 | June 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Aging in Our Community A Message from W. Mark Clark, President and CEO

Brain Health Screenings Powerful Tools for Planning As an adult in my late forties, my

activities, volunteer and even work. This early stage can last for years, during which it’s possible for people with dementia to live well by focusing on health, wellness, and those things meaningful for them. Many people find comfort and empowerment in putting legal, financial, and end-of-life plans in place during this period, when they can clearly make and articulate important decisions. As the disease progresses, health and cognitive function decline, but people living with dementia are still able to participate in and enjoy many aspects of life. PCOA launched the Dementia Capable Southern Arizona program two years ago to expand our community’s ability to support, include and understand those with Alzheimer’s and related dementias and their caregivers. In partnership with local government, we are creating a dementia-friendly communities plan to make southern Arizona a better place for people living with dementia and those who care for them. Because early detection matters, we help increase the identification of people with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias and make referrals to appropriate resources. We are excited to introduce Memory Cafés in Pima County, and to partner with local businesses to provide training and support to caregivers in the workplace. Visit to learn more. As we focus on brain health this month, I encourage you to take our free memory screening by calling the PCOA Helpline at 520.790.7262 or completing the referral form at Based on the results of the screening, our Options Counselors will work with

you and your family in creating a person- centered plan that can include general information, resources and referrals as needed. They will also provide dementia education and support for symptom management. PCOA recently co-hosted a screening and education event with Banner Alzheimer’s Institute for a Lilly Alzheimer’s clinical drug trial at our Katie Dusenberry Healthy Aging Center. With encouragement from staff, my informal popping by to see how the day was going became my own participation in the initial screening. Based on that screening, it seems the occasional lapses of memory I sometimes experience are likely best chalked up to normal effects of aging, much to my great relief. With my family history, and Alzheimer’s and related dementias on the rise, the peace of mind that comes with some degree of understanding about my brain health is something I highly recommend. Whether such cognitive screenings and subsequent diagnostic tests by a physician ultimately lead to a clean slate of health or a less encouraging diagnosis, knowledge is empowering and can give you the tools to make important decisions about how you spend your time and prepare for the future.

stepmother, who served as full-time caregiver for my father, requested my assistance so she could take a greatly deserved weekend away, and I agreed to care for my dad in her absence. My father, who was by that time experiencing what I have come to realize were significant signs of dementia, was using a wheelchair and required near round-the-clock care and monitoring. I would need to go to the grocery store, my stepmother told me, and Dad liked to go, too. And I would need to sleep in the same bed with him, as he was apt to get up and wander. My father, a former public school principal, had for most of my life been a powerful man with high expectations for himself, others, and certainly for me. To care for him in this very vulnerable stage of his life was humbling, physically and mentally challenging, and heartbreaking. At one point during the weekend, I became overwhelmed with emotion. When Dad saw my tears, in a moment of clarity, he asked what was wrong, and I told him it was difficult for me to see him this way. With genuine love and concern, he suggested I should not come around anymore, since it distressed me so. I’ve come to understand that my father was at that time in a fairly advanced stage of his disease, but as is true for most people with dementia, had lived for a number of years with milder symptoms that worsened over time. In the early stage of dementia, most people function independently, drive, take part in social

W.Mark Clark President & CEO

June 2022, Never Too Late | Page 3

Pima Council on Aging

Dementia Capable Southern Arizo na

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month 55 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer's or another dementia. 6 million people in the United States are living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. 150,000 people aged 65 and older in Arizona are living with Alzheimer’s disease.

What are common signs of dementia? 1. Problems with memory and thinking that disrupt daily life. 2. Challenges in planning or solving problems. 3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks. 4. Confusion with time or place. 5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships. 6. New problems with words in speaking or writing. 7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps. 8. Decreased or poor judgment. 9. Withdrawal from work or social activities, loss of interest in hobbies or activities. 10. Changes in mood or personality.

Join Dementia Capable Southern Arizona and The Desert Southwest Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association on June 22nd for a series of hopeful and

helpful programs to promote brain health. Come spend the day with us at The Katie! 7:30 - 8:30am Sunrise Yoga at Reid Park

9:00 - 9:45am

Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body: Tips from the Latest Research

10:00 - 11:00am

Café at The Katie—Memory Café

Source: dementia

1:00 - 2:00pm

The Art of Memory - A hands - on art expression Interactive Approaches to Symptom Management

Memory concerns? We are here to help! Call the PCOA Helpline at 520.790.7262 or visit our website to complete a referral form online

2:30 - 3:30pm

For more information or to RSVP please visit: - longest - day - 375459 Or contact Nicole Thomas at 520.790.7573 x1739 or [email protected]

Page 4 | June 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Medicare Corner PCOA’s Understanding Medicare presentations are now available in person and virtually.

Topics include:

• Medicare basics • How to enroll

• Making changes • Medicare coverage while employed

• Medicare Savings Programs for low-income beneficiaries • Medicare hot topics

Virtual (Zoom)



In Person

S.Country Club Location: Broadway Location:


June 8, 2022

8467 E. Broadway Blvd Tucson, AZ 85710 600 S. Country Club Rd. Tucson, AZ 85716

Virtual (Zoom)

Wednesday 10am – 1pm Thursday 10am – 1pm

June 23, 2022

Virtual (Zoom)

For more information, contact PCOA medicare department at (520) 546-2011

This project was supported in part by grant number 90MPPG0022, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy Medicare and Alzheimer’s When seeking answers for symptoms related to dementia it is important to know what coverage Medicare will provide as it is to know what to expect during your doctor visit. Medicare will pay for some services during every stage of dementia care, such as cognitive assessments, hospital stays, prescription drugs and other services. Medicare will cover separate visit with your regular doctor or a specialist to do a full review of your cognitive function, establish or confirm a diagnosis like dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, and develop a care plan. During this visit, your doctor may: • Perform an exam, talk with you about your medical history, and review your medications. • Create a care plan to help address and manage your symptoms. • Refer you to a specialist, if needed. • Help you understand more about community resources, like rehabilitation services, adult day health programs, and support groups. You can bring someone with you, like a spouse, friend, or caregiver, to help provide information and answers. Part B deductible and coinsurance may apply. (Source: Medicare & You: The official U.S. government Medicare handbook 2022, pp: 34-35) Contact PCOA, Pima county’s State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) at (520) 546-2011 for assistance with understanding your plan coverage and other options available to Pima county’s Medicare beneficiaries.

June 2022, Never Too Late | Page 5

Pima Council on Aging

Medicare Corner

Medicare Savings Programs Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs), also known as Medicare Buy-In programs, are state programs that assist you with paying your

Medicare costs. The income are the baseline federal income and asset limits for each MSP. There are three main programs, each with different benefits and eligibility requirements:


Monthly Income Limit

What cost does it cover?

Individual: $0 - $1,153 Couple: $0 - $1,546

• Part A and B premiums • Part A and B cost-sharing (deductibles, copayments, and coinsurances) • Part B premium

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB)

Individual: $0 - $1,379 Couple: $0 - $1,851

Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Qualifying Individual (QI)

• Part B premium

Individual: $0 - $1,549 Couple: $0 - $2,080

What other benefits, rights, and protections come with the MSP?  If you enroll in an MSP, you will automatically get Extra Help, the

who are in network for your Medicare Advantage Plan cannot bill you for any Medicare cost-sharing. This includes deductibles, copayments, and coinsurances for all Medicare covered services. If you have QMB and your provider bills you for services, let them know that you have QMB and should not be billed. Note that some states may impose small Medicaid copays for certain Medicare-covered services. If you continue to have problems, call your local Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP).

QMB MSP may allow you to enroll in Part A without waiting for the General Enrollment Period, depending on your state.  If you have a Late Enrollment Penalty (LEP), the MSP can eliminate it. Most people need this for Part B LEPs. However, if you have a Part A LEP and qualify for QMB, QMB will also eliminate your Part A LEP.  If you are enrolled in QMB, providers who accept Original Medicare or

federal program that helps pay your Medicare prescription drug (Part D plan) costs.  The MSP allows you to enroll in Medicare outside of the regular enrollment periods. If you missed your Initial Enrollment Period to enroll in Part B, the MSP will allow you to enroll in Part B during any time of the year. If you do not have premium-free Part A and are not enrolled in Part A, the

How can I apply for an MSP? You will need to apply through your local Medicaid office or other state agency that receives MSP applications. Pima Council on Aging is the local State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) where you can get assistance with your application. Contact the PCOA Medicare department at (520) 546-2011.

Page 6 | June 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Rights & Benefits Information ALTCS Workshop Presents

Learn about the Arizona Long Term Care System, including what it is, what it takes to be eligible for the program, and what kinds of services are available once a person becomes eligible. A great place to start when you are considering ALTCS for yourself, or for a loved one.

2022 Series Details Where: The Katie Dusenberry Healthy Aging Center, 600 Country Club Rd. When: Thursdays - June 23, July 28, August 25, September 22 Time: 1:00 – 2:30pm Memory Care Support Series This 6-month series is designed for caregivers who are caring for a loved one with memory loss. We will walk through many aspects of this journey with you, from learning the basics of memory loss and dementia, to end of life planning. We will help you understand the changes that are occurring with your loved one without forgetting about your own self-care!

Please join us in person. Topic: ALTCS Workshop Time: June 9, 2:30 — 4 p.m.

Every month on the Second Thursday. Location: The Katie, 600 S. Country Club Rd. Participants are asked to socially distance themselves; masks are optional. Space is limited; please register soon.

June 23

Memory Loss: Progression, Behaviors and Interventions Part 1

Class size is limited Register through Eventbrite at: pcoa-memory-care-support-series-190859 For more information or to register, contact Donna DeLeon at 520.790.7573 ext. 1750 or [email protected] Memory Loss: Progression, Behaviors and Interventions Part 2 August 25 Caregiving Assists: Clever & Practical Tips and Tools Sept. 22 Transitions & Life Changes: Supports for the Journey July 28

To register , go to:, or call Donna DeLeon at 520.790.7573 ext 1750. The ALTCS workshop is held every month on the Second Thursday. Participants who would prefer a virtual training are invited to register for our July training held on Thursday, July 14, 2022.

June 2022, Never Too Late | Page 7

Pima Council on Aging

Rights & Benefits Information

What is Elder Abuse? Elder abuse can be financial, emotional, physical, and sexual. It also includes people who are neglected and those who neglect themselves (self-neglect). Social isolation, financial or emotional stress, and dementia can make a senior vulnerable to abuse. The consequences of elder abuse are grave: older adults who are abused are twice as likely to be hospitalized, four times as likely to go into nursing homes, and three times as likely to die. While studies show that 60% of abusers are family members, abuse can happen in any setting: in the older adult’s own home or a senior living community. Between 1 million and 2 million Americans over 65 years old were injured, exploited or mistreated by someone they depended on for care or protection, according to the National Center for Elder Abuse. Elder Abuse: Everyone’s business World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is commemorated each year on June 15th to highlight one of the worst manifestations of ageism and inequality in our society, elder abuse. Elder abuse is any act that causes harm to an older person and is carried out by someone they know and trust, such as a family member or friend. The abuse may be physical, social, financial, psychological, or sexual and can include mistreatment and neglect. WEAAD was officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2011, following a request by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), who first established the commemoration in June 2006. In many parts of the world, elder abuse occurs with little recognition or response. It is a global social issue that affects the health, well-being, independence, and human rights of millions

June 15th

of older people worldwide and an issue that deserves the attention of all in the community. According to WHO, prevalence rates or estimates exist only in selected developed countries – ranging from 1 to 10 percent. Although the extent of elder mistreatment is unknown, its social and moral significance is obvious. Individuals, communities, municipalities, and organizations will come together across the globe to hold events on June 15th that raise awareness of elder abuse. Equitable Relief for Medicare Enrollment and Disenrollment By Darlynda Bogle , Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is providing equitable relief to individuals who could not submit premium Part A or Part B enrollment or disenrollment requests timely due to challenges contacting us by phone. This relief applies to the 2022 General Enrollment Period, Initial Enrollment Period, and Special Enrollment Period. If you were unable to enroll or disenroll in Medicare because you could not reach us by phone after January 1, 2022, you will be granted additional time, through December 30, 2022. For more information, call 1-800-772-1213 or use our Office Locator ( to find the number for a local office.

Page 8 | June 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging


Caregivers tend to lose sight of themselves. You may have lost your identity, friendships, and hobbies you once loved. You stop meeting your own needs and you can get stuck in a monotonous routine. This can be due to limited time, resources, and finances. Taking the time to focus on yourself may feel like an impossible task, but it is important to take that time. It is common for a caregiver to let their self-care disappear because it is easier but doing so can affect your brain function and emotional health. So, how do we get back on track to living a healthier life? The first thing to do is create the time and opportunity. Perhaps you can ask a family member or neighbor to help care for your loved one as you take much needed respite. If you struggle to identify someone, call a PCOA Aging and Caregiver Specialist and they will brainstorm resources with you that can help you find respite services/volunteers within your area and budget. Once you have managed to find respite to take an important break, you may still struggle to connect with friends or hobbies, and you may have limited finances. Now what do you do? Getting Back on Track By Selina Linn, PCOA Aging and Caregiving Specialist

that have limited offers that require no down payment and only a $10.00 monthly fee. If a gym is not for you, there are free work out routines from Yoga to Pilates on YouTube. Also, PCOA offers healthy living

Here are 4 simple ways to take those first steps: Keep Up with Technology Technology moves quickly and is constantly changing. It can be intimidating and overwhelming to learn, but it can help keep you connected to your community and have access to resources that would otherwise be closed to you. Talk to people about smart phones and tablets—and even take a technology class at your local mobile phone store or community center. Today, the usual form of communication is online, even to make plans to meet in person. Keeping up with technology can keep your brain function healthy and open up new interactions that were impossible MeetUp is an online application, “app,” that connects people to get out, socialize, and do enjoyable activities. It brings people together who have similar interests. It is free to join and most (not all) of the social interactions are free. These are not closed groups for already established friendships, but a place to connect with like-minded people in your area that share similar interests and are looking to build new friendships and hobbies. Make Exercise Simple Exercise does not have to be complicated. Walking reduces stress and can be done in your own neighborhood. There are multiple parks throughout Tucson that have walking, bike or roller-skating tracks. Walking can be done anywhere and requires no special skills. There are gyms to have in the past. Meet New People

and fitness classes! Find Ways to Relax

Sometimes, all you need is a nap or a good cup of coffee, but there are other ways to relax too. You may wish to give Groupon a try, is a terrific way to explore new things in Tucson without having to pay full price. It is an “app” that offers discounts for various activities and services in Tucson. They have anything from miniature golf to a Swedish massage that can sometimes be up to 75% off. There are times when what you need is mental escapism. Movie theaters have great early bird specials, and it is a great way to let your mind live another life for a few short hours. If you are not a movie person, perhaps you can go somewhere that is comfortable and relaxed to enjoy a book. Libraries have great selections for free. They now have ebooks and audio books online, if you are not able make it out to your local library. If you are a family caregiver or know a family caregiver that needs support or assistance, please reach out to us. Call the PCOA Helpline at (520) 790-7262 and ask to be connected with an Aging and Caregiving Specialist.

June 2022, Never Too Late | Page 9

Pima Council on Aging


PCOA CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUPS – JUNE Five are currently being held by Zoom plus six in person.

To protect the confidentiality of the group sessions, access information will only be given to registered participants. Emails are sent out on Fridays with updated schedules and additional information. If you participated in the groups before COVID, and have not been receiving the emails, please check your junk or spam folder. Questions or to RSVP : call the Helpline at (520) 790-7262. Participation in the groups can be in person (6 groups), by telephone or by computer/tablet/smartphone w/ video.

Support groups are a way to connect with others who are walking the journey of caregiving like you are. You get to SEE (if you use the video option) that you are not alone. You get to hear other’s challenges and successes, learn about helpful resources, know that your story matters and that you have been heard. Support groups are facilitated by a professional and are a safe place for you to express your concerns, frustrations, etc. and learn that others feel this way too.


“Offering care means being a companion, not a superior. It doesn’t matter whether the person we are caring for is experiencing cancer, the flu, dementia, or grief.” — Judy Cornish, The Dementia Handbook: How to Provide Dementia Care at Home

6/2, 1st Thursday, 1–2:30pm Virtual ON ZOOM 6/6, 1st Monday , 1–2:30pm (East) In Person 6/7, 1st Tuesday , 12–1:30pm (Oro Valley) In Person 6/9, 2nd Thursday , 1–2:30pm (East) In Person 6/13, 2nd Monday , 1–2:30pm (Green Valley) In Person 6/14, 2nd Tuesday, 5:30–7pm Virtual ON ZOOM

6/16, 3rd Thursday, 1:30–3pm Virtual ON ZOOM 6/20, 3rd Monday, 1–2:30pm (Midtown) In Person 6/21, 3rd Tuesday , 9–10:30am Virtual ON ZOOM 6/27, 4th Monday, 11am–12:30pm Virtual ON ZOOM 6/28, Last Tuesday , 9–10:30am (Southwest) In Person

*NOTE: There will be no meetings on days where holidays are observed PLEASE RSVP for all groups. At all in person meetings we continue to social distance and mask wearing is optional. To reserve a space or if you have any questions, please contact the PCOA Helpline at (520) 790-7262.

Page 10 | June 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging


Free training for informal, nonpaid family caregivers Caregiving Essentials: First Steps Training Schedule 2022

Dusenberry Healthy Aging Center 600 S. Country Club, 85716 If staying for both, bring your own lunch. Coffee and water available.

Wednesday, June 8 Wednesday, July 13 Tuesday, August 9

Friday, September 16 Wednesday, October 12 Monday, November 7

Workshop 1: Steps to Resilience (9 am – 12:30pm)

Workshop 2: Physical Care and Safety (1:00 – 3:30pm)

• Stress Management & Grief • Communication • Dementia Behaviors & Issues • Finances & Legal Resources • Lifelines for Support: Respite & Support Groups • Nutrition Support • Phone and Technology Use • Grief & End of Life Resources

• Activity Planning, Outings and Car Etiquette • Infection control and providing Personal Care

• Proper Body Mechanics • Home Environment Safety & Fall Prevention • Planning for an Emergency • Understanding Assistive Devices • Proper Walking /Transferring techniques • Re-positioning with reassessment

Register on Eventbrite: or call Pima Council on Aging, 520.790.7573 ext. 1750; [email protected]

For questions, call Kelley Hansen 520-790-7573 ext. 3413; [email protected] For possible respite during training, call Arizona Caregiver Coalition 888.737.7494 or our Helpline 520-790-7262. This training does not provide certification or CEU’s for employment. *Events subject to change due to health precautions. See page 29 for details.

June 2022, Never Too Late | Page 11

Pima Council on Aging

PCOA Community Lunch Program

Do You Know... • Someone who could benefit from a lunch program that also provides an opportunity to make new friends. Let’s face it, eating alone, at home, is no fun. • These programs are typically open from Monday – Friday (except as noted and holidays) from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 1pm. • There are fun activities available during these hours. Depending on the site, activities include games, movies, crafts and even field trips. • A transportation subsidy may be available to get someone to these lunch programs. Transportation is provided via Sun Van, to individuals with disabilities with a current ADA Eligibility Card issued by the City of Tucson. • That these lunch programs are open to all individuals 60 and older and their spouse regardless of age. Once you register at a meal site, you will be required to reserve your meals each week. That way, we know you’re coming and your lunch is waiting for you. A suggested donation of $2–$3 is requested. Community Center Lunches are a program of the Pima Council on Aging in collaboration with sub-contracted agencies: Catholic Community Services, and the City of Tucson Parks & Recreation Department. Have Lunch and Make a Friend

Check it out here: meals-nutrition.html/ Click on “View Monthly Menu” This Month’s Menu


Ajo Community

290 W. Fifth St., Ajo 85321

520-387-5040 520-791-4353 520-791-4070 520-889-0928 520-837-8210 520-887-9786 520-791-4969 520-791-3247 520-791-2509 520-485-7413 520-791-5787

Archer Neighborhood Armory Park Senior *

1665 S. La Cholla Blvd., Tucson 85713 220 S. 5th Ave., Tucson 85701 101 W. Irvington Rd., Tucson 85714 1390 W. Speedway Blvd., Tucson 85705 1660 W. Ruthrauff Rd., Tucson 85705

El Pueblo Neighborhood Center El Rio Neighborhood Center

Ellie Towne/Flowing Wells Community Center **

Freedom Recreation Center

5000 E. 29th St., Tucson 85711 2160 N. 6th Ave., Tucson 85705

Donna Liggins Center

780 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley 85614 520-393-6814

Posada Life Community Center Quincie Douglas Senior Center

1575 E. 36th St., Tucson 85713

Saguaro Christian Church William Clements Center

8302 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson 85710 8155 E. Poinciana Dr., Tucson 85730

Please call in advance to reserve a meal and for days and hours of operation. Funded by: Federal Older Americans Act through AZ DES/DAAS, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, City of Tucson, and Individual Contributions * Dinner meal only ** Open Mon., Wed., Fri.

Page 12 | June 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging


These past several months, older adults in our community have been diligent about getting their booster shots to keep themselves and their families and friends safe. This spring the CDC approved a 4th booster shot for people 50 years of age or older or for people who are moderately to severely immunocompromised. Take YOUR FOURTH Shot!

Looking For Volunteers Come Canvass With Us! Talk to your neighbors about COVID vaccines, booster shots, and flu shots Inform your community about the importance of vaccines and encourage them to get theirs Connect people with local resources and available vaccine appointments

It’s easy with the pandemic restrictions beginning to lift to forget what a threat COVID-19 still poses for us and our communities. Our single best bet to stopping new variants and ensuring the safety of ourselves and others is to make sure you are up to date with your vaccines. And that means to take the latest booster shots as you become eligible. Visit for the most up to date information about the COVID-19 vaccine and for information on how you can receive your COVID-19 booster shots.

No experience needed! Anyone interested in volunteering to canvass for the Take YOUR Shot vaccination campaign email [email protected] or call (520) 790-7573 x 1768.

June 2022, Never Too Late | Page 13

Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Living

Small steps. Positive changes. Healthier living. At least 91% of older adults have at least one chronic condition and 77% have two or more. Diabetes affects 23% of older adults, and 1 in 3 older adults fall every year in the U.S. Most falls can be prevented.

Healthy Living with Ongoing Health Conditions offered in-person

600 S. Country Club Rd. Registered participants receive a copy of the newly updated book Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions . June 7, 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12* Tuesdays from 10 am – 12:30 pm What: A six-week program for 2.5 hours once a week

Contribution: $30 (covers your book & supplies)


Our current schedule for EnhanceFitness® classes (1 hour class) is:

NEW Udall Park, Carol West Senior Center, 7222 E Tanque Verde Rd. Mon., Wed., Fri., 11 am – 12 pm Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays • Randolph Recreation Center, 200 S. Randolph Way, Bldg. 1 , 9 – 10 am • El Pueblo Recreation Ctr., 101 W. Irvington Rd., Activity Center, Bldg. 9 – 11 am – 12pm • El Rio Center, 1390 W. Speedway Blvd. – 11am – 12 pm • Clements Regional Ctr., Fitness Center 8155 E. Poinciana Dr. – 8:30 – 9:30 am

The Katie PCOA Dusenberry Building 600 S. Country Club Rd., (Fitness Room) Mon., Wed., Fri.

Community-based health promotion programs help individuals gain self-confidence in controlling symptoms; manage the progression of long-term and chronic, age-related conditions; and lead an active and productive life that most strive for. Call Jennie at (520) 305-3410 for more information. • Learn Practical Skills • Gain Self-confidence • Manage Fall Risks • Positive Changes & Healthier Living *Event subject to change due to health precautions. See page 29 for details.

In-Person : 10:30 – 11:30 am Remote: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Tucson Estates (TENHN), 5900 W Western Way Circle

Mondays – 10:30 – 11:30 am, Recreation Hall Wednesdays & Fridays – 10:30 – 11:30 am, Multi-Purpose Hall The contribution fee is $36/month per participant.

Pre-registration is required through Eventbrite (located on the PCOA homepage), . For assistance, call us at (520) 305-3410.

Pre-registration for these classes is through the Pima County Parks and Recreation website at aspx?portalId=169&pageId=391 Chose the center of your choice from the list and go their class listing, look for EnhanceFitness to register.

Ellie Towne/Flowing Wells Community Center, 1660 W Ruthrauff Rd. Mon., Wed., Fri. – 10:30 – 11:30 am Picture Rocks Community Center, 5615 North Sanders Rd. Mon., Wed., Fri. – 10:30 – 11:30 am Drexel Heights Community Center, 5220 South San Joaquin Ave. Mon., Wed., Fri. – 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Page 14 | June 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Living

A Matter of Balance Offered in Person

May 31, June 2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23* Tuesdays & Thursdays | 1:30 – 3:30 pm

600 S. Country Club Rd., Fitness Room

Contribution Fee: $30.00 (covers your book and supplies) Many older adults become concerned about their balance and falling as they age. They may experience a fear of falling. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. A Matter of Balance is a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. It includes 8 two-hour sessions for a small group of 8-15 participants led by a trained facilitator.

The program enables participants to achieve significant goals. They gain confidence by learning to: • Overcome the fear of falling and learn to view falls as controllable • Set goals for increasing activity • Recognize fall hazards • Make changes to reduce fall risk at home • Exercise to increase strength and balance What do participants learn?

Who should attend?

The program is designed to benefit older adults who: • Are concerned about falls • Have sustained falls in the past • Restrict activities because of concerns about falling • Are interested in improving flexibility, balance and strength

• Are age 60 or older, community-dwelling and able to problem solve

For more information and to register, contact Jennie at (520) 305-3410.

*Events subject to change due to health precautions. See page 29 for details.

June 2022, Never Too Late | Page 15

Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Living

Brain Clutter: A New Spring Cleaning Imperative? By Ajla Basic , Categories: Aging & Wellness

The Importance of Staying Hydrated By Marty Twichell , EnhanceFitness Program Coordinator, PCOA’s Healthy Living Department Are you well hydrated? Do you experience any of these conditions — constipation, nausea, joint pain, stiffness, dry mouth, sore gums, headache, dizziness, fatigue, muscle weakness? You might simply be experiencing low-grade dehydration. Most of us do walk around with low-grade dehydration because so much in our lives contributes to it. Air conditioning, processed foods, fluorescent lighting, and some medications, are all very dehydrating. Then remember, we do live in a desert, which really can dehydrate us quickly. Also, for some reason, there is resistance to going to the bathroom often. But think of peeing every couple of hours as a great healthy choice for yourself. You get to move & stretch your body, rest your eyes, adjust your posture, socialize a minute, and move fluid. It is a great thing! The other thing I hear is that some people don’t like water. You are still able to hydrate by drinking diluted juices, flavored water, tea, and coffee (less than 24oz), smoothies, and food high in water content (think watermelon & other melons, cucumber, citrus fruits, berries, lettuces, tomatoes). Avoid drinking soda regardless of diet or regular soda. If you still love your soda and resist giving it up, try different drinks like coconut water, sparkly water with flavoring, even flavored nut milks. Sometimes it is necessary to wean yourself off soda… so maybe start by cutting back and aim to be soda-free in 4-6 weeks. Don’t see it as a treat! It’s actually a killer in disguise. Okay, a bit extreme… but it is not your friend. So, remember your water bottle. • Drink about ½ of your body weight in ounces of non- alcoholic liquid daily. • Pee every few hours. • Track your water consumption to make sure you are getting enough. • Enjoy your healthy skin & hair, increased energy, and better sleep. • Brag about your water consumption to your friends. • Feel good about this simple, easy, important, healthy habit in your life! • And, of course, if symptoms do not change, check with your doctor.

Can we run out of brain space? Scientists now say it is likely for our brain to accumulate “clutter,” thereby making it challenging, especially for older adults with more memories, to filter through all that information. Researchers at Columbia University presented their findings on a review of memories studies. They say the traditional view that “as older adults grow older, they lose memories” may be incorrect. Instead, older adults form too many associations between information, which makes it difficult to sift through all that information, resulting in what researchers consider clutter. In this review article, researchers analyzed literature on memory decline that generally fell into three categories: age differences in memory encoding, age differences in retrieval, and the third aspect, that gains very little empirical attention, differences in the contents of memory representations . Researchers believe this third point is central to understanding age differences in memory-related cognitive functions. The researchers suggested that, compared to younger adults, healthy older adults store too much information because of the greater difficulty of suppressing irrelevant information (a cognitive action that declines with age). Those memories then become bound together with meaningful and unmeaningful information, which then creates clutter. Researchers believe this is especially relevant when trying to recall similar memories, where memory recall to select the correct information may be even more challenging. This review paper seems to be making a bold claim on memory in older adults, (1) that they have greater knowledge of the world, and (2) that the information is never lost, but just cluttered. This turns what we may know about memory on its head (so to speak!) by suggesting that we do not run out of space in our brains as we age, but instead we just remember too many things, creating more clutter in our brains. A compelling case, to be sure, and researchers now want to investigate the outcomes of this cluttered memory hypothesis, and how it affects functional behavior in everyday life. Source: Amer, T., Wynn, J. S., & Hasher, L. (2022). Cluttered memory representations shape cognition in old age. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 6613(21)00310-7

Page 16 | June 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

PCOA Puzzle

June Puzzle    

50 Batter's stat. 52 A long way 55 Castaway locations 56 Bathtub residue 57 Where to find Pikes Peak (Abbr.) 58 Trim 59 Rent 60 Saturnalia 61 "Peace on earth, good will ---" 62 A k a C C C P 63 College sporting org. 64 Commence 65 Court dividers 66 Unload for cash Down 1 Dictatorial 2 Up 3 Fabled 4 Recognize 5 Junior's voice 6 Vivien Leigh's G W T W role









7 Strenuous activity 8 Aykroyd and Quayle 9 Teetotalism 10 Second-in-command 11 Actress --- Rigg 12 Poet --- Nash 13 Wanting 25 Wolf Man --- Chaney 27 Off-roader 28 Now




30 --- Martin, cognac 31 Flat panel TV type 32 Belonging to us 33 Pigswill 34 Strengthen 35 "--- Got No Strings..." (Pinnochio) 36 Deity 40 Gravetop vase 43 On a pension (Abbr.) 45 Brainy 46 Stopwatches, e.g. 47 Light fogs 48 --- in the arm 49 South American ruminant 51 Pop 53 Kind of pond bloom 54 Kingly 56 Ostracize 57 Drawbacks

25 Series of church intercessions 26 Prom partner 29 Sarcastic praise 31 Reluctant 33 Ugly encounter 34 Oil well equipment 37 Arc 38 Apollo 11 lander 39 New in Tijuana 41 Arid 42 Stand-in 44 Wept 45 Thin pancake 46 The Volunteer State (Abbr.) 47 Wooden hammer

Across 1 Pitcher's error 5 Hall amphibian? 9 Enhancement 14 Country singer/songwriter Jake --- 15 S American flightless bird 16 Light gray-brown 17 How to start a pudding race? 18 Bring in 19 Garden tool 20 Slant 21 Marx or Warners, e.g.

22 Adjusted 23 Longing 24 Place for experiments

Answers: following page

June 2022, Never Too Late | Page 17

Pima Council on Aging


It’s Time to Plan for Your PRIMEtime!


Puzzle Solution from previous page

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