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New Frontier Immigration Law - December 2021

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New Frontier Immigration Law - Diciembre 2021

New Frontier Immigration Law - Diciembre 2021 NWSLTTR septiembre 2021 dicie Encontrar la belleza en

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New Frontier Immigration Law - Agosto 2021

New Frontier Immigration Law - Agosto 2021 NWSLTTR Agosto 2021 Este otoño, no esperes para comenzar

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New Frontier Immigration Law - December 2020

New Frontier Immigration Law - December 2020 NWSLTTR December 2020 With Thanksgiving behind us and C

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New Frontier Immigration Law - September 2020

panning-for-gold-activity for a great step-by-step guide on how to go panning for gold in your own b

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New Frontier Immigration Law - Enero 2021

o compartir información sobre lo que sucedió en el set, ambas cosas que su contrato prohíbe. Con sue

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New Frontier Immigration Law - Febrero 2021

New Frontier Immigration Law - Febrero 2021 NWSLTTR Febrero 2021 los afroamericanos y pueden sentir

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New Frontier Immigration Law - April 2021

New Frontier Immigration Law - April 2021 NWSLTTR APRIL 2021 Are You a ‘Gardener’? Planting Seeds fo

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New Frontier Immigration Law - Noviembre 2021

New Frontier Immigration Law - Noviembre 2021 NWSLTTR septiembre 2021 novie ENCONTRAR LA GRATITUD EN

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New Frontier Immigration Law - January 2021

or sharing information about what happened on set — both things his contract forbids. Hopefully, the

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New Frontier Immigration Law - Espanol - Marzo 2021

alien” de todas las leyes de inmigración, algo que la nueva administración ha considerado. Puede que

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New Frontier Immigration Law - December 2021


December 2021

Finding Beauty in Transformations This Holiday Season Grateful Recollections

The holidays are full of love, generosity, hope, and goodness, and they bring about times of happiness and quality time spent with family and loved ones. The holiday season has me looking back at last year, a time when my health was compromised and I was in a lot of pain. Last year, a few days after Christmas, I became hospitalized for having kidney stones, and afterward, many complications followed, putting me back in the hospital. At the height of COVID-19, the ICU at St. Joe’s Hospital was completely full, so they kept me in my room on intensive care, alone. My husband couldn’t come see me, and it was a very frightening time.

Having started out my year this way, it has been quite a journey. I was admitted for the first time a few days after Christmas and a second time on New Year’s Day, only to be discharged on Jan. 6. My transformation seemed miraculous. Thanks to excellent care, I recovered well. It’s easy to see those types of transformations medically. You can literally watch life return to the faces of patients as their color changes, the dark circles go away, and the sparkle returns to their eyes. Here at New Frontier Immigration Law, we get to see those types of transformations emotionally, personally, and financially. We get to watch the excitement and sense of accomplishment that comes over our clients’ faces when they get their green card or work authorization, or even the pride and peace of mind when they get a driver’s license. This holiday season, I will nuzzle down with my children and husband and be grateful for my health, while I reflect on where I was, where I am now, and how grateful I am to continue to serve the amazing client base we have. In looking back at last year in gratitude, I want others to be able to do the same after they accomplish receiving a green card or driver’s license. Once they take a look at where they are compared to where they were, it’s an absolute win.

When clients initially come to our office, they are stressed out and worried, bogged down with the weight of not being with their families and the fear of deportation. For many, for about 20 years, they remain anxious, just waiting for the other shoe to drop while their family is torn apart. To me, that feeling is much more taxing than any medical emergency I have ever been through, and the joy they experience when they finally get their work authorization or return to visit their family is unlike anything else. That is what we try to accomplish This year, Christmas will be very different from the Christmas I had last year in excruciating pain, only to be hooked up to a breathing machine a few days later. I hope that each one of our clients can look back, one day at a time, when their world wasn’t as bright as it is in that moment and be grateful that they put their faith in New Frontier Immigration. Next year, it could be you reflecting back and feeling such gratitude for taking that initial step. each and every day — each person deserves to have that weight lifted.

Happy holidays!

What a difference a day makes. The photo on the left was taken at 5 p.m. and the photo on the right at 1 p.m. the following day.

–Hillary Walsh



What to Do When Work Is Slow KILLING TIME

This month, all is merry at New Frontier Immigration Law, and we would like to feature one of our greatest team members: Enrique Castañeda. Enrique, a legal assistant in our sales department, is a favorite among our clients. He has made a lasting impact on so many in just a short time. Every day, Enrique helps make the immigration dream of many a reality. With a background in working for other attorneys, Enrique came to us a year and a half ago, eager to change lives. “Every day, I have the opportunity to talk to individuals with an immigration problem. Depending upon their needs, I fit them in for an appointment with our attorney,” Enrique explains. “Hearing the stories and situations many share is heartbreaking.” Since Enrique joined the team, he estimates that he has personally assisted in helping more than 200 people and is excited for that number to grow. “Knowing I can change the lives of others and help turn things around for them is amazing — it’s truly satisfying work,” Enrique states. Having the ability to help clients navigate tough, confusing, and intricate situations to gain their citizenship is rewarding. “There is nothing like waking up every day to help others,” Enrique says. Outside of work, Enrique loves to stay active. He enjoys working out, participating in races, jogging, or weightlifting. Any way that he can get moving, he is on it! Music and movies are interests of Enrique’s as well — thrillers and dramas captivate him. We are extremely appreciative of all of the hard work Enrique puts into helping our clients achieve the best possible results. We are a team, and it takes a village to make these dreams come true. As a part of our freedom team, Enrique changes lives, one success at a time! Spotlight on Enrique Castañeda

Every business has a slow season, and for many, it comes at the end of the year. With coworkers and clients focused on the upcoming holidays and using the last of

their vacation time, you might find yourself with a lot less than usual on your plate.

If you’ve got some downtime at work this

season, it’s tempting to kick back and relax. That’s not wrong, but finding ways to stay busy will likely benefit you and your career in the long run. Here are some ideas. GET ORGANIZED. Does your inbox look like a disaster area? Or does your desk look like a bomb hit it? We often brush aside these “housekeeping” tasks, saying we’re too busy, but now your excuse is gone. It’s time to dig in and get organized. Sort through your emails and file what you need in easy-to-find locations. Dust your desk, give it a good scrub, and throw out what you don’t need. Lastly, take some time to plan out any projects for the next few months — you will thank yourself later. DEVELOPYOURSELF. When did you last take time to expand your skills or improve your marketability? If you can’t remember, a slow spell at work is the perfect time to engage in continuous learning. Many employers have optional online training courses, and other websites offer lessons for free or at a small fee. Determine your weak spots and dive in. Also, if it’s been a while since you’ve updated your LinkedIn page, now is a great time to update your information. LEND A HAND. Remember that just because your work has slowed down, it doesn’t mean everyone else’s has. Find out what your coworkers are up to. If they’ve got a lot going on, offer to help where you can. They’ll remember the next time you need a favor, not to mention when performance review time comes around. Plus, you’ll also build connections and learn about parts of the business you might be unfamiliar with. A little work now can pay off later. Do yourself a favor and find a way to be productive during any seasonal downtime.



Spending the Holidays Alone? Boost Your Mood With These Tips

Many Americans spend the holidays alone every year, and the pandemic has only made it more difficult for people to see their loved ones, as travel has become more restricted and strenuous. If you’re one of these people who are spending their first holiday season alone this year, here are a few strategies you can try to make the situation a little easier. DON’T HOLD YOURSELF TO THE USUAL STANDARDS. One of the best things about spending the holidays alone is that you can do things your way. You don’t have to worry about meeting everyone else’s standards. Instead, you only have to make yourself happy. Simply telling yourself that you

are not going to have the usual holiday environment can slightly help, but redefining what the holiday means to you can remove a huge weight. Trying new things or looking toward the future are great ways to reduce the stress of spending the holidays alone. Keeping up with old traditions may remind you of what you’re missing out on, so it can greatly help to create your own traditions. PLAN AHEAD. If you know in advance that you’re going to be spending the holidays alone, planning ahead can prevent negative feelings. While being spontaneous can sometimes keep things fresh, it could leave you with a feeling of hopelessness about what to do next. There’s no need for your list to

be extensive or highly detailed, but even just planning to watch a movie or cook some of your favorite dishes can give you something to look forward to. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Just because you’re not seeing people during the holidays does not mean you should forgo your basic needs. Stick to your regular hygiene habits and do not let them get away from you. The same goes for eating and sleeping. Staying clean, well-fed, and well-rested goes a long way toward improving your happiness. As with all mental health advice, what works for some does not work for everyone. Do what you think will work best for you and help you keep your thoughts happy.

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“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing anything.” –Albert Einstein







550 W. Portland St. Phoenix, AZ 85003





Beauty in Transformation


How to Keep Busy While Work Is Slow

Employee Spotlight: Enrique Castañeda


Tips for Spending the Holidays Alone

Worried About Your Gut Health While Traveling?


Quick Gut Health Tips for Travelers Why Does Your Stomach Hurt While Traveling?


Picture this: You’re flying for a holiday reunion with your family. By the time you leave the airport after arriving at your destination, your stomach is already doing flips, and you haven’t even dug into your favorite family dishes yet. If this situation sounds familiar, here’s how you can keep your gut healthy, no matter where you are this winter. TRAVELING IS STRESSFUL — EVEN FOR YOUR GUT. Dr. Shilpa Ravella, a gastroenterologist at NewYork-Presbyterian and Columbia University Medical Center, told Healthline, “Travel can be a hectic time … You may be eating out more and eating new foods in new locations, including more processed foods, and it’s easy to overeat in this setting, placing more stress on your digestive system than at home.”

The best solution is to take things slow to avoid overeating. Not only does overeating stretch your stomach, but also “research has found that people who overeat are 10 times more likely to need emergency medical attention for food obstruction,” Dr. Ravella says. Also, even if you wake up at 4 a.m. for your first flight, don’t gulp down coffee all morning. Overconsumption of beverages with lots of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol can irritate your gastrointestinal system, especially if you already have a sensitive stomach. Instead, drink plenty of water, which can also help alleviate the risk of constipation. If that’s your main concern, keep in mind that Dr. Ravella says a lack of fiber is the main reason for constipation while traveling. An easy way to avoid this is to eat whole-plant foods, even at restaurants.

Dr. Ravella says that over-the-counter medications, such as antacids, can help your heartburn. If you struggle with mild traveler’s diarrhea, try to keep bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) and loperamide (Imodium) in your carry-on, ready at all times. If your symptoms worsen into fever, bloody diarrhea, bloody vomiting, or severe abdominal pain, see a health care provider right away. Lastly, if you really want to be comfortable while traveling, it might be worth trying a magnesium (magnesium bisglycinate chelate) supplement, which has been shown to improve jet lag and promote relaxation and sleep while traveling. Best of luck!