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New Jersey Institute of Balance July 2017

New Jersey Institute of Balance July 2017 July 2017 BULLETIN A Russo Family Tradition The Evolution

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - September 2018

2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • • • Juice of 1 lemon Salt, for pasta water and to taste

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - March 2018

?p=12876 Come on down to Columbus Park for the Hoboken Family Alliance’s 18th annual egg hunt! You’l

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - December 2017

furoshiki-instructional-videos. You don’t have to follow the same gift wrap habits year after year.

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra- virgin olive oil • • Kosher salt Freshly ground pepper • • 2 teaspoo

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - December 2018

Hope-10-Final-Hope-Concert . Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Training When: Tuesday, Dec. 11

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - July 2018

4 cup fresh lime juice Salt to taste Directions 1. In a large mixing or salad bowl, toss watermelon

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - November Edition

New Jersey Institute of Balance - November Edition Nov 2017 BULLETIN Taking Stock at the Thanksgivin

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - June 2018

2 cup broccoli florets 1 handful kale, roughly chopped 1 teaspoon dried Italian herbs 1 red onion, c

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New Jersey Institute of Balance - October 2018

4 cup shelled pumpkin seeds Directions 1. Heat oven to 300 F. 2. Coat a baking sheet with cooking sp

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New Jersey Institute of Balance

June 2017


Working Toward a Healthier Community My Involvement With the Madeline Fiadini LoRe Foundation

gap and help the people of our community live longer, healthier, richer lives. It’s truly heartening to be a part of a group of people so dedicated to literally saving lives. Just a couple weeks ago, we held our annual Brunch to Crunch Cancer. It’s always a nice event. We bring in as many local vendors as possible, who then sell their goods and services, donating a portion of every purchase to the foundation. At the same time, we have a tasty brunch prepared for every ticket holder. We always have a speaker as well. Whether it’s a doctor or a cancer survivor, it’s amazing to hear the stories of people working to help others. The brunch was a hit. I’m not sure of the exact number yet, but we definitely raised a substantial sum, almost all of which will go toward cancer prevention. Community involvement has always been central to my life and work. My dad was mayor when I was young, and I like to tell people that the city was our extended family. He spent nearly all his time working to improve the lives of his constituents. The amount of time he gave was just astronomical. He

This month, I’m eager to talk about the Madeline Fiadini LoRe Foundation for Cancer Prevention, a nonprofit organization that focuses on preventing cancer through community awareness and early detection. I currently serve on the board of trustees. I first got involved with the organization a couple years ago, after my dad recovered from a narrow scrape with cancer. He was one of the lucky ones. They didn’t expect him to live long, but now he’s doing well, alive and better than anyone could have predicted. As you can imagine, the goals of the foundation are near and dear to my heart. The organization meets regularly, working on consistent policy to aid the cause, as well as planning events to raise money for the foundation. Our primary mission is to make cancer prevention programs available to the community, granting access to the necessary tests and screenings to those individuals who might otherwise be denied. It shouldn’t be the case that those who are unable to pay the frankly exorbitant cost of cancer screenings should be at higher risk. We seek to close that

may be living a slower life these days, but both my mother and father instilled a keen commitment to community and aiding others that’s stuck with me. — Dr. Michael Russo It shouldn’t be the case that those who are unable to pay the frankly exorbitant cost of cancer screenings should be at higher risk. We seek to close that gap and help the people of our community live longer, healthier, richer lives.


Published byThe Newsletter Pro

Work Out on the Road The No-Equipment Workout

To dedicated athletes, the thought of laying on a beach for a week during vacation sounds absurd. So what should you do when you have to leave your workout routine behind? Luckily, there’s a workout for you. The Sore Legs, No EquipmentWorkout was created by Bobby Maximus, author of“Maximus Body.”While this workout is especially beneficial for endurance and strength athletes, anyone up a creek without a paddle— or in a hotel roomwithout gym access —will find this workout helpful. Maximus’Sore Legs, No EquipmentWorkout involves a series of repeated lunges and wall-sits. Not only will this give you more stamina during a long run or ride, but you’ll also get rid of aches and pains. Even if you don’t have issues running now, you’ll prevent these issues down the road thanks to this workout. Most strength athletes find themselves in a rut because they don’t do enough repetitions. This workout solves that problem. The number of repetitions increases your lower body strength and challenges you mentally too. The Sore Legs, No EquipmentWorkout involves 40 alternating bodyweight lunges, followed by a 30-second wall-sit. Then, 38 alternating lunges, followed by another 30-second wall-sit. You reduce the number of lunges by two until you are down to two alternating Relying on destiny makes people complacent. When you assume there’s already a plan in place, you may put your life on autopilot, drift aimlessly, and fall into a habit of small, meaningless decisions. This could lead to a hollow fate, but one that you can avoid with effort. As internationally acclaimed Fortune 500 consultant Isaiah Hankel, Ph.D., explains, “The toughest decision a person will ever make is determining his or her ultimate purpose in life.” Hankel has worked with leading corporations around the world and regularly presents at premier academic institutions, including Harvard University and Oxford University. In his book “Black Hole Focus,” Hankel rejects the complacent notion of destiny entirely, instead giving individuals the tools they need to find and fulfill their own purpose. Hankel starts by presenting research that links having a clear purpose with slower rates of mental decline and greater longevity. This is due to the fact that having a purpose enables you to meet your three prime needs: growth, connection, and autonomy. By “ruthlessly evaluat[ing] your current position,” as Hankel instructs, you determine if these prime needs are being met. Your purpose is determined when you established a plan to meet all of these needs. Book Review: ‘Black Hole Focus’

lunges and a 30-second wall-sit. To get the most out of this workout, it’s recommended that you make it through the workout without resting.

You’ll find that a few reps into this Sore Legs, No EquipmentWorkout, your legs will be just that—sore. But it’s a great way to add variety into your normal workout routine and keep you at your strongest all summer long.

When trying to meet your prime needs, it’s important to remember every purpose will demand years of effort. For this reason, Hankel guides you to develop a can-do mindset and avoid willpower depletion. From here, you can create a whatever-it-takes mentality, which makes you better able to overcome challenges without feeling discouraged as you pursue your purpose. Based on scientific concepts from the fields of psychology, physiology, and motivational theory, Hankel’s ‘Black Hole Focus’ offers valuable instruction to benefit anyone, from CEOs to stay-at-home parents. If you feel bound by circumstances, using “Black Hole Focus” to help you find your purpose may be the way out.

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Get Up, Stand Up Experts Recommend 2–4 Hours of Standing During the Workday

That old R.E.M. song was right. You should stand in the place where you work. And now, according to research, you should do so “for about two to four hours a day.” A new consensus statement from a panel of international experts— published in the BMJ — has established that desk- bound workers should stand at least two hours per workday, moving toward the goal of four hours standing for optimum health. The recommendations were developed in response to multiple studies, drawing on a large body of evidence that has established the negative health effects of prolonged sitting, which media coverage has sometimes dubbed “the new smoking.” The authors are careful to point out that they’re not simply talking about sitting all day versus standing all day. They offer recommendations on how light physical activity should be incorporated throughout the workday. Workers should also remember that it’s not an all-or-nothing proposition. “Similar to the risks of prolonged static seated positions, so too should prolonged static standing postures be avoided; movement does need to be checked and corrected on a regular basis.”

Though they recommend the use of adjustable sit-stand desks and say that further study may galvanize the need for more changes in the workplace, they warn that sedentary work habits probably won’t be altered by new furniture alone. Instead, they argue for a sea change in the work world, wherein businesses actively facilitate and encourage physical activity for their employees. At any rate, there is a clear need for comprehensive, wide-reaching programs aimed at improving everyday health while at work. Until those wide-reaching changes make it to your office, though, it’s probably a good idea to stretch those legs every once in a while. After all, you spend most of your time at your office. You might as well make it good for you!

Summer Have a Laugh!

Ingredients Crab Roll

2 soft rolls, split down the center like hot dog buns Green leaf lettuce leaves (for serving) Freshly ground white pepper

8 ounces fresh or canned crabmeat 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

• • •

Kosher salt

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature


1. Mix crab and mayonnaise in a small bowl and season with salt. 2. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. 3. Butter opening of buns and cook until golden, about 2 minutes per side. 4. Place a large leaf of lettuce in each bun. 5. Add crabmeat mixture and season with pepper. 6. Enjoy! Recipe inspired by


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INSIDE This Issue

Working Toward a Healthier Community

Work Out on the Road Book Review: ‘Black Hole Focus’

Get Up, Stand Up Summer Crab Roll

Michael Breus’‘The Power of When’

Michael Breus’ ‘The Power of When’ A Time for Every Purpose You know you’re supposed to eat right, exercise every day, and sleep 8 hours each night. You might even have a routine down from when the alarm goes off to when your head hits the pillow. But did you know there’s actually a perfect time to do each thing every day? That’s the thesis of “The Power of When,” a new time-management book by Dr. Michael Breus. and preferences, so you can customize your perfect time routine according to what will work in your own life.

Breus is a scientist first, and his findings are based on hard evidence. His advice on when to wake up, for example, involves the use of a sleep monitor and is based on our internal biological clocks, which were, for thousands of years, activated by the sunrise. Humans were slowly brought into stage 1 or 2 sleep by the gentle increase of light. That method is less taxing on our systems and leaves us feeling more awake when we rise. This book covers everything, from learning something new or drinking coffee to meditating or using the restroom. Whether you want to read a book at the optimum time, or change your sleep schedule, “The Power of When” is a must-read.

Breus, a clinical psychologist who specializes in sleep disorders, realized that for some of his patients the time they went to sleep was actually more important than the amount of sleep they got. By changing when they crashed, they changed how effective that sleep was. “I wondered, ‘What else could this work for?’” Breus says. That wonder led him to look into what else could be timed for maximum efficiency. And the more he researched, the more he discovered. “Contrary to what you might have heard, there is a perfect time to do everything,” Breus writes. From that cup of coffee and your daily workout to when you watch TV, there’s a time for every activity in your day. And by a “perfect time,” Dr. Breus means a perfect time for you. Much of this book is dedicated to helping you learn your own habits

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Published byThe Newsletter Pro